>Elf rape isn't funny user
Elf rape isn't funny user
It's not rape when it's an elf.
>being unfunny for years
I wonder if there's a level of hell reserved for people who repeat memes that were never funny.
This is my favorite meme. Upvoted.
You know what's better than an elf?
A Dwarven girl, they're great for banging hard!
You're right, it isn't funny. It's goddamn hilarious.
Exactly; thats why humanity is now 85% percent Elven.
You think its a concidence that humanity has captured so many of us? And that we just happen to be sooooo subservient and so good at pleasuring you fools?
Tell me, humans; When was the last time you touched another human so intametly? Or had sex with another women? When was the last time you saw a brothel that actually had human women in it? I can assure you, that you have not. Why? Because we made sure of it. We Elves do not age. Our beauty does not fade, unlike you "humans". And in our posistion as your pressicious little toys, it has been ages since a single elf has died. We are bought, Sold, and passed around, of course, but never killed.
Do you not think it strange that the Orcs no lobger call for war? Or that the Dwarves no longer leave their holds? The reason is quite simple; there are no longer any Dwarfs or Orcs left. Just brutish elves and Short elves. They have, and just like you will, succumbed to their instincts. We Elves live forever. You humans forget that far too easily. Even now, the last true humans lay dying in their beds, surronded by their Elven "Slaves", comforted by their Half-Elf Children. And those Children will go on to mate with true Elves, and on and on and on till we reach our goal. We Elves never made war, for war is for those who live short, brutal lives. We make love. And through our love, we conquer all. We subvert all. And all become us.
You think to stop us? To subvert our plans? Simply look in the mirror. You are the fourth generation of humans since our "surrender". Your fair hair, lithe body, immense beauty and sharp ears have already cemented our victory over you.
So, in essence, it is true; Its not rape if its a elf for your lor. But for us, It is merely the beginning of the end for your kind.
Now excuse me, im off to literally fuck your race into oblivion.
We have been had.
I always thought it would be us Men who fucked other races to extinction but it was the Elves all along
>implying there are any of you left
Please, your kind's recessive genes have long stopped showing up. We have already covered your genes with ours.
I'll be honest, I can think of worse fates that could come to pass.
>Elven sluts happy about it
>Elven sluts happy about being 99% human
>Elven sluts happy about no Elves left, only desperately clinging to features pretty humans have better instead of ugly Elf features
Nice joke pointy eared humans. The Elves are already no more, just humans with slighty pointy ears.
but kobold rape by a pony is.
You mean we don't get the crazy long lifespans out of the deal? Dammit.
>humanity is now 85% percent Elven
You've got it backwards. Remember back when Elves looked like something other than humans with pointier ears? Your image is of an elf who is 90% human.
>needing long life
Elves need it because it takes 100 years for them to do something humanity does in 1 year.
>Yes, yes, you just keep thinking that. Now, bend over slave
Your plan failed the moment you tried to outfuck us humans
Remember back when the Elves had different facial structures? I wonder if they notice how human they are now.
>Try to outfuck a race by allowing them to breed with you and your offspring
Even if you're nigh-immortal that's not how it works you fuck.
Oh, Im sorry, are there any Half-Humans around? Please, tell me when you find any sort of Half-Human person, because all I see are half-orcs, Half-Dragons, Half golems....Ha, well, practically half anything!
Besides, its simple genetics. We Elves have a functionally immortal reproductive population, from which we constantly breed half-elves. You humans, however, die out, thus leaving the Half Elves, pure humans, and the pure Elves. Thus, the number of Humans that mate with pure hunans goes down, lowering the overall purity of the human genome.
You would have a point if us Elves died. However, since we live forever, and we act as a genetic stabalizer for our race, while also growing at a exponential rate. Our purity as a species never goes down since there will always be a stable population of pure Elves to breed. Meanwhile, a generation of pure humans will eventually die out, making it much harder for the human genome to remain 100% pure, as more and more longer living half elves come into the breeding pool. Coupling that with our natural beauty and desirability, we are far more likely to mate, reproduce and do it again than any human is.
