Stat me

Stat this glorious smug bastard.

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Stop advertising blizzard bullshit

I just want him in co-op already so I can fuck maps with semi-mass Vanguard.

Also want those 2 HotS maps already.

Same here man.
When is he supposed to come out?

Who knows? There isn't any info on when patch 3.6 is supposed to be released.

Hopefully soon.
I wanna use him in Heroes of the Storm as well.

He was the best part of LotV.

Literally the best Protoss. Artanis can go fuck himself

Fuck you m8.
Artanis was great too.

Artanis, Alarak and Fenix/Talandar were all great.
The other protoss characters were pretty boring.

Selendis is a qt tho

Karax was pretty cool in his times to shine. From how his arms look, he is also more buff than Artanis.

The male protoss are ridiculously buff in SC2.

Am I supposed to know who this is?


Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 5d10+25 (52 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+14
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+5) and bite +4 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab
Special Qualities: Scent
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Track
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3-8)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: —

One touch I liked is how they actually got unit portraits to where you could tell them apart by their faces instead of the semi-same face in WoL.

Though, SC1 and BW still had more distinct protoss faces.

Alignment: Always neutral

>it also boosts hair growth
Now I noticed old Artanis already had his nerve cords cut.

I have read that originally, the character model of Artanis in BW was supposed to be for a different protoss.

Correction, Always Smug.

He's pretty much the best way to do LE/NE (i'm leaning towards NE) and still be a glorious bastard

I don't think that he is neutral. His society works with very strict rules

What do you have against blizzard?

Have you actually played through SC2 campaigns? Boring bland tasteless predictable shiny bullshit. Even the cinematics, as highly produced as they are, SUCK zerg dick when you observe them in context. Blizzards storytelling and characters in the past several years have less substance and quality than the backstory for space invaders.

Def LE, but with sympathetic characteristics.

Every well done LE is a sympathetic character.

LotV was pretty ok

>bite +4 melee (1d8+2)
he literally doesn't have a mouth, you doofus


Lurk more.

Protoss have zero orifices.

How do they reproduce?


Seeing how the protoss both pass nutrients as well as excretions via their skin, on the molecular level, one could assume that they could pass genetic material via skin contact as well.
So handholding could be protoss equivalent of sex.

The babby itself could sorta bud off from the mother.
Imagine a some "pouch" the mommy toss could develop on her body, inside of which the babby toss would develop, and once it is mature enough to be born, the pouch would be shed away, like reptiles shed their skin.


I want to see what babby protoss look like.


He's wearing a glove, it's fine. Artanis is getting genetic material from whoever Jim shook hands with last time, rather than Jim.

Artanis & Selendis otp.

Does anyone else hate how they scrapped Khala at the end of LotV?
Khala was a big thing that made the protoss unique. They are way too human in LotV.

The campaigns are excellent mission wise m8.
Story is pretty shite though.

Some new characters are good such as Alarak and Tychus (who was the best new character in my opinion).

What happened to Tychus was such bullshit.

>no mouth
>unable to smirk
How would that even work?

I haven't. but I kinda wanna see how they pull off that Kerrigan dindu nuffin and was actually a ghost inside her that was actually evil or how does good ol'Fenix react. I'm also curious why everyone likes that Alarak guy, at first glance it just seems like an edgelord and probably a better hero than Artanis in HotS to me.

I know you were trying to be clever but being smug is an attitude, not exclusive to having a smirk on your face.

Tychus got shit on pretty much his whole life, his backstory with jimmy was bretty good for the space western theme they were going for.

The Smug is in the voice, eyes and attitude, no mouth needed.

Everybody likes him because honest bad guys are refreshing.

He is very clear that he is only helping because it furthers his goals.

>and probably a better hero than Artanis in HotS

When you play the LotV campaign, it often feels like Alarak is subtly shitting on or mocking all of the stupid plot and character developments that NewBlizz consistently puts out. His voice is sexy, his smugness and over-the-top evilness is entertaining, and he does a good job of offsetting Artanis' saccharine tolerance and optimism.

Also, he is the first legit evil protoss the series has had.

Just listen to him man.

