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i like space brick style ships
just gonna drop a few of the ships ive owned in elite
Elite ships are quite cool, what tonnage do they have? This one seems to be about 80-100t.
This one is a modified Federal Dropship hull, dubbed the Federal Assault Ship.
As its name suggests it sports lower tonnage but greater maneuverability and a higher tiered weapon capacity.
All ships are fully modular, so you could outfit this for freight (but, y'know, don't do that), if you were to forego all sense and fly without shields you could fit in 88 tons of cargo.
-pic related is more of a long range multipurpose ship. 52t cargo capacity
Cute, that long range ship. So if it can fit 88t it must have a bigger tonnage than 100t for sure. How is fuel in the Elite universe? Or are they reactionless thrusters like Traveller.
I threw up in my mouth.
Why would you want to play a "space" game like this?
Oh right, you mean like full mass.
The FAS, off the shelf, hull alone weighs 480t, laden it'd weigh 635t ish, though we're trimming all the fat minus cargo space there.
A fully A-rated combat build, with all bells and whistles would weigh just over 800t
All we are told about fuel in-game is that our ships thrusters run on Hydrogen, scooped from the corona of stars. Super vague I know.
Any distance over 150km is traversed by Alcubierre Drive, however. So that is the standard of travel. It's minimum speed is 30km/s and the maximum is several thousand times the speed of light. That's all that is given us on that subject also.
-pic related is the quintessential space trucker's vehicle, Lakon Type 7 Intersellar Freighter.
Sexy as dicks brick shape, shame about the paper thin armour.
For what I remember Traveller use reactionless drives/thrusters using only the ship power plant, the fuel only for FTL jumps.
Imperial Clipper
I'm not a fan of the look of the Empire's ships. They look too plasticy. However I have a raging hard-on for the ingame faction, so I have one for roleplay.
Because tracking reaction mass is annoying and ships consisting of 80% tankage are unsexy.
I prefer to simply vaguely mention the problem of reaction mass and then ignore it completely except when dramatically appropriate. (A meteorite impact has vented most of your remass into space, and the only place within your remaining range where you could find more is... the Planet of Probable Death!)
On a related note, one idea for a drive system I like is the idea of incorporating wormholes as a refueling mechanism, one terminus on the ship and the other terminus stuck into a planetary hydrosphere or gas giant or solar photosphere to provide a continuous source of reaction mass and (in the solar case) power.
The problem is that once you allow that it becomes very hard to justify having an actual ship, because you can locate nearly everything planetside. The actual ship would just be the wormhole, drive system, and a big lump of shielding while the 'crew' commands everything remotely, venturing onto the ship in person only when something needs to be fixed.
Which is also kind of an interesting idea, but stories of exploring the great unknown lose a lot of their tension when civilization is five minute's walk away.
The Lakon is a handsome truck.
WHat's cool about the Empire then? In space games they tend to be or fascist or assholes class A.
Space truck.
These are some star resources I made for the space game I'm running. Roll 1d20 to see what star you get. Make pretty maps.
Rolled 10 (1d20)
What system do you use? Pls no DnD.
Rolled 16 (1d20)
Let's see, 5-17 looks like the main sequence, 18/19 looks like brown and blue dwarfs, 20 is supernova remnants, but I can't recognize what 1-4 are supposed to be. They don't seem big enough to be blue supergiants.
Crew of 464 people, the M-2 Locust
Anybody got spaceships that look like something out of softer sci-fi, but are oriented like a building with the thrusters at the bottom?
It's quite unique, it reminds me to some water bug.
post yfw its future, you finished space navy academy yet they posted you on the flying beercan
That's Fractured Space?
Never played game myself but i masturbate furiously and sometimes violently to ships designs like these.
Any good starship games with Mecha?
my niples are hard
goodnight spacefags
this is an actual sensible design for a carrier, most are just fat ships wasting extra cargo space...
is this supposed to be an space station?
It makes me have a profound sadness I can't quite explain that we'll never have Assassin's Creed: Black Flag in space. I love how hype everyone is getting over space nowadays, but I want to be an admiral of an armada or at least the captain of a pirate fleet, not just a co-pilot in a realistic space sim. I want giant navy-to-navy battles with good mechanics, not pissy little dogfights.
Anyway, I've got a few ships in my folder. Does anyone know any good space games on Steam? I was really liking Stellaris, but I got burnt out after the updates kept screwing with the mods I installed.
you can actually do that on Homeworld if you spend massive jew ammounts of money on it thats it.
Check this battle
I really like Rebel Galaxy. The songs, the trade and the spaceships. Also have you tried Starsector? Bretty cool 2d game were you control your own fleet and can fight vs other fleets while doing trade or whatever you want.
I found Strike Suit Zero quite fun. 3d, good graphics, cool ships and fast paced combat. I really like the spaceships, tough the mechs are quite meh.
You mean EVE?
holy shit, am i braindamaged? yes i meant EVE
I remember reading about EVE back like 5 years ago on Cracked. I still can't believe some of the shit that has gone down on that game. I just don't have the time or dosh to spend on games like that.
