/sss/ - Super Stand Sunday

SHA Hype Edition

For a quick Stand, use the following method-
Hit random for the name.
Same deal for the powers.
OR just use

Then, write it up

Everything you ever wanted to know about Stands, but were too afraid to ask.

Other urls found in this thread:


HOW DO I INTO JOJO Veeky Forums? (In no particular order)
>Mutants & Masterminds
>Marvel Heroic
>Bizarre Adventures D10
>FATE (Hack in this post)
>Savage Worlds
>Monsters and Other Childish Things
>Bizarre Adventures D100
>Don't Rest Your Head
>Shadowrun (Adept or Mystic Adept with a Geas of POSING)
>Wild Talents (WIP houserules here: pastebin.com/bQqAMV5k)
>Monsters and other Childish Things

Next post will feature the question of the thread.

Question of the Thread: What minor villain are you most proud of?

Now for some misc links:
>Fan Parts (Also editable)
>Bizarre Adventures D10
>Bizarre Adventures D100 (Editable copy)
>List of custom systems for JoJo


I have a silly question; can you use Hamon energy to create laser beams made from sun energy?

At this point I have a 9 page document full of Stands/ideas, so I'll post the first one I ever made.

>「Eminence Front」
Power [D] / Speed [D] / Range [E] / Durability [B] / Precision [C] / Potential [C]

This Stand manifests as an emaciated humanoid Stand wearing an elaborate golden Venetian mask with feminine features and designer sunglasses worn over the mask.「Eminence Front」is known to stare at its own reflection and when faced with physical confrontation it cowers and protects its face, betraying the vain personality of an otherwise silent and obedient Stand.

- 15 Minutes of Fame -
By scanning the minds of people around it「Eminence Front」disguises its User's appearance and voice as a person deemed “famous” or “important” by the public. For example, if this power was to be used in a bank then the user would be disguised as the bank manager.

If you can shoot your blood vessels to shatter concrete, lasers don't seem too bizarre or illogical.
9 pages!?

There are only two or so Stands per page, so 18 total.

Probably made it sound more in depth than it is.

I had an idea for either an Act 2 or secondary power for this Stand.

>「Dressed to Kill」
As an ACT 2, Eminence Front would turn the wearer's clothing into light armor.
As an offensive ability, the Stand would allow the User to pull a thread from their clothing, enhancing it and making it effectively piano wire to be used as a garrote.

What would a futuristic jojo be like?

been working on a 1d6 JoJo system using this as a base: sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tao-games.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2011%2F05%2FHQRPG.1.0.1.pdf

looking for critical feedback and review.

What kind of futuristic setting are we talking about?

Depends. Stands could become commonplace. Everyone has one, and you have technology based on using Stands and Hamon. Then we take things up to 11, and create a totalitarian Stand-punk society, with the current JoJo being a rebel worthy of a Shadowrun/WoD setting, and have him fight against the corporate machine of DIO industries.

Or we go Star Trek/Legend of the Galactic Heroes with Stands thrown in.

I could see stands having more modern/techno music themed names.

then some time travel shenanigans from some random fuck with the stand 「Fly Like an Eagle」, to Time Slip into and out of the future.

>「Communication Breakdown」
Power [E] / Speed [D] / Range [B] / Durability [C] / Precision [A] / Potential [E]

> Appearance
The Stand manifests as an techno-organic looking citizens band radio (CB radio) that has an crab-like legs that allow it to move around. Due to its size and animal-like qualities this Stand responds to its Stand User very much like a pet would respond to its owner.

> Abilities
- Talk Radio -
The signature ability of「C.B.」is to send out a radio frequency that causes those in its range to be able to speak in what is called “word salads” where people speak in a confused, unintelligable or random mix of words and phrases. People experiencing Talk Radio are unaware they are being affected but are aware that people who are speaking are being affected.
- Feedback -
This Stand only has a single defensive ability called “Feedback”,「C.B.」creates a audio feedback screech that is painful to those in a five meter radius but not lethal, allowing this feeble Stand to make its escape.

Well recently my party defeated a stand named Kill Bill that could summon ghosts of people they killed and force them to relive deaths. Thing is they couldnt physically hurt the stand so they had to get creative.

I don't know about Stands being commonplace but I do like the idea that knowledge about Stands is more widespread and there is technology to allow non Stand Users to combat them.
There would be so many Daft Punk references.

Why? We already have d10

I've been making my own system, but don't know jack about formatting or making PDFs. Any tips?

As for criticism, most of my issues are with things that don't exist, like Learning's rules or Hamon options.

