I need art of little critters dressed in medieval or fantasy clothing. Especially looking for some bugs, particularly moths.
Any animals found in Redwall would apply.
I need art of little critters dressed in medieval or fantasy clothing. Especially looking for some bugs, particularly moths.
Any animals found in Redwall would apply.
Other urls found in this thread:
>captcha: 2000 jesus
It's Roman, but it should be alright.
will see what I have, may not be a lot
last one
Moths you say.
any more moths? or regular rodents in regular clothes?
I've got no moths in clothing left, sorry.
Not the right kind of art, but leaving this here for inspiration:
>Not quit oinkbane....Or is it?
Kinda critters.
Anyone have rabbits?
or hares
Clever girl...
Please do stay for tea.
I came here to post this exact picture.
have a leech barber-surgeon
Bug world was the coolest
Good news, I hear some of the anons are still working on it
Too sci-fi?
but user, Bug world lives
The time of Flesh and Steel is at an end.
Now dawns the Age of Silk and Fang
Surprising lack of Mouse Guard in this thread.
Yeah I thought this thread would be full of nothing but that and Redwall
Pretty sure Cluny is supposed to be a rat
I'd do it.
>ywn have a qt moth waifu
Not with that attitude!
There were entire bugworld threads back in the day. WE got lots of art done for them. I wonder if there's a gallery somewhere?
I've actually collected a ton of images of this sorta stuff because I'm making a CYOA about it. I'll dump what I have.