What is a simple RPG-System that's fun to play for a group of 4-5 people?
I'm DM-ing my first campaign (DnD, 5th edition) and it's not going too well, because we don't meet up to play that regularly and the players forget half the rules until the next session. It's still kinda fun to play, it's just that I always have to explain why they have to roll which die even in the simplest rolls (eg. hit and attack rolls), and we wouldn't mind a less "deep" system. Help would be appreciated.
What is a simple RPG-System that's fun to play for a group of 4-5 people?
Other urls found in this thread:
Barbarians of Lemuria.
>Barbarians of Lemuria,Mythic Edition (current edition) -- mediafire.com
>Barbarians of Lemuria, Legendary Edition (earlier edition, fewer details & more minimalist presentation makes it even easier to learn, but the rules aren't as refined*) --mediafire.com
>Barbarians of Lemuria, House Rules / Patches for Legendary Edition (if you want the bare bones minimalism of Legendary, but with the rules tightened up a bit) -- mega.co.nz
*The main things are armor protecting too much, and brawl potentially being a dump stat. If you snag these specific rules from Mythic or from the house rules, Legendary stands up pretty well and is like half the length.
BoL character sheet.
If you can't handle 5e, you might better off with board games.
5e is still rules-medium. There are plenty of rules-light games out there. Though, granted, having trouble with basic attack and damage rolls doesn't look that good. Still, with a bunch of complete noobs, just figuring which dice is which ("is this a d8 or a d10?") can take a while. And if the sessions are few and far between...
thanks! I will look into it
Seconding Lemuria. OSR in general is pretty great for this. LotFP and maybe Labyrinth Lord would be my other recommendations.
Its all in the /osrg/ trove (Or at least the backup trove).9
To expand on this a bit further, the game only uses d6s. There are no other dice. You roll 2d6 for all your checks. Weapon damage is 1d6 (with smaller/bigger weapons getting -1/+2 damage, or the worse of two/better of two dice rolls, depending on the edition). So there's no "which dice do I use?" problem.
Try some rule-light system first.
I bet you are the same guy that then whines in other threads why tabletops aren't more popular and why your hobby is ridiculed.
Well go fucking figure, buster
If it must be D&D, try 0D&D. I'm serious. Compared with any further incarnation of D&D, it's pretty much rules-light.
If you don't mind playing other games, then there is literal trainload of rules-light systems, so please define what kind of experience and/or setting you are looking for.
Alternatively, it's not the system that is unsuitable, but your players don't want to play setting X. I've once had a group of people that were had "meh" attitude, up until I;ve played with them mystery scenario and realised I was using wrong game and wrong setting all the time. The moment we switched from Exalted to CoC, the game was flowing flawlessly.
why dont you just roll for them, OP?
Seconding. Not so good as a game, but great for new players
That's the easiest way for players to loose any interest in game, especially if they are not role-playing either.
thanks, I'm looking through the fudgeSRD right now, it might just be what I'm looking for. I think once they've played a few sessions of a rule-light system we can switch to a more complex one.
OP what you want is Dungeon World
It's pretty much objectively one of the best currently out there. It has fast easy to use mechsnics and is perfect for beginners, it's a lot cheaper than most of these other rules bloated systems that cost fifty dollars. There is no reason for extra rules when it is he role playing that matters. Dungeon World is fast and innovative and still feels exactly like the spirit of ADND before DnD 3.5 destroyed the hobby and ruined a generation of role players.
If you can actually get hold of Fudge dice, I'd recommend it.
everyone is john is a great game to play if you just wanna fuck around for a couple of hours. loose rules, lots of different possible settings, most sessions can be improvised more or less on the spot. try it out, user :D
While I don't think DW is the worst thing ever, you gotta stop false-flagging Virt
My experience with Dungeon World is that it's extremely hit or miss. It has issues, but it can play like an intuitive and simpler D&D. It can also play like a streaming pile of shit. I'd recommend trying it once. If it's a hit, keep going. If it's a miss, never look back. And apologize to your players.
