Anybody have the Coalition Field Manual for Savage Rifts?
Anybody have the Coalition Field Manual for Savage Rifts?
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Not yet. Have sexy mystic knights in the meantime.
Any bets on Phase World being added eventually, or would the standard Sci-Fi manual material suffice for that?
Slim chance, maybe 10%. There's so much in "regular" Rifts to get through first.
Seems like a potential homebrew setting.
How well does Savage Worlds handle massive vehicles, starships and similar?
Covered in Sci-fi Companion.
Sometimes Rifts is pure comedy gold.
I don't get it.
Oh, a pedo joke?
Are you a pedo?
No, this site just happens to be full of them.
>loli apocalypse incoming
Someday they'll have a vehicle design system... someday....
Here you go:
The SF Companion would give you everything you need if you want to play characters that are relatively normal people. For things like Prometheans, Machine People, or Cosmo-Knights as PCs you'll need to make new iconic frameworks. The "Savaging Your Favorite Rifts Ideas" pdf should have guidelines for doing that when it comes out.
Most of the stuff can be found in Savage Foes. It's only really important if you want the new model stuff (Which is just take the old model stuff, add +1 Armor and removed strength minimum, or add +1 to damage.)
It's funny the new giant robot from Coalition War campaign is actually less deadly than the UAR since it's got a shitty particle beam cannon instead of a Heavy Railgun. (Speaking of, I'm surprised it didn't get knocked down to a Medium when the Samson was knocked down to a Light.)
What on earth possessed them to replace Long with Breaux?
I mean, I'm 90% certain the "New Coalition Army" was because Breaux was completely incapable of drawing old style Dead Boys.
So at some point someone will need to start a Google Docs or Pastebin or something where we can start uploading weapon and power armor conversions to use and debate over.
First order of business: Bringing back multiple missile types.
Second order of business: Differentiating power armor weapons. Predator should have a ROF 3 light laser rather than a medium laser.
>Breaux was completely incapable of drawing old style Dead Boys.
I actually think Breaux's old stye Dead Boy armor looks better than Long's.
Cool, thanks!
>What on earth possessed them to replace Long with Breaux?
There was a big falling out between Long and Siembieda when the latter found out Long had been plagiarizing a lot of his robot designs from Weabooland. I like both their styles.
Since this seems to be the Rifts thread. does anyone have a picture of the TX-50 railgun? I don't think it's that odd looking one with the canister underneath that you see in the mainbook, as I'm pretty sure that's the TX-500.
No idea. TX is short for what again?
Somebody should stat pic-related.
>TX is short for what again?
Somebody's doing Rifts 3D art? Where?
Oh, found it. Not bad.
Here you go. Don't ask me why a railgun is the size of an assault rifle.
Thanks dude. It's kind of dopey looking, I've got to say.
Anyone have other Savage Worlds stuff? Trying to hunt down Interface Zero 2.0 pdf
Probably in the PDF share thread mega-archive:
I'm not sure any artist for Rifts has ever had the slightest clue how any if the weapons were supposed to actually work.
Rail guns are repeatedly described as nothing but hyper-fast machineguns, nobody knows what distinguishes "ion", "plasma" and "particle beam" guns... Even lasers are treated pretty loosely. Ironically a lot of the stuff added for "realism" with lasers wouldn't apply at the power levels described.
I doubt anybody expects weapons to be taken seriously beyond the Rule of Cool in a game with mecha-dinosaurs and vampire armies.
Hey, the mecha T-Rexes have a good purpose.
They're there to protect the herds of mecha Ankylosaurs.
Rifts needs more rift-dimensional crab/crustacean/insect robots covering the Earth and alien-terraforming the shit out of places.
But it already has xiticix.
Anybody have suitable art for a female Juicer? Not necessarily anything from the books themselves, just something to use as a character pic. Thanks for any help!
Robot insects. ROBOT. Controlled by something or maybe just free-ranging. Maybe some of them are rebuilding human cities for some reason.
Mebbe this one?
That's pretty good (and I can use it for something, I'm sure), but I'm looking for something that emphasizes the fact that Juicers are STRONK and SWOLE. Somewhat more muscular would be cool. Though please not too ridiculous. All I can seem to find searching on my own are grotesque musclebeasts.
Savage Worlds Sci-~Fi Companion. May not be 100% comparable .
They already have the Mechanoids.
I never read much about them. Where exactly are the Mechanoids based on Rifts Earth? Do they interact with any other faction? I thought they just scouted Earth and left, never to be seen again.
Does Rifts have a random strange monument table for weird alien tech encounters?
>Don't ask me why a railgun is the size of an assault rifle.
Why wouldn't they have something like that? They've clearly got the compact power sources (and heat management) it would require, since laser weapons are ubiquitous. The only other problem is the extreme recoil, which is why it requires a superhuman level of strength to use.
I guess if you can accept miniaturized fusion reactors the size of a toaster that last forever, then you can accept pretty much anything in this setting.
>Castle Hoover awaits...
Long was a junkie who ran off after embezzling a bunch of money to support his drug habit.
Don't know if any of these will be useful to you, but I'm going to take the excuse to dump some fem juicers.
What the hell do I even do for a Glitterboy mini in Savage Rifts? Everyone's found/modded something that's close enough, so I don't wanna stick my GB player with a crappy token or flat paizo style pawn while everyone else has nice stuff,
They don't have any canon ongoing presence. A fairly small number of them were rifted to earth. With the right facilities they could have made more of themselves rapidly and been a global threat. Later books presume that they were stopped before they got out of hand, but leave the details up to individual player groups.
If they were still around, they wouldn't really have any non-violent interactions with other factions. Since they psychotically hate all humanoids, and anyone who has humanoid allies or minions. Which covers pretty much everyone.
Probably find a cool warmachine or infinity robot/power armor figure and pin a big ass gun to his shoulder. Or track down the official glitter boy figure.