How would any of the factions is SupCom realistically fair in 40k?
How would any of the factions is SupCom realistically fair in 40k?
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Very well, at least on paper. Their ridiculous manufacturing and transportation (no warp necessary FTW) abilities, as well as technology base, would put the men of iron to shame. Beyond that it would be interesting to see such a powerful, but politically fragile (all three of them qualify in some way) encounter warp shenanigans. Everyone was top dog in warhammer 40k, and would still be in any other setting, until they encountered the grimdark (20k/30k humans, eldar, necrons krork, etc.)
please stop OP its like were on the playground arguing about how super man vs darth vader would fair
I don't remember those huge walker tanks.
Superman would fuck him up
I don't know, is the force magic?
But the lightsaber would just cut through him like normal.
Also, possible force shenanigans.
>Aeon experimentals
>Big bulker 4-legged walkers
Where are these from?
it's almost like it might be in the OP.
I guess you're too busy getting ready for the short bus to notice though.
I think its already been established that if they manage to control even 1 planet they will be able to wipe the floor with any 40k faction
It's not directly from Supreme Commander. Just some alternate design art or a mod.
Very well on the ground, but Supreme Commander would get its ass kicked on space. But the only stuff anybody has to stop them besides save possibly Daemons is exterminatus.
But no, it's cause by psychic microbes.
But yes, because that stupid shit about midi-chlorians is mostly ignored
Isn't that just stuff from SupCom 2?
Also, yeah, pretty much any of the SupCom factions could steamroll most of the 40K factions, at least in terms of conventional weaponry and logistics.
The most basic tank any faction builds is the size of a Baneblade, and they can piss out a hundred of them in ten minutes. Their units only get more absurdly gigantic from there - their largest mass-produced units are the size of Warlord Titans, and their largest non-factory-produced units are even bigger. If their initial base isn't bombed flat inside of an hour of them making planetfall, they will be able to out-produce, outnumber and outgun any other faction in play.
That's your window, Imperials: 2-3 hours. Any later, and you might as well just take off and slag the planet from orbit, because there's no way in hell you're holding back the tide of angry robots that will soon be upon you.
They would literally eat 40k. Those games are in real fucking time.
This is once again those "depends" threads, but lets give it a shot.
UEF would and Cybran would probably be accepted into Martian Coalition quite soon and easily.
Aeon, never as they actively drive forward Xenos cause.
Independently, they would become local power houses, easily manufacturing thousands of weapons of war, however as far as we've been shown, they lack major naval assets for space warfare, so that would limit them at first, before changes have been made and fleets starts pouring out.
Only Orks, Necrons and Tyranids would cause them true problems, through sheer massed man and firepower.
On the long run, Necrons would be only ones capable battling SupCom factions equally.
Better Tech but UEF/Cybran/Aeon has the fabricators pouring out units at such rate that Dynasties would most likely grind in to stalemate.
Supreme commander follows hard space rules. In that anything in space gets murdered by ground batteries larger than the whole ship.
Theyve got naval assets, they just dont use them because of telrportation and ground based antispace weaponry making space flight obsolete
>Isn't that just stuff from SupCom 2?
No, it's from a mod for SupCom 2 apparently.
Not a big fan of the designs in the mod, but at least they generally aren't as stupid as the Cybranosaurus Rex.
We really need a Supreme Commander 3 that follows the first game's art style.
Anyway, onto the topic. Supreme Commander is one of the few things that can actually beat Warhammer 40k but only in a ground battle (even the smallest unit in Supreme Commander is the size of a Warhound Titan).
I'm quite sure that there is literally no form of fleet combat in Supreme Commander as it's why they need the Commander unit to build ground forces and why all battles are on planets.
Another problem is that if the Commander dies, the entire army and buildings all die no matter how big it is which is also a serious weakness.
TL:DR-Supreme Commander dominate in ground (unless they lose the commander then it's Warhammer 40k) but get raped in space battles. Orbital bombardment would also win easily for Warhammer 40k as well.
Already addressed in game and in thread, space travel is weak vs antispace weapons.
