Favourite Spells Edition
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Favourite Spells Edition
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why don't people like Rangers?
They seem REALLY fun
Hunter is fine.
People just dont like beastmaster because it falls off in the usefulness pretty hard and the pet is easy to kill.
Ranger however has a lot of skills that require the DM to play to them. IE: if youre favored terrain is desert, and the dm constantly sends you to the tundra youre fucked.
For what reason does the animal companion not work like animate dead in combat?
animate dead can be used multiple times and has the benefit of you having some kind of massive spell casting. the animal companion gains almost no bonuses and is easy to kill. you have to take time to get a new one whereas animate dead is a quick fix.
you also have to choose, at least until level 5, whether you attack or your pet does
>Favourite Spells
Easily Find Familiar and Suggestion
Does anyone have links to dmsguild downloads so I don't have to pay up? [s]is it in the pastebin? I didn't look[/s]
>if youre favored terrain is desert, and the dm constantly sends you to the tundra youre fucked.
"Fucked" is a really strong word here.
Favored Enemy and Favored Terrain impart literally NO combat advantages, which as pretty much a rule is what people talk (or alternatively, whine) about when it comes to class balance.
Both Enemy and Terrain abilities more for travel and roleplay stuff.
What IS true however is that without them they're basically just a Fighter in terms of roleplay with a few more skill proficiencies.
Fabricate. Fabricate is awesome with the right proficiencies. DM forbid you combine it with Knowledge Cleric 2 to be able to Fabricate anything...
Suggestion and Mold Earth are also very fun!
>not looking at the fucking pastebin of all things
>fucking up something as simple as a spoiler
get out
OP, why would you leave out both trove links?
>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
>Community DMs Guild trove
>Submit to [email protected], cleaning available!
>Player got a giant to help them
>then got said giant to throw their barbarian at the BBEG
>the BBEG's dragon got out of the way but it ended up throwing him off with the barbarian
anime as fuck
i may have indulged in hyperbole, my apologies.
But it is a little weak that your ribbons are so specific
Has anyone made a revamped version of beast master yet?
>just a Fighter in terms of roleplay with a few more skill proficiencies.
This is my problem, none of their abilities actually have much impact except for spellcasting and the hunter abilities. With a fighting style, extra attack and good hit die etc. Hunters are still not that bad but except for the hunter abilities and some utility spells they get shit all.
It's true, it is kinda annoying.
I still think it's a vast improvement over prior editions when all's said and done.
I'm setting a campaign in classical antiquity. Is this a really shit idea? Advice?
Yeah. The only big issue I have with them is that they don't FEEL good to play. Warlock is a dumb class but it feels pretty good. Ranger never really felt like a ranger in most editions though. Honestly I think they should have just tossed it for a rogue archetype.
I'm really having trouble role playing my GOOlock. I don't want him to be full blown insane, but just a bit off and some serious shit going on beneath the surface. I'm just not able to figure out how to convey that without it sounding like I'm trying too hard or just sounding stupid. Any advice?
What was that web-based homebrew designer that was linked here a couple of threads back? I forgot to save it as a bookmark and it would be really handy to have right now.
Whatcha brewing, user?
How do I create a touhou character?
Sorcerer with Fighter dip, so I can use Quicken Magic Missile > Magic Missile > Action Surge > Magic Missile?
I was trying to make something similar to a Warcraft Shaman yesterday (I thought about multiclassing a Totem Barbarian into a Storm Sorcerer), but was thrown off by the fact TWF isn't really viable as a Barbarian, and you would have to sheathe your second weapon to cast spells.
I checked Tempest Cleric and Druid but those classes lack Extra Attack so I wouldn't really be getting what I want.
So I figured I'd try and homebrew something out instead.
can anyone review curse of strahd for me without spoiling it?
I like them.
After some 4 levels of it tho I tend to start multiclassing with rogue and shadow monk because there isn't any real point to playing a ranger after low levels.
Its good
Super neat
Dark but opportunities for humor
Get the Tarot cards if you can afford them
Good writing
Very modular
Lethal, but in a fun way
Interesting NPCs
Except her, she's just a McGuffin
Cool maps
Good art
Worth actually buying if you can afford it
It's very good.
