So im playing Pathfinder and my party ran into some sick people strapped to a scarecrow post. We know what ghoul disease is.
The chaotic good ranger in my party kills it even though my lawful neutral cleric says we should just bring them back to town and have them cured
What am i supposed to do? This is murder to my PC, how am I supposed to RP this without completely turning against my party for this clear murder.
It's a disease that can be cured, and yet they just dont care.
Henry Jackson
Refuse to heal them when after the next fight that drops them low in health. Then club their face in as they're dying.
Remember to finish off with "Psh, nothing personal kid."
Samuel Sanders
Honestly i figured ill refuse to heal them next time they need it, but I feel like it would cause friction out of the game.
Jaxson Gonzalez
>take diseased to town >get them cured >before they got cured the disease spread >dozens of new cases a day >town's only cleric high enough level to cure disease can't keep up >is used to repeatedly cure mayor/sheriff/self/etc >sick peasants mad that higher ups horde all the healing >class war starts
Jace Bailey
That's what we call sarcasm here mate.
What you should do is bring it up both in and out of character. Pray for guidance also. If none of those resolve the problem, call up a paladin group and go a paddalin'.
Carter Torres
If they are restrained its not an issue. its not that kind of issue. my cleric personally has 3 casts of cures and could easily cure any fringe cases of infection.
Eli Gray
Report ranger to authorities. He will be given court hearing where he can explain his motives. Should the jury find him guilty, he will be punished accordingly.
Jaxon Flores
>Chaotic Good >Eh just kill them >GOOD
nah bruh
Also what god are you a Cleric of? Because if its one that isn't a total dickbag it would almost be an obligation to help these people. Fuck the ranger and his edginess. You have the Lords work to do.
Cooper Ortiz
Who do you worship? What would they want you to do?
Jason Gomez
Truly not sure what he would think. It's very clearly murder which is not very lawful. He is an evil god, but its not really a "Go out and kill everything" kind of god.
If anything reporting the ranger to the authorities would be the best course of action.
Caleb Ramirez
If you worship Asmodeus, then the ranger did the right thing. They were weak and would have been a hinderance to those stronger.
Aiden Anderson
Its not lawful any way you look at it.
The strong are in the right to manipulate and abuse the weak, but only as the law can be twisted for its advantage. As far as im aware there is no law stating you have a free license to murder sick people.
William Thomas
Heal the sick then charge them a fee afterwards then
Cameron Hill
Where did the murder take place? Are you legally obliged to report murder in that country?
My understanding is that Asmodeus requires you to follow local laws, not necessarily to enforce them yourself.
Jose Rogers
Its within sandpoints jurisdiction that much the DM has told me previously.
I feel like its not right to see blatant crime and just be okay with it. If im wrong then so be it.
Jason Lee
Now that I think about it though, I should be against the murder, but actually saving them wouldn't really be something I should even do.
But im still pretty sure murder is a no go.
Jonathan Ward
Then call it eutanasia? Or claim that there is no crime because there are no witnesses (obviously neither you nor your party have seen the perpetrators).
I don't see why Asmodeus would support somebody who reports criminal for no gain whatsoever. That's something you could lose your cleric powers for.
Ryan Garcia
maybe I dont understand the purpose of a lawful alignment or the purpose of laws. I was under the impression that I preferred things being completely controlled by a higher power, and that letting people take things into their own hands was a no go. I'll consider it.
Matthew Phillips
Then just leave them because they are not your problem.
Its the ranger who should be trying to save them anyway if he at all wants to hold on to his Good status
Hudson Evans
>cast cure on people >disease still lingers on their skin, in their clothes, on the scarecrows, in the fields >problem still exists LOLmagic doesn't fix things as well as you'd think
Jordan Watson
Ghoul disease is a curable disease transmitted by the bite of a ghoul, its not like everything they touch turns to fucking undead.
Sebastian Flores
diptheria is a curable disease transmitted by the bite of a bacteria. it's not like everything they touch dies
Hudson Barnes
Brilliant reasoning.
Aaron Gonzalez
I'm not sure microbial disease even exists in D&D. Disease is more like a state of being which is cured by magic, rather than separate organisms.
Julian Martinez
Depending on your character's worldview it's something you can be relatively angry about, but it's not something worth causing a party conflict for. It probably would've been best to just leave them alone. Yell at them and try to convince them to become more lawful. Reporting them sounds like a stupid and strange idea as a follower of Asmodeus.
And finally, your party is supposed to be your friends. Or at least valuable partners. Even Paladins would be reluctant about reporting their friends to authorities and try to e.g. try to personally punish and lecture them instead.
