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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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But no, seriously, I agree with you. A lot of interesting characters were lost as a result... but by the same token, the focal cast was being utterly ignored and it had basically become The Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles show.
Are there any perks that let you gain experience for killing things?
I'm not talking about absorption or transfer of powers or anything, I'm talking about a literal experience type level up system where you get better through regular old fashioned mobs killing.
I fuse a Steamlight into a Chaos Emerald.
What do I do with this other than make 6 more and get a super form that moves at relativistic speed?
A question for the creators of the different Exalted Jumps, if you take an x-blooded in the mortal Gaunlet with dragon-blooded and (when it comes) infernal exaltations, do you keep the powers of the three of them or you have to choose only one?
Make six more and use them to create your own version of Chaos/Perfect Chaos? Use it as a power source? Absorb it to gain a massive power boost? Use it as your gem for Steven Universe? Really, the possibilities are endless.
I believe the idea was going to be that you could only use a single Exaltation at a time.
That was the idea, at least of Wukong, but it is apparently no longer. Don't know about Gaunlet or Clean Up user though.
So I stepped away from Jumpchain for awhile and it was pretty nice. I think I'll keep away. If anything major comes up with my jumps, I'm keeping my Elonanon pastebin for convenience sake, and that site has a messaging system.
Have fun and try to be nice to each other, if you have the heart.
No, the original idea was you can only keep one EVER. The current is more about having all of them, but only being able to use one at a time.
I'm sorry to see you leave, but I wish you the best in your travels.
Great, the shitposter is just going to use this as ammo against us. That's what happens when he gets his way.
Sad to see someone go.
Care to post your build?
Jump #120: Starcraft - Zerg Route
>King of Swords, reversed (Perfect clarity of thought, excessive use of force, and mastery of language as a tool for deception. One who, like a great tyrant, inspires not love or devotion, but fear, respect, and obedience.)
Let them hate me, so long as they fear me.
>Age: 7
>Location: Mar Sara
Looks like I'm hiding until the Protoss decide to glass the planet.
>Identity: Brood Leader (-100)
>Drawbacks: The Great War (0), The Sons of Korhal (+300), Hostile Hive (+300), Hybrid (+400)
Now, here's an interesting set of drawbacks. This is without question an alternate universe, since I'm popping in at the start of the war, but I'm going to have to be damned careful where I am so the protagonists don't wipe me out.
And I'm being specially targeted by the Sons of Korhal in their early days. In addition to that, not only does a feral brood has it out for me, but some psycho xel'naga trying to resurrect- wait. This asshole again? Oh, he is fucking DEAD.
>Willful (Free)
The Overmind said I had to listen to him. He forgot to say I had to obey. And it's too late for him to change his mind. ...wait, what do you mean 'stay there and stay hidden'?
>Spawner (1500)
A downsized swarm? Oh, that's okay. Because a miniature swarm has miniature larva. Feed them enough, and they'll grow into full-size buildings... or just miniature ones if I'm not patient.
>Changeling (1300)
Don't mind me, I'm just a regular ordinary person! ...Dressed up for Halloween. In August. Yeah.
>Vision (Free, Brood Leader)
"...and we're going to make the swarm GREAT AGAIN!"
>Tumor (1200, Brood Leader)
Oh, heck, self-replicating tumors? Sure, each can only replicate itself once, but as long as it doesn't get destroyed before it replicates, it can get everywhere. And I can make multiple ones.
>Zerg Rush (1000, Brood Leader)
>Psionic Waveform (700, Brood Leader)
Did someone call for a queen administrator?
>Perfect Funky Boy
I could control it thanks to loyalty perks, but that sounds like overkill.
>Power source
As soon as I can build a car that can handle it.
Can't really do that.
The fuck kind of powers would that give? Both Chaos Control and super speed? Something like reverse Superhot where everything slows down relative to movement speed? The inability to go under 50mph without exploding?
>Khaydarin Crystal (600)
Oh. Oh my, yes. You are going into the gauntlet, you lovely little crystal.
>Organic Database (0)
Yes. Yes. YES. This is what I need.
