How would you stat yourself, Veeky Forums, and what class would you be (either optimal choice or personal preference)?
How would you stat yourself, Veeky Forums, and what class would you be (either optimal choice or personal preference)?
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Here's mine for an example
11 Strength
13 Dexterity
13 Constitution
16 Intelligence
6 Wisdom
14 Charisma
I'd either be a Wizard or Bard. Wizard would probably be the best choice but I'm a big fan of the idea of music having magical effects so I'd probably be bard
Class: Expert
Str 8
Dex 10
Con 8
Int 16
Wis 4
Cha 10
I'm a little fucked in the braincase, and a terrible little manlet of a human. I'm also the guy who put all his skill points into Appraise, Knowledge (Engineering) and Profession (Economist).
Commoner 10.
The most overpowered class in D&D 3.5e.
>16 int
you wish
str 10
dex 12
con 10
int 12
wisdom 12
charisma 10
Or alternativly...
9 strength
7 dexterity
11 constitution
12 intelligence
8 wisdom
6 charisma
Living the dream.
Strength 1 / Dexterity 2 / Stamina 2
Charisma 2 / Manipulation 1 / Appearance 2
Perception 2 / Intelligence 3 / Wits 2
Noteworthy Skills:
Crafts (Repair) 2, Survival (Urban) 2, Academics (STEM) 2, Computer 3, Science 2
Flaw: Haphephobia
Merit: Stubborn
Name: user
Class: Normal Person (0th level fighter)
Hit Points: 3 (1d4)
Armor Class: 9 (unarmored, -1 dex)
Morale: -1
Attack throw: -1
Damage: 1d3 unarmed, or as weapon
Save: As fighter level 0
Treasure: Smartphone, 20d10 USD, credit card, keyring, pair of glasses.
Str 11
Dex 7
Con 12
Int 15
Wis 13
Cha 7
Data Analysis
Performance(Stringed Instrument)
Knowledge(Political Economy)
Knowledge(Business Strategy)
Looks like I wasn't too far off, although I may have overplayed my constitution and wisdom a little
13 Strength
12 Dexterity
16 Constitution
9 Intelligence
11 Wisdom
11 Charisma
14 int, 11 str, all other stats - 9
Str 10
Dex 15
Con 14
Int 11
Wis 13
Cha 10
Class Ranger 2
Nothing too special here
Using this I get:
Chaotic Neutral Elven Wizard
Strength 8
Dexterity 13
Constitution 12
Intelligence 15
Wisdom 13
Charisma 13
>Nature lovers
>Actual me: Hairy, short, pale, indoorsy
True Neutral Human Sorceror
Strength- 11
Dexterity- 12
Constitution- 12
Intelligence- 14
Wisdom- 11
Charisma- 11
Fairly mediocre and not particularly exciting.
This test is on point.
>all these fags with over 10 int
8 Strength
7 Dexterity
13 Constitution
10 Intelligence
12 Wisdom
15 Charisma
Filthy guitar strumming bard. Maybe lower some by one or two.
That's just what bald pussy lovers want to believe. They're usually just described as beardless (maybe less chest/back/buttcheek hair too because that's not twink enough)
Wis would probably be more important on an IQ test because you have to think quickly and recognize patterns and things out of place. Mental D&D stats are mental.
7 Str
12 Dex
5 Con (thanks, asthma)
14 Int
8 Wis
15 Cha
Class: Probably an oratory specced Bard.
Academics are humanities, linguistics and history; STEM comes under Science
10 str
11 dex
11 con
14 int
10 wis
13 cha
This test always makes me a human rogue/wizard
I would say
Str 10
Dex 12
Con 8
Int 11
Wis 8
Cha 8
Because I'm honest.
True Neutral Human Sorcerer (2nd Level)
Ability Scores:
Strength- 9
Dexterity- 10
Constitution- 11
Intelligence- 10
Wisdom- 9
Charisma- 12
Could be worse.
10 strength
9 dexterity
10 constitution
10 intelligence
10 wisdom
8 charisma
Winning the game of life.
Living the dream.
Neutral good peasant
10 str
13 dex
12 con
17 int
5 wis
8 cha
Lawful Good Paladin
STR 12
DEX 12
CON 16
INT 12
WIS 12
CHA 11
Feats: Tough
Weapons and Armour: Longword and Gambeson (I'm a poor bastard)
Character Summary: This Paladin just wants to love, help people, learn, travel and work out without complications. However he is cursed, every which way he goes there is unending chaos to be fought. In addition to improbable misfortune he also battles with ever changing inner demons.
He is ever hopeful however.
