This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Promethean 2e is out
Today's Topic: Everyone's had a chance to look over Promethean, but has anyone actually played it yet?
This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
Promethean 2e is out
Today's Topic: Everyone's had a chance to look over Promethean, but has anyone actually played it yet?
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>Why would I make things easier for people who dislike me?
Because not caring what other people think of you is a sure sign you are a fucking psycho.
>Everyone's had a chance to look over Promethean, but has anyone actually played it yet?
I'm starting a game this Sunday. It's going to be a one-on-one. I've never run Promethean in my life. I know I'm going in the deep end, but I'm cautiously optimistic.
I'm trying to get a game together for it but my players are being mercurial and weird. Additionally I'm playing with at least one person who's known to have the attention span(and communication skills) of a cat.
ITT: one of the god-machine infernal matrices makes it so everyone takes a name for 24 hours.
>You're a fucking psycho if you don't let whiny trolls filter you
Has anyone made any custom Conditions or does anyone know of a good repository of them?
My last game, they hardly came up, and I consider that a personal failing on me as the GM, and issue I plan to rectify for my next game.
However many of the conditions from the core book are far too specific or general, and I'd like to see if they are any other ones that I could use. Most specifically, in relation to gaining conditions from Exceptional Failure in Magic.
Which BTW I think is a fantastic decision.
You get an immediate beat for upgrading failure, you add further complication through a failed course of action, and you get a condition you can cash in later for additional drama and another beat.
I love conditions, I don't know why I was so apprehensive about them before.
>anyone played?
I have a one-on-one game running over, desu it just started.
I also have a 3-player game in planning, the characters are done and Vegas will blow up
Oh please. You claim that people have been pissed at you in excess of 10 years, just because you act like you do. And since people are still annoyed at you, I'll have to conclude that you haven't done shit to improve/fit in.
And when people say "couldn't you fucking get a trip so we don't have to see you." You smugly say no, and call THEM trolls?
Yeah. Honestly. Psycho might apply.
>A-anyone who's sick of my presence is just a NASTY TROLL!!!
You're an unpleasant person. You hold polarizing and usually poorly justified opinions and vehemently argue with anyone on the thread who disagrees. In any thread which you are hugely active, you're EASILY 70% likely to be responsible for a derail into a massive argument. We really, really don't like you Aspel. Just get a trip already.
I am running a solo game right now of prommie. But really I'm thinking of reading mage and running a game of that for my previous players.
Don't forget all the screaming and whining about how other people should just go away, too. Or how much of a fit the little snownigger throws if people dare to talk about things the 'wrong way'.
Read Mage anyway.
I've also failed to use them, even though I've been excited about them since I first read them. I just... Forget about them in the heat of play. Though when I was playing in a hunter game I was stuck with an insomnia-like condition that became central to my character.
>Has anyone made any custom Conditions or does anyone know of a good repository of them?
I've been thinking of making a big list of them.
Mostly I want to bring back some of the Derangements.
To be fair, arguments are always a two way street. That said, yeah, Aspel takes the bait way too often, and even when they're right it's exhausting to read.
Anyways, enough of the drama chatter.
I forget, did Sanguinary Animism make it into Vampire as a Persistent Condition?
>I forget, did Sanguinary Animism make it into Vampire as a Persistent Condition?
Don't remember, but that was one of my favourite Derangements.
>I forget, did Sanguinary Animism make it into Vampire as a Persistent Condition?
The one where the souls of those you've fed on torment you?
Sort of. In Diablerie, you get Tainted, and whoever you ate can bother you and give you inconvenient penalties at the worst of times.
In theory.
In practice you just need to take a small amount of aggravated damage to get rid of it.
A blowtorch and a week or two in the casket will solve all diablerie issues.
When the hell are we getting more concrete rules on the downsides of low integrity? As of the immediate moment it's hilariously toothless, and I've had to start suborning derangements in order to keep my Hunter groups combat sorts from going full Spec Ops:The Line.
I don't get why people keep saying this.
Dealing with shit like Guilty and Broken is no laughing matter, and the lower your Integrity the more likely you are to fall due to negative modifiers.
The negative mods aren't too bad, though. They're at max -2 before other mods and unless the ST heaps penalties on the player they're sure not going to get an exceptional failure for Broken or Madness.
You'll basically never get a dramatic failure naturally, but sometimes its tempting. The current dramatic failure system is better than before, but still not that great.
Maybe if the ST could also choose to downgrade a Failure to Dramatic, like in a lot of systems with Hero Points of Fate Points.
I've tried a few house rules around dramatic failure, but nothing ever seems fair while still being common enough to come up in a game.
