Thanks for the tips! Veeky Forums seems to be the kinder side of Veeky Forums lol... its nice to get a good reply and the previous threads post redirecting me here.
I actually bought a majority of my games thru people on BGG coz the prices for used games just seem to be unbeatable.
Ive heard of most of those games, cutthroat caverns is actually one of the games im debating over getting.
Does anybody else find the process of getting a new game this difficult?? Lol i feel like i could go on debating it in my head for months before making an ultimate, semi arbitrary, decision... bleh maybe i need some gamer friends ...
Im pretty much set on getting dungeon fighter and libertalia, wuth cutthroat caverns being strongly considered... i can afford, and would like, to get a few more games...
Anybody got an opinion on cutthroat caverns?
Suggestions on any other games?
Id like a game with the traitor mechanic, not as streamlined as resistance but something more like shadows over camelot.
Im aware of :
Shadows over camelot, battlestar galactica, dead of winter, saboteur, and shadow hunters.
What am i missing? What are your opinions on these games?
Ive also just heard about dark moon but dont know anything about it. Gonna check out a review after posting this.
>Here's what i already own:
Dungeon twister card game, Cards against humanity, Onitama, Cosmic encounter, Munchkin deluxe, King of tokyo, Dixit, Dominion, Descent 2.0, Level 7 omefa protocol
>Here's a short list of some games im interested in getting:
Mascarade (i like that its light and up to 13 players)
Tales of the arabian nights
The long list is a little over 100 games lol... i have a problem...
The direction im geading currently is
arabian nights
dungeon fighter
Cutthroat caverns