The visuals are amazing. The cityscape and the huge, vulgar procession gave me shivers. Really captures that Imperium feel.
New Lord Inquisitor Prologue
The lip syncing needs some work, though.
But they are a really small team, so one can't ask for too much, I guess
The face animations are really bad, and oftentimes it becomes clear how shoestring their budget really is, but overall it was pretty good.
That Holy Terra
That cityscape
That procession
Literally phoned in VA and bad lipsync aside, this is fucking fantastic
Cryengine+I think the original language is german
Cryengine looks impressive when everything is still
And they've got the heaviest Dreadnoughts in visual fiction yet!
I'd prefer english subs and german audio over shitty lipsync.
Why are the psychotic murder coffins allowed to be in a parade?
The guy who is making it was a former Crytek dev that worked extensively on the engine so his knowledge on it is near second to none most likely.
The German language and Warhammer, or at least the Imperium, just go so well together.
Because they are so of the oldest and most venerated of the chapter.
That and they were promised they'd get to sleep in next cycle if they behave. Don't want your dream of those Sororitas twins to be interrupted.
Isn't Gothic supposed to be fucked up Latin or something?
Yes it is.
But there's just something that feels right when playing Dawn of War in german. Or just listening to the unit quotes:
High gothic is.
Pretty much this, but I'd like to add:
>Holy Terra
Also Marcus is fucking cringeworthy. Literally The Lord Inquisitor: Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series (the bad one)
I just hope that he will be the snot-nosed, near-renegade acolyte that big bossman has to put in his place.
Or maybe they are going for the "Inquisitors are edgelord assholes" style, and I've just read too much Eisenhorn and Ravenor.
I feel like the marines and dreads should have polished armor, as this is a parade. Also, the birds they added don't look good. They are just silhouettes even when flying through the sunlight. A few other minor glitches, but this is more than GW has ever given us and this isn't even GW official.
Aside from that, looks good.
I remember when Veeky Forums streamed the Ultramarines movie when if first came out. Damn it was shitty.
Looking back at it now it was absolute dog shit.
Holy Terra should be like that, it's the underhive located miles upon miles underground that suck ass.
Are there any in French? I'm curious how angry french marines would sound like.
Wow - that was fucking terrible.
Visuals are excellent; but everything else? Ughh...
For starters - nothing happens. They haven't learned from Ultramarines - you cannot have a boring 40k movie, and this prologue/teaser is 10 minutes of deliberate and slow pans glorying in the (admittedly) nice visuals. But it does nothing. Just ten minutes of boring vidya game graphics with nothing going on. (Ooh, except the parade. Parade?! wtf? 40k movie, with dreds and marines, and they decide: "Hey! Let's not show a big battle! Let's put them on parade!! Nobody ever thought of that before.")
Nothing happens, except, of course, for the slight bit of character revelation for the inquisitor. Wew the edge! I assume this guy MUST be the villain - he HAS to be, given that the only thing we see in the prologue regarding 'plot' is the inquisitor gleefully torturing and murdering someone for no apparent reason. Seriously?
Tl;dr - looks nice, but boring as fuck and lookout for edge. Does not fill me with hope. At all.
We finally got a 40k movie.
>They haven't learned from Ultramarines
This is the result of one guy doing this in his spare time.
You realise that it's redubbed from german, right?
Didn't like the inquisitor, hoping the stormtrooper shows him how to get shit done.
Not him, but we already had a 40k movie, and it failed for reasons this one looks like it's going to replicate, but with added edge.
If we can't have good story and depth, we at least want good action. Fail at both, and what do we even have? Some really nice visuals. Something one might watch while they're really stoned.
>it failed for reasons
It failed because it had the same budget as the intro for DoW: Dark Crusade.
You don't need to have a high budget to make an interesting story.
And for that it is awesome - but for me, wanting a 40k film, it's boring as all fuck and sooo wannabe-edgy I cringe.
>watched 9 minutes
>knows the entire plot of the movie
Does Terra holds IG regiments?
Sadly, you throw money at these people and they blow it on sedate, ponderous visuals that serve no dramatic purpose save for being in and of themselves 'dramatic'.