I will regret the necessity of what I will eventually have to do, and I'll do my best to mitigate the inevitable losses that will happen on Mar Sara as a result of my presence, but I'm not going to pull my punches any more than necessary. And then I have a planet to plunder, as rapidly as possible before they glass it.
And then it's on to dealing with literally everything from an entirely different perspective... but I've got a leg up in having done it before, at least.
Oh wow. I'm...really sorry to hear that. I mean, I wish you all the best in your future endeavours and all, but we really will miss you.
Dissidia Final Fantasy is good for that. There's Crystals of Power, which lets you store your battle experience as crystals and then use it up to boost your fighting abilities. And then there's Spirit Purification, which lets you become stronger by purifying the dead of their memories.
Well from what I remember Red telling me the Chaos Emeralds are kind of like a planetary-scale mix between 40Chaos energy and Spiral energy.
So if I were you I'd flush that shit down the deepest hole I can find, but I dunno, maybe invest in a skull throne or something. Khorne's the least icky Chaos God.
Happy trails, Elonanon. I'll miss you.
I never did figure out the blasted messaging system though. Don't you have to be a PRO user to do that?
Kind of new to this so I hope someone can answer...
the rules say you can have an infinite number of companions but only 8 are active. Well what's the point of a stasis pod? Does it give you an extra slot basically or what?
Please explain the concept of companions.
Essentially, yes. You can buy companions with points in many jumps, and import them into some jumps to benefit from purchases as well.
People in pods don't necessarily get that same treatment, depending on how you play - if memory serves, their age is usually kept relative to yours when you start a jump, but that's all they get. However, they do not count against the eight companion limit.
And they don't survive postmortem like companions do, instead being sent back home on death. Or not, again, depending on how you decide to play it.
Holy shit you are so painfully wrong. Pod companions respawn on death as usual, this is such a basic fact, they just take longer.
Huh, alright, thanks.
...again, it depends on how you play, obviously. I'm relaying my understanding of things.
Although if pod companions respawn, what do normal companions have that pod people don't?
Is there any reason at all to be an Immortal over a Lunar Blood Hybrid in Boktai? Almost all of their good stuff is in the power section, which hybrids get half again as many points in, if that's what they're after. Plus powers unique to them.
I keep seeing this. Why? The Chaos Emeralds are nothing like 40K Chaos what so ever. They mutated one being, Chaos, into their guardian, and that was implied to have been willingly. They grant immense amounts of power, but the only reality warper who uses their energy is Solaris, and he was already a time god, so even then it's doubtful that he used chaos energy. Even the whole positive/negative thing is more like the Lightside/Darkside of the Force.
Shorter respawn times? I mean, it's not like I literally said that in the post you responded to or anything.
So, what, pods are now just 'oh, these guys only respawn when you start a new jump'? Why bother limiting companions at all then?
Immortals also get to be, well, Immortal. They get superior physical abilities, they get perks that act as buffs for the Monstrous Powers, they can create Undead minions, they can create Dark Matter powered tech, and unlike Hybrids, who are distrusted by both sides at least and hated at most, Immortals have the backing of their fellow Immortals. They're also winning the war.
The point is that you can pick up people that you couldn't normally pick up.
Lets you effectively companion anyone you can convince to get in the pod.
Well, Lunar Blood is an expensive capstone booster, and not everyone is taking Boktai as their 53rd jump and is able to load up on drawbacks, and maybe you just like all the perks in the Immortal tree and want the discount?
Or maybe you're just not that enthused over all the darkness powers and just want to fuck around beating up on zombies for awhile.
There are lots of reasons.
Because you can only buy a limited number of pods you fucking moron.
Did you forget a thousand and fifty threads all of a sudden?
You were a quality jumpo I'll tell you hwut.
That's an awful lot of salt you've got there. You should cut down. It's not good for your heart.
He's just being a troll, ignore him. It's petty and just contributes to the amount of shitposting here but if you ignore him he'll go away.
Jump #121: James Cameron's Avatar
>Four of Cups (Apathy and disengagement from the world.)
Well, yeah. It's fricking Avatar.