Then again, I think people who commonly play tabletops are unlikely to try a 1 in 10 chance for a single success. While the newbie I'm doing the one on one game for tried it multiple times... In combat even...
I think the dramatic failure deal isn't the problem, it's just that...there really ought to be more severe penalties for integrity 1, and low integrity in general.
Now all I can imagine is the underground society dedicated to cleaning up vampires who diablerie others.
>"Seven hundred dollars and a ghoul, and I'll make it look like it never even happened!"
It's called The Sworn of the Locust.
Although they might also revel in the Tainted condition to draw out skills and stuff from their victim..
Pretty sure people can still see the black veins in your aura even after the Tainted Condition is gone.
Hey hey hey! It's me, your all time favorite, Dr Ugly Mouth!
Now, I've been noticing how old and dusty that mega link is in the paste bin! So, I've taken it upon myself to make a new and shiny link for CofD! It's got all the WoD books you love, but will now be updated as soon as I'm able!
Please, look through the folders and see if I'm missin' anything. If I am, shoot me a link in a reply and I'll get it uploaded as soon as I can!
Happy trials!
personally i'd probably just treat breaking point failures at integrity 1 as dramatic failures, and maybe expand the conditions list for that
Ah, forgot the encryption key!
This link should work fine!
Scholar, Gentleman, Faggot
Thanks a bunch
Could you guys think of a reason for a mage to work as a reporter? (be it newspaper of tv) What tradition would it fit for a such character?
Free council would be my first instinct.
Gotta bring the news to the people! Gotta use technology!
They would probably want a strong shadow name so they don't get zip zapped while on the air.
Free Council using air time to slip subliminal messages to the masses too rise up.
Seers using the same tactic to oppress sleepers.
Would it be too much like the Odin problem to take up the Shadow Name "Murrow"? "Rather" might have been a good one before the mid-2000s.
Sorry. Which Tradition or Convention (M:tAs) would most closely correspond to the Free Council?
The Traditions.
Virtual Adepts seem the best fit!
Virtual Adepts, Society of Ether to an extent, Akashic Brotherhood, Celestial Chorus, and Dreamspeakers could also fit in there, more so with 2e's Free Council.
Yeah, I mean how many reporter mages can there be? Could backfire pretty hard unless you obscure it a little more.
On the other side of the coin: Iteration X, Progenitors, and Void Engineers could also have a place in the Free Council, though maybe not exactly as presented for the first two.
Fair point, plus it probably looks way too pretentious. Calling yourself "Brokaw" would probably lead to more snickering than respect.
>Aspel is the one who made the new thread
>He's one who messes up the OP
Step up, Aspel
I thought it was just Fagness all this time
>Mage 2e Errata
>The Pack
>V20 Ghouls and Revenants
Oh, thank god we're finally getting our own trove, sort of
I guess that means this post was sort of unnecessaryAnywho, at a glance you're missing The Primordial Feast(Beast's fiction anthology), Book of the Deceived(Mummy), Guildhalls of the Deceived(Mummy), Sothis Ascends(Mummy), Vampire 2e(You've got Blood and Smoke, but iirc the proper 2e book has some stuff that Blood and Smoke didn't), Werewolf 2e, and The Pack(Werewolf)
There's probably other stuff for Mummy; I know I'm missing a couple of books
Gotcha, I'll see if I can hunt them down.
missing mortal remains from hunter
Entire Mummy line at the moment is:
Core Rulebook
Guildhalls of the Deathless
Book of the Deceived
Lore of the Decieved
Sothis Ascends
Necropolis: Washington DC
Mummy Ready Made Characters
Curse of the Blue Nile (Mummy Fiction Anthology)
Dreams of Avarice
That one compilation of the three adventures in Guildhalls, Book, and Sothis whose name escapes me.
The Mummy Novel and Necropolis: Rio are forthcoming, and should bring the 1e line to a close.
On it.
Here is a question,
Does specialities that are not true can be taken?
For instance Occult(UFO sightings) in a setting where UFOs don't exist. Can this be taken?
Generally up to the ST but you are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to not take specialties that will never, ever come into play anyway.
There's no rule against it, but as an ST I wouldn't allow it unless the player was insistent, because you can't actually get good at something that doesn't exist.
The UFO conspiracist who "knows a lot" about aliens who don't exist doesn't actually *know* anything in a way that's measurable by the system, anymore than a fan of Lord of the Rings would have to take Academics to know the fictional history of Middle Earth.
Not entirely true, you can totally have specialties in stuff that you don't actually know, but you should frame it as such. Alien conspiracy theories as opposed to aliens and the like.
