Seeking a armor that fits this helmet.
Seeking a armor that fits this helmet
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[Not a LARPfag, you should probably post this in a LARP thread or dedicated armor forum]
Reverse image search says it's a modified version of a "barbuta" or "barbute" style helmet.
This should help you find the sort of armor that would be worn with it, or at least help to inform whoever else you ask to help.
First thing, nothing. That helmet is a mythical invention of which there is zero evidence for its kind existing. A meme fantasy helm.
However the thing the visor is violating with its ahistorical presence is a barbute, which would go with late 15th century armor.
Dawnguard armor from the skyrim dlc
I've seen this design before in artwork, I think dating between 1390-1420s? Might have been in the Hussite wars stuff, been a few years since I was researching that era. Anyway It's a development off of the bassinet, not the barbute, and I think around the same timeframe as the pig-faced bassinet.
So you're probably looking at the late end of transitional plate&mail/early full plate armour, before the well known gothic/milanese styles.
this guy is right, not this is a pic from this manuscript:
Manuscript: BL Yates Thompson 13 The Taymouth Hours
Folio: 014r
Dating: 1325-1350
From: London, South East, England
Holding Institution: British Library
>huge eyeholes
>breath holes on the left, none on the right
Jesus wept.
another example
Manuscript: Bodley 264 Romance of Alexander
Folio: 107r
Dating: 1338-1344
From: England (exact location unknown)
Holding Institution: Bodleian Library
Ack, out by nearly a century. I need to brush up on my armours.
yeah that's the main issue with the reproduction in the OP, you should have the oculars be in an embossed or raised area so that wayward strikes will be redirected around them instead of getting caught in them, like this
i actually thought they were from the era you mentioned until i just looked it up now. it seems like they actually preceded the hounskull/pigface, and the conical beak of the hounskull was a design to make them further resistant to direct lance strikes to the face
anyway getting back to the op question, i'd go with something like this
>not having the helmet be the full suit of armor
Yeah, I'd say l13th to 14th century western holy roman empire mix between norman duckbill faceplates and western "roman" fullhelms with faceplates (that are either very flat or with a sticking out "beaky" basket on the face faceplate).
So yeah, chainmail should make up the bulk of the rest of the armor, with cloth banners and standards over those to identify you on the battlefield.
Is this a meme?
chainmail and a surcoat with christian imagery
Necrocrapaces are always hwat.
Are you retarded?
That's not a visored barbute you fuckwit, that's a great helm with a visor/bascinet. Those are completely different helms, which you would know if you actually bothered to look at the year it was made, as barbutes didn't exist yet.
Seriously do you even fucking armor? These are all visored great helms. OP's pic is a visored barbute based off false Victorian recreations. Learn 2 Armor.
No, they're bascinets.
I don't know where this idea of this kind of helmet being a barbuta came from.
In addition, without the fuck-stupid mythical barbute visor, this is the type of armor that you would see with it. Depending on status/wealth it goes well with anything from a full suit of plate armor to corazzinas to padded. It was a common helm created by Italy in the 15th century.
Because it's fucking sold as "Visored Barbuta" by Dark Armory. There is ZERO historical evidence for that exact visor type existing, especially with large rectangular holes cut like that. It's fantasy shit invented by the modern day, owing homage to victorian inventions of mythical visored barbutes because they thought it looked better. Additionally that's definitely not a bascinet. That cranial ridge, rectangular jaw structure, and lack of bolts/stitching to attach an aventail and liner to is typical of barbutes.
Wait, so is that actually a visored barbuta? Because that's a historical example of a fifteenth century Italian one.
I assumed it was a bascinet because of the caption in the image itself, but downloaded it with the filename. I assumed the filename was wrong but never bothered to change it.
Sorta. It's a barbute, but the visor was slapped on in the 19th century to make it look purtier. Fucking victorians.
Wait really? The aging looks identical though.
Are there more examples of this happening?
Well the most infamous thing they've done is paint scrubbing. It's possible a lot of plate armor was highly decorated in paint, especially sallets. But Victorians believed that shiny armor looked better, so they'd scrub off the paint and wax the armor to make the steel sparkly.
And yes, they did aging to. Victorians loved making reproductions (especially flails), and IIRC they had means even back then to age steel (which shouldn't be that hard, nonstainless gets fucked up if you don't take care of it). They'd also mistakenly put different pieces together to complete a suit (slapping a barbute on a gothic set with a bevor), and spread myths too. The idea of the middle ages being a 'Dark Age' of stupidity and technological regression comes from Victorian historical revisionism.
Mail+plate is pretty good
This guy was hired to create the cosplay for this armour used in For Honor for E3.
don't you mean exoskeleton
Fuck that noise, nobody should ever wear foam armor. Just go out and find a smith to shape the metal, or just beat cold steel yourself.
Fucking lazy cunts.
Dammit Carlos