Welcome to Worm, where everything gets worse all the time.
For the original story, Worm:
For the game built by the author, Weaver Dice:
for a better version of the OP:
right here in this thread, I hope
Weaver Dice/Worm General
all that discussion in the last thread and calling it a "shadow general" and then nothing here
man you guys are flip-flops on this stuff
Link to previous thread?
Also I like Worm's grimdarkness. It's almost as bad as our world at times. It's refreshing in a genre usually made from a place of ignorance privilege and naivete.
last thread: knew I forgot something
I suspect it Spikes pretty hard on occasion.
anyone here follow the Capes of Rain City quest?
it's set in the universe and "feels" like reading worm, at least for now...hopefully Jim won't let it get too out of hand...
When does his hiatus end?
I even got a drawfriend to do up this for art...
they overdid the "heart drawn in blood" on the visor, and they under-drew the eyes...but a beggar shouldn't chose so there is that to deal with...
on their own which capes would contribute to a gothic horror setting?
so far on my list I have Nilbog, Breed, Grue, Bonesaw, and Skitter.
no tech-tinkers...
Night and Fog seem to fit the bill, same for a hypothetical Panacea that doesn't mind doing to people what she did to Glory Girl.
fun fact: Night and Fogs names in german are "Nacht und Nebel" which is an idiom that can be compared to the english idiom "cloak and dagger".
>fun fact
hmmm, thats pretty neat actually...
Id have to figure out how a trio of early industrial characters would fight them...or figure a weakness that could be exploited...
Panacea is God. Damn. Terrifying if she uses her power to destroy rather than heal.
What hiatus?
Twig is being updated on a regular basis.
for real though....worm 2 starts after twig ends[/spoilers]
agreed, hands down, no dispute.
there's a quest set in the Worm-verse
the QM is on hiatus
>she mindfucked Glory Girl to love her in something altogether different from a sisterly fashion
>she could potentially reprogram people entirely, or just make them go splat
You're a Tinker who can build anything
what do you build first?
what any tinker builds first...
a workshop
If you were running a campaign would you hope your players choose heroes,villains or rogues? I think villains would be more fun to play for players but being heroes could also be fun especially if the Gm is alright.
Something to protect my self, maybe a armoured suit ? Or do a blasto and try and make endbringers-lite
rogue is what I'd prefer to play.
leaning towards Light villiany but flip-flopping all the way across.
and if I were running I'd prefer villany out of players, means they have more they have to worry over
A waifu
It would be neat to try and do something like having the players be Robin Hoodesque figures. Stealing from other criminals or legal sources that have done wrong.
you ever watch Leverage?
like that but with capes.
like in CoRC I kept insisting we find a meth or cocaine dealer to steal from.
catch them off-guard, and steal all their cash and weapons. and leave them tied to a rocking chair on their porch for the cops to find.
leave the product behind for the cops to find.
Nah never heard of it mate, what is it?
But yea shit like that would be cool as, plenty of options for roleplaying and interesting story options and even interactions with other capes.
it's a TV show on the TNT network.
a group of differently skilled individuals take on a different power each episode. a corrupt military contractor, or a big corporation. the villians always are the economically big guy and they all start by shitting on some little person, drug company killed people and covered it up? BAM villian of the week.
the 5 main characters are the 5 archetypal villians, The Hitter master of violence, The Hacker who bends machines to his will, The Grifter who can sell you dirt priced like a human soul, The Thief who passes like smoke through physical security, and The Mastermind who takes these disparate 4 and wields them as his weapons against the rich and powerful treading upon the backs of the little man.
it's complete at 5 seasons, and I've heard of a few people who put it on the required watch list for Shadowrun players.
it's a no-magic, modern setting show.
An all hero campaign would be easier for the GM especially if they decide to go official and join the Protectorate. They don't really have much freedom except wait around for crime to happen but if the resulting criminal encounters are fun enough I could definitely see it work out alright. (Also I kind of want to play a game where dealing with pesky bureaucracy is an actual factor.)
Not the person you were responding to but what is CoRC? Or did you mean CoC as in Call of Cthulhu?
>what is CoRC?