AC: BF was great because it made you feel like a damn pirate, for good and for bad. You got to go out and plunder the high seas and have a great time, but come back to your little cove of freedom and it turns out that everyone's sick and drunk because their lives kind of suck. It seems unlikely that we'll get a AAA single player space game for quite a while, especially with the NMS debacle.
'Tall' ships are my jam.
Maybe you want to protect your cargo from heat, cold, radiation and micrometeorite bombardment.
TEC faction from SoaSE has a lot of good-looking ships. To bad they're nearly unplayable.
>nearly unplayable
I admit I never really GOT GUD at Sins, but it's like you don't enjoy having LODSOFEMONE.
TEC has no good counter-ability, no good anti-fighter, no lockdown of any sort, no good capital ships, no good support cruisers, no good abilities on normal ships, and no endgame. You have to win on a rush or Advent and Vasari will eat you alive; money doesn't matter if all you can buy with it is trash.
Here's my planets. I was never as happy with them as I was with the stars, though.
Very early bright blue stars, it's still main phase. If I recall correctly, only like .2% of stars are in the blue phase and maybe 2% are blue-white, but these percentages have been expanded for aesthetic and logistical reasons.
Pathfinder! I use these great houserules that I--nah, just kidding. It's Stars Without Number.
Oh, and the two TEC titans are the two worst titans in the game, just to rub more salt in.
I mean seriously, what the fuck.
Literally over a million dollars worth of in game spaceships were lost that day. I wish I had still played EVE back when that happened just to claim I was a part of it.
If I played EVE I suspect I'd spend all my money on something awful like a stealth battleship and go out prospecting, rather than actually having fun.
What was the outcome? Like, how did that battle affect the conflict?
And what song is that?
I recognize that symbol, trust Aresd to make the biggest ship in orbit.
Unless I'm missing something here, make the wormhole something you can't easily transport people through. Make it more of a sliver or oddly shaped, or narrow. Problem solved.
I did that. I got into Stealth bombers and recon back before the massive stealth bomber nerf, and before exploration was as developed as it is now.
I did not have a fun time and haven't been able to convince myself that I should go back.
Or just turn the hardness on by a few notches. You can safely stream atoms through it, but not much else. So your ship gets access to antimatter and basic elements, but has to keep the crew and all handling facilities on-board.
You're playing TEC wrong. TEC's strength is in Digging In under mountains of defenses, getting tons of money. Then when the enemy loses a fleet hitting your wall, you launch an attack.
>TEC nearly unplayable
your only real weakness as far as i can see is that your titans are a little weaker than normal, you still have insane economic advantages and novaliths
Sins of the Prophets is better than the original game anyway
How do you like to deal with those situations where there's something on the bottom of a gravity well worth having instead of slagging?
What do you deploy to the surface in your setting to project your hard power, and how do you get it down there?
Fun Fact:The Sins guys began work on a Stellaris mod. Some guy who was making a Halo mod claimed they were stealing from him and made a big stink about it.
I am talking about playing against a thinking human opponent, not against an AI that uses its abilities randomly and suicides fleets against your starbase. TEC has no answer to other races' game. And TEC is the worst turtle of the three.
I thought of that too, but it always seemed just a bit of a cop-out. An irrational prejudice, I suppose.
I posted my TEC list of grievances earlier, so I'll just add
> insane economic advantages
Isn't much better than what the other races can do and comes way, way too late to help. When I said TEC has no endgame I meant it. While Advent and Vasari capstone techs unlock various game changers, you get things that do nothing or are just mediocre linear upgrades.
A superweapon that is completely negated by a starbase with a single upgrade. Compare it to the impact and utility of Kostura or Deliverance. Novalith does nothing, not even economic damage.
no idea about the song, but all happened when some big alliance A didnt want to pay another alliance B some turf money so they sent all the ships they had stockpilled over the course of some years and cucked the shit out of each other for several hours.
Finally alliance B won and changed its name to Imperium for it to rule with iron hand alone for the next few years.
The last thing i know is that the "Imperium" now control a mere 17% of the star systems (when ive heard they made up to half) and now they are basically Byzantium on Space
that only makes sense on war torn space
and implying the containers dont have those basic protection measures.
A big fat shit with shields and guns while fancy may be more expensive to move around and mantain than the cargo itself so thats why lean designs are better
>And what song is that
Arcana - Chant of the Awakening
you lazy cunt
>that only makes sense on war torn space
Space is a hostile thing, and a thing of savage extremes.
>the rest
Insulating every piece of cargo is less cost-effective per volume than having a protective hull. I guess it could work if the cost of insulation was not on you, but otherwise it makes no sense and severely limits the kind of goods you can ferry.
>thrust gravity
Do you not know what it is or are you horrified they'd use it? Personally I think it's a horrible system.
Posting space stuff
I like space.
Image dump is fine, right? I just got off a ban for "spam/image flooding". I don't think this counts.
Image dump is fine, we're nowhere near bump/image limit.
I just got an Fleur-De-Lance a few days ago.
God I love the huge hard point but maneuverability compared to my old vulture sucks
Double that at least if we're talking metric. The FDL is listed as 250 tonnes and the dropship, the base model is listed as 530 tonnes
Cool. moving on.
stellaris is fucking garbage though, one of the only games i've ever refunded