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It looks very, very good. The visuals are great, and the theme of it matches 40K, if not EXACTLY, then pretty goddamn close.
The voice-acting could definitely use some work, though. The Inquisitors voice does NOT match his body at all, and it's pretty grating.
All in all, given that it's basically a dudes pet project worked on by three people total rather than an actual production done by a studio, it's 8/10
The inquisitor looks and acts like a cocky piece of shit. How the fuck did he get this position? If he doesn't turn out to be an imposter/chaos worshiper, then 1/10
We had this thread before, and what I saw was such mixed reviews that I get the feeling somebody is shilling this shit.
The parade scenery is amazing and the atmosphere is spot on. I would watch hours of just environmental footage, like a faux-documentary of Imperial hiveworld life.
Having the Inquisitor be a wacky, goofy memer with le clever quips xD was a mistake, however.
That's not the Lord inquisitor tho. That's just one of his minions. Coteaz (guy in red power armor) is the star of the show.
Voice acting was awful and facial animations make it look like it was dubbed. Wasn't expecting Terra to look like a generic sci-fi metropolis. Looked a little bland, to be honest. The art direction in general seems a bit too safe and not as over-stylized as 40K should be.
The CG is incredibly detailed and gorgeous and amazing for such a small team. But pretty visuals do not a good movie make.
Based on Dark Heresy I would actually expect a junior inquisitor to be goofy in some way. A sadist who thinks he is more clever than he actually is sounds about right.
A lord inquisitor would be more sombre, having seen all his colleagues with a cocky attitude come to various sticky ends over the years.
My only complaint so far is the shitty revolver the Inquistor has, and his boring knife.
Reminds me of Akira somehow´?
Really cool.
It's good, but I think they should have made the younger one an Interrogator instead. That would have helped explain away the attitude.
Looking forward to when Coteaz actually gets to do shit, though.
The bouncy power-armor aided movement gave me a hardon.
that aside, why do Astartes participate in the inquisitors retinue?
Because he's motherfucking Coteaz, perhaps the single most influential Inquisitor in the current era. He's probably besties with like a dozen Chapters, the Fists just happen to have a presence on Terra and wanted to honor a comrade.
exacty. gun and knife not 40k enough
When inquisitors are saying things like this in the fluff
"There is no such thing as a plea of innocence in my court. A plea of innocence is guilty of wasting my time. Guilty."
It is how I would expect them to act.
Deathwatch is an inquisitorial force so there's elements from that.
But Space Marines can become a part of retinues just the same as everyone else can: By being recruited or volunteering when they meet one. Albeit there are issues of how the Chapter feels about it, if they'll allow it and all that but that's what makes each of the Imperial arms interacting interesting. The friction.
>Wasn't expecting Terra to look like a generic sci-fi metropolis
Well, it wasn't the Holy Palace, it was any other point on Terra filled with shrines and holy guardians.
What I felt that looked a bit out of place was the blue sky. I remember descriptions of Terra where it's described as barren, polluted in the air and soil and basically covered in marble, concrete and plasteel to cover the most horrible cases of pollution. I expected a yellow, cloudy sky and winds carrying sands and dust from all the altars and dirty pilgrims.
However all the rest is damn perfect, if you can avoid listening to the voice actors.
Nah, mate, inquisitors and their retinues do not pack such heavy weaponry in urban situations that aren't outright warzones. Read the Eisenhorn Trilogy and you'll notice how low-key the equipment is in relation to the heavy guns packed when in actual war. Eisenhorn starts using a bolt pistol only after he's witnessed chaos marines and such cultists on an edge world.
He's some shitty acolyte of Coteaz. I expect him to eat it before too long in the full thing.
>Nah, mate, inquisitors and their retinues do not pack such heavy weaponry in urban situations that aren't outright warzones. Read the Eisenhorn Trilogy and you'll notice how low-key the equipment is in relation to the heavy guns packed when in actual war. Eisenhorn starts using a bolt pistol only after he's witnessed chaos marines and such cultists on an edge world.