Leo James
After consideration you should either leave them for dead or heal them. Killing them would be murder, which is illegal.
The ranger killing them is also murder and you would be an accessory to said murder.
Safest thing really is to just walk away.
Or wait for them to turn and then kill them
Austin Richardson
UNLESS your character is that kind of stick-up-ass guy who would immediately report his friends. Because in that case you should quickly rewrite your character's personality because otherwise playing such a character in a cooperative party game makes you a huge dick and you shouldn't do it.
Charles Rodriguez
Pfft, the first three parts of that adventure path are so deep into edgelord territory it isn't even funny. (Seriously, even the cute goblin shit that starts it involves a dude getting his face gnawed off.) Just accept that for a while the world is shit; once the cannibal redneck ogres are in the rearview mirror, things will get better and you can act like your choices matter.
Hunter Hill
Go to bed John Wick
Jose Myers
>ghoul's disease >takin it this seriously Man you must run a lot of campaigns, its about having fun. Not analyzing the fucking virology of a goddamn disease written in fiction.
That's like saying vamparism spreads through contact...
Anthony Hughes
I remember my enchanter sorcerer accidentally killed a lot of innocents and the party paladin wasn't too happy about that so he reported me to the law. Used dominate person on him and sent him off on a quest for a magic turnip for few days while I left town. Rolled new character and the party gets along fine now.
Cooper Ross
>>ghoul's disease could be leprosy
Kevin Scott
only if 90% of people are immune to ghoul disease
David Gomez
Talk to them OOC. If this is considered completely fine by the players, and if they don't want conflict between party members, think about how big of a deal this is to your character. PCs aren't just magically immune to each other's scorn. If there's a big enough conflict of worldviews, leaving is reasonable. If you don't want to roll a new character, rewrite your current character's backstory.
Essentially, it's a group game. The goal is to maximize fun. If your party makes roleplaying your character not fun because they want to be able to murder everybody whenever they please or whatever the fuck, either roll something that gels, or find a new group. This doesn't seem like a "find a new group" scale, though.
Also, what was the ranger's reasoning? Just too much of a hassle? That's bullshit. Putting them out of their misery? Also bullshit.
Ian Peterson
survival of the fittest, since he's an evil cleric we can assume it's an edgy campaign, so a line like that works.
Also the fact that most healing spells are good aligned, and that most people in the medieval ages were sympathetic to the sick, especially lepers (the closest example). Lepers were allowed to take food when they needed it and have care for them, even with laws about them needing to stand downwind of people or not touch anyone.
A lawful diety would see them as a drain on society that will not produce anything of use, the same can be given to ghouls, even healing them is a drain on society they can never make back (keep in mind something like cure disease from an NPC would cost a fair amount of gold to hire them to cast, even if players can cast it all the time, it represents time and energy for someone working in the actual economy)
Anthony Moore
Lawful Evil is about following the letter of the law, but not necessarily the spirit of it.
So one option is for you to play the part of a sleazy lawyer and find some obscure bylaw or something that turns the 'murder' into a 'quarentine', even if its application in this situation is questionable to someone who doesn't worship D&D Satan.
Caleb Allen
You seem to be looking for Bane, not Asmodeus.
Zachary Gray
Plenty of official adventure paths have evil clerics casting healing spells as well. Healing isn't innately good, unless you're healing for a good purpose. In the case of wanting to heal the sick dying person, that would be good. Letting them sit there and die wouldn't really be illegal, so that would be the best case scenario
Watching your ally put an arrow in its head for no particular reason besides "It will become a ghoul eventually" is pretty chaotic, especially if your party has identified it as ghoul fever.
I would either report to authorities, or just move on with your life to not cause strife with your party in game and out of game.
Matthew Lewis
Probably, the point being that it's justifiable through a generic Lawful Evil descriptor
Josiah Ross
This. The most assured way to protect people from a deadly disease is to kill the infected and burn the bodies. You are sure, beyond doubt, that the plague ends with the dead, and fire will purify the remains. It isn't GOOD, however. Fortunately, that isn't your problem, is it? Stop thinking like a limp wristed good guy. The ranger, however, needs a sidelong glance because hurr good guy. If he ever talks shit about you, bring this up.
Landon Hill
Ranger definitely isn't acting chaotic good, not only should he try to make things better for everyone but he should value freedom over tyranny. Someone who was infected by ghoul fever is exactly the kind of person a chaotic good person would defend from those that would be thinking pragmatically