so what is your favorite faction in Warhammer 40k? any game or lore army, faction, or sub-faction counts. this means individual guard regiments or chaos raid groups.
What is your favorite 40k faction?
also it can be for just the fluff or just the crunch
Vostroyan Imperial Guard. Because space russians/cossacs thats why
Russians, IN SPAAACE!
Inquisition because they're aesthetically and thematically interesting
what's your favorite ordo?
Tau. Because blue space popes
Eldar, I'm usually not hot on Elves in settings but they have an interesting take on it. Even the Exodites are a new look at Wood Elves
Malleus by far (but not a fan of SoB). Rogue ordo xenos inquisitors and their warbands is a close second.
wait I mean hereticus, I always associate the word "malleus" with witches.
>Orks, Orks, Orks!
>Imperial Guard.
>Blood Ravens
>Craftworld Eldar.
30k Thousand Sons. More or less an army of super human wizards
Night Lords
Word Bearers
Iron Warriors
Night Lords
Cossacks were the Atillan Rough Riders user. And Valhallans were better Ivans than Vostroyans. WW2 beats Napoleonic any day.
>the galaxy is fucking shit and only genocide is the solution
'Orks sah! Faasaands of 'em!'
>word bearers
This man gets it
IG because I just love swarms of men supplemented with tanks
>Armageddon steel legion because fuck me those uniforms are cool
Also SM, Imperial Fists because fuck you I like space marines
IG, because relying on actual tactics on a wider scale, air/ground support, and thousands of thousands regular men that just want to get home alive hits a spot for me.
Especially Valhallans but thats just because I got into the universe over the Cain books.
Necrons. New and old, all the way back to when they were Chaos Androids.
Which one of you guardsman have the image that is this big speech that ends in 'and what's your excuse, monster?'
I unironically like Eldar because of the Phoenix Lords and the Aspects
you can laugh at me now
naw, dude, Eldar are cool. They just don't deserve having fucktards like Eldrad mucking their shit up.
Word bearers. All other choices are wrong.
>Not IG
>Being this much of a faggot
Imperial Fists. They're the most courageous of defenders and watch over Holy Terra itself, the Legion scheme of yellow trimmed with black is God tier, and they've sired almost all of the most bad-ass of successor Chapters.
To hell with The Beast's story and them being killed off to a man. At worst it just shows how resilient and uncompromising they are in the defense of the Imperium.
IF fan here too, good taste user
>yellow trimmed with black is God tier
5th company is nice but if you don't like 3rd company aesthetics there's something wrong with you
>To hell with The Beast's story and them being killed off to a man. At worst it just shows how resilient and uncompromising they are in the defense of the Imperium.
Have you read the books user? They're actually decent tier and better than the crap BL has been shitting out lately, especially the first book which was great, I don't mind the IF dying out man, that's nothing new (never before on this scale but they usually sustain enormous casualties) dying by their post is their shtick, they're exactly what the Emperor wanted, they don't just say they will die for their vows and orders they actually do it, the fists and their successors are the most bad ass last stand stubborn motherfucking astartes ever created, they were fucked over by everyone and everything and still managed to go out with a fucking bang that was sad as fuck. They're goodnight my sweet prince tier.
Yer all buncha 'oomie gitz 'oo don't like ta go fast! Evil Sunz fer evva!!! I waz inna Eturnal Kroosade gaem recuntly an oi drov'a trukk full'a boyz over a kliff krazy fast an it wuz zoggin' awesome! We all died frum it we did, but it wuz totully worf it! LightningRaptardOrkTechyz/10
im kinda amazed at all the lire catachans have
Compared to the other regiments they are the most expanded
"We will greet the endless madness, the vicious brutalities, the monstrous horrors, the foul deceits and the sheer impossibilities of this Universe that we were given to...given to endure. Darkness is already here. It forever was, and forever will be…But we won't look away or break in defeat. Instead of gasping for breath in this waking abyss, we plunge deeper into its nightmarish reaches. And in so doing, in our dark determination, we will leave behind our naiveté’s, our heartfelt optimism, our hopes, our foolish dreams...our childishness. For to don the armor of resolution and stalwartness with which we will douse the stars in blood of all these wretched abominations that wish to drives us into oblivion eternal, we must first forget! Forget the lies of unity that held us in denial, feeding us illusions, turning tradition to shackles that almost brought about our ruin and extinction. Make no mistake; we are, truly, alone. And the void is without end. But by the blazing light of Mont’ka that guides our aim and heart, I say to you again: forget! Forget your fears! Forget your weaknesses and your kindness! Forget your past, forfeit the future and let the Galaxy burn!...for the Greater Good of ALL!”
There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.
You think you weak fleshlings will ever rule the stars? We have conquered the galaxy aeons ago, and we will purge it of all live once more. Our rule will be unchallenged, and all live extinguished.
For the Silent King!
I'm brobably going to get a lot of hate for this
Also Mechanicus
My Niggers!
mechanicus close but second