It requires a decent GM and players who are capable of talks my initiative though since the adventure is so non-linear; you're basically given this vague objective without much immediate direction on how to accomplish it and then you are turned loose. The players have to look up their own plot threads and follow their own leads.
Investigation is very important to the adventure. Not the skill, but actually investigating things, picking up on information and following it as a player and handing it out as a GM without giving away too much too soon.
The most impressive part about it for me is that except for the very beginning I've GMed it three separate times and in all three times it went very differently from the other games.
Hunter as a rogue archetype, scout as a fighter archetype, that's what I'd do. Hunter gets some actual rogue abilities and relies on making several attacks, but it shouldn't take much tweaking it make it work. Scout is done by UA of course, and what remains of the ranger class (weird half spellcasting that doesn't even mimic the druid, favored enemy which is better done by pally or the blood hunter homebrew, and the companion which will never work in this edition and was never that good to begin with let's be honest) is easily tossed aside.
TWF as a barb does ok. I believe that they get extra damage from rage on each of your attacks.
maybe make the beastmaster part a druid subclass?
I think the spirit companion from UA was a nice take on it. I don't think people just want an interchangable animal a bit stronger than what you can summon or just find, I think what they want from BM is the pet aspect, having an animal to care for and train and bond with. Spirit companions that take the physical forms of animals manage to do this I think, some GMs may have issues with it because it means it a pseudo-NPC that cannot die, but that shouldn't be too big a problem. For ranger as a separate class it made sense too, as the spellcasting, primeval awareness etc. can be as a result of the connection to these spirits, instead of being completely unexplained.
If you do a traditional animal companion though, it should definitely scale like wild shape does, not with the proficiency bonus to everything and level-based health. Not sure how I'd do it with wild shape charges and all but it makes sense then as a druid archetype.
Yes, but you have other problems that make it less viable.
For TWF to be viable, you need to be able to use your Bonus Action to perform a off-hand attack. Rage, requires the use of a Bonus Action, you'd be missing out on your first attack. Not to mention if you go Berserker, Frenzy straight up offers you no benefits.
That, and you can't do any form of spellcasting while Raging, which would break the point of being a halfcaster.
I would've tried Fighter instead but given their martial focus, it wouldn't fit the fluff of what I'm going for.
a decent gm should be no problem. the gm thats hosting is by far the best gm i ever had. his descriptions are amazing, you can tell he puts insane amounts of time in prepwork and also in thinking about how to be the best gm he can possibly be. he has a fucking blog about being a gm where he regularly posts articles and has released a bunch of pdf's on the dm'S guild.
Because exploration pillar of D&D is weak AF, so being the boss of exploration means fuck-all.
If you want a Warcraft shaman, you want a Totem Barb anyways.
Bardbarian might work if you take Valor and Totem.
which UA was that?
UA: Ranger. It was their first whole retake on the ranger and wasn't well-received.
The next take is supposed to come out either next month or the month after.
I play/DM encounters, we often get younger kids (
I'd just recommend not being a whiny faggot if your character dies then. It's a good adventure. Oh, and maybe don't pick an evil character. Kinda ruins the point.
>Favorite Spell
Going to have to go with Command. My 3rd level Vengence Paladin was able to save our party from a group of 3 Succubi who charmed them. He was tending to a wounded ally in a shelter and came out when he heard shit going down.
He cast Command on one to grovel because he was too far for anything else, After that, he smite'd the one who was groveling. Then successfully Bane'd the 2 left by cutting his hand and using his own blood as the spell component.
He then chased down the second one and killed it. THen as the third was flying away, he threw a javelin and missed. By this point the warlock and sorceror snapped out of their charmed state and proceeded to Eldritch Blast and Fire Bolt it. Great times.
I'm going to enter my friends campaign as an 8th level Half-Orc Coastal Circle of the Land Druid/4 and Battlemaster Fighter/4 who uses the manuavers that focus on giving allies actions
I'm debating on having a level of Barbarian just for Unarmored Defense because it's cool and fits with the backstory I wrote for him. The campaign is so deadly that I'm not concerned about what's beyond the next level.