I've read it, the first weapon mentioned is gawdy with a skull around where the hammer would be with gemstone tears and scrimshaw handgrips, it was decribed as a thick, heavy autopistol with about 5 rounds (I think). Given that it was a full fize pistol that could only hold 5ish rounds, these rounds would be bigger than 50 Action Express or at least similar. It was from a ganger that was in Eisenhorn's retinue. They don't use boring, dull revolvers and crushingly boring knives.
They have various tactics, there is not a single universal tactic used by all Inquistors. That is why they are a great source of lore and customization, from Power Armored freaks with Demonhamers to quasi-Death Cultists who modify themselves to better aid stealth.
One thing that confused me about the prologue was all the hover vehicles flying around the hive city on Terra. It reminded of Coruscant in Star Wars. I don't think there's any lore about stuff like that. I would think that Hive dwellers couldn't afford to buy something like that even if it's available.
So, I finally watched it.
Some things weirded me out (dude is rich enough to live high up on Terra and does not have a milion bodyguards? gets shot twice and we see no wounds?), and some things I need to see fully executed (asshole Inquisitor), but it is pretty cool. The quality of animation wavers, but that's expected from a fan-project.
What I didn't like was that this felt like an extended trailer rather than actual "prologue".
Supposedly it is redubbed from German.
The fact that there's still natural light means they're in the upper levels. Lots of rich people on Terra.
But those just looked like Hover craft which I thought were a rare archeotech in 40k that even Space Marines have few of.
Midas Betancore packs small dartguns, Eisenhorn holds a not!lightsaber that clearly doesn't measure much in thickness. I remembered the details about Eisenhorn's gun, but not the caliber. The description struck me more on the fact that it was a gun to appear threatening than anything else, I'll check again.
Nonetheless I'll admit that i'm not an expert of guns irl, so i'm describing stuff in comparison from SP weapons to bolter weapons in DH. Weapons of that kind were useful in combat against human opponents, light armored, even.
>those Imperial Fists
Jesus Christ just them alone was worth the whole thing
>small dartguns
They are Needleguns, if I recall correctly they use a bolt of energy to melt armor then fire a poisoned needle in to the exposed flesh of the victim. These are highly advanced and rare than Bolt Pistols in 40k.
It is regularly told that Inquisitors have access to the best weaons of the Imperium, they could of improved the design to make it look more gothic, archaic and 40k-ish. The knife too.
I think he sounded too cocky. He seems so uppity that I want to see him get smacked down hard. I understand Inquisitors are supposed to be merciless, but his talking and lording over the heretic seems to be asking for an ass kicking eventually.
I doubt they were just mere hovercrafts
I mean we are talking about Terra for Emperor's sake. Mars is like right across the street.
>Midas Betancore packs small dartguns, Eisenhorn holds a not!lightsaber that clearly doesn't measure much in thickness. I remembered the details about Eisenhorn's gun, but not the caliber.
Midas (and his daughter) both used needle pistols and rifles, Eisenhorn's blade reminded me more of the plasma swords from Halo in description rather than lightsabers, and the pistol belonged to a member of his retinue that died early in the first novel (who personally dolled the weapon up according to her ganger origins, and was described as being crudely done).
After that, Eisenhorn used a bolt pistol usually, stormbolter when shit was on, and also used laspistols.
A lot of them had balloons attached it seemed.
Also, I think I remember reading somewhere that hovertech isn't actually that rare, it's just very hard to make it reliable. So it's very rare in combat, but a decent number of rich people have hover cars that break down all the time.
Its' not unreliable, it's just very very expensive and time consuming. There is also very little need to use it in the Imperium Guard. It is reserved for Space Marines, Inquisition, Senior Adepts and the rich and powerful. Perhaps a few of the most senior Storm Trooper regiments.
You're thinking about Jetbikes. Grav plates are easy to make but hard to miniaturize, which is why every Chapter has all the fucking Land Speeders but Sammael has the last remaining Jetbike in existence.
>Better than the Space Marine movie/10
Kyvah is my new waifu
Well visuals are bloody awesome, music as well, but yeah, unfortunately the VA is pretty bad.
