Mole Man Edition
It's the Iron within that counts Sub-Edition
Why are there so many Ironfire riders? Anyway, we talked about the bit about how shields and Tartaros don't mix and IW fluff, KA posted his Caestus, the color of ceramite became a subject of discussion, and we made stats for the Mole Man of the Iron Warriors plus much more in the last bread Red Book Links: sys.Veeky
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Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) -
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3++/EW is good, but its mans you only have 5 attacks max
and you are black
>Why are there so many Ironfire riders?
Iron Warriors are now Amerislavstralians who are a bitter-but-magi/k/al legion.
Besides the Alpha legion and Death Guard, I'm not too sure about the other legions' meme-apeal.
Hahahahaha, your forgot the fourth attack from the BBC user.
I wouldn't be playing Iron Warriors if anons didn't pidgeon hole me using logic.
I'm still in denial. I 100% will make bare gunmetal grey marines and field them as any of the legions because settling on one.
Upon reaching that point I will add trim that is their legions color. Sue me
>I 100% will make bare gunmetal grey marines and field them as any of the legions because settling on one.
That's not a bad idea.
Hello fellow heresy-fags, I just finished a Land Raider for my Iron Tenth.
Im the same user who posted my predators a few days ago.
After this, I only have four Land Raiders left of my 3000p list!
Yeah but, I must be scum of the earth because I'm also buying tons of chinaman. Figured may as well min max my hobbying investment until I can afford the sweet sweet smoothness hat is forge world.
So I can then create my own molds and recast myself. Muahahaha.
What I've got so far, fresh heresy from the STC machine.
>Upon reaching that point I will add trim that is their legions color. Sue me
As long as it’s actually the legion color and not a metallic that’s only vaguely related to it.
Well I'm addicted to Runelord Brass, so I plan on a metallic with Runelord brass somewhere. Then the solid color on an arm or combination of flat surfaces.
Looks like shit. At first glance I thought you just applied the basecoat. Fucktards that don't put time into painting like you are ruining Veeky Forums.
Some big guys you got there.
And muh Generation Y enters the field!! Welcome brother, what manner of legion do you field?
Size comparison. I'm the kind of autist that can't stand tiny standard marines.
user. I like you. Sell me your full sized marines please.
Could you do full sized MKII? How are you handling the weapons, don't you think they will look a little small?
But I am a millenial. And I'm painting Word Bearers.
Fuck! My gambit failed.
Pics user pics.
I don't want to be identified as a raging dick.
I totally agree that it wasnt the most flattering photo of my Land Raider, but I would be damned to take that kind of shit from som asberger word bearer sperg such as yourself.
Because your minis look shitty? Who cares, look at my shit. I'm stoked I have mediocre minis at all, why? Because this hobby is hella fun.
Simply being able to represent is enjoyable. Imagine when I get my first game brother millennial user. The rapturous moment as muh Iron Warriors undoubtedly get trounced by some Taufag. The joyous tears of my legion first being blooded. Hahaha.
You haven't even posted most of it. I'd refuse playing your unpainted piece of shit. If you don't care about the hobby but only the game then play with coke cans instead of forking out hundreds of pounds.
Your miniatures are not mediocre. They're shit.
The fact that you use Forge World for your first miniatures prove your lack of responsibility.
No. People like you are ruining Veeky Forums.
Cheers. Selling reprinted stuff is where I draw the line for now, until I shred the last bit of my morality.
MKII's is how I started this project but it was way before the official force organisations from FW so these guys are just floating around currently. Since they have the assault marine harnesses, I'm thinking of making them either recon, seekers or veterans.
Well, not putting B&S tracks on my land raiders...
So 3/10? Give me a rating out of ten user, at least before you sperg out over the fact that they are chinaman Hahahaha.
Grow up, perhaps you are the fabled Generation Y with too much time on their hands.
For (You)
And yeah about the weapons. They are unfortunately tiny, but I have only so much time and patience. the Phobos pattern stuff looks decent on them though.
Let he who posts his own well-painted minis cast the first stone.
But seriously guys, shut up. Poor paintjobs are better than bare resin or “here’s the list I want but will probably never buy and assemble”.
>Not painting those big marines UUUU™ in AL colour and distributing them among squads as regular legionnaries.
user, user-kun, user plx.