The Protoss have had plenty of evil characters, although it was more 'obstructive evil' than 'actively out to get you'.

Im sorry for your shit tastes user, for you see, Artanis & Vorazun is the best otp

In my headcannon, protoss always have at least one orifice.

Guess which one.

.....The nose?

Then your headcannon is wrong.
As is that picture.
The protoss do not have boobs.

Vorazun is boring.

Don't you shame me.

Yes I will.
>stacraft ghost

Besides, protoss having boobs makes zero fucking sense.
The protoss have no orifices, thus they have no reason to have boobs.

Your boring user; She had the best female character interactions with Artanis, and was the only one interested in building a new civilization with Artanis.

I dont think so user

>protoss having boobs makes zero fucking sense
>protoss have no orifices
Prudes like you are the reason there's no good protoss smut.

draenei are literally porn protoss

And plebs like you are the reason the little we have is completely lore inaccurate.
You don't need boobs and orifices for good smut.

Her interaction with Artanis was boring as fuck.
The only good interactions Artanis had were with robo Fenix and Alarak.

Sorry I'm not a fag who gets off to women that look like twelve-year-old boys. It's the current year, user, it's okay to admit that you're an enormous queer.

Nah, you are just a pleb who can't find an alien attractive unless it looks conveniently like a human woman.

Better than any of Selendis' interactions.

John DeLancie

>Protoss don't have breasts
>multiple female characters all sporting B cups

>B cups
Or better.


>captain buck
>not canonical
he is my cardboard league spirit animal

Protoss having boobs makes zero sense though.

And yet every female protoss for the last fifteen years has had them, from to .

It's almost like... like it's just a videogame!

There was zero indication of them having boobs in BW, and arguably until LotV.

>just a videogame being an excuse for shit tier world building.

Nigger please.

That literally who cunt stole spotlight from Selendis.

Nigger, I said fifteen years, not twenty. There was literally one female protoss character in Brood War and all she got was a unit portrait. StarCraft: Ghost was officially announced in 2002 and was one of the first pieces of media to hit the internet.

I'm actually still mad that Selendis spent most of the game as a zombie

I'm sad we didn't get more Tosh.

This. Rohana was a complete waste of writing, should have just kept Selendis for her.

Tosh was a victim of the half-assed branching level design in Wings of Liberty, especially since they go through such contortions to make whatever side you choose the "right" side, irrespective of other considerations.

If Hanson lives and Tosh dies, you played the Terran campaign wrong.

Hanson's weirdly smooth face always creeped me out, especially when compared to the really detailed faces of Matt, Tosh, Tychus and Raynor.


Is this loss?

And then she turned into a zergling.

Rohana was pretty interesting as a concept.
Vorazun was worthless.

Starcraft ghost is of ambiguous canon.
And again, protoss having boobs makes zero sense.

>ambiguous canon
Stay mad, fag.

I'm mad they made her a zombie, changed her face dramatically AND spent much of the game harping on the xel'naga and kerrigan instead of learning more about the fucking protoss

Honestly, I still think the only reason she was in Wings of Liberty is because they were originally going to do a Clone Saga thing in Heart of the Swarm.

I'm not sure if the game was improved by the last-minute decision to drop it. StarCraft 2 was a mess from the word go.

Nova of Sc2 only shares the name and appearance with nova of Starcraft Ghost.

SC2' story is a massive mess in general.
Fucking Mentzen should be hung for ruining the setting.

wings of liberty was so close to being really fucking good

they could have fixed it a little by having kerrigan die in heart of the swarm in a "fuck prophecy" move

Everything about kerrigan sucks in SC2.
Wherever she is, the story goes to utter shit.
Mentzen waifued the shit out of her.

hey, there was one good scene with her in it

Things would've been much more interesting if Jimmy had killed her.

>mfw I'm the only one happy that Jimmy FINALLY gets the girl and the happy ending he deserves.



he deserves a happy ending, but he also deserves someone who isn't as shit as kerrigan

>all that bromance with fenix
>lmao queen'd
>all that bromance with tychus
>lmao queen'd
>all that god damn bromance with warfield

LITERALLY the worst