Why is Veeky Forums so racist against Indians...

why is Veeky Forums so racist against Indians? I'll have you know that the highest income minority in the United States is Indian-Americans. The CEO of Google and Microsoft, as well as countless other tech companies are Indian. Our Prime Minister Modi has one of the highest twitter follower counts in the world, and he is totally revitalizing the Indian economy. In fact, many economists posit that India could become a world superpower by 2020.

So, I ask once again, why would you be racist against Indians? It should be beyond evident that we are a people worthy of respect.


you'll know once they start buying your coin and shitting in your telegram group or start making videos ''''''''promoting'''''''''' your coin to the point it start to look like a cheap scam.

It's because they are some of the weirdest ugliest people on the planet.

You know a country is more than just GDP, yes? Also fuck off with all the Indian genius bullshit. Look who created all the coolest inventions known to man, almost all were Germanic white men or Jews. Not Pajeet. Where is the Indian Von Braun, Newton or Einstein?

Most Pajeets are low IQ. Immigration from India to the west is just like any other shit stained 3rd world country, the high IQ at the top of the bell curve are the first to move to the west.. But they don't fucking belong in the west period, they are just going to demand we be tolerant of their shit-wallowing ways and that we let half the population of India move here with them.

I don't give a fuck what economists say about India's future. If their future is so great they don't need to come here do they.

Indian Americans are just upper/upper-middle class indians that immigrated. Send some of the bottom caste here and see how they do :)

they are just angsty kids man

Most indians I know don't care much about looser immigration policy. They made it to america despite extremely high standards for legal immigration. They also to get away from their crappy underclass, my guess is they want to keep the underclass out


Because they are filthy, perverted street shitting human garbage. fucking LOOK at India for Christ sakes, the whole place is a seething cesspool of waste.




lots of people from /pol/ come here and /pol/ hates fucking everyone.


> he thinks jews actually invented anything

random contempt

we would respect you if you stayed in india


can you guys seriously learn how to use a toilet?
the upper middle class indians come here, and even they can't figure out how to not poop on the toilet seat.

I squat on the toilet seat occasionally too, I still can't figure out how they are pooping on the seat, let alone not cleaning it afterward.


pajeet fucked all their moms and gfs with his big pajeet wiener then made 1mil pump link

please shhow bobs,
i will lick your vagana

and by the way India superpoo-wer 2020

>I'll have you know that the highest income minority in the United States is Indian-Americans. The CEO of Google and Microsoft, as well as countless other tech companies are Indian.

Invading and displacing the native populace is a good reason to fucking hate you all moderchodes.

> Our Prime Minister Modi has one of the highest twitter follower counts in the world, and he is totally revitalizing the Indian economy.

No one cares about your disgusting corrupt PM with bot followers.

>In fact, many economists posit that India could become a world superpower by 2020.

You aren't even a 2nd world country. deluded street shitter.

Seriously tho,

you smell like shit
act like shit
look like shit
behave like shit
think like shit

you are the shittiest race.

I'm Indian. I honestly hate 90% of Indians I've met. Shallow, insecure, self-absorbed. They'll stab you in the back first chance to get ahead. That being said my best friend is Indian and he's honestly a great guy.

I mean why would anyone poo in a loo?

> why you sir hate us?

buy musicoinz

So many of you that 10% is still more than western countries.

They're ugly, rude and they have small dicks.

Not to mention there's over a billion of them, they outnumbered us by a huge amount and I don't want to be overrun.

I'll take the bait. I'm a contractor who does flooring in people's homes. I refuse to work for them if they call me.

Here we go:
>will attempt to cheat you at every turn
>team up with other Indians to take over an area
>like to fuck over non Indians

I don't know what their fucking problem is but I suspect that years of the caste system totally destroyed their morals.

Most Indians in the US I've met have been intelligent, great people.
Most of these disown India as a foul wasteland.

>high caste indian meme