The bonuses given seem too high and low for a single D6 system. Keep in mind that a +2 to a d6 raises the chance of a 6 from 17% to 50%, and only a 1 would fall below 4. Your delta of randomness is very sensitive, so even a +1 is far huger than it seems. The 1 in 6 chance of death on damage roll also seems to go too far.

Also, make a table for task difficulty. Good presentation is what makes more scaled tables bearable to read.

Story time?

A few reasons:

1. This system is even more freeform, making it even easier to make stands for.

2. It's a 1d6 system. All you ever roll is a 1d6, combat is insanely quick, and that all contributes toward it being a great option for a JoJo Quest system.

3. We can never have enough options to play using JoJo.

But you were there Carl.

How would your system treat Stands that have low combat stats or have no combat abilities whatsoever?

Mostly I just use MS Word and save it as a PDF. For nicer/more aesthetic things I use homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/

I'm going to do away with the bonuses, and have the difficulty be raised or lowered by the GM according to a rank. A stand with E-rank strength will automatically fail attempts to lift an average amount of weight, while an A-rank will automatically succeed at the task. In between you'll using the table of rolls I provided. Using Traits or abilities you Might be able to get a +1 bonus, but even then that will be at the GM'S discretion for if the circumstances allow it.

I'll make the table for skills right away.

As for the death on a 6, I'm adding a variant HP option, which will drag out combat for longer. Toughness will give the stand greater HP, and stands will do flat damage based on power.

Can Ripple cause cancer?

「Junkyard Dog」
Stand user: Leroy Brown
The user of 「Junkyard Dog」is a former Homeless man known for his outbursts of rage and uncontrollable violence, After recieving his stand from Shady Slim in an effort to thwart hero's he began to use his stand to gain power and influence in the gang world, Quickly becoming the suave leader or the gang. He is a smooth but still crude man due to his former homeless habits.

Power: B
Speed: C
Range: B
Durability: D
Potential: E

>Stand appearance
This stand looks similar to a scrap machinery robotic dog, It's primary body colour is a bright yellow, It's face has no features besides it's abnormally large mouth, The inside of its mouth is a empty space.

This stand acts like an attack dog for the user, but whatever the stand bites is instantly transported onto the users body where he subconsciously chooses. I.E the stand biting a piece of concrete and that piece now being attatched to the users chest to help deflect blows.

>Combat uses
This stand is a more effective defensive stand then offensive stand, Making the user more durable and giving him weapons he can use for himself, This stand can also bite a human and the flesh stolen from them can be used to heal the users wounds.

This stand has the durability of a normal dog making it weak against physical combat stands.
The user can only attach so much to his body before it will become a burden and/or begin to harm him.

The stands name and user come from the song "Bad Bad Leroy brown" and the lyrics of the song.

Opinions of this stand?

Traits and abilities are defined by the Player, at the GM'S approval. If you go non-combatant, then it's a matter of using the Difficulty table to achieve whatever your goals are through Skill Rolls rather than combat rolls. If the GM says you can try and do it, you can roll for it. Because of this, it's rather easy to attempt JoJo level schemes using this system.

I don't know any Carls. My name starts with a J.

Sure carl.

I'm also trying to figure out how Learning will work. I'm thinking I'll use the d10 system's method. If You have A-rank Learning, you can spend that rank to gain a new feature or ability, and you automatically roll a 6 in whatever task you were attempting. Alternatively, you can jump 2 ranks.(from A to C, C to E) and completely re-spec your Stand while maintaining the same theme of the stand, creating Act 2 of your stand.

As for Hamon, it'll likely take the form of an expensive trait for your character, and mechanically doing Damage to Vampires, and have minor Healing properties.

Really, my name isn't Carl.

Also, I can't have been in your game because I don't have any TRPG friends to play with.

Or friends in general.

>durability of a normal dog
Welp, RIP in piece

Hm. Maybe you arent Carl.

I feel like you're being sarcastic.


He said his named started with a J. It isn't Carl, it's Jarl

No im sure you arent Carl.

Trips checked.

And what made you decide that I wasn't Carl?

It's basic fact that in Jojo's universe Dogs ALWAYS get btfo and die horribly. The only one spared from a terrible death was Iggy, and he still died, just with more dignity.