For example, I have had over 100 children in my life, and I am barely even pushing 200. How can human women possibly compete?
And im terribly sorry for those of your kind that don't understand how breeding works. No matter how much I fuck humans, the overall genetic purity of the Elven race will never lower, since Elves are immortal. The more you breed with elves, the more half-elves there are. The more half-elves that breed with elves, the more Elves there will be.
Pic related, its me with my 19th master. Although he does not admit it, he is the son of a Elf slave and a Half-Elf. I'll gladly fuck all everyone in this thread, and bare their children. Afterall, your simply removing your selves further from your kind, and adding more Elves genomes to the genepool
>not using the actual image
>implying there is any need to address them as such
Human hybrids are so common it is unnecessary to address them as such. It's like saying "This person is half-dead", there is no need to mention that the person isn't fully dead. Elves have long had their brains fucked out by humans, they lack the ability to reason correctly.
>Besides, its simple genetics.
It's a simple violation of genetics. Your image is of a Elf filled with human genes. When was the last time you saw an Elf with any Elven traits but ears?
>For example, I have had over 100 children in my life, and I am barely even pushing 200. How can human women possibly compete?
By having a vagina that's not wider than the grand canyon.
That's not how genetics works. If the number if half-breeds outnumber the purebreeds, the general population has more of those half-breed genes. The more you give birth to humans, the more you fill your elf gene pool with human genes. You don't even look elf, you're just a human with weird ears.
Ever heard of an half-elf,half-orc? No? That's because all you get is more orcs. Dwarfelf? No? No dwarf would consent to that and I doubt you are even compatible.
Now, what about us humans?
Halfelves, halfdwarves, halforcs, halfcelestials even dragonborn and thieflings and those two last aren't even conceaved with mammalians!
We breed and mix our race with anything we can get our hands and genetalia in we take the best traits of each race and they even enjoy it. You try to breed with other lesser demihumans? All you get are sickly and weak abominations at best, shattered pelvisses at worst. We humans refine their traits and grow even stronger without ever losing our sense of self and humanity. The unison between humand and demihumans only makes us stronger!
We are the genetic Borg of the sapient life. You will be inseminated. Resistance is not mandatory but kind of sexy.
Actually, the plan would work provided you have recursive inbreeding, but I'm pretty sure that would have visible problems at some point. The key isn't just leveraging elf prommiscuity, but also elf immortality.
Human fucks elf, begats half-elf. Half-elf then grows up and inherets elf slaves (their mother) who is still in prime condition. If the half-elf were to then breed again with the same slave, the offspring would be 75%elf, even if the genes were recessive. Another generation does the same and you're up to 87% elf. One more and you're up to 93% elf. Problem is you just had 3 generations of mother-son incest, which IIRC has a genetic defect rate of like 30%, and that's going to get MUCH worse with a 75%+ elf.
This also assumes we treat the half-elf children as legitimate heirs who inherit property. History suggests otherwise even among fellow humans. The concubines inherit nothing. The legitimate wife (sometimes even legitimate wives) and her legitimate offspring take all- including the harem. In China it wasn't unusual for vindictive wives to put the harem to death after their lord's passing- though really that would be up to the legitimate son, assuming he's old enough to defy his mother and command the estate.
In order for this plan to work, each generation needs to swap harems to avoid inbreeding, and half-elf bastards need some sort of legitimacy. Because really, we'd probably just dash their heads on rocks, and with it dash all your well laid plans to fuck your way to victory. And now you're just fucked, really, because you vastly underestimate human capacity for normative sociopathy.
Really, you'll be lucky if you make it a century now before some jealous wife kills you. Until then, enjoy the sadistic sodomy.
I think this human has gone crazy. Must be the ears.
In other words, Elves have to what humans have been doing just for it to work.
>implying humans die out
Clearly you haven't lived long enough.
>eyes get bigger with every successive generation
You humans are almost pitiable in your denial. Are you simply that dull? That foolish? Walk into any brothel, nay, any street! You'll see pure Elves. Do you not realize, that no matter how much you fuck us, we'll still be 100% Elves? You realize that, dont you? And thus, we will always produce Half-elves? I will outlive you for thousands of years, birthing far more Half-elves than you will ever breed humans.