Especially ones wrapping around the globe.
>Orbital bombardment would also win easily for Warhammer 40k as well.
I don't know, unless the Imperial Navy can respond within the day (or possibly within hours) they're gonna have to deal with shit like Mavor Batteries or dozens of nuke launchers all over the place. Not to say that Orbital bombardment isn't one of the better choices for the Imperium, but I don't think it would be necessarily easy.
SupCom wins.
It's poetic really. A setting all about 3d printing a ton of shit dumpsters GW.
SupCom techwise is best described as almost Total Annihilation but not quite that fucked yet. They're straight up converting any mass they can get their hands on into war machines and if they keep going they will eventually be in a similar situation where they're fighting over nothing because they're literally running out of galaxy.
Warhammers catch phrase about there only being war is taken much more literally in those games. War is the only winner if nothing breaks their fighting. They're mechanical tyranids who don't stop at BIOmass. But hey, you might get to enjoy having your mass be recycled for use in something awesome like a Fatboy or CZAR. That's a cool afterlife.
Here's the thing, though. Demonic possession, they rely on humans that aren't hardened to the grimdark. Any machines would not be able to counter the warp. Then there's the Nids, they would wreck their shit consuming everything on the planet instead of converting it into matter.
And let's not forget works, they would flock to this planet creating war and chaos and therefore the spawn of chaos.
They may survive but i no way would they destroy only 40K faction apart from the Tau.
I for one support 3D printing but thats there downfall. They can't 3D print warp, it just gives, orks, chaos, Nids and Necrons more fuel.
Some were a Core commander builds a metal extractor.
Just use cybrans. Grimdark hardened and containing antivuruses that can avast the shit out if corruptive influences.
They would literally eat nids and orks.
But user it's a Giant Dinosaur. a pitiful giant dinosaur
Point the faction at the irks, necrons and the tyrries when the main fleet arrives. Then destroy them with the massed fleets of humanity.. otmr try to, anyway
I don't remember any of these units. Is that a mod?
We need a SupCom 3 that follows the first game's design too. 2 sucked.
>even the smallest unit in Supreme Commander is the size of a Warhound Titan
Commanders are literally metals tyranids.
Only the warp stands a chance against them as they posses the machines and jam their radar. Everyone else get fucking levelled.
Doesn't Superman regularly fly through the sun? I don't see a lightsaber doing much to him.
Only Supreme Commander, Forged Alliance, and Forged Alliance Forever.
user is full of shit
What the fuck.
That's a pygmy, right?
oh it's a Knight Titan
The Core or The Arm would wreck 40K and SupCom at the same time as they fight each other.
And my favorite
>Tech 3 Aeon Siege unit has harvest and repair abilities
>Harbinger Heavy Assault unit therefore can repair each other and use dead enemy units to do it free of charge
>projects a shield, that when grouped in clusters, can continuously provide coverage while other unit's shield recharge
>twice the DPS per any other faction's Heavy Assault walker
No wonder the Aeon basically won the damn war
Everyone seems to be okay with the fact that army's strip entire subcontinents clear of mass along with mass extractors to fuel their army
Basically converting portions of the planet's mass for their war machine, which usually ends up lying in a graveyard after battles
Well, they pretty much recycle everything that remains, so you can suppose they can fix the battlefield once the battle is over.
If they become a big enough issue the Imperium could always just use one of their hidden superweapons to wipe out the sector or, barring that, just release one of the Men of Iron from captivity. In about twenty minutes half the supcom network will be at war with the other half. Based on what we've seen of their manufacturing capabilities and the lore (every world had a legion of titans; cities were mobile fortresses with world killing weapons, etc) the MoI weren't all that different. They'd be overjoyed to try to take over a supcom force. And while they're in the middle of a civil war the Imperium just sets a battle barge at ramming speed at .9c and takes out the planet they're on.
supposedly a UEF city circa 2700 or whenever
Idk famalanadingdong all SupCom units can self destruct
Oh, and a Baneblade WAS considered a light tank during the DAoT. The Imperium just no longer has those schematics, or else they can't make a lot of tech work without true AI. Right now most of the Imperum's tech runs on "computers" run by cultured brain cells.