No, I don't think you understand. Dungeon World is the best game possible. It has varying degrees of success without the autistic tables for it that FATE has, it has fast combat without autistic rules like D&D and Savage Worlds, it has great background mechanics without the autism in Call of Cthulu and Mouse Guard. It is quite literally the best RPG system out there, and NO other game can do something that Dungeon World can't.
You want fast furiosu action? Dungeon World can do that.
You want deep NPC interaction? Dungeon World can do that.
You want a perfect mecahnic for task resoltuion? Dungeon World can do that, and more.
Not OP, but this sounds awesome. Thanks.
So where's the PDF?
Classic/Old World of Darkness, Vampire the Masquerade. The system is braindead simple and your players have probably at least heard of the VtM video game.
So, do you have a PDF?
I want you to kill yourself.
>The system is braindead simple
Bitch, please. For games that supposedly stress storytelling, the system is incredibly slow and clumsy, with botches and soaks canceling out successes, and 10s possibly adding more. Your advice is terrible.
>Forgets the rules of 5e
Play rock–paper–scissors, it should be more your player's speed
I disagree. I keep in mind, I personally love Dungeon World. It fits perfectly with the way I think and I've never been more in tune with a system when I've ran a game. Of my players, however, half loved it as much as me, and half, in 12 sessions, never once got the appeal. So in spite of my fondness, I know it's not for everyone.
Furthermore, there are a lot of games that do things Dungeon World doesn't do well. If you want a grittier game with similar conflict resolution, you should be looking at a different PbtA hack. If you don't want a fantasy setting DW is going to struggle. If you want a game to run more than fifteen sessions to a campaign cleanly you're going to need something else. And finally, if you or your players need something crunchy to have fun, DW cannot scratch that itch.
I love DW. I would run or play it in a heartbeat. But it's not an end all be all magic bullet.
Yo cunt, roleplayers being hostile to outsiders and new blood is supposed to be a dead stereotype. Or do you want the hobby to die, so long as it dies "pure"?
Dumb asshole.
Find it yourself.
Well, wanting to run a crunchy game is effectively stupid. The fiction is what matters, not the rules, which are only means to an end. That is why games like GURPS and 3.5 are not legitimate and are not actual roleplaying games, ebcause they restrict roleplaying instead of enabling it like Dungeon World does.
>won't share the system he loves
>pro hostility to new people
>Crunch is badwrongfun
You are either an abortion gone wrong or bait.
>5e is for casuals
>Only normies can't get into crunchy systems
Then can you guys tell me how you got into rpgs? you played your first session and knew all the rules? you have to start somewhere man
>Or do you want the hobby to die, so long as it dies "pure"?
D&D is not going to die. I have spoken about this before on Veeky Forums, and despite my urging my words were not heeded.
D&D lived through Chick Tracts religious bullshit, TSR nose-diving, plenty of cultural hate against it, and terrible sales. It is not going to die. The hobby cannot die so long as people still play the game. The rules do not have an expiration date. They will always work. You still eat up this bullshit Wizards of the Coast spoonfeeds you, that you rely on them for your gaming. If ISIS flew a plane into WotC headquarters (god I wish) and destroyed everything, you would still be able to play D&D. Every day. Forever.
What is killing the hobby is a flood of undesirable, uncommited players. These players are wasting our time, invading our hobby, and fucking up our games by inserting cancer like tieflings/drow, vidya-based mechanics, hand-holding, fast level-ups, and everything else that kills what makes an RPG good and makes it retarded instant gratification bullshit for small children.
Big Bang Theory made D&D popular again, and sent a flood of newbies to the game. Mostly hipster cunts, both male and female, who want to partake in the glorious lulz of Raj and Penelope and that Bazinga fellow. I don't watch the show but I did see the D&D episodes and they were truly cancerous.
That is what the normies invading our hobby, expect. They expect lots of laughter and drinking and general normie partying. Fuck that shit. Get them out. I am sick of apologizing for this opinion, because I am not ashamed of it.