Capes of Rain City
it's a quest set in the Worm universe on the west coast near the border with canada.
main character is a thinker 4 or 5, breaker 3-4.
friends with a tinker 5 and a blaster/breaker 3
That sounds pretty cool if not a little cheesy, will have to give it a looksie.
Well instead of downtime you could have the players doing other things like scoping out a villians lair or maybe search and rescue stuff.
>will have to give it a looksie.
all seasons on Netflix.
try really hard not to fall in love with Parker
you will fail, not even women can resist her
Probs not on straya lands Netflix, it's shit here.
What are the mc's from that worm quests powers ? I've been meaning to start reading some quests again.
thinker powers, can detect weaknesses if given time to observe.
martial mastery to include thrown weapons(no firearms or projectile weapons tests as yet)
when combined the thinker powers allow us at maximum "the ability at full potential to deliver a blow that could break a battleship"
first season is the first 10 quests, of essentially getting to know our powers and doing street level stuff...
>Probs not on straya lands Netflix, it's shit here.
go look, it may be there.
basically every episode is a mini heist movie
That sounds really cool, sounds kinda like karnak from marvel comics with the weakness power thing.
Say your playing a campaign and your team is fighting some kind of threat and in the chaos another person triggers and their shard budded off yours, what would you do as a player?
freak out because of the sight of a trigger event.
make a note of them, possibly follow them home.
"join me, we have a good theme"
What if they decided to go a different route to you and become a hero if you're a villa not a villain if you're a hero. Could be a cool way to get a nemesis
in the Worm verse if you know eacother's non-cape face and you stand on opposite sides of the law, there are unspoken agreements that you don't confront eachother...or that you emphatically do not share that info, and never take a step towards each-others families or friends...
it's how that world hasn't torn itself apart to a greater or lesser extent...
I don't really remember but was it ever said that different people can't get the same power? If shards just generally look at all available information at the moment of the trigger and then pick a power based on that couldn't it happen that somewhere sometime different shards randomly came to the same conclusion?
>they've got a knock-off Mystic Eyes of Death Perception
It's not exactly spelled out, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't have the exact same power. Each of the shards has its own usage by the Entity and would take different approaches to the same problem.
One pyrokinetic might shunt in fire from another dimension, another might be using ambient heat that they absorb into a reservoir, and a third just increases the thermal energy of things they look at, all with different ancillary powers.
If two people have the same power in your game you're probably doing something wrong, unless they shared a trigger or something.
He looks like an escapee from Daft Punk.
More Tinkers.
Personality and other factors come into it as well so it's pretty unlikely that people will have similar powers.even with the pyrokinetic example, they are more likely to have different "gimmicks" so one would be a striker whereas one could be a blaster and the other a changer/breaker.
only response to the draw request I got...
Why exactly were trigger events not common knowledge? You'd think that people would be at least a little interested in where powers come from. Did everyone who never cared to find out just assume that people just get them at some point in life?
They are, they even have classes on them at uni's that shit is on the internet. Taylor is just extraordinarily ignorant, and wildbow needed Tattletale to be his exposition machine.
Would it be autistic to post some powers or trigger event scenarios here?
Sometimes I get jealous of reddit having all of the fun.
Nah dude go ham, especially coz the threads kinda deadish. What Ye got famalam?
Go ahead. I really like making a trigger event scenario, life situation and personality of the parahuman, and then tailoring the power to that.
It's good fun aye, nice writing practice as well.
It's also how powers work, adapting a core concept or function of the Entities to any possible implementation based on the host.
Well I guess I have a question on one trigger event.
Imagine a high school American football star was on the rise to becoming an all star player, scouted by every college for his incredible skill on the field. Off the field he gets away with everything since everyone knows who this guy is. Next big game is coming up against their school's rival. They also have a rising star just as famous as this rising player, except he's an all-around decent guy. The game plays out, douchebag's team is losing, everyone is going quiet. Coach pulls douchebag aside telling him to rip the rival star player a new one. The douchebag does so, laying him out more than necessary. Then the rival gets up, is about to say something, then falls forwards dead. (Can the trigger happen here.)
