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Wouldn't that effect be more in blue?
That card is blue
Whoops, you're right
That would be a turn 1 win card, since getting 4 cards of your choice into your graveyard is enough to set off half a dozen combos, especially since this card doesn't specify that they have to be cards with different names.
The mana cost should be at least 3.
In Yugioh, this WAS a 1-turn 1 card until it was banned.
This card would be on par with Ancestral Recall and Black Lotus, and obviously would be banned in every format besides Vintage, where it would be restricted.
Needs red to justify haste.
6/5 flying, hexproof, indestructable, vigilance
Yeah that's why it's banned in Yugioh too.
All yugioh monsters have haste though.
And, Akroma has haste, and is pure white.
Haste+flying should never be on curve. They should definitely never be above curve. 3WWW for a 5/5 without the vigilance would be more reasonable.
Yes, and Jugan has flying, that doesn't mean it's a green ability.
Would you also like to give it a casting cost of 0 and 'as an additional cost to cast ~ sacrifice two creatures'? Oh and get rid of flying because that's not in Yugioh at all.
Yes but this is a Yugioh-based card.
And to fit with the flavor of Yugioh, you need crazy power creep.
3WWW for a 5/5 flying haste is pretty underwhelming for a french vanilla mythic.
Don't really big creatures in Yu-Gi-Oh require you to sacrifice one or two creatures as an additional cost to cast them?
You can do haste and flying on curve, but if needs to have a drawback like a tough mana cost. Mantis Rider, for example.
If the precedent is there for an exception, then it's fine to have an exception.
Regardless of all that, it's the Blue-eyes White Dragon. Having it be blue and white is definitely more important than worrying about strictly adhering to the color pie, and having haste is nice because it makes it feel yugi-esque.
As far as the casting cost, that might be a step too far, but if that's how you'd like it, then by all means.
Demigod of Revenge?
>3WWW for a 5/5 without the vigilance would be more reasonable.
Yeah, nah.
Tough to cast on curve if you're playing anything but black and/or red. That said, getting 4 of these and a raise dead effect would be pretty brutal.
You'd be far safer making it cost 3UB or 4UB - It's going to win you the game in any deck even kinda built for it. It being a T1 play in YGO is irrelevant.
Remove Legendary, Haste, and give it -1/-1 - I don't agree that global effects should move between systems, otherwise they'd all have shit like Emerge too. Also, it should be fine to play multiples of them. Lastly, a mostly vanilla Ojutai/Blue +1/+0 Serra Angel is fine.
>tfw this card exist
>tfw this card might as well say "You stall the game for all players"
Standard: Zombies, Delirium
Modern: Pyromancer's Ascension, Thing in The Ice, Delver, Goryo's Vengeance...
Legacy: Reanimator, Delver, ANT...
Vintage: TPS, and anything running Cruise/Dig
I have a Teferi Commander deck based around pissing everyone off with either that, or stasis.
Understandably, I don't play it much any more.
On its own, yeah. But you usually play it with some means of tapping or bouncing it, so it only stalls game for everyone else while you wreck faces.
Would make Tasigur the best commander in the game, hands down.
How would I make the gods from Theros into Yugioh?
This card is busted, way to poweful
How fitting considering it's banned in YGO too
Should say 5 different cards, otherwise the choice is pointless.
black gets hasty flyers, make it esper +3 generic.
The blue-eyes white dragon is a blue dragon with blue eyes. Doesn't anyone notice this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
You generally just slam it while you're ahead. You deny your opponent any chance to get back in the game, and win off of the tempo lead.
It's more of a silver dragon with a blueish sheen if anything.
gonna make some more for laughs
God I miss Duel Masters
>Blue Eyes White Dragon
>has abilities
What a stupidly broken card
Look at gifts Ungiven, then back to your card
You guys want more Duel Masters or Yu-gi-oh?
Do this guy.
Are you bald, by any chance?
I have no idea what a Tuner is, what Synchro is and why its silver. I stopped playing right after GX.
fucking what happened to yu-gi-oh?
this sounds convoluted as fuck.
oh boy
I am quite happy I stopped playing Yu-gi-oh when I did. To me, everything after GX might as well never happened.
So happy i picked up magic.
Honestly, I enjoy the game more than ever.
>Has legendary
>On a creature famous in the show for getting three on the field at once and fusing...
Why are you so bad...
Is affinity still broken if there's no artifact lands in your game?
The FOW cardframe is really intrusive, it's nearly impossible to keep out of the picture for these.
This is so broken it's not even funny.
More than a bit too cheap for what it does.
>all yugioh monsters have haste
As the only cost to cast them technically.
That's why it was banned when the first banlist came out and has never come off.
This is banned in EDH ofr a reason
GX was actually the worst, lowest time in the game's history. Only the most broken shit or the most worthless trash was made, with no in-between. Power creep is a good thing, kids. Don't intentionally print shitty cards to compensate for the fact that you accidentally printed ones that are better than most other things.
Yugioh does have flying. A bunch of cards have "this monster can attack directly".
>Don't intentionally print shitty cards to compensate for the fact that you accidentally printed ones that are better than most other things.
Tell this to Wizards of the Coast
Don't they have a bunch of people from Upper Deck there now? Because that'd explain it, those are the ones who fucked up GX.
That would be more along the lines of unblockable.
Flying is closer to Toon monsters which can only attack directly if an opponent controls no other toons.
That cards already been printed as a drone in ... Ol' mirroden block.
