How do you detect and remove SJWs before they infect your table? I don't want my game ruined by Marxist thought police.
How do you detect and remove SJWs before they infect your table? I don't want my game ruined by Marxist thought police
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You could, um, screen your bloody players? Interviews?
Ban fat, glasses, dyed hair and asymmetrical haircuts.
SJW don't play tabletop games
Neither does Veeky Forums, so it's a double moot point.
>Ban fat
Congrats, no one gets to play.
Pretty much this. If someone turns out to be an SJW after they've already entered the group, then just kick them out.
>How do I ban these thoughts from my personal universe? They're a threat to freedom.
Well, you could stop equating identities that offend you to war crimes. That should help remove a lot of the social justice "war" from your personal mini-universe.
>How do you detect and remove SJWs before they infect your table? I don't want my game ruined by Marxist thought police.
Step one-Invite your friends to games
step two-don't be friends with SJWs
Now picturing an all Veeky Forums group.
I can't, too gay.
>If you don't want to play with me, you're against FREEDUMS
There's quite a big list of people I wouldn't want to spend my time with, but SJW types are probably in top 5.
You can make an exception for bearmodes. SJWs are never bearmode.
You'll find it a hard time to keep "thought police" away from your life if you have to police people's thoughts to do it.
Read their blog 1st.
Or be less of a shitlord.
>too gay.
no such thing
You could be less sensitive; if you didn't equate people disagreeing with you to the stasi maybe you'd have less trouble.
fucking 'thought police', jesus.
> How do you detect and remove SJWs before they infect your table?
You play with people that aren't your friends?
For what purpose?
Freedom isn't free.
op doesn't have friends, read their post
>if you have to police people's thoughts
You keep saying that, as if I'm some sort of authority. I just don't want to associate with them in my private life, how is that "though police"?
>thought police
>anyone but card carrying Republicans
lol, okay
You could try doing your game recruiting on /pol/.
>Marxist thought police
>You keep saying that, as if I'm some kind of authority.
The quest for the ultimate gain.
No one in my play group weighs over 160lbs. Ain't hard to find skinny people
>How do you detect and remove SJWs before they infect your table?
you don't, at the end of the day, an SJW is like every other problem player out there and you deal with them like you would any other problem player.
You start off giving them the benefit of the doubt that they can keep their shit together and treat them like you would any other players, and if it turns out that they can't keep their shit together, you deal with it swiftly, whether that means a stern talking-to or outright ban you will have to determine for yourself. you still need to careful to vet them ahead of time sure, if they are being a problem even before getting to the table, don't invite them. But usually a problem player will seem perfectly normal, or at least well-behaved, at first and you only discover later that they are what they are, and you just got to deal with it as it comes up, but deal with it you must if the game is to survive. But for what it's worth, we'll be here to laugh with you over their antics.
I hope you understand what I'm trying to tell you.
SJWs try to constrict what is seen as acceptable in the hobby, both from the dev and publisher side, as well as the player side. They /actively/ try to do this. That's more than just disagreeing.
That's what people who scream at them wish they could do. They morally object to any representation or acknowledgement of groups or facts they consider "oppressive", such as trans or asexual characters. Despite how they act, they are not merely defending themselves against evil invading monsters, but outright attacking those who show less hatred towards their targets.
>How do you detect and remove SJWs before they infect your table?
Standing up to their shit and not inviting them to games,like with every other undesiderable player.
they do this by talking about it, basically. if you don't want to submit to the fempire, you really can't be forced.
unless of course you feel they're exerting some kind of influence on you, taking advantage of some kind of... trigger?
>the SJW cries out in pain as xe attacks you
SJW spotted.
I found the SJW.
All potions are now oats and shakes.
Joining a game is voluntary to begin with dumbass.
They don't need to start beating people up to have a negative influence. Convince enough people by talking to them, and you'll see the things you don't like banned, and the people defend those things ostracized.
Just avoid ugly girls with dyed short hair and you should be fine.
You can't, this is our hobby now.
I narrow my eyes on them and say "It's just a game, chill out."
"If you keep bringing this up I'm banning you from the session."
"Get out."
>mangle every hobby they infest
>we dindu nuffin t. sjw
Oh boy a controversy from decades ago, how modern and relevant to the modern political sphere.
Do they even play?
I've played RPGs since 1982 with a shitload of groups and people through the years and have yet to have anyone go full /pol/ or SJW at the gaming table.
Maybe I've lucked out and had players who keep gaming and private opinions apart.
>Able to keep their shit together
Why not just nip the problem in the bud?
I mean yeah that's literally how social change works.
Must be terrible feeling ostracised and alienated. At least you can fix it by deciding to be less of a cumbucket.
If you got time to focus on political opinions then your setting isn't brutal enough.
>Why not just nip the problem in the bud?
If they wanted to do that, they'd be asking about how to avoid a witch hunt, not how to start one.
I've found FLGS games tend to be largely SJW-less, depending on the climate in your town/city.
Friend games vary as much as anything, w/e.
games attached to universities or organised online, we're invading we're getting our greasy gay hands all over it. D&D is implicitly patriarchal, rolling dice creates oppressive structures.