Could athletes be under witness protection under these circumstances of would they need something more to try and change their lives? I think I had a bit of backstory where he was forced to move that year becoming an reclusive, solemn giant of Junior classman in a new school.
>The douchebag does so, laying him out more than necessary. Then the rival gets up, is about to say something, then falls forwards dead. (Can the trigger happen here.)
>Could athletes be under witness protection under these circumstances of would they need something more to try and change their lives? I think I had a bit of backstory where he was forced to move that year becoming an reclusive, solemn giant of Junior classman in a new school.
Sounds like he killed the rival. That's prison time, not witness protection.
And anyway, after that kind of debacle, his reputation is ruined and the place brings back bad memories, so he would move away anyway, witness protection or not.
I'd be left wondering how exactly the other dude died from a hard tackle.
American Football seriously fucks people up, even with the protection they are wearing. Retired NFL players have a ridiculous rate of brain injuries that only get diagnosed later on. Not hard to think that someone could get seriously fucked up if the opponent is actively trying to hurt him.
>That's prison time, not witness protection.
No trial? I kept thinking that his folks had a great lawyer under their belt to defend his case, somehow proving this murder was due to the rival's faulty equipment and what have you.
Coach basically gave the kill order. Some how, someway, this guy purposefully meant to wring this guy up through his neck and collarbone or something spinal while landing.
If it's major enough to him he can trigger enough, but for that to happen he would probably have to realise he just fucked his life completely. I could see a chamber power especially if he was thinking at the time "my football career is over and everything I am is footbal" cue trigger there
*changer power
Changer power? Would this be a case of social identity or a Thinker power of stuff going wrong fast?
I say changer because they involve the perceptions of ones self or how others will view them and something related to that and the others beside maybe stranger/ rare thinker don't really fit.
There was a list of what events were likely to cause what powers on the rpg game doc I think, thinker powers were usually from emotional turmoil. Tinker's usually from long standing hard to solve problems. Blaster from being attacked by one obvious enemy. Shaker from the surrounding environment in general being dangerous in some way.
Yea in the weaversdice rule book it gives the situations in which people trigger into various categories.
It's honestly a mixed bag of Changer,Thinker, and Mover depending on how he sees the situation. Some others as well.
>Mover - the power moves the cape. Flight, speed, teleportation, etc.
Mover triggers are provoked by a drive to escape, flee, run.
>Shaker - Area of effect powers.
Shakers are generated from environmental danger or ambient danger.
>Brute - Enhanced strength, durability; armor, muscle, personal forcefields.
Brutes are created from experiences of physical damage or pain.
>Blaster - Powers that provide a ranged attack.
Blasters come about from hostile others, approaching or attacking from a distance.
>Breaker - Altered state, oft toggled, granting powers or altered interaction with reality.
Breakers come from abstract stressors. Blend or ambiguous re: mental or physical lines.
>Master - Creates minions or has a means of compelling others to take certain actions.
Masters come about from isolation, alienation, exile, or betrayal.
>Tinker - Building alien or advanced technology.
Tinkers arise from solutionless problems over long periods, culminating in crisis moment.
Thinker - Advanced perception, knowledge, data-collection, or skills.
Thinkers manifest from emotional or mental strain, reaching a crisis point in a short time.
>Striker - Touch based and melee effects. Typically weapon’s or arm’s reach limited.
Strikers result from immediate, in-your-face threat, usually a singular object or individual.
>Changer - Shapeshifting and alteration of one’s physical form.
Changers arise from identity/body image issues, or conflict of role vs. social expectations.
>Trump - Powers that involve powers: picking from, add, remove, complicate, compound.
Trumps have capes directly or indirectly involved in their trigger. Rare.
>Stranger - Powers specializing in infiltration, distraction, subtlety.
Strangers gain powers from unwanted attention or social/collective pressure.
I wasn't too far off but yea there could be some cool powers to come out of that especially with mixed ratings.
Going off of 's quote, "my football career is over and everything I am is footbal" sounds like the more sound thought process for this guy.
Thinker and Changer are the top 2 classifications for him but only one can be a main classification. I'm still leaning on Thinker since it's more self-centered than Changer.
