What's the best system for playing a Shin Megami Tensei game?
Also, SMT thread l guess. Gonna dump some demons in the meantime
What's the best system for playing a Shin Megami Tensei game?
Honestly? Mutants and Masterminds, BESM, or GURPS. However, you'll have to create all the specific spells and such yourself, along with the elemental system for it to be accurate.
I've mentioned it before, but our group whipped up a Frankenstein of system based on Pokémon Tabletop United and had a few sessions of a Pokemon x SMT campaign.
Unfortunately the campaign's on a bit of a hiatus, but I really hope we get back to it because the sessions we had were bitchin' as hell.
Give this a read, see how you like it.
If you want a DDS style system there are several things that can emulate that but creating all of the demons will still take forever
Monsters and Other Childish Things would work pretty well, as its very easy to reskin for other settings. You'd need to rewrite a lot of stuff in it but it would be relatively easy.
One of the official SMT TTRPGs.
I think I read somewhere that Geist the Sin-Eater could work.
>posts SMT demons
>doesn't post the only relevant demon aka The Cartdick
I doubt you could find a whole group of people who are fluent in moonrunes.
I doubt you could find any of the rulebooks to begin with.