Who's hype for The Lord Inquisitor: Prologue release today?

Who's hype for The Lord Inquisitor: Prologue release today?
The films dropping in 2 hours.

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What is this

I really want this to not suck.


I dunno I have a feeling some of the animations and fan voice acting will blow

That's the problem with the cryengine it looks really fucking good but in motion not so much

At least Marcus has a god VA.


>youtube.com/watch?v=JjaYW5Cnr5k [Remove]
It already blows with reference to popular culture. This will suck more then spanish teen on a fat german turist

Thats a teaser. The film most likely won't include pop culture references.

So it's a series now?

No? This is just the first nine minutes of the film with the full release sometime next year.

>nine minutes
it's fucking nothing then

Well the only competition it has is the Ultramarines movie.

40k has really fucking good comics yet we have never gotten any animations for it shit like Spawn got a mini series on HBO

Nine minutes of animation is not "fucking nothing" you cynical ignorant bastard.

Not bad, for eight minutes. Think we'll have to wait another three years for the rest of it?

I'm pretty fucking hyped. Been waiting for 40k to be done well on film for some time now.
Wish this dude had a bigger team working with him *cough cough maybe Game Works should actually help him out a big cough* It sure would make things go a lot faster...

What reference?


>bad lip syncing

Aside from that bretty good


>it's literally everything you hoped it would be and more

I'm literally praising the Emperor as I write while watching this

It's a monty python reference

Goddamn the VA and character motion is way fucking off.


Watched it
kinda bad
Inquisitor guy is literally Donte the demon killah
also he gave Rogal Dorn a fucking pompadour

Isn't the dude german? Maybe he animated it with german in mind.
That being said the writing could use a bit of cleaning up, and like 90% of that prologue was just flying around the environment (it was a cool environment though)

I don't know why he renders it in real time.
I guess cause thats what he's used to.


Those fucking krauts love 40k


Is that worth watching?

Christ imagine this actually being funded by GW
it'll be like Ultramarines Voice Actors with Crytek engine Machinimas

Because it's hard to sympathize with the Imperium for a lot of people, which doesn't make for good TV. It's either too simplistic or it puts people off watching.

It's why I'm convinced if we see a successful Warhammer property on either screen it will be with the Tau/Tau Indoctrinates as protagonists, they're a perfect fit for the casual moviegoer/TV watcher.

Cheap but good. Still better than official shit movie.

The lip syncing was fairly poor but those shots were absolutely perfect and made up for it a hundred times over

How about the Imperial Guard? Hell, pretty much everything that primarily features the Guard is a war movie, just do something like that.

Or if you adapted Titanicus, it'd be cyborg politics meets Pacific Rim/Robot Jox.

And a Space Marine movie would be a straight up fantasy action film of knights in power armor fighting orks/space bugs/the forces of Hell.

I hope next movie they make will be about Kal Jerico.

>Or if you adapted Titanicus, it'd be cyborg politics meets Pacific Rim/Robot Jox.
I would watch that.

>lip syncing
why bother when 80% of the movie will have him wearing a mask
thats just his casual look for the prologue

Yeah, he feels way too young as well especially when you consider how most Inquisitors are represented in GW works.

The sidekicks didn't have any personality, voice acting was pretty video game tier, not surprising though for a fan work they can never be bothered to actually look for devent VAs and just pick up the blandy mcblands.

Audio levels felt off on the guys whimpering.

Things like the guardsmen marching were really ugly he should have omitted it, the rest of the parade was fairly good though. Physics felt a bit off to me too with the vase falling. It's clear he's got some skill but it feels like there are parts where he just got lazy or didn't quite know what he's doing but wouldn't put the effort in to fix them which is a shame.

I need webms of these scenes badly.

I'm pretty sure that Marcus (guy with the mohawk) isn't actually an inquisitor, but he serves Torquemada (the guy in the red armour in the parade) who is.

Let's talk about what went wrong?

>not NEARLY enough people actually WATCHING the procession. Terra should be so chock-full of pilgrims that there wouldn't be even space to move.
>vase goes through the table while falling
>lip syncing
>protagonist is obviously meant to look cool but talks too much, sounds affected and generally appears like something out of Final Fantasy

I mean it's not enough to call it shit but honestly I'm having a hard time dealing with all these glaring flaws

This. Oddly enough Mechanicus might be one of the few fairly relateable factions. Their viewpoint is easy to explain, the quest for knowledge provides a strong core for motivation, you have plenty of politics and strange tech around to entertain, plus hey, the biggest, baddest giant robots around.

Explorator Trek when.

I can't stand the MC after one scene. This is not a good sign.

Imperial Guard would just be band of brothers/Starship troopers but those movies have been out of the box office a long time for a reason, you'd never be able to sell it. TV show would just be a generic war drama with the occasional bad CGI and would have the same problem.

