I hope you take good care of your horses, Veeky Forums.
I hope you take good care of your horses, Veeky Forums
No horses in my current game.
Only when I marry one!
>tfw DM made me marry one
I'm known as the horse slayer though. Whenever people mention what that sounds like I kill more horses.
In my Sunday game, we're in the big city, so horses are kind of a nuisance. Instead, we have a half-orc rickshaw driver that the party is probably going to end up hiring on a full-time basis.
Boluk is literally retarded, but he's honest and knows the city better than any of the party members. Best NPC in the campaign, thus far.
-10 horse points
I take good care of horses sexually.
As a GM, I hope my players take good care of their horses. Bad things can happen if they don't.
I take care of my horses. Never know when you need additional glue and/or food and/or leather supplies.
Trolls like horsies.
Mine just made got on the Senate. It was a very grueling campaign, but our platform of "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" won the hearts of the voters.
Party bard keeps telling me not to get stabbed.
I try my best. It's a pain getting replacement parts for when it breaks down, though.
Of course. I lavish care and affection up my horse. Its carapace gleams and threatens like no other coffin-breath.
Very good care.
Yeah, horse anus is a wonder of engineering. Very hard to find a replacement.
No horses? What do your players ride?
Your mom.
Motorbikes, undead constructs and dragons