The Hero The Universe Deserves, But Not The One It Needs Right Now edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs.
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The Hero The Universe Deserves, But Not The One It Needs Right Now edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs.
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Ow the edge edition?
The Forsaken are justified in everything they do
>If I inject mountain Dew directly into my bloodstream I'll be cool just like Illidan Sempai
>protecting your nation from imperialists and usurpers is considered wrong.
Lordaeron belongs to its original inhabitants still.
they dead nigga
>tfw havoc doesn't play like Illidan does in HotS
>tfw still considering binding all of my abilities to /y 's of his lines
Are you implying the forsaken are not the original inhabitants?
idk about you, but I'm totally macroing his lines with stuff like meta, eye beam, etc.
hmp... ameture
Threadly reminder: Voss will be the new Banshee Queen.
>/cast Fel Rush
>/cast Vengeful Retreat
>/cast blade dance
>/y you need improvement on your form
Are you implying the still living inhabitants have less of a right?
what all twelve of them?
They are welcome to return. The more the merrier
Wasn't she suppose to die in Scholomance?
I was surprised to see her in your tavern on Dreanor.
>Nathanos Blightcaller
>tfw it's not Varimathras
Sylvanas has lost her way, in all ways. GAS THE FORSAKEN, RACE WAR WHEN?
Looks like someone's going straight to the Shadow Realm.
>Based Genn
> Get REKT Sylvanas
I've been trying to avoid all the spoilers.
But that was worth it.
Fuck that cunt.
Gilneas will rise again.
Fuck off dogs. The Sin'dorei will take care of its own. The Banshee Cunt belongs to us, don't even think about stealing our kill, furry!
Wait, is that lantern what was letting her control ALL of her Val'kyr?
She was controlling the leader of the Val'kyr, who in turn, controlled the rest.
As expected, more reason to stay the fuck away from your superiors and their kills.
Get cucked Knife ears.
>projecting this hard
>Implying Knack would let his waifu die by your dirty paws
Either this is gona teach her a lesson and kicks off her redemption, or she'll die by the people she first died for and later betrayed. It's like poetry
>the people she first died for and later betrayed
>died to protect Nathanos' human cock
>get shrekt by Arthas-boi
>gets killed by the Alliance raid
>literally can't handle the Big Human Cock (as with all the elves)
COME ON, it's 2016!
I hope this expac Thrall finally changes out of his bathrobe, even if he's not warchief again by the end of it.
>he's still goin'
>wild ride
>mr bones wild ride
>living kt?
not kael'thas you dingus
>implying I'm not afk invasion leveling
>the naaru tell us what a swell guy Illidan is and what a bunch of betrayers and shitheels we were for killing him
Is this what having ThatDM feels like?
Since they fixed the XP, you get far, far, far more if you tag shit than just sit there.
Not that it really matters at this point. It all goes away tomorrow.
Yes. Yes it is.
>not inviting 4 people and have them tag for you
You're too nice user.
Yeah, I know. I just feel like they've been much more lenient recently, so I'd like to see some more cross-faction communication.
If Starcraft included a banking profession it could make a great MMO, WoW won't last forever.
And so now she has none.
Me too. I also hope he gets his hair back, but we know that's not gonna happen.
Based gen
Honestly fuck the Naaru then. I play my pally as a full-fledged fanatic. Everything must be purified.
Light grant me the strength to purge all demons, demon hunters, death knights, warlocks, shadow priests, fallen Eredar, Nightborne and other unholy heretics from this world and all worlds.
The weeds have grown so very tall and the time has come to reap them all and serve as a shining beacon in the darkness, for the Light is my shield and my sword... and I am its wrath personified.
I am Vengeance. I am the Reckoning.
I am Retribution.
Hey there, Scarlet Crusader. Is where's Whitemane?
>new book also retcons in that the Naaru helped start the church of light
Blizzard just can't help turning everything they touch into shit
Putress did nothing wrong.
>Worgen get ignored since Cataclysm
>suddenly jumping from rafters like some Cirque du Sylvanas shit and smashing dreams
Bout time Gilneans man up. Now Blizzard just needs to throw us a bone and finally fix the femworgen.
Id Racechange my Fem Tauren to a Worgen if they would fix the worgens fucking face.
They didn't fix the Fem Taurens derp face though so I doubt it will happen.
>sylvanas makes a dreadlord her second
>somehow doesn't expect betrayal
Honestly, you're right. The fault is on Sylvanas for being a complete shit judge of character
>Alliance king dies to raid boss
>Horde warchief dies to nameless NPC
Wrathgate was Sylvanas's way of cleaning house in Undercity. There's no way she didn't know all about that.
Varimathras was innocent, and it was all a falseflag
>Alliance king that was active since Wrath dies
>Horde warchief that was mostly literally who dies
I'll take that any day.
>mostly literally who
>he didn't play WC3
Go fuck yourself, kid.
>got saved by Thrall
>turned Rexxar into a wyvern
>no presence in battle of Theramore
Whos best girl and why is it Voss?