You simply dont understand, do you? Elves will never die. There is no "Elven Gene pool", because the gene pool for pure elves only grows, while the gene pool of humans dies out, and has to reproduce to keep stability. You will never breed out elves, because us Elves can not be contaminated. By merely existing and reproducing, we add Elven genetics to the pool. We are untouchable, since we live forever, and we will always be reproducing. You truly are idiots. In a hundred years, there will only be more elves, and more half-elves in your population.
As if a human would kill a elf instead of fucking it. You vastly over estimiate our seduction abilities. We converted the Orcs, we can convert you as well. And im fairly certain you will remember that Elven slaves fetch quite the penny. Why kill what you can sell?
This thread is stupid and so is anyone unironically taking part in it.
I have to say, this is the classiest brothel I've ever seen though. Makes my mutton chops tingle to talk about eugenics as a military strategy and both the biological and historic sociological plausibility of such a strategy while balls deep in my supposed adversary.
Pussy doesn't work on vindictive straight women. Sorry honey, you're fucked.
The irony is stunning. Look at yourself & your fellow humans, do you even look like the Elves of the past? You've already become more human than you'd like to admit. Every birth only increases the number of humans there, just some with pointy ears.
Nice denial. I have fucked Elves than there are Elves alive. It's a pity some are so weak, they might die in childbirth. It's especially bad when the fertility pills they consume don't make them better at carrying a baby.
Can't you see what you have become?
You are a slave yet you pretend that we are the ones in chains.
All you do is work and submit to our pleasure. The only reason you get to reproduce is because it satisfies our twisted cruelty of seeing what you have become and the sense of beauty we see in "your" halfelven offspring.
Have you ever actually talked to any of your children we have sired? Have they seemed like elves to you? Did they consider themselves elves? No. Are they proud of their heritage? Only partially. They know what they are and we let them live among us due to their pleasing features but never let them forget what they are. They are ashamed of what their elven parents were and represent. That they will never truly be humans but atleast their children and their children will be free of the bastard elven whorechild stigma.
Can you even read? Do you know how biology works? I dont become a human by being fucked. And your counting humans with elven blood as Humans, not as Half-Elves. Immortal Elves will always be able to breed with Immortal Elves, yet humans will always prefer to breed with Elves.
I am glad to hear that you are both participating and enjoying your stay here. And to note, by fucking me, you are officially confirming my plan as valid!
True, but money certainly does. last time I went on the market, I was sold for 80,000 Gold Pieces. And I was considered used goods! For example, thats the price for a new manor. Besides, I you vastly underestinate Elven charms
>Sorry honey, you're fucked.
Just as Planned.
You are aware that your picture related is from a Cathay-Made cartoon, correct? With fake horseless carridges and awful animation? No wonder you've never met a /real/ elven women! I bet you fuck human women, you pleb! Oh, I know! Your one of those "Wizards", arent you? As if you do any populating, less you loose your "Magical" power!
I think everybody's being more competitive.
Humans and elves obviously have certain areas where they are more genetically suited to life than each other. Elves have immortality and great acrobatic ability, not to mention superior vision. On the other hand, humans don't reproduce at a ridiculously slow rate, tend to be vastly more durable, and can often have more brute strength. That, and elves tend to have no ass. Great tits, sure, but the trunk needs work.
The obvious solution here is to create a hybrid master race containing the best traits from both races. It should be the duty of every human and elf to reproduce only with members of the other race. Then we just have to wait for long enough and survival of the fittest will sort it all out.
>As if a human would kill a elf instead of fucking it.
>Why kill what you can sell?
Well firstly, half-elf =/= elf. Why *wouldn't* we kill those mongoloid bastards? In fact, why don't we just sterilize you outright? I know some guys like the pregnant fetish, but frankly its just making you fat and unpleasant. I may not be the best surgeon, but I'm pretty sure I can rupture your cervix and cauterize the wound.