Though, to be fair, buddy behind this is a vidya graphics guy, not a writer - so he can only really do his one thing well. And to be doubly fair, people don't pay money for good story: they pay for GEE-WHIZ-BOOOOM!!! THAT LOOKS AWESOME!!!!!!! I LUV THAT EDGY BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!
So, no good 40k film for the fans. Just for the plebs.
>watched 9 minute teaser/prologue
>a 'teaser' is designed to inspire hype for a film
>9 minutes of boring ass garbage and cringe
>hype? 0.0
user, if they fail at making an effective teaser (and let's be honest, random anons make super awesome fake trailers every week), then they are very likely gonna fail at making an entertaining final product.
It's called using your mind. Try it! You may like it.
You're exactly right, user. It would just be silly to watch a 9 minute trailer and expect to come away with some idea of what the trailer is gonna be about.
Let me guess, its not deep enough for you ? news flash buddy, 40K its not about anything deep
utter fucking garbage. like the marines the rest is shit
I've watched it a few times now. The first watch I really disliked it. I felt the visuals were off and in many ways they are. Characters in movement often feel janky. The marines are spot on though. I also felt that Markus seems like an edgy self insert type character. He needs to be put in his place somehow. I mean he's basically picking on this old defensless guy when they should have had him bust into a crimelord/chaosworshippers place and heroically get into a firefight where his armed man friend and assassin girl can show off their moves (but I guess the budget is too low). If they try and go for this anti-hero archeotype, which they probably will, then they need to show somehow that Markus is fighting for the common man, not just power tripping. This requires emotional inflection, which may come off as super corny due to the cry Engine limitations on believable facial expression. Either that or he needs to lose a limb and learn from it to become a more down to earth character, someone we can get behind. Right now I just feel like Markus is a spoiled brat, and gets off after killing people.
It's a trailer, user! It's not supposed to be deep - it's supposed to make me hype to see the film. After dragging my ass through that 9 minute slog of boredom, only to be rewarded by a tryhard edgy faggot torturing someone to death for a minute, you will forgive me for being a bit pissed off, and completely un-hyped.
The teaser failed its one and only job.
Being deep has nothing to do with it, kiddo - it fails.
But do tell us more about how much you love this shitty teaser - you might change my mind.
Not him, but this has already been said in the thread.
It either needs to have a good story, or it needs to have good action.
This appears to have neither.
if the guy was rich/powerful enough to get a home on the surface of holy terra its not unreasonable to think he can't afford to buy nice things.
Not that user, and I agree it unhyped me, but this wasn't a trailer. It was the first 8 minutes of the full movie.
Then why no bodyguards? Someone THAT elite living on Holy Terra, with NO protection???? Very weak plotting, dammit.
The only thing that really bothers me (aside from the obvious lip-syncing issues) is the fact that the Inquisitor's VA seems like a bad dub and like it doesn't fit his physical character at all.
Whatever about his mannerisms, I appreciate the fact that all Inquisitors are different and operate with their own varying levels of zeal, but just fix the VA. Phoned in as fuck.
It's better in German user. The English version is literally phoned in.
It's not a trailer, it's the prologue.
these were the main trailers/teasers for a while
Okay, then - if the first 9 minutes of a 40k movie doesn't get me hyped to see it, then the movie FAILS. If I am not interested after a ten minute investment, the movie FAILS. I'll attach a little something to this, only a couple minutes long - see if this produces more or less hype than the nine minute intro.
Pretty fucking baller if you ask me
Funnily enough everyone of my friends who ever played DoW prefers the english voices. Maybe it's just that for me as a native the voice actors sound really tryhard.
I'd watch a whole movie of nothing but that.
Literally came into the thread to post this correct opinion
I know, user - me too!
And yet here we wait...with nothing but slow pans and gratingly over-the-top soundtrack, shitty characterization, and no plot.
>German Commissar
>German Kasrikan
This thread takes me back to the times we spent arguing before the Ultramarines movie came out.
Great. Even more 40k crap.
When will the 40k plague on Veeky Forums end and all the 40k manchildren go away?
Seeing as how Warhammer 40k was the reason this board was created, probably never.
You wouldn't be here without us, now get fucked you ungrateful little twat.
as soon as you stop being a massive faggot.
so never.
Are Germans allowed to like 40k?
Soon GW kills it so i would give year or two.