Probably Yrel, literally only pure waifu left. Marry sue yes, but pure and sane.
the forsaken are now on a timer with no resets.
Aponi Brightmane?
Normally I'd argue Liadrin, but Yrel has the voice along with the need to purge evil.
I wanna fuck Yrel up the ass and use her horns as handlebars.
I want her to fuck me up the ass with a crystal strap on
So Shadow priests supposedly get their powers from the Old Gods now, right? Did they change or add any questlines to acknowledge this, or is it just kinda there?
I seem to recall that, yes, Shadow Priests draw their power from Void Shadow, which is different from the Fel Shadow that Warlocks use. Warlocks also use Fel Fire, which is different from the Arcane-powered Fire that Mages use which is different from the Elemental Fire that Shamans use.
WoW magic is confuse.
Vol'jin really didn't do all that much in TFT, either, desu.
His dad was more involved than he was, which is kinda sad.
Sylvanas kinda owed him a win after his son... And, y'know, the rest of his homeland
Genn needs a hug, he's been through a lot.
What's with old Alliance leaders with righteous mustaches and Being Right?
>mfw I just realized Daelin has the same head model as Arthas
Still can't decide between affliction warlock or fire mage. This is proving s uprising lyrics difficult.
I switched my to Affliction recently. Am I missing something or is there no big dps cooldown? I notice I get a lot of downtime while I just wait for my dots to tick and soulshards to fill up.
polite sage for non Veeky Forums
Holy hell, he does. 13 years, and I've never noticed that.
Use that soul mirror or whatever it's called for moar dots.
Yes I was gona mention Liadrin, for staying pure and loyal to Silvermoon unlike the fucking Windrunners who all jumped for human dicks and left Quel'thalas.
But I heard she was ruined in Wod???
Is there any way to play a worgen in WoW who rips and tears with their bare claws and teeth instead of using weapons? That's the one thing holding me back.
I understand that (still only 98) but I'm not seeing anything for an execute phase like every other dps has. Just seems strange to me for damage to plateau like that.
No, there isn't.
There would have to be a class or racial based on it.
That's one of the big issues with Affliction right now.
It's functional in that it's easy to get a steady stream of damage out, but you have no burst, long ramp-up, no direct-damage, worthless AOE spell and no cooldown to up your damage output to any significant degree such as for a burn phase on a boss.
I actually got some use out of Seed of Corruption today. Last phase of Broken Shore. Put it on one of the large elite mobs, someone else smacks it and suddenly 30 or so mobs are corrupted. It's bee a very long while since I saw that many numbers.
That must be a recent hotfix, then. Haven't been playing my Warlock much lately, but Seed of Corruption hasn't detonated from someone else's damage since Burning Crusade. It's good that it's back, especially since Blizzard (had) removed its trigger on target death, making it even more worthless in trash mobs than ever before.
I want Lor'Themar to take a more active role in horde policy.
Ok, I'll admit, I'm a huge Sylvanas fan, but that cinematic was SICK and that comment made me laugh my ass off. Well done.
I do to. And I also wish the other blood elf rpers weren't all hedonistic gossipers. We've been redeemed by the holy wind chime lads, let's get out there and crusade to show it wasn't wasted on us. At least that's how I do my blood knight.
Wait, actually yeah, without the Val'kyr, wouldn't that mean the Forsaken can no longer create more Forsaken? And eventually the Forsaken would eventually dwindle to nothing?
Why again is necromancy off the table?
I have been seriously convinced of this as well. I mean, except for the Alliance and Horde getting pissed, it basically worked out in her favor. She played the victim and weeded out anyone who may have been insubordinate. And both the Alliance and Horde helped her do it.
Once upon a time, Sylvanas went through a lot. And when she did, she got a hug from the Scourge.
Just that just make ghouls, gheists and abominations? Nothing quite on the level of an operating individual.
Then how did the forsaken come to be in the first place?
Did they, in their haste to burn the works that can bring back the dead, throw out the shit vital to their continued existence?
From what I can tell, it takes very powerful necromancy to raise a sentient being intact enough that they can be, y'know, sentient and mostly sane. Even the val'kyr fuck up sometimes, as we see in the Forsaken starting zone. There are lots of instances of people raising skeletons and ghouls and whatnot, but if we look for instances where people were fully necro'd, body, mind, soul and all, it generally only happens from more powerful necromantic sources.
>the Scourge
I don't think "devouring flesh and twisting souls" counts as "hugging," user.
Are Sylvana's tiddies firm or bouncy?
Ripe and rotted.
mah Dragonflight of Black descent
>tfw no legion until friday
I hold a monopoly on it, try to do necromancy without official scourge license and I'll send my legal frost wyrm rider team.
Why do people hate liliana voss
>Hit people without weapons
>Worgen can't be monks
Aaaaw yeah.
Based Genn strikes again!
I knew it! I knew we could trust him!
>Genn steps on stone, cracks it
Damn son.
However, I can't help but feel like this arrow from Sylvanas will be used as a McGuffin to kill Genn, with poison or stuff like that, because Blizz official waifu cannot lose.