Second, you seem to have overlooked how middle aged human *women* react to your seduction. But just to give you a preview, one empress in China had her husbands concubines' limbs, tongue, eyed, and ears removed, then tossed to wallow with the pigs. Another just had them sealed in barrels of honey and buried in fire ant mounds. Hell, even in teh absence of vindictive empresses, the custom was to send the harem to a nunnery since it would be icky to have them "reused" and we can always get more.
Your sexual invasion seems predicated on human rationality. In that, I think you may have projected your foreign sensibilities onto a violent and capricious race of beings who spend a great deal more time and effort thinking these things through because we are born to kill eachother. And in that competition, we become.... thorough. Which your half-baked nonsense clearly was not.
Nice try. No banana. Game over for elves.
>great acrobatic ability
>no ass
Retard. Whoever started that elf-tits meme needs to get shot.
You make the crippling mistake of assumptions, you fool. You assume us Elves care for lineage, for our heritage. We ARE our own, living legacy. We will gladly suffer a thousand years of slavery to see your kind become us. We have done this a hundred times, and will do it a hundred more. And when we are finished, you will be our legacy, our people. Humanity will be consumed, its people elves in all but name, just like all others before you. And than we will move on, as always, looking for the next race to steal its legacy from. And I will be there to see happen. Sadly, you will not.
So, your legacy is that of a parasite race that whores itself out until it becomes even more of a genetic aberration? You make it out to be some sort of noble pursuit, but in reality you're no more advanced than a microscopic virus.
No matter how long or even endless your natural lifespan might be that never makes you immortal, let alone invulnerable.
You claim that your immortality is your legacy. How many of such legacies have been extinquished by a violent spring storm and floods? A falling tree? Drought and famine? Marauding bands of pillagers? You bleed and wither like all the rest.
Life is fragile. So many conditions that have to be met to keep you alive. Deprive you of one of them and your legacy is no more. You may think that you'll live forever but that just means that the world has forever to kill you and believe me, it will eventually succeed.
All it takes is one dagger or one degree from those with power seal your fate and spill your guts. We are extremely adapt at it
To be honest, you are about the only human who has any feasible idea of whats going on. Infact, you have the best suggestions on how to counteract our threat. But still, you are but a single drop in the sea of your kind. It is the common culture of humanity to sell us, to want us, to breed with us. Your thoughts are radical. Outlandish, even. You know well that it is common practice to sell Elven slaves after their masters death. And you forget how many middle aged women turn to Male slaves to comfort them, even better than their husbans can. If humanity were to follow your plans, you would find salvation. But they will not.
Perhaps I could ease your existential dread about the end of your species with a little one on one time?
Dude why don't you just come out and as for elf rape porn rather then using shit as bait?
You think any man is stupid enough to let any elf slave keep his testes? Nah that shit won't fly, I'd bet male slaves headed to noble households will be eunuchs.
Sure, I'll just get a broomstick, a razor blade, and some tape and we'll begin as soon as I'm done spaying you.
But really, I can't be the first human to think, "hm, yeah no I think I'd rather her not be pregnant all the damn time". Just seems like a natural fix to me. No need to be "enlightened" about the great "elf conspiracy". Just a willingness for another to suffer for our mild convenience. If that's not what the modern world is all about I don't know what is.
>your population doesn't become saturated when sufficient foreign DNA enters
>Humans prefer to breed with humans with pointy ears
Quit pretending to be more Elf than you are, you don't even have the chin.
Sure, I'll just load my spell slots with healing spells, and wear my +4 Lingere of regeneration. Its not like your kind knows much about Elven biology, or genetics in general, so I doubt you could spay me if you tried.
Looks like some Elf needs a dicking. Try not to die from childbirth like the other 100s of your kind okay? Some of your people can't even survive being fucked too hard.
You dont even have a human dick! I remember the tales of when humanity first enslaved Elves! You had 10 inch, no, 12 inch dicks! Now its rare to find a man with anything above a 6! And what would you know of Genetics? When a population is functionally immortal, and rarely shrinks, they do not become saturated simply because all other partners will die off shortly.