I love mixing magic and martials!
i've played enough dnd to know that kind of thing breaks an official campaign. i'm pretty sure those books even tell you to specifically not do that.
and dying is fine. i hate it when gms give me the feeling that there are never any repurcussions and every pc death will magically be avoided or whatever. also it obviously sucks if someone would intentionally kill a character, which i have heared some gms do, but ive never had that in my games. but in generaly i feel like there needs to be a sense of real danger to make the game fun. a gm should be firm on the rules.
but i know the gm is that kind of gm. we played rage of demons last and had a bunch of pc deaths.
Sounds like you should be good then.
Is the moon druid become more balance after level 4 or 5? I don't want to overshadow our resident martials.
More or less, yeah. Their damage doesn't scale very well, especially compared to the big spike martials get at 5th.
midgame is where they start to fall off, so it'll start there
but their op is their survivability, not really their damage. so all you are at that point, is a wall of meat
>I got ya, user
wheres that storm kings thunder at?
Would you stop bloody asking and wait for it to come on it's own already?
Seriously, asking every new thread is in the most literal sense possible not even remotely speed up the process of it getting scanned.
Indeed. If someone wants a particular page or small section, that is one thing. A page or a few for personal perusal are relatively easy to do. But high-quality scans fit for permanent enshrining in the Mega? That takes time.
Let the publisher get a week or two of sales before releasing it. I hate Mearls and a lot of how Wizards of the Co$t do business but so far they've been pretty straight with 5E compared to previous editions or MtG
Thaumaturgy. It's a cantrip that I use pretty much every session in a lot of different and creative ways.
Mending is incredibly useful. Mending, Mold Earth, and Mage Hand are up there on the useful utility list.
Any homebrews for guns? I want some WIld West in my campaign
Did you check the DMG? It has suggestions for firearms.
Im not shilling because its pay what you want, but on the DM Guild there's a good Gunslinger archetype for the fighter by Matt Mercer
I'm actually looking at their "fun" ability. Like Toad's Swallow or Giant Octopus's auto grapple (with restrict) at range. That will help the martials shine even more.
From ages ago:
I like the idea of Wizard Magic being like cheat codes, and GOO granted magic being like glitch hacks. See: youtube.com
So your GOO patron gives you your powers through you doing small, innocuous, nonsensical things, because they serve a function on a structural level you cannot comprehend.
>Servant, take that apple and put it in the mango stall!
>Servant, break that branch into four parts, form three of them into a triangle, and keep the fourth part! I will tell you what to do with that later.
>Servant, turn that mug of ale 13 degrees clockwise!
5e doesn't really allow character customization. Everyone of every class is the same.
Goddammit why do I even play this, still.
How does one RP a lock? Especially a GOO lock?
cause for Wizard are basic general magic used
Sorc are people that have great inborn magic skills
I am not sure how the pact in generally really plays out
Not game mechanic wise, but flavor wise each Wizard is different and has different magic missile/casting style.
Trying to make a Raccoon totem because I want a gnome to have some nice fluff if for some reason they become a berserker. Working on it but these are some ideas.
3rd level: When you enter a rage you may cast a 1st-level illusion spell with a cast time of 1 action as a part of the same bonus action. During your rage you are treated as concentrating on that spell if it requires concentration but any effects vanish at the end of your rage. Components are not required when using this feature.
Looked at the master of many faces invocation here, but seeing as the rage is more limiting added a few things. Mainly drawing on the gnome pantheon for inspiration considering they are tied to Raccoons.
6th: You gain the craftiness of a raccoon. You gain proficiency in two skills and two tools of your choice.
Skilled feat as a baseline but better/worse. Not sure.
14th: When raging and aren't wearing medium or heavy armor you gain advantage on DEX saving throws, as well as a +2 dodge bonus to AC.
Kinda crapped it out but what would you have for a raccoon totem?
How to role play a Not!Alchemist transmuter?
Can't cast while raging.
Also can't concentrate while raging.
For the 14 feature barbs won't be wearing armor period, as they get unarmored defense.