You know who benefits from this flood of normies? Wizards of the Coast, and the greedy kikes at your "Friendly" local game store.
You know who suffers? EVERYONE. ELSE.
Its more likely they don't play and don't want anyone else to either.
Consider Savage Worlds
Nope, I started with the d20 Star Wars system and barely knew any of the rules. I learned them, and didn't bitch about it online like the whiny millenial cunt you are, because you can't handle a game that doesn't give you instant gratification like Dank Souls and instant validation like your fucking Twitter account. You entitled piece of shit. No one cares if you stay in this hobby or not. Just because you found some epik D&D greentexts on /r/Veeky Forums doesn't mean we have to pander to your laziness. Fuck off.
Please be pasta, please.
this. 5e is a heavy stack of rules for someone who's not overly familiar with tabletop games and you can't expect everyone to pick it up on this first try.
Honestly I'd prefer passionate new players to crusty old grognards like you making us all look like cunts. You fuck off.
So you're, what, 36?
While this might be going too far into rules-lite territory Risus is pretty good if you want to shoot the shit while slinging dice. You barely need to remember any rules and it gets pretty fun once players realize they can team up and pump their cliches to gain an advantage.
>Consider Savage Worlds
Consider suicide. Savage Worlds is overly-swingy contrived shit with tons of situational rules that are clever on their own but blow up into an autistic mess when put together.
Nope, not pasta. Though I've written similar things before. It's not bait, it's not pasta, it's how me and ltierally thousands of other gamers think. Sorry if that hurts your worthless fee-fees, you little prick.
Agreed. While I enjoyed playing a recent DW campaign with my group I did end up feeling a bit cheated that some of the mechanics were a little rigid. Having my character get instagibbed in a way that even the GM couldn't fudge me out of felt a bit rough.
I think the PBTA engine has some legs and the right system can be huge fun (The Sword, The Crown & The Unspeakable Power is great Game Of Thrones-tier political-fantasy fuckery, and Apocalypse World will remain a solid favorite of mine for pure versatility) but is it perfect? No. Right now I'm playing a 7th Sea 2nd ed campaign and a FATE system campaign and both are fun for very different reasons.
>Honestly I'd prefer passionate new players to crusty old grognards
So would I. But most of these fuckers want to warp game culture to their own tastes without even taking time to learn even basic etiquette. They expect it to be like Dank Souls or Shitrim and whine when it isn't. They try to build legolas self inserts, go on their phones during sessions and play music to "fit their character" without anyone asking. This is normal millenial behavior, by the way. They are atrocious. In my opinion they should all be banned from FLGS which should be a 21+ zone and no cell phones allowed during gaming events.
holy shit, I know people who get offended when someone even barely mentions their hobby, but you guys are going through the roof, this is hilarious
>autistic mess
The irony.
I did, I started with Anima BF.
thanks guys, will look through it
>Having my character get instagibbed in a way that even the GM couldn't fudge me out of felt a bit rough.
Standard example of what I am talking about; players who bitch and whine about getting "one-shotted" when they laugh at nat20s and demand the monster instantly die from a thrown thumbtack because HAHA LOL, are fucking hypocrites.
Just yesterday my GM fudged dragon breath damage because it one shotted some player's faggy-ass character, because GOD FORBID someone fucking dies.
Guess what fuckers, owlbears exist in the woods no matter what level you are. Avoid them, get smart, get good, or get the FUCK out. And stop thinking you are entitled to living through every session. This isn't a fucking video game.
Goddamn it I can't wait til I start being an Adventurer's League GM again. I am going to rip those faggots a new one.
That's still millennial you fucking moron.
Did you not read the rest of my post you dumb-fucking mongoloid? God I'd love to meet you in real life so i could gang rape you with all five of my cocks. You're a fucking retard.
NO PHONES = no distractions. Watch those ADHD buggers twitch because they don't have access to constant Instagram and Snapchat nudes. Learn to be a real person, fucker. Why are you even at an RPG if you do this shit?
