>Someone tries to get you banned from a group for your political views
Someone tries to get you banned from a group for your political views
Story time?
I forbid politics at my gaming sessions.
I anticipate nothing less than civil, well-informed arguments from all parties in this thread.
Please no. I don't want to read an obvious strawman political fiction.
Not OP but I got something short.
>go to flgs
>wear an old McCain 2008 shirt (I used to be an idiot) without thinking about it
>get called a racist by a group of women
>I don't really retort or anything
>nothing really happened
In short, I told someone my incredibly conservative views (after they asked me) and they called me ignorant/white christian male/some other stuff I'm forgetting. He tried to get me banned from my group, but I'm friends with a lot of those guys so nothing came of it.
get on my level, at every session (i'm the DM) i wear a black shirt with a white eagle on it, we play once a week so it's always clean and ready to go when we play, my players know that i do it to provoke social justice warriors so they don't care, i'm not even fascist
Don't ask if you're not prepared for the answer
In today's politically charged climate, I don't think something like this is too unrealistic.
next time wear a cross and dress in black
>TODAY'S politically charged climate
>DM adds his girlfriend from college to our campaign
>massive feminist, constantly going on about income disparity and sexist air-conditioning
>ask her how she feels about egalitarianism
>she is visible shaken and begins frothing at the mouth and convulsing
>invoke the power word "meritocracy"
>the spells that bind her to this plane are broken, and she explodes into a cloud of straw and used tampons
>DM is released from her vile hex
>we resume our Pathfinder campaign
>end up quitting the group because DM railroads his boring plot mercilessly and faggot Summoner takes 20 minutes to complete his turns
>fill the time formerly occupied by the campaign by masturbating endlessly to Aogiri Penta doujins
you don't need to project your issues to hard on people you know?
you've never had a single session in your life, we get it, now shut your trap
This right here
even with my best friends, i dont get political at game night at all until i really have to or had a drink too much. When im hosting people and the topic switches to politics i tell people to shut it. Nobody has yet complained because everyone knows how that shit ends.
My father forbid that stuff at the table too. no politics until the day i moved out.
so hard*
I don't give a fuck. Feudalism is a better system than small tribes assuming you'll get help from one neighbor against another. If you can't believe that you loincloth-wearing anarchists then I hope you like getting trampled.
>banning someone for saying they're voting Trump or they want to reform the police service
>banning someone because they're a /pol/tard and making a scene
Very, very necessary.
mussolini had the most villainous HQ of all time
>sexist air-conditioning
Well at least it had a happy ending.
>you will never have your nation lead by a megalomaniac jumping dwarf being both cartoonishly evil AND italian
life is suffering
Offices are too cold for womyn and that's why they can't do their jobs properly. So the only solution is to turn the heating up so the men suffer.
really............................... makes you.......................think.....
I'm a man and a lot of offices are too cold for me.
I bring a fucking jacket.
>explodes into a cloud of straw and used tampons
ah, Good morning Veeky Forums
it's my daily struggle
Has there been actual controversy about this? Can you like an article or such? Not trying to >muh source you, just genuinely curious since I've never heard about it.
user, you are objectively a faggot. While I appreciate your spicy laughing king of the hill image, if you piss off your group with your stupid opinions, you deserve to get kicked out. I have fairly interesting political views, but I have no fucking interest listening to anyone talk about the upcoming american election. I'd rather a hot sauce colonic.
He's being sarcastic user.
Like, a regular eagle? A prussian eagle? Roman eagle? Polish eagle? HRE eagle? Nazi eagle? American eagle? The Aquila? Seriously bro, context is important, because either you look like a total shithead (you probably are, because you wear the same shirt every week, never mind if it's clean), a random dude with a bird on their shirt, or a pretty funny guy (doubt it's this one though).
This isn't a very good source but it's the first result I got. It should give you some idea of the hysteria.
this one
>because either you look like a total shithead (you probably are, because you wear the same shirt every week, never mind if it's clean)
dude, wat?
it's a ritual
I like how the ignore the obvious solution:
>women like a certain temperature
>men generally don't care until women fuck with it
>why not separate men and women into two different airconditioning zones?
>I have fairly interesting political views
There's a lot of things political opinions can be, but only seldom are they interesting, tell me more user.
>user gets banned from his group for being a /pol/tard
>comes to Veeky Forums to shitpost about it
>user never had a group because he's a /pol/tard
are the more likely scenarios.
Kind of resembles the nazi eagle, but not enough to be actually mistaken for it I suppose. Do you actually manage to trigger people with it?
>If she's so cold she should go back to India where it's warmer.
This is probably my favorite comment, because I have no idea how it was approved to post
I'm unironically in favor of a totalitarian oligarchy, set up as a faux-democratic humanistic meritocracy, with an emphasis on two-tiered post-mercantalist protectionism, facilitated through globalized neo-colonial investments.
it is the nazi eagle, which is weird because i bought it in a normal shop, in italy.
>manage to trigger
considering that i live in a rather ok place the worst i've got were some looks, but considering that they already knew who i am and that i'm doing it on pourpose we just laugh about it, but i'm still trying, eventually i will catch the holy grail of SJW and finally manage it
The table is not your college ethics class or whatever other bullshit you think it is. We're here to pretend to be elves, not talk about your political beliefs. Don't ask, don't tell.
>not just supporting absolute monarchy
Simply put, no. You have to give people hope and let them feel in control of their destiny. Yes, it's better to be than loved if you cannot be both, but really, you should try your best to tick both boxes. The divine rite of kings is just circumstance hokum anyways, you need your citizens to contribute to the artifice of their oppression in order for them to buy into it.
I game to have fun and unwind. If real world politics are your idea of fun, that's perfectly fine. But that shit don't fly at my table, and if we're at yours, I'm gonna excuse myself and probably not come back. And that's regardless of if we agree.
>inb4 "You're a pleb if you don't care about politics"
It's precisely because I DO care about politics that I don't want it in my leisure time. I'd rather deal with Magical Realm.
Very cynical, user.
Lack of cynicism and trickery is why I unironically love monarchy
>You have to give people hope
>and let them feel in control of their destiny
Not necessarily. If everything is going great and they feel like it's all part of the plan people will tolerate having very little autonomy.
>It's precisely because I DO care about politics that I don't want it in my leisure time.
whats so fucking hard to understand about that for some people.
There are elections upcoming in my state right now. I have people on facebook writing me messages that i should vote and whom i should and should not vote. If i tell them to fuck off they get ultra aggressive and start insulting.
Gets to the point that i consider voting the batshit insane "Gas the kikes, race war now" party just to take a pic in the voting booth and send it to them to piss these people off.
Thanks for the trap doujin recs bro