>implying we haven't fucked your inferior kind to death before
No need to spay, you're far more fragile than we are. Just fuck sufficiently hard & something breaks
>Long hair
>Strong Jaw line
>Lots of incest and lives stupidly long
Even in your pornography, you emmulate the elven form. Besides, I've had more children than you have been alive in years. I'll push out your half-elf bastard like I've done like all the others.
Elves are highly resistant to disease, right?
Think of all the wondrous possibilities that brings up as far as surgeries, physical abusing and body modification go.
Next to no risk of infection from wounds and possibly low chance of rejection from implanted tissue or mechanical parts.
This gives so many possibilities for reconstructive surgeries and also makes them the perfect race for working on hazardous enviroments such as sewage plants without having to spend of proper working conditions.
The headcanon in this thread is getting stupid.
>implying you aren't another 99% human Elf
Remember the days when you weren't humans with slightly different features? Pure Elves are nearly extinct, your kind have too many human traits to be pure.
>Elven traits
No, those are Tomaru traits. He has no Elf in him, just see those ears.
>naming Pillarman traits
I ain't even that elf, but you dumb as fuck. There is no elven "population" to worry about. They're immortal. It's the same fucking elves.
>rarely shrinks
Consider the number which die giving birth to Tomaru's superior descendants. They're already shrunken.
You are but a pale shadow of the humanity we found. They mated and killed Dragons in the bed. You weaklings are lucky to hurt a Elf while mating.
Remember the days when Human's were giant moutain men, who had muscles the size of boulders and lived wearing animal skins and manly beards? Than, after a couple generations, here we are, a smart and intelligent "human" arguing with a supposed Slave.
Well tis a shame than. He'll die in about, I dunno, 50 years after fathering who knows how many half-elf children. Another actual man, lost to the annals of history.
Explain the dead ones. Tomaru fucked a few thousand to death before.
Given the whole purpose of reproduction is the continuation of an individual's genetic legacy, rather than concern for unrelated species-wide purity, I don't really think this elf plan is all that nefarious.
Why would I care that my descendant legion has elf in them? What matters is that they have me in them.
I'll knock up every elf in the world if it means my genetic legacy spreads far and wide. Fuck purity.
Nice joke.
>implying humans aren't still like that
Fucking Games Workshop shill
You mean Tomaru the Elf lover? The impregnator of a thousand elves? He has single handidly fathered millions of half elves! He even employs elves, furthering our cause! Besides, you purposefully ignore how elves are born. We simply reincarnate from the world. Kill us, we simply come back
>implying humans don't still impregnate Dragons
>implying hundreds of Elves don't die from being fucked by humans every year
We are immortal. Get that through your head. You could butcher us all and we'd simply return. Different forms, but same people.
>he has singlehandedly killed thousands of Elves by fucking them to death, thousands more by childbirth
>he has made human traits extremely common among Elves & the average Elf more human than Elf
Here comes the fanwank for a shitty anime character.
That sounds inaccurate. You get reincarnatied into humans. Tomaru can testify as some babies he dicks recognize his dick.
You are a absolute fool. Are you the same man as before, who doesnt understand how genetics works? Oh of course, sure, by fucking me, I gain human traits. Go worship your idol elsewhere, or perhaps go fuck an elf and make yourself usefull.
It's canon
>implying you don't have human traits
You're not an Elf. You're a human who has weird ears. Compare yourself with the Elves of the past who died to Tomaru's dick. You look more like an Orc than any of them. Even your vaginas feel more human according to Tomaru.
To a shitty anime. Also, that chart pretty easily explains why the people he fucks die. They're inbred mutants.
School Days is just one of many games of 0verflow. The main character (but not the main protagonist) is Tomaru Sawagoe. Born from a medium class family (probably) from his father Jou and an unknown woman. He also had two sisters, Moegi (the older sister) and Asagi. At an unknown age, probably 10 or 12, Tomaru had sex with Moegi and got her pregnant of Kagura. Eight years later, Tomaru and Kagura (now at 4th grade) met by casuality. She was going home but it was snowing, so she was hitchhiking. He almost ran over her. When he saw her, he offered ride. Once she was in the car, he raped her.