The Synchrocentric, and most of the Xyz-centric eras of yugioh were an absolute blast, because that's when yugioh really found its niche of being a card game about fusing smaller monsters into a toolbox of bigger ones according to different rules. It's fundamentally a way to convert card advantage into tempo and board control at will, which is something I don't think other card games ever managed to accomplish.
Of course, after DUEA was released, and Shaddolls & Burning Abyss said it's okay to float all the time it broke down even worse than the Ruler format, because at least Ruler mirror matches were fun to watch and play online, if prohibitively expensive to actually own.
THSF that came right after brought nekroz, and that mirror match WAS fun and interesting.
Didn't UDE only handle localization? And maybe some TCG exclusives?
Every thing else is Konami's fault.
Incidentally, most of the philosophy of the synchrocentric and xyz-centric periods were laid down during GX, thanks to Gladiator Beasts introducing the contact fusion mechanic.
Nekroz mirrors I find too reliant on who makes Djinn lock first. When neither deck has that as an option, then watching Nekroz mirrors can be fun, but it's too lucksack for my taste.
Forgot my pic
Upper Deck was in complete control of the game at that point, worldwide. After the sales dipped to their lowest of all time, Konami took over... and promptly employed Kevin Tewart, who fucked Yugioh up, as the person in charge of KoA's cardgames group.
can someone explain to me what the fuck I'm watching
What about after djinn was banned? the best format in the entire game at that point
A one in a million event. Player 2 dropped a card called Maxx "C", which lets them draw a card every time a monster is Special Summoned. The other player used their resources to loop their summons to deck him out.
>tfw no Clowndolls ever again
A webm of a duel on ygopro.
Not really, affinity decks nowadays have no cards with affinity
I think you need to watch the webm again because that is not what happened. You're thinking of webm related.
Can you link me to a more credible source than user of 4chin?
Gonna be totally honest, after DUEA I started retiring from watching and participating in T1 play, so I can't answer that in good faith. I just wish that multiple formats, defined by the major creep sets (IOC, CRV, TDGS, LTGY, DUEA) were supported with new product and tournament play, so people who liked CCC can play against Goats, Perfect Circle can play with Troop Dupe Scoop, Quasar Synchrons with full power Glads and Merlanteans, Rulers with Spellbooks, and everything post DUEA up to now.
Alright yeah, my mistake. This is the webm I see posted all the time like "L-L-LOOK AT WHAT YUGIOH IS NOW! THIS IS EVERY DUEL!" and I assumed that's what was posted without even looking at it.
>up to four
>up to
What were they thinking
Merlanteans are still seeing tournament play dude, quasar died in favour of generic synchros, and gladiator beasts literally just got a new fusion and spell/trap support.
Rulers are dead and spellbook will never be good without judgement though.
The issue with that is Konami's language and such has evolved so much over these years that it would be a rulings nightmare to play those tournies. Original printings of Polymerization don't even tell you what a Fusion Summon is, let alone how to perform one. And getting old cards is fucking expensive as shit with almost 10,000 cards, a lot of which haven't been printed more than their original printings.
>Rulers were so strong they'll never come back
RIP to my lil nigga Redox
I am aware of the immortality of merlanteans, the upcoming Glad support, and the death of everything from LTGY. I just wanted to list a few examples of historic decks that are roughly similar in power level.
It would be much less of a problem if Konami hadn't literally changed the effects of cards through errata (which hasn't happened since the UDE days) starting from DUEA onwards with Catapult turtle and CCV. Until then, card effects were set in stone for better or for worse when they were printed: I still use my old copies of Caius that don't say they target, even though Caius has always targeted. PSCT was a real boon to the game, and I wish that every card had a PSCT printing available.
Actually it's happened in recent eras too. Kaz basically told Konami he wants cards to come off the banlist, and considering he can take Yugioh away from them at any time because he was smart enough to hold onto the rights, they had no choice. Of course, cards that are truly, irrevocably broken like Sinister Serpent couldn't come off without being made completely useless. So now, it is.
If only the people who initially made the game actually decided on a specific way card text should be worded, instead of waiting nearly 10 years for konami to sort out the mess.
I know it;s happened in recent eras: Just all after DUEA, which was early 2014 from memory. Before that, the only card that comes to mind was Fairy King Truesdale which was misprinted to be capable of running over Summoned Skull. (It's defence boost was originally an attack boost)
For all the shit MTG guys give yugioh's walls of text, the fact that 99% of rulings are built into the card text is genuinely amazing.
Where else are you gonna put the rulings? The rulebook? Nobody reads that.
The rulebook is in no way comprehensive enough for that. And there are a lot more types of effects than in MtG, too.
Forgot my pic again. Poor Necrovalley, but the intended function of the card never changed
Is 200ish pages not comprehensive enough?
That isn't the official rulebook, dude. The official rulebook comes with every structure deck, and a 200-page manual for every single fucking structure is a stupid idea and I hope you understand that.
Whenever Magic has a major shift in rules, they errata everything to make it match.
Exile zone became a thing?
Everything got Errataed.
Colorless mana get its own symbol instead of overloading the generic mana symbol?
Errata for everything that makes colorless mana.
Yugioh doesn't do errata without reprinting, which is just insane if you are already maintaining a card database.
>An entire set used for reprints like Castle Walls and Reinforcements because they've been errataed to target
Shit dude, don't ever make me think of such a thing ever again.
M:tG doesn't force you to find things in hidden zones that aren't public knowledge.
Yeah, an official database with PSCT for every card regardless of printing, like the Oracle text of MTG, would be an amazing piece of support. However, konami hates their customers unless they're playing pachinko so we can only weep.
They'd just label it as a "classics" set or something.