>Age: 30
>Location: Omaticaya Clan territory
>Identity: Drop-In
>Drawbacks: Sit Back and Enjoy (+50), Eywa's Ire (+300)
I don't need to know about this setting. I just know humanity screwed the pooch and needs room temperature superconductors, and this planet wants to kill me.
Oh wait I just came from a jump where I'M A ONE FUCKING MAN BIOLOGICAL APOCALYPSE. When the planet pushes, I'm going to push back-
Actually you know what, fuck it, I'll just use the energy manipulation I got in Generator Rex and go meltdowner on the native wildlife. I need to use it more, I wonder if I can use it to make coherent light?
>Skills: Acrobatics, Leadership, Marksmanship, Piloting, Analytical, Medicine, Repair, Archery, Melee, Riding (at 50 apiece, 850 points remaining)
Learn! All the things! And screw getting a body. Breathing is for chumps.
>Computer Tablet (800)
>AMP Suit (500)
Honestly I just got this because I want to tear it down and figure out how it ticks.
>Dragon Assault Ship (0)
Never know when you'll need to make a rapid escape. Or carry around an AMP suit. Or dismantle a VTOL so you can get a better grip on its functions and local engineering and materials science.
I don't want to go full Zerg and eat the entire planet's biomass.
I really shouldn't go full Zerg. But it's SO TEMPTING.
I'm going to end up having to leave a huge hole in the biosphere in order to construct a biological ship to get off-world. And probably infest some humans to convert them. And then set them loose on the galaxy. I mean, humanity is already on the brink of extinction, has to wear gas masks INDOORS on Earth, and... look, humanity's gonna be screwed if they don't have some other option. Let 'em go biotech, at least this'll help them get offworld and clean up the rock they're stuck on now.
What. My question was sincere... and I'm not the one name-calling.
I just tested it, and fuck. I could give out my tumblr or something to certain people in the IRC, but then they'd have to put up with how openly I'm a little bitch constantly.
But user, most of that isn't true. The only thing mentioning superior physical abilities outside the power section is a simple perk that has a small situational power boost, the perk that boosts Monstrous Powers is free to Hybrids, the undead minions are very weak and the capstone can be bought by any origin if you really need it, same for the tech since it's the same perk, and anything you say about them being the winners is irrelevant if you're not a sociopath. Plus, Sabata earns as much respect as his brother by the end of 2.
The only thing you have is the Immortal bit, and, well, its mainly just the generic benefits of being undead, paid for with a massive weakness to sunlight. It's not that great, and not worth giving up being a Hybrid with all the extra power that entails and the unrestricted perks they can buy that Immortals cannot.
You don't even need to take Lunar Blood. It just lets you take Hybrid for free if you want. You can just buy Hybrid straight for 200 points.
And my point is really more a criticism of Immortal. Not the other backgrounds. I can fully see why you'd want to go for those. It's just that Hybrid does all the Immortal's gimmicks, except better.
100% the shitposter just woke up and is high off of his victory over Elona so he's targeting you.
The original old rules, which seem to have dropped off the drive: normal Companions respawn after 24 hours, pod Companions respawn after 1 week.
The main thing with stasis pods is they allow you to take someone along as a Companion who isn't available for purchase in a jump. So if you can convince, say, Eowyn to hop in a pod, you can take Eowyn with you even though the Lord Of The Rings jump doesn't have Companion purchases.
You got told what the answer was, something glaringly obvious, and can't even respond to the actual post. You're shit posting.
That clarified things quite succinctly. Thank you. I'm not sure where my misunderstanding came from.
You are being deliberately obtuse, or at the very least got up on the wrong side of the bed. Relax. Not everyone is trying to shitpost.
Says the one who still can't admit to not even responding properly to a post. Get out already you fucking scumbag.
Why oh why does no one ever listen to the warnings?