Sure, but that only matters before they're subverted and a MoI only has to convert a single unit; the commander's suit. Even subverting any line unit might be devastating depending on how much data it holds. There's every possibility it won't work but this seems to be what Men of Iron are good at.
Commander suits are piloted by real people you monster! And they're not cheap
He's exaggerating but the smallest units are still pretty damn big, bigger than most of what the Imperium brings to the table.
OP, I have bad news for you...
Don't ACU's have some sort of anti psychic defense field?
I vaguely recall you had to beat up one guys ACU once so the princess could telepathically contact him.
Probably the same technology as a quantum gate inhibitor, just blocks all projection going in the same way it'd block a gate from working
Right, well there's Chaos told to sit down and shut the fuck up then.
>not just using the tyranids mass to make more tanks
Hell they might not even need tanks, they can break down trees in seconds with their beams so they probably work just fine on anything organic.
Sorry, cybrans already have that angle covered
Meanwhile the Seraphim...
Just shoot down the imperial ship and use superioe computing to fuck iron men. Ez.
Hell, Seraphim have supernukes
Then just convert them back.
are faggots who think they dindu nuffin'
Basically the space equivalent of
As if quantum space lacks fucking room or something and humans would somehow make it worse, despite heavy physics not working there
>solution: genocide all the humans
Yeah I hate 'em too, Cybran is the best. Dostya was the best.
That simply assumes MoI can even subvert said units in the first place. In all likelyhood, they couldn't directly communicate due to the sheer difference in programming languages or even fundamental hardware differences, let alone get hacked.
>congratulations on activation of black sun commander, you will find in compartment aged vodka bottle
Rip superior SupCom waifu, you won't be forgotten
People watch too much independence day
Aeon > all.
Also please, humans are a direct threat to all conscience life in the universe, perfect justification for genocide, it solves a lot of problems.
In less than one day even necrons are wiped out from the galaxy and reconverted in tanks already destroyed.
SupCom wins everything. The end.
I can imagine it now
>Be guardmen
>be deployed against some technologically advanced humans
>Cogboys threw a shitfit instead of talking, as usual
>Declared them hereteks
>Our job to unbunch their collective grease and oil stained panties
>transport lands
>expect heavy resistance out the gates like usual, in a fucking jungle of all places
>exit the transport with my ass clenched and head swiveling
>Notice something odd
>There's no fucking jungle, or even the blasted remains of one
>Not even some fortifications
>Hear the pilots start screaming like they're being murdered
>Turn around expecting some cloaked jerk offs
>Or at least something as big as a Baneblade
>See that it's fucking ABSORBING the transport through some kind of laser techno-grox shit
>Then I see the ship the size of a fucking Cobra class escort fly in
>It drops fifteen fucking knight sized walkers
>See fucking thousands more of the transports flying in
>MFW I realize how fucking boned we are
>MFW I see that same tank start building some kind of artillery piece the size of the fucking troopship I came here on
>MFW one of the walkers notices me
>MFW I'm fucking obliterated by a shell as big as I am
god i love total annihilation so much
>Hear that the enemy is deploying super-heavy class vehicles in large numbers
>Call for a mighty Titan Legion to combat this threat
>Not long after deployment they come in contact with enemy walkers
>Their design is strange and alien, with four legs and a long "neck" holding up a single weapon
>The two sides exchange fire, with a massive amount of energy and mass traveling through the air and scaring the surrounding landscape
>Though the foul heretical vehicles are powerful, they don't stand a chance against the righteous might of the assembled Imperial God-Machines
>Though damaged in the fire fight, the Titan Legion figures it eliminated the greatest of the enemy's war machines
>Galactic Colossus comes strolling over
>Titans are lifted off the ground like they are nothing and are pulled towards massive war machine
>Upon reaching the arms of the Colossus, the Titans are destroyed
>All the while, a fuck-huge laser obliterates the other Imperial vehicles
>Within a couple of minutes the Titan Legion is no more
This kind of stuff would make a Space Marine shit their pants in fear
So has there ever been a word of god on how psychics work in SuoCom? Or if there are any but Burke and the Seraphim who didn't get all choppy?
its just misunderstanding of science man.