Any Thinker/Changer powers guys?
gonna steal a "power" from Kingkiller:
The power to do subconcious thought processes consciously
Supermath, pretty much, able to find the trajectory of just about anything instantly and be in the right place to catch it or dodge it.
Theoretically you could predict trajectories of bullets and dodge them.
I'm both of those guys and I reckon something along the lines of changes depending on people's perceptions. So maybe like he is as strong and tough as people think he is. Or maybe he changes gradually to become what others fear or appear to be their worst nightmare.the bigger you are the more intelligence you have, the smaller you are the smarter.
So he realizes his only purpose in life is taken from him and regrets following the orders from his coach.
He gains the precognitive power of seeing the exact result of an action if he genuinly tries his best to accomplish it, but this power only activates if someone else is ordering him to do the task.
Possible application: "Take these two backup heroes with you and try to arrest every criminal in that house" "Not going to work we get overpowered 3 rooms in" "alright, take these other two heroes and arrest everyone in that house"
Rinse and repeat until they got the winning combination.
Sadly couldn't think of anything changer related.
Maybe a combination of these two with a focus on "goals". The Thinker power of for understanding the barebones of a mission, then the Changer power of to stop one on one nuisances in the way. A swiss-army knife that's also a crystal ball.
>Receives his mission
>Figures out the best solution
>Gradually changes as best as he can for the situation
Very Noice my dude, solid power and lots to work with.
I'm thinking this guy's name should be Contingency or Fallback depending on how serious he becomes and who he works with.
I really like it, but gotta be careful that the Thinker aspect doesn't turn into path to victory with a stepping stone, needs a definite limitation. Otherwise someone can just order him to create world peace and I don't even want to imagine what he turns into to accomplish that.
Sounds pretty sweet, he could even use both and have one be a code for endbringer and s level threats.
Maybe it could be limited to things immediately at threat to him or in the close future.
It has to be on scale to the situation ahead of him. World peace situations are left to Accord. If he pushes himself and tries to get an answer that's impossible, he'll end up with nothing but an anyerusm.
>first night out in costume
>robbery in progress
>he just stands by the sidelines as victim and robbers are confused at his inaction
>only can jump in after the victim screams "help me already you idiot"
>makes his name Help Me!
>his slogan is SAY MY NAME
>starts learning all kinds of languages after run-ins with foreign tourists and a deaf girl that only knew ASL
>some nemesis he gets along the way tries to defeat him by having people hurt near him who only speak increasingly obscure languages
>he second triggers after doing nothing during an assault of a jungle tribe elder that never made contact with the outside world as the rest of the tribe was shouting angry gibberish at him
Oh shit.
Does he get Thinker powers that just ASSUMES the worse case scenario for anyone in danger?
Oh man. This reminds me, there was a dude in Weaver Dice Cleveland, Invictus. He was a Thinker who basically had something approaching Cherish's powers.
Then he second-triggered, and his new ability was to 'forbid' actions. He could give commands that would stop you from doing anything, and he escaped from being held captive by shouting at his captor "DON'T MOVE. DON'T BREATHE."
Guess how long he had to enjoy the new power? About ten minutes. Shortly after he escaped, he was chased down and crushed by a constricting force-field. He used a broken bottle to slice open his throat to go out on his 'own terms'.
I've never read any of the game docs but why does every single story about it I see on here ende with the PC being murdered?
Weaver Dice sessions are usually one-on-one, and they're very murderous. Also, it's generally rare to get a Brute power, so the PCs are extremely fragile. You can quite easily get punched or kicked or shot to death when fighting multiple mundane opponents.
When it comes to cape fights, it can be dueling with poisoned stilettos. A lucky hit can really fuck you up, and there's no real 'god stat' that is useful for everything. (Having 2 Guts is a giant liability in combat.)
It's generally easier to mention the Weaver Dice games that DON'T end with horrible death. A recent game I've seen had the player survive by NOT using his power, keeping a low profile, and running like hell once he got the chance. His goal was to escape, and he barely managed to pick up some money along the way.