I must correct you good user. Two of the perks that boost Monstrous Powers are 200cp and 400cp respectively. Groundsoaked Blood and Vampire allows you to control all blood in the area, while Of Darkness combined with Dark Side of the Moon and the Dark Element provides incredibly powerful shadow powers. Not only that, but the capstone is a good 600cp, which combined with Lunar Blood already pushes you over 1000cp. Meaning that if you want perks from your tree, you're going to have to take drawbacks, and would in fact have to take Will of the Galaxy if you want the whole tree. Further more, Sabata has as much respect at the end of 2, and that is only on the human side. In other words, after he has already helped save the world twice. We're talking about right off the bat, and right off the bat he was, as I said, looked down upon by both sides. Not only that, but Immortals are by default stronger than humans, due their Immortal nature, and the Dark Matter powering them. I'm afraid you have made some errors of your own, user.
My oh my, you ARE desperate this morning. I'm afraid you'll never have a victory over me, I've been here from before the first thread, and it's my duty to turn out the lights after everyone leaves.
Have a nice morning! :)
Goodbye and good luck I suppose.
Told you he was shit posting. You can see by his latest post that he was just fishing for an argument the entire time.
At least it looks like it's ended now, if nothing else. Then again the shitposter will probably samefag to generate a new argument.
Good thing he has to go back to school tomorrow.
Here's hoping.
...since when does Crux use emotes? Scatovore, is that you trying to disguise yourself as Crux and make him look bad? That's low, even for you.
Crux sometimes acts like this in the IRC. Wouldn't put it past the guy to claim this is scatvore though.
Groundsoaked Blood doesn't boost your Monstrous Powers. It's a tangential blood-based power. Same with Of Darkness, it doesn't boost your Monstrous Powers, it's just another power that runs on Dark Matter. You can say there's synergy, but that's really all. Plus Hybrids can buy them too.
It's true that the capstone is expensive, you have to consider that this is basically the only thing that's expensive enough that it might be considered prohibitive for a Hybrid to buy, and they're not even that disadvantaged if they just buy the perk Twice as Bright, which can easily be discounted to them as a Solar Smith. If they became a Hybrid via Lunar Blood, that means that Twice as Bright ALSO gives them the ability to use Wild Bunch more freely, which is infinitely superior to any solely Dark-based tech or powers.
It doesn't much matter that the Immortals hated Sabata at the end of 2, they were starting to lose at that point and outside of extreme exceptions like Mani and Carmilla (who were his mom and his love respectively anyway), there isn't a single Immortal worth caring about the respect of.
Finally, nothing in the jump makes Immortals stronger than humans without spending points.
Daily Reminder that Cardcaptor Sakura is a trap jump because she will hunt you down and wreck your shit
... You didn't have any claimed but not made jumps, right?
Pretty sure he didn't, remember the last time he talked about stuff he was giving up Genius.
Considering I just posted three builds in the previous thread and this one... I'm not going to reignite the discussion other than to say that I freely admit that I was wrong about pods, but yes, it is most sincerely me.
I'll try not to bite the bait next time if it's any consolation.
Considering how some of your posts seem to try specifically to aggravate people, how about you try not to POST bait next time.
Incorrect again user, it even says as much in the jump itself. You might want to check it out that it does in fact list what I said as boosts.
True, Wild Bunch IS superior, but at the same time, you again lose the ability to raise undead, including and reaching the levels of vampires, which are serious threats. You also lose the ability to automatically command the loyalty of any undead. This is with Lunar Blood, by the way.
It might not matter at the end of 2, but we're not at the end of 2, we're at the beginning, and at the beginning you will be distrusted if not hated.
Again, this is incorrect. The Dark Matter which naturally courses through an Immortal's body due to their very nature automatically puts them at an advantage over base humans,
Not only that, but you do realize that Hybrids are weak to the sun as well, right? It's explicitly noted they share that weakness. True, half-vampires can change to their human form to cancel that out, but they also lose access to all of their Monstrous Powers, and Dark Children don't gain a defense at all. This is while NOT gaining the immortality of a true Immortal.
I have it open in another tab. I'm not seeing anything saying they boost Monstrous Powers.
