Name a situation in which you'll need the indirect fire of a Griffon light motar?

Name a situation in which you'll need the indirect fire of a Griffon light motar?

You're driving through Detroit and your car breaks down.

Wouldn't it be more practical to call an airstrike? Because Orks are pretty tough.

When your about to assault a bombed out building but you want the enemy to keep their heads down.

Griffons do more damage to buildings than basalisks.

Im still waiting for GW to mount one on a chimera. Why not? The sweedish have an APC called a CV90 with a twin barrelled automatic 120mm breech loading mortars.

Also if you wanna launch the mortar from the safety of the next street.

You can't see the enemy, because there are 49 Griffons in front of you.

by the way with the renegades of vraks FW army and one of the force org charts in that book that + HQ choice is a legal army

Area denial. Even Orks won't charge clean through a constant barrage of shells.

First day of middle school.


(for reelz tho, why iz Orks not immune to suppressing fire? Any roight Orky Ork worth 'iz teef isn't gonna cower at a little light dakka flying near him, e'z gonna charge or throw some dakka back while singing the dakka or "'ere we go" song)

>The sweedish have an APC called a CV90 with a twin barrelled automatic 120mm breech loading mortars.

The Grkpbv 90120 project was cancelled in 2009.

CV90 is the entire family.

>Im still waiting for GW to mount one on a chimera

It is mounted on a chimera.

Orks have primitive minds and lots of big explosions tearing their lines apart would kick in their survival instincts.

Pretty much every Guard vehicle that isn't a Leman Russ or a superheavy is on a Chimera chassis, because it's a pretty versatile vehicle that can be adapted well to any configuration by the Tech-priests of Mars!

also GW doesn't want to make more sculpts than necessary

Orks have a survival instinct?

When your enemy is behind a wall mortaring you.

This. Strategist refer to this as the volleyball gambit.

When you need the enemy's head down but you don't want to render their fire position useless because you need that position.

A better question is, "When does the Guardsman *not* need the indirect fire of a Griffon light mortar?" Having fire support is always better than not having fire support.

When he's got indirect fire from a Wyvern maybe.

When you'd like a Basilisk but don't have one.

What's the joke? I haven't played since 4th edition.

Yeah. It boils down to "Krump the other git before 'e krumpz you."

There is a building over there.

I don't want there to be a building over there.

These days the wyvern is statistically better against anything except 11AV vehicles.

Why would they name a land vehicle after a legendary beast that flies?

For the opposite reason that the Germans in WW2 named a monobeam radar after a one-eyed mythological figure.