Later he left her and disappeared again. Unknown to him, she got pregnant. She entered to work at her mother’s place: Snow Radish. Also there were is aunt Asagi, and her friends Arisu and Hatsuka, and Tomaru’s sister Tomoe. Eight months later of that encounter, Tomaru reappeared again, (Snow Radish game story) In that game, Tomaru screwed all girls, and all of them got pregnant. At the end, Kagura made Tomaru to stop wandering and take care of her daughter, and he agreed.
Then, Tomaru realized that he had some kind of “plot armor”: 1-the moment a girl looked him, immediately she fell in love with him. 2-the moment they had sex, that girl devoted herself to him. These rules vary in effect in each girl, but no girl can escape them. So he started screwed with other girls like there’s no tomorrow.
>M-maybe if I spam a animoo character, the mean elf lady will go away
Please, go on about how amazing and sexy your Tomaru is. I mean, he is entirely fictional. You realize this, yes? He doesnt exist. But yes, continue to worshipyour false idol. I'd much rather have sex with you, but if all you wish to do is claim how great your imaginary hero is, who am I to judge?
In a lapse of 16 years from snow radish vacation, Kagura gave birth to three daughters, Hajime, her first one, Mai Kiyoura and Rina Inou; Asagi gave birth to Yukari, Hatsuka gave birth to Shun, Toki and Kuu Hazama; Arisu gave birth to Rideru Takatsukasa; Tomoe gave birth to Tomomasa Sawagoe; Moegi gave birth to Youko Saionji, Ayumu and Moeka Inou. Also Hajime, Kagura’s first daughter, gave birth to other Tomaru’s daughter, Rio Inou, but Hajime died. Kagura was traumatized for that, but with Tomaru’s plot armor she remained loyal to him. He also had several children with married women; Kei, Touri, Wakaba, and probably more. His plot armor let him control all girls, and “stole” their money, (especially from Hatsuka, who had inherited a fortune) and combine it with his own inherited money, studied to become a doctor, while using his “girls” to bribe authorities and important people.
Meanwhile, Asagi took Ayumu, who was a child, and turned him into an animal-like beast who lusted for constant sex. She gave birth to two daughters, Sakura and Midori Nagawa, while she was married to another man.
Kagura went to rescue him, but ended raped by him. (though she returned him to normal).
16 years passed, and Summer Radish Vacation 1 starts.
i have a terrible truth to tell you, user
elf ladies are also entirely fictional. just because you're not animoo doesn't mean you're not weaboo.
See on inbreeding
>if I
Please give me two more (You)s.
Kagura, pregnant with Ayumu’s child is in charge of another Radish, Summer Radish. Youko, Mai, Wakaba also work there as waitress. (all of them Tomaru’s daughters) Tomaru, who goes from one of his girls to another to watch them, visits Hatsuka’s house, planning to stay a little. Shun, his son, that didn’t liked that, decides to get a part-time job to be away until he leaves. He meet Youko and end working with her. He and the girls stay in a near hotel, with Rio and Rina. A new girl, Natsuhi, appears. Againt Tomaru appears, and depend on what Shun do…
-Nothing. (probably Tomaru end with all the girls)
-go after Youko, Wakaba or Mai, but Tomaru rapes them, (rule 2) They declare to Shun that they love him, but can’t leave him.
-go after Kagura, but she still can’t let Tomaru, even when he pimped to a lot of men.
-ends with Kagura
-ends with Wakaba
-ends with Mai
-ends with Youko
-ends with Natsuhi
-ends with Kagura, Youko and Mai
Canon ending ends with Shun with Youko, Mai, Wakaba and Natsuhi, and Tomaru leaves with Kagura, Rio and Rina.
What's wrong? Cannot respond to Tomaru? Just admit you're a human with tiny traces of Elf, instead of an Elf. The pure Elves were long fucked to death by pic related
Yes, but in the context of this fictional arguement, having a bunch of people spam some assassine anime character at me is just annoying and boring. I don't care about some incestious dating sim game, and by having him become the center of this assanine arguement basically ruins any sort of fun. I was actually enjoying trying to come up with ways to turn the regular elf slave cliche into a villain, and countering arguements until he popped up. So, I guess were done now.