Surely the character and his extensive knowledge on the Lizard People will not come in handy, but can he use it later on when the real conspiracies with vampire societies and whatnots are revealed?
So, can you define a broad speciality and then use it for something else or do you have to define it specifically?
Politics(Lizard People Conspiracy)
My reasoning is that to follow up a conspiracy you need to delve into knowledge and keep tabs on lots of people and corporations etc. Real conspiracy theorist do that a lot so they can use that knowledge base for any other conspiracy if they turned out to be real.
Someone going through images and writing to spot a Lizard Lord can use the same methods to spot a Vampire Lord. Instead of looking for Lizard signs you look for vampire related signs.
tl;dr Can I take Politics(Conspiracy) or do I have to focus on a specific branch Politics(Lizard People Conspiracy)?
That level of differentiation is up to you, honestly.
I'd probably place Conspiracy, in the context of 'looking for the truth', under Investigation, though, myself.
Or maybe take that merit that lets you use it for multiple abilities.
how the fuck do I get started with VTM? I've been reading the v20 rulebook and eveything is summarized so faintly. What should I read besides the rulebook. There are so much shit to read I don't even know where to even start.
Can a kindred remain active without their head in VtR? A player soaked a tilted headshot with resilience and I'm not sure what happens next.
Kindred who lose their head die, I'm pretty sure.
Is it legal to buy diamonds with no registration because they come from the pre-blood diamond time?
Wouldn't he just negate the damage? If it still lopped off his head, he's dead as shit.
If he soaked it, the tilt isn't applied.
If he didn't soak it completely, he's probably just Stunned.
If he didn't soak it at all, and it did enough damage to fill his last health box with Lethal, then he's headless and dead.
My understanding is that resilience doesn't actually prevent injury in a superman 'skin of steel' way, but injuries simply don't cause wounds. You still take the cosmetic damage along with logical impairments (in this case becoming dead as shit)
Ah, in that case I'd assume something like a gash along his neck which looks quite severe and would(To a human) likely be lethal, but for him? Probably not a problem.
Can someone explain what's the point of Dodging is? You double your Defence and roll it as a pool, which on average makes you effectively cut it down by about 2/3rds, since you need approximately 3 dice to have 1 success.
Is it just bait or meant for risking? Because it's pretty much never worth it.
Yeah but every success removes one from your attacker. It's a nice way to fuck someone using Steadfast to strike you with a chainsaw, for example.
And it's a neat little mechanic for supernatural powers to hook off of
Addendum: It has to do at least as much damage as his Size to apply Stunned
>You still take the cosmetic damage along with logical impairments (in this case becoming dead as shit)
That requires that enough damage is done to actually impose the injury anyways. Unless he actually took as much damage as his Size, he's probably at most got a cut on his neck; if he took that much damage, he's got a larger cut, but his head still isn't severed.
It's meant to be used when your normal Defense won't apply, and you know for a fact that you don't want to be on the receiving end of a successful hit; for risking, as you put it.
It's also the only way for most people to defend against Firearms.
It seems like it's supposed to be a high risk/high reward method of avoiding damage. It honestly feels like dodging is there to just have some kind of active damage avoidance combat option.
Is Juggernaut's Gait the single greatest indicator of imminent player death in the setting?
I've yet to have a player go more than three sessions after getting it without enacting some retarded plan that involves them running into a burning building or dragging some elder into a sunroom
Does anyone have experience running mixed chronicles?
I've got three people who want to be different spooks but I don't know how badly the CoD books mesh together, or whether the mage player will just trivialize everything
>Mixed game
Hey I have experience running those they're pretty fun and everyone get to-
>Mage player
Abandon ship buddy.
Well it can work as long as people work together and there's no M-
>or whether the mage player will just trivialize everything
Shit son, it's over
I-it's fine, I'll just make him play a mummy.
I'll be honest, it'll probably be less game-breaking. Not even joking
It's better for you user. Mages are just too versatile to be fun in a crossover game
Would making them buy individual rotes instead of arcana dots balance it?
I don't understand when a spell is Lasting and when not. For example, Are objects created with Ex Nihilo or spirits created with Birth Spirit Lasting?
>Mage would start at Gnosis 1, and just be versatile in a few categories
>Mummy would start at Sekhem 10, and be able to stomp any situation you put them in
consider carefully senpai
>Is Juggernaut's Gait the single greatest indicator of imminent player death in the setting?
When we were infiltrating a vampire's haven we had to split up. My woof makes too much noise killing a ghoul, runs to take care of the other two. One's in the next room dialing a phone (alerting the elder), the other has a shotgun (silver bullets) and is aiming it at me.