On a more serious note this stand does seem a bit too weak to be an enemy stand. Ally/PC maybe but enemy stands should probably take more to kill then just punching their stand once. How about this: The power to attach material also extends to the stand itself. That way 「Junkyard Dog」 would have a way to protect itself and make it more durable by attaching concrete to himself. The flaw would be that since the stand has the strength of a normal dog if he puts on too much armor 「Junkyard Dog」would become too encumbered to effectively attack, and also would be encumbered much faster than the user since he's much physically weaker.

I see your points, I just wanted to make a basic kind of attack dog stand, Not super powerful, Kind of an emperor deal where the user works with others to utilize the stand better

Do you believe in the power of Kino.

On a side note i actually like the idea of the stand attatchng things to itself too, Kind of a 50/50 deal where half goes to the stand half goes to the user.

Stand name「Uppotown Funku」

Power B/Speed C/Range E/Durability B/Precision C/Potential A

Rips a "hole" in space (appear as a spheres) . The holes connects two places in space time ie putting your hand through it will apear on the other end wherever it is. The two ends have to be relativley close. Although it appears to be 2 holes the tear is a single constant . The hole is affected by normal physics otherwise. If there is something "inside" the hole if it is dissapated ut returns to its original location.

The stand manifests itself as humanpid figure in two halfs that act as one. When the stand forms together and closes the gap the space hole is created.

A middle aged bass player in a jazz band who had the stand for his entire life without noticing. It only awakened after he came home and noticed his house sacked and his daughter missing. He never did find her, but he gave up his old life and wanders the world searching for people who might need his help.

>「Bad Moon Rising」
Power [B] / Speed [D] / Range [A] / Durability [A] / Precision [B] / Potential [D]
> Appearance
Is an almost naked humanoid Stand with bluish-black skin, silver stars on its knuckles and a wispy grey cloud that acts a scarf. The Stand's most notable physical feature is that its head is a replica of Earth's moon that turns from white to red when it activates it's ability.
> Ability
- Blood Moon -
This Stand can create an “aura filter” in the atmosphere that gives the Moon a “bloody” appearance that induces feelings of paranoia and anxiety in living creatures under its three kilometer field of influence. This ability is limited in that the Stand can only use this ability at night and the severity of its influence is based on the phase of the moon. At crescent the effect causes paranoia and unease, but if the ability is used during a full moon then mass riots and temporary psychotic breaks in the affected area are to be expected.
- Bark At The Moon -
Seemingly an unconscious ability; when「Bad Moon Rising」is active for an extended period of time, dogs and wolves to congregate around the Stand and howl at its moon. This ability was created due to this Stand's origins being that of a villain character and I needed a way for the protagonists to find him while it was hiding and using it's primary ability.

「Ghosts N Stuff」

Power E/Speed E/Range E/Durability E/Precision A/Potential B

Old pocketwatch that when opened activates tge stand ability

While opened the stand allows the user to float, phase through objects, and appear slightly transparent. The user only has 5 seconds to use the stand at a time, after which they materialize wherever they are. The watch must be wound inbetween uses.

The stand changes owners to the first person who touches it everytime the user dies. The pocketwatch itself is an old family heirloom passed down for hundreds of years. Damaging it does not affect the user and visca versa (obviously), it is almost an independent stand.

「Psycho Killer」
Power:E / Speed:E / Range:D / Durability:C / Precision:C / Potential:E

Bound to a filthy leather journal with yellowing pages that appear to be stained with blood and sweat. Though it is bound to a physical object「Psycho Killer」can occasionally be heard whispering malicious and unsettling things to its Stand User.

- From Hell -
The pages of the otherwise blank journal fill with notes written in blood by the spirits of serial killers, notes that describe their victims and modus operandi in great detail. The way that「Psycho Killer」chooses which serial killer's notes fill its pages is based on geography and which site of the murder is closest to the Stand. These notes can be read by non-Stand Users.
- Unknown Suspect -
While the book is in the Stand User's possession the User will not leave fingerprints or any form of DNA that could be used as evidence. It also may cause people to have trouble remembering the Stand User's face, this could be to avoid witnesses or because the User isn't a memorable person.

While ideal for a typical villain, I thought this Stand would be much more interesting in the hands of a detective or vigilante searching for a killer.

「Silent Night」

During the night the stand can make any 15 ft radius around go completley silent around the user.

The stand manifests itself as a pair of earbuds that activate the ability when music is played through them into the user's ears, until recently the user didn't even know he had the ability.

Disaffected high school student who usually uses his stand to and from school, most of the time napping.

What if the whole reason DIO Industries came about was because [Fly Like an Eagle] used his powers to watch the Market Shifts. He starts an organization, then guarantees that it will succeed on a global scale, eventually out-competing the Speedwagon Foundation, and taking it over. Stands are still uncommon, but Hamon users are abound, and people have even figured out how to use Ripple to combat or immobilize Stands.