However, as other said, what would be a "good to great" from a full production backed up by funding ends ups "mothefucking glorious" when you consider it's basically one dude doing all the work.
Wee bit of autism there, but SM are not supposed to set foot on Terra very often, at least bot in great number, yet here we see a solid half company.
Secondly, they're often described as walking together in perfect, mechanical, unisson, but here they're actually less coordinated than the IG marching with them. Their march in itself is really well made though.
I hope Inquisitor Coldsteel dies.
It's not perfect, but it's a damn good try.
yeah actually i feel you here, it even seemed like his colleagues didnt like him that much
>It's not perfect,
Of course, it's still 40k...
>I would actually expect a junior inquisitor to be goofy in some way. A sadist who thinks he is more clever than he actually is sounds about right.
In the last tread we identified him as Judge Sidney.
voice acting could improve and the pistol shots sound weird, other than that it is dope, me gusta
>ywn Dredd 2
God knows Karl Urban tried, but he was the one to give us the bad news on twitter.
>only 8 min action
>bad lip sync
>edgy protagonist
Better than the Warcraft movie/10.
Will eagerly wait for the full action.
I still watch this trailer from time to time. Always gives me a 40k boner.
>>bad lip sync
It's dubbed from German. Hopefully they will remake speaking animations for English version for better match.
I would prefer german audio and english subtitles.
>Fantastic art with a great look at the Imperium
>No combat
>Less than 10 minutes
Well I guess it's time to get back to waiting...
>Kriegers get a Fritz accent
That'd be fun.
I know Terra is supposed to be completely polluted, almost Venus-like outside the hive cities, but I gotta say, I liked that they toned that part down so we could see the exteriors of all those cool buildings, and get the atmospheric effects.
The animation (especially the facial movements when speaking) were kinda jittery and could use a lot more smoothing but...
Imperial Fists.
I came.
And I hope the full movie does soon.
Also an option, but let's be realistic - if a movie maker wants to make his piece widespread, he can't expect American audience to read while watching - that sort of thing is for hipsters getting pretentious over the "depth" of East European indie cinematographic production
We've seen half the movie and there was barely an outline of a plot setup.
That is the opposite of how I'd expect him to act, given the quote. It's reminiscent of stern Victorian magistrates -- Dickens-style. Not a cocky motherfucker.
That said, I have nothing against cocky motherfuckers. Done right, it can be great. I hope it's done right.
My bet's on acolyte of Slaaneth.
All the BL books I've read mention aircars as an equivalent to normal cars, including (especially?) on hive worlds.
10/10 looks.
7/10 voice.
>It's good, but I think they should have made the younger one an Interrogator instead.
I think your fortelling the story before its happened.
Wait, why does Aaron Dembski-Bowden have a writing credit on this?
Taking webm request/suggestions
This, and
this, and
that, and
all of that.
Because he used to work on the project. And then stopped.
Oh, he played script doctor. Okay.
Yeah, if I were turned into a 10 ton walking death mobile, I'd be pissed if I wasn't killing the enemies of the Imperium.
So how do Space Marines feel about being put on display in-universe?
Wow, this is the single most civil "they didn't let me have it my way so fuck them" I've seen in past couple months.
>how do Space Marines feel about being put on display in-universe?
They refuse to march in unison.
Something which even the guardsmen can do.
I don't know what I expected but that was better.
As for complaints about his voice I think the only problem is because it's a fan project it's kinda stiff, if the movements were looser the voice would fit.
To be fair, I can understand ADB. Dude's got his own way of writing stuff but suddenly has to abide by the Erasmus' limitations. He just went away quietly, and makes sure he can't be blamed for cheesy dialogues or shir scripts. He still will though, because people are dumb.
The very few times we see something like that, they despise it. I mean, you're a weapon made man, you know nothing but your brothers, purging the ennemy and more war, and suddenly you have to parade in front of little humans because some higher up has enough power to make your commander bow, when you're used to bow to no one but Empy himself.
How do you think these killing machines will feel about that?
>some higher up has enough power to make your commander bow
I doubt anyone could make a space marine chapter parade if they really didn't want to.