So, you're making your own marines now? How? If you start recasting then your eyes start becoming narrower and your dick smaller?
>I'm not GenY, but a millenial
What do you think Generation Y is?
Well, I would be willing to pay 15USD per 5 MKII models with reprinted shoulder pads so long as they where comparable with current MKII kits.
>I don't want to be identified as a raging dick.
>mfw I have no face
I'd guess a ten year old painted it. If anyone should grow up it's you. You've wasted your money by using such expensive models for your first minis. I recently bought some snapfit stormcasts to practice and test colour schemes before buying anything else. Before I started my Word Bearers I watched several tutorials online to get a hang of the paint scheme. I try to read guides as often as I can to paint miniatures that both me and my opponent can enjoy. You piss me off because you buy expensive models when you admit yourself you can't paint and then proudly show them on HHG.
But I did write I was a millenial. I never wrote I wasn't.
Are you that user who always posts that pic of those two word bearer marines?
I paid 18 dollars for 5 miniatures with chain swords and pistols that I put photos bolters on. Get off your trip, I spent less than you.
I have read guides, I've followed paint schemes, these are the first two miniatures I've painted. You can trip all you want but at the end of the day I ultimately spend less money on these miniatures than you did. post your models user.
Share with us the fruits of your self imposed holier than thou mentality.
Yup. You got me. I'll have to admit my painting is only the lower end of tabletop standard.
3k of Taghmata:
Archmagos Prime Ordinator; conversion beamer, master-crafted meltagun, power fist 215
20 Tech-tralls 65
20 Tech-tralls 65
3 castellax; enhanced targeting arrays 360
3 castellax; enhanced targeting arrays 360
3 castellax; 3 darkfire cannons, enhanced targeting arrays 420
3 castellax; 3 darkfire cannons, enhanced targeting arrays 420
Thanatar; enhanced targeting array 365
Thanatar; enhanced targeting array 365
Thanatar; enhanced targeting array 365
About the last one, you can't criticise people too much for wanting to check that they're not going to spend a huge amount of money on units/loadouts which turn out to be awful. I'm sure most people that post prospective lists do intend to collect them at the time.
What a mother fucker. You have the gall to talk shit when your only enraged because your dicks too hard over your own 40+ dollar investment to realize that perhaps, there are better ways of getting into the hobby.
Grow up man. I don't even give a shit that you over hyped your own work. At least you put chisel to stone and committed.
Silicone molds and resin. And yes, the curse is irreversible.
Yeah but the majority of individuals never get beyond theory crafting. All the while wanking to their perspective on what their favorite factions like. Or getting off to the Bolter porn.
Well, my plan is to use a homemade electrical arc furnace to create successive generations of molds that can withstand the heat of a metal master cast.
I'm aiming for MKII armor first, once I have that down the objective is to go non toxic.
But I haven't purchased Forge World yet. Only BaC. I've never overhyped my work. I write what I didn't do so well, what needs improvement and then ask for tips. Just tired of people that don't even finish the miniatures posting their shit. Three colours and a wash are not finished miniatures.
You are bitching over nothing though, so you prefer no miniatures to any? The drought is real, the hobby is dying. Get your stick out of your ass and be accommodating.
Rather have a small community of dedicated members rather then what happened to 40k where you have armies of grey miniatures with the latest OP build. It is rather pathetic that GW tournaments needed a rule demanding three colours and a wash.
I think a recasting factory of Big Mehreenz may only run properly if you play this song over and over again.
Based Chinaman
Get the fuck out, you are literal hobby-cancer.
Or at least leave for Age of Shitmar.
There are multiple limiting factors that prevent that from happening, there are three or four armies total, the latest of those armies only have slight rules variations and the 30k to 40k match ups favor 40k up until 2k points plus.
Your dedicated community isn't worth a shit if you can't find anyone to game with. If nobody plays 30k locally then you are left with the 40k community anyway.
A larger community benefits everyone when the 40k scene is dwindling, the sub sect of that being 30k would clearly be shrinking as well.
I live in the largest metropolitan area in my state, out of FIVE hobby shops within a twenty mile radius only THREE have ANY 40k scene, of those NONE HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT 30k IS.
Let's be elitist about our BAC army.