That seems reasonable.

By channeling Hamon through ones brain, and oculatory system, Ripple users gain the ability to "resonate" their vision in such a way that they're able to see stands. That might be reaching a bit, but I believe canon states that Stands are something of an extension of Ripple.

The current JoJo in this Era has a Stand of equal power and utility to Hermit Purple, but he's even more skilled at Hamon than even Joseph or Caesar Zeppeli was. Basically his stand is an extension of Hamon, rather than the other way around.

>「Cult of Personality」
Power [C] / Speed [D] / Range [E] / Durability [C] / Precision [D] / Potential [B]

Looks like a marionette whose only feature is his huge mouth. Changes color depending on the users mood. Green for happy, red for mad, blue for sad, yellow for scared, etc.

Any one in the range of 「Cult of Personality」will begin to take on the current emotion of it's user, only intensified to the point that rational thought is impossible. If the user is happy his opponent would be in a laughing fit on the ground, if the user is sad the opponent will slump to the ground in depression, etc. The downside is if the opponent manages to get the user angry or afraid. If the former is achieved then the opponent would go into a blind fury and could rip the user apart while blowing multiple blood vessels, and if the latter is achieved they would become flooded with unhuman amounts of adrenaline and would easily be able to take the user if they manage to pick "fight" once they reach the "fight or flight" level of fear.

Yeah, I think it was mentioned that Stands are somehow related to Hamon.

I've put some thought in to the idea of a Stand that works in collaboration with Hamon, enhances the Ripple's effect or allows the user to use Hamon like Tusk allows Johnny Joestar to use Spin.

「Pretty Woman」
Power (D) / Speed (D) / Range (B) / Durability (C) / Precision (D) / Potential (E)

This Stand manifests as a poseable female mannequin with a hole in its chest where a glass, heart-shaped perfume bottle sits and has bright red lips on an otherwise featureless mannequin face. In its Stand form「Pretty Woman」doesn't appear any kind of personality, however in its “femme fatale” form it presents itself as a very seductive woman that likes to flirt with others.

- Femme Fatale -
「Pretty Woman」is an automated Stand that disguises itself to appear as a beautiful woman with dark hair and eyes, wearing a little black dress and red lipstick. This transformation makes the Stand visible even to non-Stand users and is used to track and seduce targets.
- Love Hurts -
The only offensive ability this Stand possesses is its toxic kiss which ultimately results in the victim suffering a heart attack; the location and “passion” of the Stand's toxic kiss affects the severity of the heart attack.
- Tainted Love -
Using the “perfume” bottle embedded in its chest「Pretty Woman」is able to secrete pheromones to attract men to it as well as keep its victims pacified.

「Slow Burn」

>Stand Ability [Supernatural Charisma]
The ability to possess incredibly powerful charisma.
Users possess immense charisma that transcends mortal limitations, captivated by their almost irresistible personal gravity and an overriding desire to be part of their world and contribute to its fulfillment.


>Stand Appearance
Think of Avdol's Magicians Red from act 3 but with a dude with a wolf head instead of an anthropomorphic bird.
Part 1 of 2

Allows the user to have control of his consienceness and cannot be knocked unconsious unless they allow it.
-Rising, Rising-
The stand allows the user to levitate, and for a short time, fly.
The user may choose to control an area of 1km to do his bidding, for a short time.

「White Zombie」
Power [E] / Speed [E] / Range [E] / Durability [B] / Precision [B] / Potential [C]

A humanoid Stand with white mummified flesh, robed in a moth-eaten shroud and a large black rosary around its neck. When it manifests it appears in the Lotus position, a seated meditative position. This Stand's physical appearance is a reference to Sokushinbutsu, the Buddhist practice of self-mummification.

- Living Dead Man -
「White Zombie」can place its Stand User in a form of suspended animation where they would appear clinically and “spiritually” dead. The only clue that the Stand's ability has been used is that the Stand User's body would mummify over time regardless of the condition of the body and its surroundings. The Stand User can remain in the death-like state for a maximum of three thousand days, as the death state persists it takes more time for「White Zombie」to revive its Stand User back to their physical condition at the time of their false death.

Shitty namefag go.

I still think the coolest thing we ever came up with was the werewolves.


I think he said werewolves.

They could absorb pillarmen and other rocks/metals. Except silver. 'Cause you know.... Werewolves.

I know what he said, I was asking: "what wolves?"