Yes, but the minions really are not that big a deal compared all the other powers in the jump. They're just plain canon fodder outside of Vampires, yes, but those take a large investment. And this side benefit is all you keep going back to. Honestly, I'd say that Lunar Blood + They Who Hate Life is actually a waste of points, because all it does is make undead look up to you and let you make the lesser Vampires. It's just not worth paying 500 extra for small benefits.
You will be distrusted, maybe, but it's not hard to win humans over by fighting against Immortals.
I think you're arguing from assumptions or understandings from the game, but which are not reflected in the jump The jump does not say that about them being physically superior to humans.
Yes, Hybrids are weak to the sun, but as you said, if they're a half-vampire that's negated. You mention that they can't use Monstrous Powers like that, but this isn't a major problem when Hybrids can buy from the Arsenal, thus allowing them to get a gun or a sword to cover the daylight hours. They could afford to give themselves a decent weapon and still have as much or more points for Monstrous Powers as an Immortal.
So apparently the Worm serial novel might be getting a sequel. Will this affect Worm user's efforts to update the jump?
The biggest question is, will Wildbow actually canonize all the stupid shit he's ruled about his setting sense? Will we be getting galaxy-weight Endbringers?
Not exactly news dude. He's said he wants to do a sequel since he ended Worm, maybe before. Probably won't be happening for years yet anyway.
So for those who went to Jojo Stone Ocean.
Did Arusui just change his gender, as first appearances show his as a feminine woman but apparently later in manga he is a man once he meets Jolyne. Sofia he change his gender or was he a man from very beginning
Psychic specialty from Psychonauts. It's pretty vague, like do you select a power to specialize in?
It's that the character was originally designed as female, but by the time Araki actually introduced him as anything other than a literal background character Araki decided they had enough female characters and thus rewrote him as male. Now if you want a real headache look at all the different ways his Stand worked over the course of the story. Araki admitted he couldn't remember precisely how it worked most of the time and just made stuff up as he went along.
It's a shame because Anasui was qt3.14 as a girl.
I'm gonna go with sex change or something, is less of a headache and psychology can help determining who they want to be. Whether they became a man to have Jolyne love them or not
"His gender, mentioned below. His Stand abilities also started out as being able to delay and extend kinetic energy within and -out of objects, but were retconned into Diver Down being able to phase through objects and rearrange their insides, more in line with his fascination of taking things apart. Which may explain why he initially looked female, since he rearranged his body to look that way for some reason in-verse."
That makes way too much sense, holy shit. But unless he learned to rearrange vag into dick, that's still female
Yes. Talk to plants.
Phantasy Star gives you 200 levels to fill.
Gem craft chasing shadows has wizard levels that are gained from combat and apparantly those go up forever assuming you keep putting in the ever increasing amount of work.
Bravely Default has job levels that give pretty amazing returns if you max them all out.
8-bit theatre has this for the jump but not afterwards.
Also borderlands's echo lets you level up things that don't really make much sense like say cybernetics.
Pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. Pick a particular area of psychic powers, you are now really good at it compared to the average psychonaut.
I need the grimdarkiest settings apart from 40k, go.
Drawbacks to make it grimdark are welcomed. So far I've got Ravenloft and Demon's Souls with the +600 drawback.
What determines who remembers and who doesn't remember universe post reset in Jojo? I know people killed by Made in Heaven and Pucci are replaced by alternates... And people seem to be missing clothes and such...
So people who were dead but not killed by Made in Heaven just do what they did, while the people who were alive during reset, unless they know what happened, dismiss it as a dream?
Vampire the Requiem and Innistrad come to mind.
Araki's whims
Nechronica. For extra acid in the wound, feel free to take Night Of The Living Dead, Drama Of The Dead, Killing Floor and/or Dead Zone.
Black Bullet. You will be tempted to perform Exterminatus.
People that died prior to the reset don't remember, people killed by made in heaven don't appear after the reset, that's why he bothered to kill them. However as Pucci got killed after the reset his existence got retconned out leaving only the reset and Emporio's memories as Emporio was the one that killed him.
Generic Sugar bowl if you're suicidal.
Everything in the old world of darkness. Everything in the new world of darkness.
Some of the Gundams can get pretty bad with drawbacks.