Instead, make them blind people in an XYZ range when entering rage with a CON save, and maybe something that gives them like Uncanny Dodge; Rage Edition
Thank you
> Animorph
> Super Hero (Alter Self for Wolverine Claw, Spider Climb and Web for Spider-man)
> Time mage
> Not!Tracer
They solve problems a lot of groups prefer to solve in other ways and they're home to the notably weird Beastmaster archetype which is designed for combos involving warm bodies in melee range, reactions, nets, crossbows, and/or animal-only abilities. And a lot of people jumped ship to 5e to get away from that style of play to begin with.
I once described a ranger as being "really good at the parts of the game the DM is ignoring" and its still accurate. Game as written they're great, game as played all but the Hunter tend to be underwhelming.
> Not!Tracer
So... Tracer?
transmuter is one of the worst, most boring wizard specs. Good luck.
At least it's not evoker
I'm super tired of illusionists but mostly because they have that guy tendencies
I've wanted to play a Time Wizard for a while but are there any spells to refluff to actually suit it?
Misty Step and Haste both come to mind.
Anything that can give extra movement or actions.
what do you mean 'that guy'
Divination and Lucky both could be refluffed into changing the future.
Genderbender Tracer, love.
Misty Step, Blink, Haste, Slow
Telekinesis if you want to do Dio.
Hold Person/Monster work great for this, actually freezing the target in time rather than just paralyzing them (no real change). I really like Blur and Mirror Image for this as well; Blur can be blending time together so they are seeing a set of composite images from the near future and past, while MI nabs images of yourself at different points in time and has them run around.
What's wrong with Evoker?!
Best way to make pic related?
I'm going to plan the whole "Serial Killer just wants to be left alone" bait-n-switch with my players and wondered if you anons have tips
Trying to make a Mime/Blue Mage type character.
I was thinking of a Wizard who starts with Absorb Elements and Chromatic Orb, and then you absorb any magic that is shot at you and then you use chromatic orb to shoot back w/e type of spell was shot at you.
Was also thinking of making him an illusion-wizard so that I can say I "mimic" abilities or w/e, even if it doesnt actually happen, but it looks that way. So say someone launches a catapult. I could cast minor illusion to make it seem like i mimic that and shoot my own catapult rock thing. Then later on things like phantasmal force and counterspell kinda play into that.
Also having Disguise Self and the Actor feat. So you can just copy appearances easily enough. Just for theming anyways. Doesnt make sense for a Mime/Blue Mage to be good at what they do without being some kind of trickster character.
Any other suggestions?
Does anyone have any resources or rules for running a sea campaign? I'm working on making my own homebrew hex crawl sea campaign but wanted to see what others had come up with rules wide for it.
Will post what I've come up with mine so far if anyone's interested.
I'm wondering if that's all we'll get next month of if there'll be more with it.
This should get you started.
Should help as well (3.5 Stormwrack)
Casting spells while raging is dumb (and an illusion spell to boot??)
6th is probably okay
14th is dumb for several reasons but the big one here is barbarians already have advantage on dex saving throws
It should be based on frigging off, pal.
I remember seeing a really, really neat school of chronomancy homebrew, if you'd be interested in that.
there's probably not a good way to make him
don't be so derivative anyways. jojo's great but i'd feel cheap if the dm just copy pasted a character from it into the campaign.
do I really have to see ytr's fucking smug face posted even when I'm not on /wooo/?
> Want to try all class
> Only have 1 weekly table
I mean like the kind of guy who thinks he should auto pass intimidate checks because he cast thaumaturgy to make his voice a bit louder
It's the most boring Wizard school because it's just blasting and over channel or whatever it's called isn't as interesting as sorcerer metamagic
>Forever DM with a newborn.
Checkmate athiest.
Just have to wait for a few years, bring your kid/s up right, and you can forever DM for them and their friends, too!
I imagine the 'lock wouldn't have a standard patronage with a GOO; rather, the lock through some means has stumbled on a way to glimpse their secrets and harness those powers, challenging their understanding of the multiverse. Whether or not the GOO approves or even cares could be up for speculation.
Yeah, but Sorcerers aren't interesting Black Mages. Blasting isn't boring anyway, it's fun. I get hard thinking about incinerating people
You're way wrong. Turning people you don't like into newts is classic wizard, and is never not fun.
this cheeky fucker