Have you ever defeated an enemy via baleful polymorph, trap the soul, flesh to stone, temporal stasis, crystallize...

Have you ever defeated an enemy via baleful polymorph, trap the soul, flesh to stone, temporal stasis, crystallize, microcosm, or so on, and left them in that state indefinitely?

Yes. They failed the first save to resist becoming a bunny, but passed the second save to resist losing their sense of self. They then cheesed it, so there's a high level cleric rabbit in the forest channeling negative energy.

Our DM let us polymorph someone into a goldfish, then mage hand him off a cliff. The cliff did not have water at the bottom.

He remained in that form for the rest of his life.

For us, one of us was turned into a mouse when we thought she'd been obliterated.

For enemy, we turned one into stone. That was a mistake though because overtime she sort of regained her consciousness and control of her body, and eventually managed to become molten in form so that she could move better.

why wouldn't you just step on him and remove any doubt concerning if they died

I Baleful Polymorphed a mini-bbeg into a toad and squashed him (and made a bunch of DBZ references nobody at my table but me understood). That was the first d&d 3.x Wizard I ever played, and what I learned that day was that save or die spells are stupid and eventually retrained into an evocation focused specialist for reasons of fun.

So not very long, then.

That's the joke.

My players BP a nessian hellhound i sent at them into a bunny. Lost its form but retained its mind, still stronk as fuck. So they tied it up and pressed on. Threw another at them and the same fucking thing happened.
One player, the witch, starts laughing and asked what sex they were. Two dice rolls later they had one male, one female. They've started a hellbunny breeding program with them. No litter yet cause the game's on hyatus.

So i pose this question to you elegan/TG/entlemen. What sort of offspring will come of such a union?

The Obvious.

That was my thinking, killer stats and a tiny black heart full of hate. My hesitation is that joke came up immediately around the table and i kinda feel like i should do something different.

That's your fetish, right?

Well on the flip side you could have timid white furred hell-hounds.

Make it be a full blown hellhound with the mind of a bunny.

The birth happens when players are not around.
All they later find is that whatever container hellbunny mother was kept in is now torn to pieces and general vicinity looks like stampede went though it (but both bunny parents are unharmed).

All followers of Lamashtu (or another fitting evil-aligned deity) that party runs into from that point onward will not be hostile and will treat the party respectfully for no obvious reason.

>Have you ever defeated an enemy via baleful polymorph, trap the soul, flesh to stone, temporal stasis, crystallize, microcosm, or so on, and left them in that state indefinitely?
>how to turn a mook into the next campaign's BBEG

Please do this and post the story back here.

Defeated? No, because that's a super lame way to have a non-fight. Its not fun for anyone if we get halfway into an epic battle and then its suddenly over mid-swing because of a single dice roll. That just leaves everyone with blue balls.

That, and it violates the gentleman's agreement we have with the GM not to use save or die spells. Because anyone who uses them will find that the enemy uses them too, but ONLY targets the player who uses them. You might kill a couple enemies with save or die, but the bad guys can afford to lose more often than the players can.

We have, however, had certain BBEG tier enemies that needed special containment, like petrification or soul trapping, used on them AFTER they have been defeated in order to keep them down because we lacked the means to kill them permanently.

I feel this. Invalidated an entire encounter, then noped out of that shit.

>overtime she sort of regained her consciousness and control of her body, and eventually managed to become molten in form so that she could move better.

Sounds like a cool spell system. What rpg were you guys playing?

Our group always figures we need to purge them immediately. In fact, if we come across some evil trapped in an eternal prison we would come up with elaborate plans to free them and then teleport them into orbit strapped to a bomb / blast them with a ground based energy cannon. By the end of the game, we had a ring of nuclear energy mixed in with necrotic energy circling the Earth. Police were sent to our house.

I fucking love this idea, especially since i was already planing on bringing lamashtu to their attention.

I'll make a thread just for this story time once the deed is done.

In my head the hellbunny spawn would have to be some kind of horrific half skeletal fire breathing rabbit with the fangs of a wolf. Can't wait for them to encounter it later.

That specific game, savage worlds.

>playing game with friends
>one just learned about flesh to stone, stone shape, stone to flesh combo
>first enemy we find he flesh to stones
>doesn't have shape stone
>spends time actively chiseling the guy down into a chick with huge knockers
>stones to flesh
>npc turns into a mass of deskinned and muscles pile of flesh and organs thats vaguely woman shaped before falling apart into a pile of guts
>player gets oddly upset the GM didn't let him have his huge knockered genderbender
>player has a statue commissioned of beautiful woman
>stone to flesh's it
>is surprised he has a corpse on his hands
>have to show him the spell description
>actually gets visibly upset the GM isn't working with him on this
>gets a stone golem and stone shape
>shapes the golem then stone to flesh
>is surprised when it turns out lumpy and looking like a childs art project made into flesh
>have to show him the spell description
>just gets really quiet for a while
>goes on his phone during the break
>comes back super excited
>wants to make a stone golem out of a flesh to stoned person them par it all to just a vagina by hand before stone to fleshing it
>gets angry enough to actually stomp up every step before slamming my door hard enough to shatter the glass on the stormdoor when everyone at the table refuses to allow him to make a living fleshlight cause its creepy when he keeps insisting its so "cool"
>have to actually threaten him with revealing his shit grades to his parents that semester cause he skipped every lecture before he'd pay for damages
And thats why we don't allow that crap at our table any more. Recently had to add BP to the list as well.

In a moment of panic my mage sent their adversary "somewhere else in time." Where in time you ask? No idea. Finding the answer to that and doing something about it has been the characters diving motivation since.

I will keep it and let it and name it George.

No, that's not one of my fetishes

No, not even in an evil campaign. In fact, my neutral evil witch considers that going too far.

>ring of nuclear energy mixed in with necrotic energy circling the Earth
sounds dangerous.

>neutral evil witch
>not turning things into various small amphibians all the time
you are doing it wrong

Neat will check it out

Yeah. It was an assassin, which we turned into stone and made as a statue for the inn. The towns people enjoyed making it look like a clown as a form of mockery, from what we have seen.

We sealed a spirit in a crystal once, then threw the crystal in the ocean.

The spirit was a real shit though, so we don't feel all that bad about it.

I joked with the police that maybe it would spawn some eldritch horror. They didn't think it was funny.

You're the kind of person that would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.