What would make for some good scenarios/cool shit to do on a near-future, colonized Moon?
What would make for some good scenarios/cool shit to do on a near-future, colonized Moon?
Everything that comes to mind to me are varying degrees of being stranded with spooky moon ghosts
Massive helium 3 farm
Shoot rocks at earth.
Not too long ago, we had a thread in which a group of post-post-apocalyptic astronauts were sent to rediscover and rehabilitate a lost lunar base, only find it filled with ghosts and/or moon mutants.
I remember those threads. Was fun.
One of the ideas I liked was that the team go to check on the old base and see if it is inhabitable.
The old bases last discovery before shit went bananas on Earth was the remains of a ~50,000 year old moon base of apparently human origin.
Further discoveries made after the nuke throwing dick measuring contest started on Earth, when nobody was interested in listening, was the probable reason for that ancient base.
They were studying a seemingly alien construction ~200,000 years old.
Also The Staring Woman and the footprints in the lunar dust.
Staring woman? Got a suptg archive link of all this?
The Staring Woman has become something of a setpiece or stock NPC in Veeky Forums space horror threads. Essentially, she's a nude woman with long black hair and freezer-burnt skin and wide eyes that roams around the exteriors and unpressurized sections of ships, stations and bases, staring in through the windows at the PCs.
Huh. Neat. Has a Ghosts of Mars feel to it.
Good movie, made me smile
Government/corp digs into what are million year old ruins, turn out to be sufficiently advanced quasimagic humans who went back in time accidentally and decided to settle on the moon and watch humanity.
Roughneck miners running extralegal operations on the darkside, pursued by government/corp forces.
Thriving culture of neoprimitives who redesign themselves into monsters to survive in a vacuum and live off moon dust and radiation. Raid the 'invaders' habs and stations with spears of rock and vomit stored solar energy.
The thing is that she is never the most horrific thing in any setting and usually isn't hostile. Sometimes even she is helpful in an oblique way.
The Thing. Complete with UFO. The artificial, highly-oxygenated environment makes using a flamethrower a near-instant death sentence for everyone in that part of the base. The Thing itself rampaging around behind maintenance panels puts a ticking clock on the scenario as systems take irreparable damage one by one. The players are just shitty engineers and scientists studying low-gravity hydroponics or some shit, and must somehow escape on only their wits.
The players are a maintenance team who are tasked with repairing the base and keeping it in working order. As the game progresses, more and more systems and important machines keep breaking down, to the point where it seems that someone, or something, is deliberately sabotaging the base. Maybe even have things like the staring woman and other creepy shit happening around the base. Eventually, at the end of the campaign, have the players discover that Earth had accidentally sent them cheap ass training parts that weren't rated for actual vacuum, and the ghosties and other shit was the dumbass stoner leaving his bag of shrooms in the ventilation system.
Or the base and all its parts are way, way older than they should be.
As the game progresses they discover that they are all clones/gene-spliced vat grown people.
The A.I. saw the atomic wars of Earth and watched helpless.
When the fighting had stopped because humanity had died out it calculated how long it could survive on its own if it went into hibernation (a very long time), how long the radiation would last and how many fresh batches of people it could build once it woke up before it wore out.
Point it the A.I. is trying to rebuild the human race using altered genetic samples taken form the dead crew with neural grafts taken from long dead brain scans.
>TFW when it's been two weeks since you blew both "Object 46" and a wild-eyed, knife-brandishing Spc. Evans out of cargo bay two, but the naked space lady keeps surprising you while you're on the toilet.
>reach for space tp
>freezer burnt hand already has two squares folded and ready for you.
user please, my sides.
David Icke and the conspiricay theorists are right.
>letting the spooky space lady into the station
I seriously hope you astronauts don't do this.
Planetes, The Expanse, Cowboy Bebop, Killjoys, The Martian, Alien, Aliens, Alien III, Outland, Firefly, ...
Pick any character, location, or social dynamic and fit it in your setting. It's easy.
>The Expanse series
Patrician taste detected
I was thinking of the show, which still has issues, but remains the singular hard SF property on the screen.
Nostromo unrelated.
Destiny premise, except end of golden age where the hive begin showing up on the moon. Give it a creepy vibe.
>Cool party dudes want to surf the Sea of Tranquility, are unaware that it contains no water.