>Consider Savage Worlds
Savage Worlds is cool, but it's not markedly simpler than 5e. Both are rules-medium games. OP would be better off going with something rules-light, like the aforementioned Barbarians of Lemuria.
Mate, I think you need to take a big step back and look at the shit you're posting.
I've been playing for a while, perhaps for ten years or so, and I've played damn near fucking everything under the sun. I've played online and IRL, crunchy and freeform, drunk, sober, good times and bad. I've sat across from a friend who'd lost a parent no more than a week earlier and we did our fucking utmost to have a great night playing games and having fun.
Playing games. Having fun.
No 'purity'. No 'normies'. New people join, we show them the ropes. We play some one-shots. One new guy brought his girlfriend to play. She got lost during chargen, but stuck with it and is now very much part of the crew.
This is not your hobby. This is everyone's hobby. The problem isn't with new people joining, for whatever reason you can com up with. The problem lies with people like you who can't meet change head-on and make the most of it.
Basically, son, get over yourself, because you can't tell the tide to stop coming in.
If you've had players do this at your game, it means your game is boring. Not that they are part of some percieved threat to your existence. Though honestly, I'll take the new over the old cunts any day.
Holy shit. Hasn't school started back up already? Shouldn't there be less self-righteous little children shitting up Veeky Forums?
You sir, you are a boss.
pack it up haters, he's said it all
Er...I took it on the chin, mate, thanks. I wasn't exactly thrilled, as it'd resulted from failing to dodge a fairly trivial problem, rolling maximum damage and then getting the 'straight-up-dead' result on the Gate table. I've never called out my GM to preserve my special snowflake of a character, because shit luck is shit luck.
I just felt that DW was a bit unbalanced as many other PBTA games have a 'do this or die' fail states, whereas DW just kills you good n' dead if you roll badly.
Rather than give up on DnD 5e, why not just use a rules cheat-sheet?
Something like this:
Which I found instantly with a google search. Print out a few and hand them out at the beginning of your next session, encourage your players to keep them and study them just before the next session.
Fair point, but sometimes one rules medium can click with a group when another leaves you cold.
Try Basic and Expert D&D they are amazingly rules light and easy to read and play. I prefer the Moldvay Basic and Cook Expert Sets.
Theres a new system due from River Horse that's supposed to be very good based on early play tests. No one here likes to talk about it though.
Fate Accelerated. The core book is 11 pages. No not DnD pages. Little things.
Fate Systems can go wild and crazy as you want them to be. As long as you can get people to stick to the themes your group wants then it can be as simple as "girls with swords go through dungeons" to "WW2 Anti Space Zombie Task Force(Who are also secretly feline wizards) Investigates Zomibe Mecha Cthulhu's underground baker army of mole men(Who are also NAZI's)."
Roll 4dF* or 2d6 of different color, subtracting one color from the other. So if you have a black die and a white die, if black is negative then you roll 5 on black and 4 on white then your roll is -1. In this is a Sneaky action and your character has a bonus to Sneaky, then add bonus to roll.
*4dF is rolling four 6 sided die, treating low rolls(1-2) as -1, and treating high rolls(5-6) as +1(ignore 3-4). So rolling 3,2,5,1 would be +0,-1,+1,-1. Add them together for a total roll of -1. If this was a Flashy action and you have +2 Flashy, then add +2 to your roll.
If it is too skimpy for you then Fate Core could be a choice.
Both Free and online.
I also heard good things about Play around a little and have fun.
I'll ask them if they wanna try that, thanks
ok, I'll look for them
this sounds good, could really be what I'm looking for
The one with only three playable races that's a simplified version of Savage Worlds?
It does look annoyingly solid a system despite its fluff.
And its super rules lite, so the OP could get good use out of it. If they overlooked the fluff. But of course, Veeky Forums won't let us discuss it here.
GURPS lite is actually pretty simple, all the players need to know is roll 3d6 under a score.
The pressure is all on the DM to make them characters and keep that shit balanced.