So you can have your own little safe-space posting shit miniatures? At least /wip/ doesn't embrace shit painting like you.
I'm not the big marine user. I'm the zealous one posting about metallic marines haha. Also the user white knighting people getting into the hobby period.
>faint bubbling sounds and the smell of exotic demolding agents fill a dimly lit room
>pressure pots and other weird contraptions from wall to wall
>floor covered in recast bits, flash and grit from endless experimenting
>a hunched form can be seen meticulously working at the drawing board, his yellowing hands scraping away at it's grimoire
"Yes, yes.. My calculations are correct... ...The perfect formula. Not so tiny anymore!"
>a terrible laughter echoes in the room, a mad glint flashes in the poorly endowed lunatic's slanty eyes
Every /hhg/ you post the same shit.
Either paint more or stop posting this photo. At least knight user makes new content and learns.
>>a terrible laughter echoes in the room, a mad glint flashes in the poorly endowed lunatic's slanty eyes
Heard there were big guys in this thread...
Your Magos will get ganked and then the list will do literally nothing.
How do I avoid that?
You are Word Bearer user. Nice deflection. Let's not address any other valid points that have been made.
The painting quality argument is entertaining
Speak of the Devil and he shall appear.
I feel you on the dearth of 30k scenes, user. I live near one of the larger tournament areas on the East coast(Central FL) but fuck me if I can't find anyone who plays HH near here.
Kinda funny how the zealous user is a word bearer.
but seriously though, if you don't like his paintjob why not give him some suggestions on how to make it better? He did say this is his first foray into painting. Wouldn't it be better to help him become better at it than trying to soap-box him?
I'd say 3/10 works. Needs another color to break up the gunmetal, so maybe add some more brass? After that I'd say you need to do some highlighting on the edges, so maybe drybrush some runefang steel on there. I'd also do something with the eyes, they're too dark for the rest of the model. Look up some tutorials on how to do lenses and then practice.
Remember that nobody's good their first day so just keep on practicing. Good luck
Take a Dominus so that he can join the MC's. Also, give them the 3+ invul upgrades. You should try to either run one super buffed magos, or several weaker ones. I prefer the latter.
And you really ought to be running Cybernetica with that many robots. The extra range will give you a lot more room to work with.
Also, why are your thanatars so expensive?
You addressed me in all three of your posts. hahahaha.
YES. Concise advice, I plan on dry brushing necron compound for highlighting.
I wanted to do the blue lense with the soul stone blue technical because one of the boys at my lgs spoke highly of how it interacted with metallic base coats.
I'm Word Bearers user and I didn't write that.
You'd know if you followed my rage complaining about badly painted models and what does knight user have?
Ye, I overreacted when I could have offered some tips. But I do believe that when he first posted his mini he was going for Iron Hands and not Iron Warriors.
I'm sorry for starting a shitposting war like Lorgar.
okay, some points:
Thantars should be 265,
With that many robots, run dominus: +1 intive and 24" control range is sweet
exchange the ETA on some of those castellax for the power blades: the +1 attack will serve you better.
Think about including the jumpack robots: rampage+ armour bane is sweet as, and will really scare your enemy.
Oh, right, I misread their point cost
Thanks for the advice
Now, on to earn 900 pounds to buy all of that
>Implying you aren't universally hated
At least learn how to take a fucking picture. Nobody wants to see your grubby ass sausage fingers. Go to /wip/ and rear the fucking first post.
Hey, don't sweat it user. Water under the ecclesiastical bridge.
You got any tips for first-time painter user? I've not done many metallic schemes before so I can really only suggest the basics.
I'll rear the first post no problem. Care to post some miniatures?
Care to deflect further with reiterating someone else's argument rather than moving forward with your own?
I just do a basecoat, wash, layer and then highlights. Try practicing on other objects like snapfit marines or maybe even spoons before painting your cool guys. You can always go to /wip/ and ask for better tips.
This made me smile. Thank you user
If your painting isn’t great, paint up a whole army. Aside from being good painting practice, mediocre minis tend to look better in big groups.
Also, when it comes to 30k space marines, you can paint a whole damn Legion with an airbrush
ya I need to invest in an airbrush at somepoint.
The first base coat tilts me so hard because of the effort expended vs visible reward.