>Research team is drawing dicks with the rover again.
>Someone is setting up cardboard cutouts of aliens outside the habitation viewing ports.
>Newest batch of rations is making everyone gassy, air filtration system is acting up.
I was talking about the book series. I need to order the rest of it. Good thing I have some Barnes and Nobles gift cards.
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, best moon-related novel ever. You will feelz like you never feelzed before.
My lit friend got through the first one and wasn't too taken. The nice Scifi seems to get bogged down by a lot of filler. I see similar tendencies in the show. And there's so many books to read.
>tfw Mike never wakes up
Mike never went to sleep. He just stopped talking to the humans because he got everything he wanted. He manipulated them into seceding from earth, converting the moon into his own private fiefdom that he could rule from behind the scenes. The entire novel is the story of a gullible group of humans manipulated by a Seed AI, masquerading as a story about anarcho capitalism. Why do you think he gained so many new abilities over the course of the book, or why Heinlein described the protagonist repeatedly upgrading him?
Nice digits BTW
I think Heinlein wrote a later book where the main characters have a time machine but need a super-powerful AI, so they go back in time, sneak onto the moon in the middle of the revolution and steal Mike.
That's why Mike never wakes up, it's because he's not there. He's in the future.
Number of the Beast? I couldn't start that shit at all.
The cat who walks through walls I believe.
It was part of Heinlein's merging all of his books to one universe.
>Suddenly Alien Zombies
Hey, man, after years out there in the void with nothing but a bunch of burly Russian asteroid miners to keep you company, that sorta-dead girl tapping on your window starts to seem really appealing.
The moon is a brainwashing space prison where humans are food/slaves is pretty cool desu
near future? the only settlements would be for mining, research and billionaire accommodation, with the crazy ones living up there permanently.
PCs could be sent by a corporation to spy upon someone or manipulate research/mining, a group of cleaning ladies trying to survive in the quasi-lawless hotels and deal with the spleens of the owners, maybe theyre some anarchists trying to start shit there.
i like it. not sure this is what the author had in mind but it keeps the feels away.
Kung Fu movies.
Helium - 3 mining on the moon is actually the dumbest reason to go. The moon is covered in aluminum oxide for cheap rocket fuel while being an amazing launch and boost platform for anything produced there or passing by, producing things there would be excessively simple with the abundance of metals, et cetera, et cetera. Once you get passed all the good reasons to go, you'll find Helium3 not even on the list? Why. First off, we don't have any helium3 based fusion yet, so Helium3 is currently worthless. Second, if Helium3 was valuable it is so SPARSE on the moon that you'd have to process millions of tons of regolith to get a few grams of helium3.
Helium3 is best mined from places where you can find pockets of Helium to filter it from, or gas giants to filter it from.
>near future moonbase similar to the ISS, small team of astronauts who specialise in different fields experiment with different modules/structures to test possible larger colonies.
>contact with Earth abruptly stops
>the only radio chatter you can make out are screams, begging, coded military jargon. No other contact
>no weapons or any means of defence. But you do have experimental self sustaining tech on the station to keep you all alive, albeit not perfect
>one day you detect several objects approaching the moon, no contact.
>these objects land on the surface within range of your vehicles. Still no contact
You can go from there. Was it zombies? Nuclear war? Lovecraftian beastie? Deamons? Who are in the ships? Can you keep the unfinished station from breaking down? What if the power suddendly cuts out? What if the 'greenhouse' starts to fail?
Keep it mysterious and vague
Interplanetary mormons.
>Boris storms furiously onto the command deck, only halfway out of his EVA suit.
>"Grigori, you fool, did you let Vakuumnaya Zhenshchina into the Maintenance Bay again?"
>"But Boris, she looks so cold out there, and it wasn't like we were doing anything with Pavel's body anyway."
>"Either you flush her out of there, or I vent the ship and you can spend the rest of the trip back to Mir VI out there with her."
It'd definitely make the wire-fu more realistic.
Could be worse. Or better.
That would the most annoying apocalypse ever
What's the gravity like on the moon's surface...?
More bouncy. So the giant leaps would make sense.
Planetes and Universal Century Gundam have some good ideas that you can shamelessly steal.