This test should be in the sticky.
Pic related is my results from about two years ago.
3d6 down the line
no rerolls
Based on real life:
Chaotic Evil wizard focused on evocation magic
13 strength
18 dexterity
12 constitution
20 intelligence
16 wisdom
10 charisma
Mainly focused on the extermination of oppression in the world and gathering a private army for my private realm. I'd carry a black iron-lead spiked staff and a blood red coat.
>int 20
Str 8
Dex 14
Con 7
Int 17
Wis 15
Cha 14
Bard, considering I have run games my players have begged me to return to and I am creative enough to create things people would like to see published all the time. My intelligence is all creativity and imagination, rather than memorization and logic though.
My health is shot.
Well I was always the top of the class at school and I'm self teaching myself japanese and programming so I'm quite above the average. Not to mention I'm great at math and I've had numerous success in contests of all type. I understand it seems narcissistic but I've got reasons to back it up.
Also, a little reminder:
>Most people ITT give themselves INT above the average
most of those people have ego issues.
I dont give a shit how smart you think you are you dont have 20 int
They're fucking nerds what do you expect
Whatever, I don't have to justify it, I just stated the truth. If you don't believe it I understand, after all many people ITT would want to have a great intellect as shown by their posts. Oh my, is it envy I perceive?
An actual smart person would have realized he was being an edgy tryhard and wouldn't have posted the trollbait crap you posted. ESPECIALLY with a wisdom that high. You definitely don't have that much charisma.
>An actual smart person would have realized he was being an edgy tryhard
m8 it was just a reaction image, don't get you're knickers in a twist
How do you know what an INT 20 person would have done? Do you have INT 20? No? Too bad, you don't get to have an oppinion regarding this subject :)
...your...for fucks sake I need to wake up.
Class: Swashbuckler
DEX 15
WIS 12
CHA 25
Now, before you call bullshit on that high charisma, let me explain myself. It's the only stat that paired up with the Swashbuckler could be interpreted as Luck thanks to Charmed life. I don't really consider myself a charismatic person. Hell, I think my other stats may be even lower, specially Dex considering I get to use Charmed Life for those reflex saves instead.
Now you may call bullshit.
How the do you even get a negative modifier in this? I don't think I could have made it clearer that I've got shit endurance and still I end up with a +2 CON. And one "I'm stronger than average" answer means 18 STR? This is some self indulgent shit right here. I should have 8 con and 14 cha and everything else within one or two points of dead average, high or lower.
STR 10
DEX 15
INT 18
WIS 15
CHA 26
10 as average is average in entire human population.
As "westerner" you have +1 or +2 INT -1 STR and CON due to our civilization and culture focus on academics and lack of and hard labor.
If you have university degree you are in top of your society in academics terms so also you can add some bonus. Therefor score of 11-14 is not that far from possibility.
>They're fucking nerds what do you expect
>implying I was referring to the image at all
>it was just a reaction image
See, low cha, low int, low wis. Proof in the pudding, kiddo.
Who are you even talking to?
Is not the same person as
In all honesty, 15-16 is pretty reasonable for Veeky Forums given how many people on Veeky Forums follow intellectual pursuits outside the hobby. We have doctors, lawyers, laser opticians, published writers, etc etc.
Ooooowwwww the edge
See, this is the sort of post I'd expect from someone with an actual moderately high INT score. Makes point, backs it up. Seems fair to me.
I think Mr 20INT is a bit confused.
Rule lawyers do not count user-kun.
This is the kind of hypocrisy that gets me riled up. I bet I'd destroy you at any intelligence game.
Did you respond to the wrong post with that reply? It doesn't make much sense.
Maybe it doesn't make sense to you, Mr 0 INT
Neutral Good Human Sorcerer (2nd Level)
Ability Scores:
Strength- 16
Dexterity- 15
Constitution- 13
Intelligence- 15
Wisdom- 15
Charisma- 13
Sounds pretty fucking sweet
What hypocrisy? What were you even talking about?
Oh, was it this
>Well I was always the top of the class at school and I'm self teaching myself japanese and programming so I'm quite above the average. Not to mention I'm great at math and I've had numerous success in contests of all type. I understand it seems narcissistic but I've got reasons to back it up.
Yeah those reason sure are provable on a online mongolian weaving forum.
>thinks being good at school = high INT
>I understand it seems narcissistic
No, it is.
It's been awhile since I cracked open a 3.5 book. What was the example for a int 20 char? Like dragon or lich or something?
Str 11
Dex 9
Con 11
Int 12
Wis 7
Cha 10
Commoner with engineering and athletics as skills and proficiency in a handful of various industrial tools.