Those wolves.

Which wolves?

Stand Name: 「Thunder Child」

Stand Ability: [Vehicle Physiology]
Power - A

Speed - D

Range - A

Durability - A

Precision - D

Potential - C

The Stand is a battleship and as such has the ability to fire projectiles and be a battleship

The Stands appearance and size is that of a Battleship

Its a fucking battleship

These wolves.

Is it a full sized ship like Strength or scaled down like Aerosmith.

You will never be a good GM if you have 50+ enemies.

stealing it to expand upon later.

Stand Name: Danger Zone

Stand Ability: [Damage Reflection](powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_Reflection)

Power - C

Speed - D

Range - D

Durability - C

Precision - D

Potential - A

Description: The power to reflect damage. Sub-power of Damage Manipulation. Variation of Reflective Immutability. The user can reflect any damage caused to themselves of others, including physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, magical, power-induced, etc. back to it's source. While usually a defensive method, it can be utilized as offensive with efficient calculation.

Full Battleship Size

Please go and stay go.

It was. I liked the idea but I don't think they ever were developed past that.... And the Blue Man Group.

Shouldn't you go back to your safe space?

I thought you had a certain something to work on.

Well now that you teased it you got to explain the Blue Man Group.

Unlike you some people can actually get things done.

「Holy Diver」
Power [B] Speed [A] Range[C]
Durability [C] Precision [B] Potential [D]

A slender humanoid Stand with physiology similar to a jellyfish. It manifests as an angel-like entity with a bioluminescent halo protruding from its head in the manner of the lure on a deep-sea angler fish. Outside of the effective area of「The Midnight Sea」or when the effect is not active, this Stand is almost invisible due to its translucent body.「Holy Diver」does not appear to have a personality, while in an idle state it mimics the posture of being in prayer to appear angelic.

- The Midnight Sea -
「Holy Diver」can create a sphere of influence called「The Midnight Sea」that causes both living creatures and Stands to experience the pitch-blackness, atmospheric pressure and restriction of movement one would experience while underwater at night. Within its sphere of influence「Holy Diver」the can prove to be very deadly, however outside of「The Midnight Sea」it is a very susceptible to physical damage.
- Paralyzing Sting -
The jellyfish-like tentacles that compose the Stand's lower body are capable of stinging both Stands and living creatures. Once stung the victim experiences pain and temporary paralysis similar to intense muscle cramps, this effect is less intense on stronger Stands.

Blue Man group were werewolf hunters.
They get their name from the fact that they've fused silver to their skin in order to make themselves inedible/dangerous to their foes. Prolonged contact with silver turns the skin blue.

Show me how inferior I am.

That is actually quite clever.

Nice macros anyone can do, how goes the module? :^]

no real ability for actual stand abilityies, like stop time, scrying, and other shit that makes it more than a punch ghost.

Pretty good, time is a small price to pay for quality.

Also, nice way to dodge the query.

I thought so too but we never did anything with them. I think because people ended up loosing interest in these threads.

Yeah well when folks start arguing with anime faces it kind of dilutes the thread.

I don't work on the other module, but maybe some of my work is in the first 3 post.
I just want the useless namefag to stop namefagging.

Well, SSS is up right now. Late's always better than never.

Abilities are player defined, GM approved. Later I'll be going back in and creating a shitload of abilities that serve as examples. Basically you get around three traits or abilities for the Stand that actually define their core abilities besides being a punch ghost, and they'll classify as either skill rolls, or contested abilities.

How do you handle character deaths in a bizarre adventure?

Ghosts are always a good start. Have a post-mortem session a la Dead Man's Questions, one on one.

I always stick with my name because I'm not afraid of owning up to my words.

>username on an imageboard

Well we could always try now I guess.
One of the ideas I had for the Blue Man Group was codenames and old JJBA stands being named after gods.
Maybe in this case the Blue Man Group have codenames based off of gods. And in most cases the God-name fits in with where the Silver is placed.

Shiva has a silver ring round their neck, and the God had a blue throat.
Nuada had both of their arms covered in silver, the God lost one of his hands.
Odin has a silver eye and so on... Too obvious a theme?

Riveting argument.
I don't know jack shit when it comes to mythology, anything short of a thunderbolting Stand named Zeus would still be subtle. Stick with it.

Way to copy my name

Keep stooping lower. Maybe you'll find some oil.

Stop copying me guys.

Is this a Phantom Blood/Battle Tendency situation with supernatural enemies versus humans using special techniques? Or will there be Stands involved?