It's probably more a case of a Chapter Master trying to be friendly with or humoring the local powers than a straight up "the chapter was told to."
This. There is political utility in playing nicely with the Inquisition, even if you don't have to. Especially if you don't have to.
Not a chapter master, but a company captain, or force commander, or even a sergeant.
These can be forced to obey if they are not numerous enough, and if they can be showed the utility of parading.
Although in our case, the IF would find this the greatest honour ever, it's fucking Terra after all.
Because when you have to, it's probably too late anyway no matter how nice you play?
Ork snipers are rarely far anyway.
Well, the Space Wolves haven't managed to get themselves excommunicated, yet.
Any sort of Space Marine would find it great honor to parade on Terra.
Even the Heretics. Especially the Heretics.
At least we didn't see any half-naked Custodes.
For different reasons.
The kid pretty much received unlimited power, of course he's going a little crazy until he's appointed to full inquisitor. The majority of acolytes die early.
Oh boy, I totally forgot about this.
Man, that's really sad. The newer Dredd movie was dope as all shit. Real bummer that it flopped like it did.
the idea of the a Wall is a state of mind brother
Can you that assasin head tilt
and the parade scene all of it
>Can you that assasin head tilt
One moment.
>and the parade scene all of it
Here's a x1.5 of it. I can make a normal one too
The Fists seem to be in alternating file, with each row keeping in step with the one two behind it. Besides displaying a kind of weave pattern, this provides overlapping fields of fire were they to need to suddenly employ those bolters.
Now, the real question is whether renderfag thought that deep, or just C&P'd rows with a half-loop offset.
>perhaps the single most influential inquisitor of the current era
>or just C&P'd rows with a half-loop offset.
Probably this, looks better this way rather than have all the clones move exactly the same.
>marines marching in a parade instead of busy purging
Aren't marines so rare that most of the Imperium has never even seen one and they're regarded as a myth?
Yes, but this is Terra. The Fists maintain a deputation there.
Its Terra, Imperial Fists homeworld and they probably have a small contingent on it and they can parade whenever they want on their homeworld.
Here, look at these Templars parading out of their chapter keep.
Specifically, the Fists maintain at least a full company on Terra at all times since the Horus Heresy. They were actually recalled prior to Horus' betrayal while the Emperor was dicking around with his Webway portal.
They are. But it's not unheard of. In the Eisenhorn books the White Consuls marched in a huge parade in the sector capital.
Wow, that looks AWFUL. The voice acting, the dialogue. Total cringeworthy shit.
He's allowed to dislike what you like, user. His points are valid, he didn't say YOU couldn't like it: he said HE didn't like it.
D-do you see the difference?
a lot of it really evoked scenes from GITS:innocence for me.
Critique incoming:
The walk cycles could use some work. They could have used like 5 and just cycled them they just needed 1 and then changed up some of the timing by a frame or two. Alot of the character movement didn't have enough side to side weight transfer. I think they could have done more with better matte paintings. And I would have killed someone for some rim light on the dudes when they kept doing that behind-the-back look-at-the-city thing.
They should have keept to stable camera angles and only did a fly through once or twice. Fly throughs are the bane of amature CG work. If they arnt dont right they throw off the line of action. EG. X5:41 to 6:05. Just give me that well made staging and then split the scene up into your shots as needed. With CG you have as many cameras as you want. use them.
And can we talk about those birds? I would have loved to see them be smaller. Just 2x smaller. They could have comped them in later, just baked out the assets and went for it.
The establishing shots were held for waaaay to long. like I get it, the buildings are great looking. Kill your baby and give me a 2 seconed establishing shots then give me some narrative context.
X4:06 was realllly good, X4:10 wasnt needed and broke emersion. (we shouldn't have seen the blue sky) X4:14-4:26 was fantastic just the whole sequence. I might have paused for a beat on the tip, given us time to feel the danger. but that's personal preference. That being said, they didn't need the camera to follow the guy turning at X4:28
But that modeling was pretty nice. definitely passable videogame material and very very good for a fan-project. I'm interested to see the next bit.
That's... eerily similar actually.