How would you make pic related into a BBEG?
How would you make pic related into a BBEG?
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And goodnight sweet prince ;_;7
The party are Oompa-Loompas, desperately trying to get out of the quasi or perhaps even overt slavery of the chocolate factory. I mean holy shit, that place is dangerous.
Wilder or Wonka?
Either way, the funniest motherfucking lich. An undead mastermind with a dark sense of humor tempered by whimsy. Terrifying for his ability to ping-pong between calm, quiet control and hysterical madness.
Basically Xykon, but better.
Isnt he allready evil guy?
I don't need to. Willy Wonka is already the BBEG...
I allways thought about chocolate fabric as a "ten little nigers" kind of story. Guy invites children to murder them in a way it seems like an accident and his perverted sence of good and right makes it look like that children earned it.
change nothing
>kills a ton of kids in a factory to select his heir
He's already a bad guy user.
The party are shadowrunners hired to steal his recipes and various experimental technologies. Mr Johnson suspects he may be a great dragon, so avoid a direct encounter at all costs.
Isn't he already?
Goodnight sweet Gene
I didn't realise he was that old. Damn.
Make him an undead willy wonka.
Lichy Lonka, if you will.
Two.. or so... words: Drow Umpa-Lumpas
Turn his chocate factory into a candy-coated Saw-style deathtrap.
Oh, wait.
So him telling Charlie that they're fine was a lie?
oo, actually it's basically a dungeon filled with traps that the owner of the dungeon has figured out a gimmick of "inviting" victims into by pretending it's "just a factory", meanwhile all you ever see of the "factory" "working" are weirdly colored demihuman critters setting up and reseting the various traps.
Willy Wonka is clearly a polymorphed dragon with a load of trap happy kobold worshippers.
In both the book and the shit 2005 film all the kids are seen again
Charlie forgot the first rule of Shadowrunning, chummer; Never, ever, make a deal with a dragon
I couldn't finish the Depp one, shit was awful
We get it, Johnny, you're weird
Was it just me, or was there some sexual tension between Wonka and Mrs Teavee?
Never before has someone fainting sounded so much like an orgasm
>thinly veiled /tv/ thread
Like wrapped in clear plastic thinly veiled. As much as I liked the guy, sticking Veeky Forums adlibs on the end of subjects does not make it a Veeky Forums thread.
-10 HP
It's Veeky Forums's way of saying goodbye and honouring the memory of the man. Sure, it's pretty overt. But the same thing happened when Sir Terry Pratchett left us, and Sir Christopher Lee.
Let us say goodbye in our own special way.
Ancient Veeky Forums tradition of honoring the death of a great man with a thread it also acts as a containment thread to stop EVERY. SINGLE. THREAD. having "jonny depp is dead" derailings. Our ways are ancient, and wise, and you need more than 8 WIS to grasp that
Good night sweet prince.
If I recall, it didn't work out that way the last two times. That said, Veeky Forums felt way stronger about those guys than Wilder, so no surprise it took us several threads to let it all out.
>insane reclusive billionaire
>owns a vast and incredibly dangerous factory
>enslaved an entire race to work in said factory
I'd say he's already a pretty good villain.
Wonka already explains in the book that he ignores property laws regarding digging. He's a lich that digs out his enemies from beneath.
Put little devil horns on his hat, otherwise no changes whatsoever
Leave him exactly how he is. The man damn near got a TPK without really trying.
Make him craft beer, make the Oompa Loompas goblins, then have at some adventuring.
Have you even SEEN that movie, user?
He WAS the BBEG!
>beer river
Sounds quite nice actually.
Surly Drow Oompa Loompas who are only wearing the stupid red wigs and striped outfits because Lolth told them to but their heart clearly isn't in any of the dance sequences or songs.
>desperately trying to get out of the quasi or perhaps even overt slavery of the chocolate factory
Dude, they love it there.
The Oompa-Loompas are a tribe of people *obsessed* with chocolate, and this man is letting them live with chocolate rivers.
He's a murderous child killer. He is the bbeg.
Make him a lich, obviously.
Do any of the kids actually die though? I mean I'm sure he kills thousands eventually cos of diabetes. But Arn't the ones that go into his factory come out okayish. And lets face it, even if he did they fucking deserved it.
No. In both the book and the movies you see the kids leaving fine afterwards.
Wonka is cg. He was just teaching them a lesson
Eccentric trillionare with tech that far exceeds earth norm, with a massive factory that uses halfling slave labor and a relaxed attitude to child death? He already is.
also rest in peace
To actually answer your question, make the memes being spouted in this thread true. He winnows the unfit and stupid from the quality by deathtraps. He rescued a race of halflings to subjigate them, keeping them as favored slaves, but slaves none the less. He purposefully abuses, manipulates, or outright disrupts markets with his contests. He sells highly addictive and prized confections, and actively seeks to sabotage his competition . He's experimenting with candy that changes the physical make up of human beings simply because he's bored.
PCs can be the relatives of one of the many children lost to his Factory, as many come every year hoping to be chosen as successor, but the children never leave alive.
I'm pretty sure the fat kid should be dead.
The kind of vacuum that was created by him clogging the pipe should have easily sucked the air from his lungs and done god knows what kind of damage to his soft tissue.
He can reverse ageing in minutes, what makes you think he can't run off a few copies of a fat kid? The parents won't know the difference.
He's probably CN, but he's still the villain.
He doesnt KILL the kids and he TRIES to save his employees when he mutates or mutilates them, but he isn't exactly remorseful for anything he does.