5 harmony, could change reflexively to wolf and interrupt, but interrupt phone and get shot, gunman and get reinforcements (fuck up the rest of the plan)
Very tenseaffair
You just gotta construct the encounters carefully and with subtlety.
>Tonight our intrepid heroes face the might of the Marauder and his equally worthy allies, BP1 draugr and agitated river spirit.
Well, I managed to find everything but Sothis Ascends and Curse of the Blue Nile!
Can't seem to find Primordial Feast!
Don't forget one chapter in Dark Eras, and two more in the Companion.
There you go
I don't have Curse of the Blue Nile
Much obliged!
I know where we are, but I'm still gonna gently suggest you buy some of the Mummy stuff if you wind up liking it. It's arguably the most niche line in the CofD and I'd like OPP to see any sales it can get so that it doesn't get written off for future content.
Maybe if I have some spare cash next pay day!
I was going by whole books, as opposed to appearances.
I've thought of more backstory for my Scion of Ghost of Rabbit. Spoilered if you don't care about Scion or me talking about my character.
Grew up to a single Mexican mother in lower class outside of a reservation in a shitty apartment in Tucson, she's a sweetheart but pretty not smart so just told him his background is "native" and doesn't know his father; only thing he has to remember him by is a lucky rabbit foot. Grew up speaking Spanish and English and his formative years were relatively trouble free, but he did always have a penchant for trying to rile people up—particularly authority figures or older students. Got in a few fights, but hey what can you do. Did some sports, kissed some girls, worked some shitty jobs in high school. Relatively normal life. Got what he thinks is a husky/irish wolfhound mix dog.
Took a gap year when he graduated, researched family tree, went to a bretty gud university on native american scholarship for a communications or business degree. Keeps in contact with his mother with weekly letters they write back, he tries to send her some money because he's an enabler. Comes home to his apartment one day junior year to see a Wendigo munching on his room mate, fight ensures, bam visitation.
I'm thinking his primary personality traits are a well-meaning charismatic man that has aggressive tendencies. doesn't like when he feels that he's not in charge of a situation. need to work on that a bit more.
yes or no? that sound groovy? just bare bones stuff so far.
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Well I must admit I was put off from the moment they told me "Players cannot know what the fuck's going on because the game's virtually playable only once."
I'm exagerating, but still, it's the only fuckin' game divided in a Player's book and an ST one. Shot themselves in the foot pretty hard by doing that
Crunchwise they mesh together fine. Fluff wise there can be problems. A lot of the motivation for cofd characters is fitting into their respective society. So it can be difficult to keep characters from acting like murder hobos if you don't have that 'monster society' running in the background.
Everyone just reads it anyway and agrees to hot metagame.
>only playable once
What, did you run out of history to play around in?
It's definitely a character. All you've really tokd is us is his ethnic background, that he chafes under authority, and that he's had an incredibly normal life. What does he care about? How does he feel about the revelation of his divine heritage? Give us something to sink our teeth into.
I've only been thinking about him a few hours, I'm hashing out more of the details while I'm at work.
>incredibly normal life
Is that a bad thing for him do you think? Should I change it up?
Definitely not - it beats "he's a Navy SEAL and an orphan" any day of the week - but I'm just saying there's not a ton of room for discussion in the thread to jump off from there.
He sounds cool, and any Scion who isn't Theoi or Aesir is a good thing in my eyes.
How would you stat him in CofD? I'm leaning towards Mage myself, but I'm open to suggestions.
Did zeus or loki touch you in a nono place? Show us on the doll.
Let's be real, it was probably Zeus
Zeus's dick is the cause of 90% of Greek mythology
It makes sense when you consider that the Player book and the ST book were intended to be sold separately. You can see the remains of this concept, as there's a version of Mummy on sale at DTRPG that's just the player's section, and a "Virtual Box Set" that's basically just the corebook in three separate PDF files.
I assume this concept died as soon as someone told OPP "you know that the only people who actually get away with this is WotC, right?"
There's a clear storyline in mind for a basic Mummy campaign that involves discovering the possibility of the Mentaar and trying to actually make it happen. The Avarice Chronicle actively tries to set this up. Thus the fear that once the ST finally plays their hand, there's no more reason to play Mummy anymore, since the players know what's "really" going on. I don't really see that feat as being well founded myself, since there's plenty of content to do with Mummy besides that, but I understand why it's there.
They're not bad, just overexposed. I get a little tired of seeing Norse stuff appropriated by skinheads, too.
I want Sumerian Scions, man. I want to make a Scion of Ninurta who revels in fighting and hangs out with a talking mace.
This Scion Kickstarter better get here soon so I can make the general already
I think they'll be in Demigod, alongside the Polynesian and Inuit gods?