Besides, TA just overpowers everything "psykers" can bring to the table
Rhiannon Burke floats infront of a cannon and literally facetanks it. The Seraphim are so empathic they can't bear to hurt someone. Hell, they even taught their destroyers, despite apparently having some sort of prophetic ability.
If the commander happens to land on a world not occupies by any faction (or he manages to survive for 30 minutes before any suitable response is mounted), he wins.
You want to know the only reason why commanders in SupCom don't go full dyson berserker? Because they're constantly trying to fight other commanders, don't have the time to scale up that much, and it would cause other commanders to go full dyson berserker as well, which would be an unacceptable escalation of force.
In 40k, there are no other commanders, the commander is free to convert entire planetoids into factories at his leisure.
As a supplement, here's a scale pic; try to find the human.
Let's also talk about the mech marine, the UEF T1 assault bot, which is the smallest unit in this image.
It is 4 to 5 times the size of an average man, has two autocannons, and here's the biggest kicker (which applies to pretty much all units); it carries no ammunition; rather it manufactures it internally from the energy transmitted wirelessly from its base; that entire gun housing is 100% gun, and maybe a small buffer for ammunition.
This goes for pretty much all weaponry as well; there are no supply lines that a commander needs to care about, beyond that of his transports moving new units up to the front line. As long as his powerplants are online, the guns of every single unit will not stop firing.
(whoops, someone already posted the pic here )
>tfw Ashes of the Singularity wasn't as good as it could have been
From what I remember, the Seraphim were so interconnected psychically that they couldn't harem each other because of the Way. So the Seraphim you encounter in the game are those that sever their connection to the way to kill. Now that I think about it, it's really similar to the Liir and the Black fleet in SOTS.
And the whole genocide all humans thing was something about only the Seraphim proper being able to ascend Stargate style. Burke may have beat them to it at the ending of Forged Alliance.
The genocide all humans thing was because all the warrior seraphim were locked away in quantum space but they knew that the regular Seraphim were all genocided BY humans.
This is a Aeon T3 engineer.
Jesus Christ
Snipped this from the game manual.
And it can reclaim damn near everything for more mass and energy.
So the warrior Seraphim weren't at all annoyed by the complete annihilation of their race, and it was just the fact they severed themselves from their racial hivemind but still held the beliefs of a now dead species that caused them to go all Pol Pot on mankind?
The mainline Seraphim are still in the Quantum Realm. The ones the Aeon meet are a group that left. My guess is that the mainline Seraphim think only they can ascend while the ones that taught the proto-Aeon though anyone could ascend through the Way.
The ones originally encountered by the earth Empire were a small group of exiles according to the manual.
The Seraphim race lives in the Quantum Realm, the Aeon encountered Seraphim they exiled into the Heavy Realm (the physical universe we live in where newtonian physics rules)
The Seraphim didn't wanna share their ultra l33t 'NO GIRLS ALLOWED' club house with hoomans and decided to nuke the entirety of Earth as an opening gesture
Also in campaign mode they're really smug as fuck, fucking faggots
Huh. TIL.
Why don't aeon just attach an engineering suit to a Colossus and use that and their standard Commander unit?
The thing in the back of which we can only see the leg is about the size of an Imperator Titan.
How much bigger than that does it get?
Tl;dr of the image is that without a receiving Quantum Gate, shit is expensive energy wise to teleport. So it's more efficient to send an ACU than any other unit.
>UEF Commander's hate it!
>Seraphim discover ability to fuck up their opponents lives with this ONE easy trick!
>click here to find out how you can induce buttrage and destroyed dreams in local commanders today, absolutely guaranteed!
The Galactic Colossus is the one of the biggest walking units in game. I want to say the Seraphim T4 Assault bot is the biggest.