Well when Pterry copped it, we needed three threads to deal with the overflow. And to deal with the people pissed of at Veeky Forums celebrating the fact he was dead.
Well it could be could be Violet Beuregarde...Or Mike Teevee.
Urgh, I remember that.
Fucking hell Veeky Forums is cancer.
How about I make him deaf, pair him up with a blind black guy and have their bumbling antics constantly foil my players plans at every turn seemingly by accident?
got sauce on that friend?
friendly neighborhood pedo
But he was already a BBEG, so what's your fucking point?
Just go visit /d/ for regular drow slut threads
I would but I don't like drow. I want the artist of that particular piece because I like their style.
iirc they all survive and are more or less fine but are distorted in comical/horrifying ways by the process of saving them.
I fucking love this, if any of my friends or me were into Cyberpunk I would be already preparing this session for them.
Fucking Mel Brooks, who is 7 years older than him, is still somehow around though:
Yeah that was my reaction as well.
How he and Tim Curry are still alive amazes me, although, we've got 4 more months of this year to go yet.
Also, how Michael Foley and Rick Flair aren't members of Dead Wrestler Beach staggers me. How the fuck Rick Flair isn't the fucking founder of Dead Wrestler Beach who ushers other dead wrestlers in like St Peter at the Gates amazes me.
How Mike Foley is alive and ambulatory is also fucking staggering.
Walter Koenig right now must be absolutely bricking it right now. He's managed not only outlive the majority of his co-stars, but also the guy who replaced him in the reboot.
I just hope STO are giving him enough work to keep his mind of it.
This year man. This fucking year.
Flava Flav will outlive us all.
Well, yeah, his deal with the Witch is solid. Harrison Fords however? I don't know exactly what the terms were but he DEFINITELY broke them somewhere around Aliens Vs Cowboys or Enders Game.
Seriously, at some point around then it's like he accidentially went into his attic forgetting that's where he keeps that painting of him thats getting older.
Willy Wonka
Charismatic chocolate-maker character that can kick serious ass while dancing. Has also gazed into the warp to learn such amazing ways to make chocolate and travel to Loompaland to hire (bind) Oompa-Loompas to his will to create the chocolate (and attack enemies).
Has these special rules.
>So shines a good deed in a weary world.
If Willy Wonka sees another character do a selfless deed then Willy Wonka will praise that character and give them great power.
>There's no earthly way of knowing/Which direction they are going... There's no knowing where they're rowing...Not a speck of light is showing/So the danger must be growing... Are the fires of Hell a-glowing?/Is the grisly Reaper mowing?/Yes! The danger must be growing/'Cause the rowers keep on rowing/
Willy Wonka mindrapes his opponent with powers from the warp that shows them the future and their most terrible dreams.
>*We* are the music makers... and *we* are the dreamers of dreams.
Willy Wonka has been blessed by Tzeentch. Willy Wonka can create the most complex plots and and still say Just as Planned. Can not be ambushed or surprised and is always ready regardless.
Willy Wonka lets off such a ear-blasting cacophonous rant that the people hearing it are stunned and forced to retreat. Only those of a good heart can resist it.
>Pure Imagination....
Willy Wonka can imagine anything and make anything. There is nothing his mind cannot do.
>If the good Lord had intended us to walk, he wouldn't have invented roller skates.
Willy Wonka is batshit crazy and scares and befuddles the crap out of everyone he meets.
Has access to these relics
Wonkavision, Fizzy Lifting Drinks, Wonkamobile, Everlasting Gobstopper and Exploding Candy.
At least it's better than /li..
>oh wait
literally who?
Nobody ever comes in... And nobody ever comes out!
I'm not even giving you a (You), 49075836
The (you) is still there even if it's not visible, user-kun.
Ah, but he didn't link it, see?
> Wilder comes back from the dead
> Is convinced he's actually Willy Wonka
> Creates a ramshackle fortress out of junk, plywood and old candy wrappers
>Finds a homeless midget hopped up on bath salts and chains him to it like a rottweiler
> Goes around kidnapping children and dragging them back to his lair to go through unspeakable trials to prove their worth
> Each time he is killed and thwarted, he is resurrected and does the same thing over, but better each time
>Wilford Brimley plays the gruff old police chief trying to crack down on all the abductions
Or just leave Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as is. The kids are just never seen again and the players play a group of cops/SWAT raiding the factory with a warrant for his arrest under suspicion of abduction
> It's actually a Call of Cthulhu game and Wonka's factory is powered by a chocolate shoggoth that can turn into any type of candy imaginable
Aren't there actual shoggoths in Charlie and the Glass Elevator?
You mean the Vermicious Knids? Kind of. I like how the film implies that they were one of the horrible species to drive the Oompa Loompas from their home planet.
He's a psychopathic cannibal who is making people into candy.
>Weird Pedo Uncle The Movie
This guy always creeped me out in every movie he ever made. Hated his face, hated his voice, hated his mannerisms. Godawful.
I make him Spooky Kids-era Marilyn Manson
>ctrl+f superjail
>none found
how the fuck have I never heard of this fucking show before???
>come with me, and you'll be, in a world of dead reanimation
Superjail is utter shit. Fuck that noise.
>wat do
Have him be one half of an Evil Duo who each live to outdo the other's staged public acts of violence and hedonism in an effort to corrupt the Young Generation in your setting. Their combination of street theatre, strippers, raucous music, sick lyrics and batteries of nitrogen cannon blasting candies into the audience at strategic intervals has a number of stodgy "Decent Citizen" groups angrily complaining and fondling their torches and pitchforks the way they always do whenever kids are having fun.