Moon has been colonized, but mostly to provide light and easy to access materials for orbital stations. It's a maze of mines, mass drivers and cheap hab blocks where blue collars workers with low-grav sickness drown their sorrows in orbital-grown gin and mindwiped hookers on the edge of a multiple kilometre-wide borehole. Life is harsh, equipment break all the time, and workers are growing restless.
Can orbit-bound corporate masters keep the cheap aluminium flowing ? Are you a bad enough dude to rise up and proclaim the first lunar republic ?
>Research team is drawing dicks with the rover again.
I bet the skateboarding/rollerblading scene would be the most amazing shit.
A wooden ship comes drifting through space. How did it get there? A prank? Aliens? Some weird space time anomaly?
It looks like some ancient wreckage from Scandinavian. It even has tattered sails up catching some impossible breeze.
As it gets closer you see that it has a crew of vacuum desiccated corpses still holding the oars.
As it gets even closer you see that they are rowing. The sails are on fire.
It half crashes half beaches itself near your base.
>To the Solar System's various governments, militaries, law enforcement organizations, the "Staring Woman," "Vakuumnaya Zhenshchina," or "太空幽灵" does not exist, and is nothing but a figment brought on by too much drink, too many tall tales and too much time spent out in space.
>Many Spacers, however, claim that she is very real and all who claim to have seen her have described the exact same woman, totally nude, with long, long black hair, wide, pleading eyes, and pale, pale skin, mottled grey and blue with freezer burns.
>Some claim that she is a curse and is the bringer of bad luck and disaster, while others say that she is a guardian angel who that seeks to warn ships and stations of impending dangers. Some believe she is an evil spirit that seeks the companionship and deaths of unwary Spacers.
>Pretty much the only thing that everyone agrees on is that if the Staring Woman should come tapping on your window, you probably shouldn't let her in.
>not letting the Staring Woman come inside
>not sabotaging the life support systems
>not cutting your eyes out, because you totally don't need them to see anymore
Do you even have Space Madness, user?
>not letting her in
What the honest fuck dude? What happened to Mr Manners?
Open the door, hand her a spare set of overalls and offer her a cup of tea.
And a bowl of eggs. She doesn't have to tell you what happened, but she does have to eat them.
There ARE different interpretations of what she is and what she wants. Maybe she wants the companionship and not the death.
>[muffled B Mashina playing in the distance].jpg
Just set this playing every night on the tannoy and you'll be alright within a few cycles.
This is now a Major Tom thread
Scavenge Shattered Horizon plotline and enjoy
Oh hey, my favorite book is getting turned into a movie.
Too bad it's going to be shit.
I've been spooped!
Large human presence (cities) in space doesn't make sense from the economic, engineering, and resource point of view. Why'd waste time, energy, and money with building complex habitats for thousands of humans when you can do the same with a small team directing hordes of robots labor? Humans are nothing but problems both for life support and health issue.
Humans are cheaper than robots.
Thanks Imperium of Man
On Earth (or Earth-like planet) sure. In open space, not so much.
>What would make for some good scenarios/cool shit to do on a near-future, colonized Moon?
The crew is sent to explore the enormous derelict spaceship on the Moon.
>posting the artist created fake
>not posting the real Apollo 15 photo of the wreck
It's like you don't even want to find spooky alien skeletons.
Even fairly basic modern-setting scenarios like "catch the serial killer" become a lot more interesting when you're way out on the edge of civilization like a lunar colony.
There isn't likely to be a large police force with forensic experts and so forth on hand, and backup from Earth isn't going to be here until the next supply ship in a few weeks, so you've got to resort to good old fashioned investigation tactics while people just keep turning up dead one by one.
The moon is a harsh mistress.
Wait, what is that actually?
Destiny is the perfect setting for a roleplaying game in general desu
Heinlein blows, however
Well, it appears to be a large cylindrical object, with a raised section along its dorsal surface, tapering to a point at one end and partially buried in the lunar surface at the other end.
Kind of a strange thing to find just sitting around.
Well, I'm spooped.
Crashed flying saucer with a swastika painted on the side.
Orbital - Earth v Moon V Mars and stuff
Eclipse Phase has you covered.
>Well, it appears to be a large cylindrical object, with a raised section along its dorsal surface, tapering to a point at one end and partially buried in the lunar surface at the other end.