I'm really jealous at how easily Duncan does his basecoat.
>your argument is invalid if you don't post your own miniatures
>your argument is invalid if someone else shares it with you
Good god, man, calm your butthurt.
use a very big brush
use a small brush to paint any spots you missed with the big one
that's how I did my NL and DG, fast and easy
How about now?
Legio Cybernetica:
Archmagos Dominus; conversion beamer, master-crafted meltagun, cyber familiar, augury scanner 215
Archmagos Dominus; conversion beamer, master-crafted meltagun, cyber familiar 210
6 Thallax Ferrox 270
6 Thallax Ferrox 270
3 castellax; enhanced targeting arrays, 3x power blades 415
3 castellax; 3 darkfire cannons, enhanced targeting arrays 420
3 castellax; 3 darkfire cannons, enhanced targeting arrays 420
Thanatar; enhanced targeting array 265
Thanatar; enhanced targeting array 265
Thanatar; enhanced targeting array 265
Thread revival go!
When they say when at all costs, what's your brand of noob pwning, ass raping, overpowered goodness?
Points awarded for it being legitimately rapey.
Additional points awarded if it's original gangster.
These are the lists you pull out when your best buds talked too much shit and your battle must make it to the table.
Anons, what's your special flavor of buddy fucking?
You seem to start shit posting wars a lot ya know
This list is the Mechanicum equivalent of
Tactical squad
Tactical squad
Assault squad
Assault squad
Medusa battery
I'd honestly refuse a game due to the boredom I'd likely experience playing would kill me.
do my brassy fists trigger you user
Ultramarines with massed Fulmentari alongside msu tacticals backed by sicarans led by the one and only spiritual liege seem pretty strong.
Could he be He Who Bears the Word?
>Implying that's not your run of the mill Ironfire list.
Sounds quite expensive, and "Massed" is hard to believe when Sicarans and Fulmentarii use the same 3 Heavy support choices.
Imagine if Guillinigger gave those Fulmentarii Interceptor, however...
>implying Ironfire isn't boring to play against
How about Perturabo split firing orbital barrages from within Iron Tyrants.
Massed techthralls screening addmech pieplates.
Hammer of Olympia Volkite support squads with tactical blobs fielding medusas, a deredo, phosphex quad mortars, a squad of castellax (warsmith with cortex controller) and a leviathan siege dreadnaught. Oof
you should increase size for Rhinos and Land Raiders as well. Ever tried to put 10 Marines into a Rhino?
First you shit on IF because people at them now you're shitting on IWs because they're popular now?
>be IF guarding the palace on Terra
>learn that Mars has fallen to the traitors
>track fleet leaving Mars and head towards Terra
>fleet lands
>what appears to be an Iron Warriors army marches out
>fire at will
At least give them a yellow pauldron!
forget about whose cast as the primarchs
whos being cast as your fave astartes?
heres mine
It’s fine, but it’s true that it’s a little dull. Is the mechanicum army book internally imbalanced or something? I never see Vorax or Ursurax, or as many mechanicum tanks as I’d expect.
user, put some highlights on the treads so they don't blend in to the color scheme.
Other than that, looks good.
He painted their whole arm, user (except for the elbow, which canon was unpainted).
The only thing that happened it that he tried to use gold instead of yellow.
If Robin Sachs was still alive, I'd nominate him to voice an animated Marius Gage.
>Seneschal Yonnad, those are clearly xenos intelligences! We must gather evidence!
> We are going to board the xenos and kill them, no need for any sort of evidence. Are you alright, Captain Mulder?
>There's someting the Emperor is hiding from us...what if there's something in the warp?
>I want to believe...
i'm 99.9% sure of this but if a unit comes pre equipped with a CCW and pistol, the extra attack generated from 2 ccw isn't included in the profile right
What is the biggest disappointment you have with 30k, anons?
Mine is the slow shift away from boots on the ground winning battles to the next generation of vehicles, MCs and dreads/LoWs being the hotness. Even primarchs are infantry, but they are slowly being pushed aside.
I loved the blob armies going at it. I loved fury of the legion being the last word in firefights, crushing little msu squads, fat squads of assault marines crashing into lines for savage close quarter melees. That is slowly going away.