Elfen Lied.
Ah, so in this case it's full reset for anyone who didn't kill Pucci. Okay...
That complicates things...
Part 6 of Jojo has too many good Waifus. Female Anasui, Jolyne, Foo Fighters
Foo Fighters is just a bunch of kelp, user. Don't waifu kelp.
So do the abilities in exalted mortal gauntlet still scale with essence gained past 3 from other exalted jumps?
I would hope so, but I don't know enough about the setting to be sure.
Mostly I want to see what shogun of dirt does at essence 10. Can I punch people on the other side of the country?
She's PLANKTON you speciest.
It's a Shapeshifting Kelp Inhabited by
A stand and it's mind. It sexually identifies as female.
Make a half kelp half human body for her.
Do it for her
More than likely, user. Because Essence 4-5 martial arts charms generally have a max knockback range of like, (essence) miles.
Just woke up and saw this.
Unfortunately, you're basically correct on this. Hybrids do get a larger return in the jump as written. I was originally going to make the 600-point options in Monstrous Powers exclusive to Immortals, same as Hybrids getting their own exclusives, but I ended up staying my hand for reasons I don't fully get.
I feel like if I changed it now, it'd be an awfully drastic change for a lot of builds. And I do agree Lunar Blood for Immortals is a tad underwhelming compared to the other options. I'm open to suggestions on ways to fix this.
Still not right to waifu.
Honestly I'm not entirely certain of it all, JoJo can be hard to follow at times, and the reset is above the scarlet monarch in what the fuckery.
Plankton, and as I have said on /a/, Plankton can be a girl too when it's wearing the corpse of a girl.
Presumably but you have to remember Essence ranks both are and aren't a powerlevel. To make a long story short, they do determine the primacy of conceptual effects or the bonuses of them when Charms clash against Charms, but at the same time Essence ranking doesn't necessarily make you stronger than anyone with comparative Essence ranking AND other side benefits. Remember the Incarna have the same Essence ranking as the Primordials but are significantly easier to kill.
Except the Unconquered Sun. Writers have said that the US would be able to beat any Primordial in a one on one fight.
If the intent was to make you like Hel like it says, then it should've also given you a powerboost beyond a mere immortal to be closer to her level.
As for how to make Immoral better in general without effecting builds, that's a hard one. You'd have to add new perks or new abilities to existent perks that are Immortal only.
It is most right to waifu
My problem is, I want to waifu Jolyne and Foo Fighters, maybe female Anasui too. Issue? I want to experience reset to go to dinosaur age of pillargurls... Or just go to Steel Ball Run to Spin gooder from Gyro. And check Jesus out and Rock people...
If I kill Pucci after the reset, Jolyne and others get altered if they survived that long, because only I remain the same and with memories, but I can wait till the year 2011 to encounter Alter Jolyne, if I kill Pucci before reset it means no steel ball run...
The Unconquered Sun WITH HIS VIRTUES INTACT, especially his invincibility shield.
Without them, he's just...a big, unreasonably buff golden guy whose true form is an obsidian mass of skin and celestial skin.
How many characters can you Waifu inside the sped up time?
Best way to do it is job hard against Pucci hard, but keep other's alive until universe resets. Then, when Pucci slows down time to when you guys first met, make sure it happens when Jolyne is proper age, put the girls into your warehous- wait no, reset will decompose them...
Somehow find a way to protect them, saying what will happen to those who don't deal the finishing blow. Then kill Pucci
*celestial eyes
Without his Virtue-powered hax, Luna is infinitely scarier than the Unconquered Sun.
And Jesus is best waifu
Or all his Virtues down. He's got a no-virtue super form too.
Now, see, you can't put conscious people into warehouse without you in it. I guess you could do it if you do some crazy non-cp stasis pods, just to keep them okay. But how do you carry me out of jump?
There's something in Borderlands along those lines, but it might have been an item.
I thought he'd lose because he's completely unable to act against the Primordials directly. That's the entire reason he made Exalted, because they were dumb enough to not add in an "or indirectly" clause, or at least make it broad enough to cover Exaltation.