I mean of course researchers and actual parahumans know about triggers but I while reading I got this feeling that the average Joe still doesn't know about them. Taylor for one didn't and in that scene where Weaver was talking to the kids about how drugs are cool she had to explain trigger events to them too, granted they were just kids but on the other hand easily impressionable children also seem like the type who would research how to get superpowers.
Funny how Night and Fog seem more interested in following Purity than E88 as a whole.
You'd think Nazis would be interested in preserving the humanity of their agents but it seems Gesselschaft is fine with mindrape.
well, thinking you'll trigger makes it impossible, and you can't think about triggering if you don't know about triggers. Cauldron secretly controls everything, and has a vested interest in making more capes exist.
Contessa probably keeps them out of the public eye somehow.
but people who would trigger in those situations probably aren't thinking of Triggering, they're thinking "holy fuck end my existence right now"
tell us more about games that don't end in everything dying, even if everything gets worse
How long would Weaver Dice games last if you start bringing in Class S? Say, S9, Nilbog or girls being gay because there are literally no males around.
>girls being gay because there are literally no males around.
Is this supposed to be Panacea after deciding the best way to get her sister is to KILL ALL MEN via plague?
>Panacea finally has A Bad Day and goes genocidal
She'd be a worse Nilbog, easily.
Maybe he can only plan ahead a certain length of time. Like the length of a football game.
damn skippy.
Holy shit, have you guys read the suggestions for trigger events?
>You were slow to develop, eagerly anticipating your first pubic hairs and growth spurt at sixteen. Inches shorter than your classmates, unable to find your date because you looked like a fifth grader, you finally managed to convince your parents that you needed hormones to jump start your progress down that road. Before that appointment could arrive, however, you were hit by a car. Everything went dark, and you felt as though an immensely long time passed. When you woke, you instinictively knew it was from a coma, that things were horribly wrong, and... yet you felt a surge of hope. Time had passed, you had, in an ironic, twisted way, had a chance to grow up instantaneously, from your perspective. What they ended up telling you, however, was horrifying and confusing, almost incomprehensible. You lost half of your brain in the accident. You were vegetative, barely responsive, with the mental and motor functions of a one year old. Unwilling to end your life, and fearing that you would become too difficult to care for as you hit puberty, they pushed for the Ashley treatment, sometimes known as the Pillow Angel treatment. Sex characteristics pruned away, the hormones you ended up getting were intended to inhibit your growth, and to fuse your growth plates. You were referred to as Peter Pan in the local newspaper articles. But somehow, wires reconnected, your brain adapted, and you managed a recovery, with full mental function. A late bloomer now slated to be a child forever, and given the damage from your accident and convalescence, you're not an overly attractive one.
If Tattletale is forced to spend a day with her then she's a S-class threat easily.
90 minutes plus stoppage. Those plans better be Simurgh-tier tight or it'll be rather underwhelming.
Or the plans are never a 100% success unless they're baby-mode easy, due to the fact that he changes for whatever is necessary.
>instant permaloli
"You failed your kid. The divorce, and the fact that you didn't see your child for two years, between the divorce and multiple marriages on your end and your ex's. Long story short, it was a nightmare, and the kid got shuttled around too much; they didn't even recognize you as they were unceremoniously dropped off. As you finished up the night's work, you could hear them sobbing in the other room. You promised yourself you'd go and console them after you finished the email... but something happened. A crack, a shudder, and they were standing in the door of your room with glowing eyes, whispering, ""I don't want to be a child anymore."" The next thing you knew, you were standing in the doorway, less than half your usual size, staring at yourself. They took over your body, giving you theirs. You were the child now, your life being dictated by a two hundred and twenty pound seven year old with adult hormones and medieval ideas of punishment, holding you underwater until you pass out or spanking you bloody if you so much as try to cook food for yourself instead of eating the burned shit they keep giving you. You thought they would be unable to deal, lose their job, beg for help, and you would have a window to find an answer or slip away, but they somehow find their way, building up a support network of others with shitty impulse control and childish attitudes, who give them drugs and a place to live for free. You trigger as your drug-addled seven year old talks loudly and drunkenly to the room about how to punish you for being a bad child."
I like this. This is the kind of stuff required to trigger. Not "one bad day".
there were several threads about trigger events...
here, have them