>people bitching ITT
>meanwhile in their lives they've painted about ten models or joined a RPG session on IRC twice before dropping out
It's not perfect I agree, but it's one guy with a little help doing this in his spare time. It's the best depiction of 40k we've ever seen, outside of the shorter DoW videos.
Besides, the trailers are just teasers on a neat project anyway, when it's not a commercial endeavour there's no marketing types whose entire job is to cherry pick the best bits, put some brostep over it and sell merchandise.
I dont see why we cant
God, that was cringey as fuck. It's such a shame too because the visuals look great. The inquisitor also didn't look at all like I imagined a Lord Inquisitor would look like.
>When will the warhammer wednesday board stop being about warhammer
Never, fuck off back to whatever peasant board you came from.
What would Veeky Forums be without them, user? I think they are sickeningly widespread.
>yes, that is a pun
Would Kreigers speak german?
Wouldn't it make Merkel angry?
Anything in Italian?
He isn't the Lord Inquisitor. That's Coteaz, the guy on the rolling throne he sends the message to.
>Okay, then - if the first 9 minutes of a 40k movie doesn't get me hyped to see it, then the movie FAILS.
what the fuck kind of requirement is this shit? how bad is your ADHD that you can't watch more than 9 minutes of set up?
He's probably the kind of bloke I described in I agree, the dialogue doesn't seem befitting of an Inquisitor, even a young one, but hell, Veeky Forums is as bad as black people on Twitter for #ThatWasCringe
Could just be an uppity acolyte.
Why are these thralls on treadmills?
A movie is 80-120 minutes long, current year.
If you waste 10 minutes, that's a good 10% of your movie. Wasted. Right at the beginning, with no action, no plot, very minor characterization of only one character, and no incentive whatsoever to watch....why am I watching this garbage again????
I am curious: how long do you sit there until you realize that what you're watching is crap? And how long does it take you to move on to something else? You say 10 minutes is not enuf - how much is enuf? How much investment must we give this film before we're allowed to decide? Or do we actually have to sit through the entire craptastic flick and THEN decide? What do YOU do?
I wish I had that image of the slaves on one giant roller treadmill thing in a spaceship. It even had a guy or two whipping them.
the float has a 6-thrallpower engine
What is this limo anyways?
The inquisitorial pimp chair.
Holy Terra has been described as having "It's atmosphere a fog of pollution" with seas long-since boiled away but replaced by the Emperor after the Unification Wars (though not farfetched to say they got removed again for land after the Heresy). Terra should be a brown wasteland of at best.
Love it
Does anyone remember DAMNATUS? That shit was fucking baller.
Manpower is new Horsepower.
Karamazov is minimalist compared to baldie
It is rather hard to hit heretics with your sword with you are so high above them.
>user doesn't agree with my shit taste
>he must be a quitter
>besides, posters on Veeky Forums are WAAYY more cringey than that character
Not sure what you're trying to get at with your last point, user. You tha one sperging about 40k crap being good.
Christ. I take it you've never finished 2001 or No Country For Old Men then.
If the visuals of Terra didn't draw you in, that's your problem. It's not a commercial project, he's just sharing his love of 40k with the world.
It's "enough" by the way, unless you want to sound like you're speaking some Caribbean Creole
Was the assassin a death cult? It seems rather unfluffy that an inquisitor could employ a member of the FUCKING OFFICIO ASSASINORUM
Had to be a death cult, she didn't look like an official assassin
Young Germans get most of their giggles from doing things that'd make Merkel angry. The fifth Reich is just going to be a joke that went way to far
You can't express yourself with words so you call other people autists? Really a nu 40k fan.
Clearly a Death Cult Assassin, which are Inquisitorial rather than Officio Assassinorium
Probs a death cult, official assassin probably have more authority than regular inquisitors
>do I fit in yet?
Death cult. Even looks like one from one of the DH books.
She is probably Death Cult assassin and not part of the Officio. =][= tolerate these Cults to have cheap available masters of murder at hand.
No they don't, Inquisitors have free reign and can put entire worlds to the sword, individual Assassins are basically foot soldiers for their masters, given clear targets.
You clearly don't remember the beginning of 2001, kid. Try harder.
And I don't know how you pronounce enuf; but mine looks closer to the sound - yours is all "EE-NOOO-UU-GGG", and that's just jibber-jabber to me.