>Wis 7 around industrial tools
Please user take care
Str: 11
Dex: 9
Con: 14
Int: 13
Wis: 15
Cha: 14
Most likely a Sorcerer because of my lack of skills and education relying on natural skills I picked up or a Druid because Shapeshifting is cool.
Str 8
Dex 12
Con 6
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 13
Skill focus on (( Gambling:Dealer)) and ((Knowledge: Casino Managemeny))
Lad there is more safety on those things that I could ever break.
I'm still scared shitless when I have to use strong acids. HF is fucking hell.
5 Agi
5 Str
5 Dex
5 Con
10 Int
8 Pwr
8 Will
Martial Knowledge
Use of Ki
Use of Necessary Energy
Path of Creation/Literature Path Level 70
Path of Light/Nobility Path Level 50
60 Magic Accumulation
240 Zeonic Recovery
500 Zeon
Art (Literature): 70
Occult: 50
Ritual Calligraphy: 50
Runes: 70
Persuasion: 105
Blood of Eternal
Mystic Eyes of Fate
Superior Zeon Recovery 3
The Gift
Vulnerable to Pain
Deep Sleeper
Bad Luck
Those warning labels on chainsaws saying "DO NOT ATTEMPT TO STOP CHAINSAW WITH CROTCH" are there because someone tried it, user.
You aint that unique. Go back to being a freelancer
Free lance
Level 0-1
OK stats, medium high int (8 tops)
Assorted secondaries.
There, 80% of Veeky Forums stated.
True Neutral Human Bard (3rd Level)
Ability Scores:
Strength- 17
Dexterity- 14
Constitution- 17
Intelligence- 9
Wisdom- 10
Charisma- 15
They asked if I played in a top-ranking team in my sport... but the sport just ain't very big in my country. :/
>Jamaican bobsledder
I'm much rarer than a 1 in 10,000 existence. I'm Western, born into a wealthy family, white (of the Doggerland haplogroup no less), have no congenital health problems, and have a verified IQ of 146.
>machines with two lock door buttons you have to push at the same time so you can't get your hands stuck in the door
You also have autism, and a knack for sounding like you're cancer.
Level 2 Expert
INT 12
WIS 10
CHA 11
Yes, you wasted your rare cookies in that instead of magic.
Sort of yeah. Let's just say I made the team not because I was that good, but because I was really trainable and positive.
You really have no idea how many people like you there are.
Put that IQ to work then einstein and solve this:
If Barnabas knows everything from before the time everyone forgets, how come he always loses?
>Siberian beach volleyballer
Around 50,000 or so.
All right, Dark Heresy
WS 22
BS 31
STR 25
T 28
Ag 30
Int 36
Per 30
WP 25
Fel 34
Light Sleeper
Speak Language(Native) +20
Speak Language(English) +30
Speak Language(French)
Common Lore(High School)
Common Lore(Tech) + 20
Scholastic Lore(Tech)
Perform(Game Master) + 20
>high school
You need to be 18 or older to use this website.
>Common Lore (Shit they taught you in High School).
Happy now?
You're clearly a teenager.
I'd manage to get my foot stuck
Last time I did that one easydamus test, it gave me something like
CE* Human Wizard 3
STR 10
CON 17**
INT 14
WIS 10
* Not an edgelord, just a degenerate egotistical neckbeard who leans libertarian. Let's not kid ourselves anyway, most people on Veeky Forums would lean Evil, no matter how much you like Paladins
** I'm a big guy who literally never falls sick, has a decently high pain tolerance, can drink a lot of people under the table and is less affected by drugs and stuff like caffeine than most. I'll take it.
Do you even know where you are?
INT 13
WIS 11
CHA 12
Trait: Affable
Drawback: Dependent
Class: Realistically probably Commoner, but I'd pick Cleric because I wanna be a healbot and go on adventures.
I hope not, that shit would dissolve your foot and then my silicon would be all dirty and contaminated
Neutral Good Human Wizard (1st Level)
9 - Strength
11 - Dexterity
11 - Constitution
14 - Intelligence
8 - Wisdom
12 - Charisma
Eh, seem fine. 14 intelligence insofar as being fast to learn things makes sense despite considering myself pretty average intelligence.
>most people on Veeky Forums would lean Evil
Don't forget that chaotic evil just means individualist and capitalist in RL terms.
Fairly above average Intelligence, perhaps reasonable Wisdom, and a bit more than normal Constitution. Rest mediocre.
I'm a low level Expert, having a Bachelor's Degree in Economics and working on one for Law.