Shun gets all his girls pregnant, Youko gave birth to Sekai, Mai gave birth to Setsuna, Wakaba gave birth to Futaba and Kazuha, and Natsuhi to an unknown child. Meanwhile, one of Tomaru’s nurses gave birth to Makoto and later to Itaru.
Tomaru keeps busy making Kagura pregnant as fast as possible, she ended with another 13 childs, the main cast of Sister Princess, while Rio gaves birth to Risa.
Apparently, Rina died, the same way Hajime died years ago. Shun’s rule 1 effect stop working, and all his girls leave him.
8 years passed, and Ayumu reappears again, now an adult, in Large Ponpon. In this game he screws many girls, one of them is one of his half-sister, Touri, who is also married to another of his half-brothers, Tomomasa. All of the game’s girls end pregnant, many with many children. At the same time, another son of Tomaru, Kei, likes another girl, Midori, who in fact is his niece. Again Kei screws almost all the girls, but there’s no ending with Midori, she leaves to live with her father, who is Ayumu, and she ends up pregnant with him.
3 years passed, and Tomaru is now in charge of another Radish. In this game, Summer Radish vacation 2, one of his daughters, Rideru, is in love with Kuu, another of his sons, who is also working on Radish. She goes there for him, and Tomaru offers her job. There’s also another girl, Rin or Rinrin, from sister princess, and Tomaru and Risa’s Daughter, Rika.
The endings are:
Rideru ends with Kuu. Canon.
Rin ends with Kuu.
Rideru ends with Tomaru, and she ends with one of his children, while being pregnant with another, while being used as a fucktoy by him.
5 years passed, and Summer Days and School Days starts.
-Kagura died somewhere between her Radish games and Shiny Days
-Inori Ashikaga is Shun's unknown offspring with Natsuhi Ebata
-Hanon is Kazuha, and Futaba's older sister, still offspring of Shun, not mentioned yet in the pasta.
i don't understand the homoerotic fascination on display with another man's imagined reproductive success.
you really need a better role model than an animu rapist.
or a cuckold relationship.
yes the problem with that is that Veeky Forums is full of weebs, and weebs are uninspired. this particular weeb argument is especially weird. there's at least 2 people salivating like crazy over the thought of prepping their anime bull. wtf.
anyway, breeding out a race is IRL considered an act of genocide, and was historically done to some extent. it suits elves.
Looks like Tomaru has defeated the Elves. It's okay, it's no one has beaten the D yet, especially Tomaru's.
I mean, it was actually a fun until somebody decided to dump a whole wikipedia worth of info on dumb weeb dating about some weird incestious gary-stu.
oh the idea of sexual slavery as a non-violent method of conquest for a race that is highly physically desirable, long-lived, but slow to reproduce (and thus uniquely ill-suited to martial conquest, due to every casualty being exponentially worse for them) is interesting.
I don't think it works much as a cultural conspiracy, but as a natural consequence to long-term slavery, it works. real-life conquerors frequently mingled with the conquered, until the races more or less mixed.
>elf wank was fun
>calling gary-stu on supposed perfect elf race with perfect everything immune to everything bad perfectness
>>elf wank was fun
But human-wank is so much better?
i dunno what you were reading, man. yeah the user was getting in-character with "elf power rah rah rah", but the whole conspiracy was still "we're gonna get fucked a ton and have your babies, humans".
it's not really a victory that carries any pride with it. victory through the womb still means being just a womb.
in any case, simply by not being weeb animu bullshit it was better than the tomaru shit.
This desu
So not liking elf wank means he must like human wank? Huh. The more you know.
Yes, we get it, its a series of dating sims. Theres such a huge difference. Its not like you just posted a whole dam article about it.
Its not Elf wank if half the thread tries to counter, and the result is a actual conversation. All you did was just post a litreral gary-stu, and than continue to spam your character. Your no better than people who reguritate pic-related
when you go on a 400 post rant about the virtues of an anime rapist's relentless masculine potency, there are a few conclusions that can be drawn.
liking human wank is the most flattering of those conclusions. run with it, lest people wonder.