I've never read Titanicus but the way Google describes it it sounds like the easiest one to sell to an executive so I won't argue.

Space Marines would be great if they weren't Cold Efficient Battle Monks, but they are and that doesn't lend itself to drama filler scenes which is bad for a franchise where you're gonna spend a lot of the budget on CGI/Sets anyway due to the setting. You definitely couldn't do it as a TV series, no way.

at least I'm not the only one finding the inquisitor an edgy tryhard

in fucking 40k

The Inquisitor is pretty clearly supposed to be an asshole douche who enjoys killing

What's worse that it's an edgy highschooler in an office that should eat heresy and shit gravitas. I can dig 'kid gets too much power, FUN! ensues', but it's not a good way to write your main character if you want anyone to empathise.

it almost makes me think it was made in a different language.

Like they did English over French or German or something.

I like him. Sue me.



Looks like cutscene from 2007 videogame or FF movie from 2001. Not terrible but not excellent cinematographic tier quality, also i think you shouldn't be able to breath on Terra unless its imperial palace, and its certainly doesn't have blue sky.


It is wrong that I ironically enjoy Donte of the Ordo Malleus?

I'd have liked to see more of coteaz and the fistos instead of coldsteel the demon

Otherwise, looked pretty nice even if sorta janky.

>that parade
>those dreadnoughts

I could believe this guy is an acolyte, or maybe an interrogator, but he doesn't strike me as old or mature enough to be a full inquisitor.

Maybe the point is to make him arrogant and douchey so that he develops as a character. It's called The Lord Inquisitor after all, I imagine it isn't only about Donte'40k.

Yeah, he's not. He's training to be one, but the guy in the red armour is the actual Inquisitor. Presumably it's part of his cover that he's posing as a full- blown inquisitor.

I think is quite shitty.

Why does she look smug even through a mask?

Its excellent quality for a fan-animation, in that category its one of the best, but characters are stiff, lip sync is off and voice acting is pretty cringe. Other than that its some good fucking shit

I mean

Just how?

Not counting the voice actors and the special thanks, there are only 12 names in the credits, of which Erasmus Brosdau is 90% of them.

That's still really impressive.

Hey, if I had a name like that I'd show it off too.

11/10 would attack that Terra

it is a known fact that someone talking to you with their eyes hidden will sound at least 60% more smug than they would otherwise.

So the guy in red is clearly our Lord Inquisitor and the trio are just his enforcers. Considering that, the nice cgi and the God-Emperor tier 40k aesthetic design.

Glistening Custodes Abs/10

Isn't Coteaz supposed to have gold armor?

Dont you fucking dare.

Nine minutes of THIS animation is very definitely 'fucking nothing' - jesus, boy: have you seen it yet? It's boring garbage. 9 whole minutes of boring garbage, punctuated at the end with an edgelord being edgy.
Dropped like an angry squig.

My problems with it, some nit-picky, some less so:
>The main character comes off as a tryhard
>Terra seemed pretty sparsely populated
>The lower levels of Terra looked more cyberpunk than gothic. Some more spires or arches on the buildings would've gone a long way.

It's not bad - not full of action, but for how cheap it is it really catches the feel of a small loyalist party in 40k. None of the characters are NEARLY so edgy as the lame-ass inquisitorlord here

>The lower levels of Terra looked more cyberpunk than gothic. Some more spires or arches on the buildings would've gone a long way.

That reminded me of Necromunda in many ways.

Which is the point.

Yeah, I figured as much.

>The lower levels of Terra looked more cyberpunk than gothic. Some more spires or arches on the buildings would've gone a long way.
I think that was well placed.
Isn't the Imperium supposed to be kinda techno-barbarian?

Those Imperial Fist. Those Dreadnoughts. I came.

The imperium as a whole, holy terra should be an enormous complex of churches and offices iIrc.

More opulent than your average world on all levels.

>the main character comes off as a tryhard
this. I hope he is either fleshed out more and shown to be more reasonable or he loses a fucking limb painfully.

He nailed the aesthetics and atmosphere.

The characters arent bad.

However I disliked the copy-paste marines A LOT.

I can see how he was inspired from the parade from Ghost in the Shell II and from the Judge Death story arc from Judge Dredd for the inquisitor

Reminded me of the parade in the second Eisenhorn book, but I'm an autist.


It was way bigger with different IG regiments, several marine companies, super heavy tanks, gunships, fucking titans and procession of captured alpha+ psykers in chains

>However I disliked the copy-paste marines A LOT.

It seemed to be just a company, not even an entire chapter. The parade itself seemed to be rather small.

Considering how big is Terra, they probably have bigger parades each day.