Can I get some art and maybe interesting quotes/lore pieces?
Adepta Sororitas
Gf just got into the 40k rpgs and wants some reference material
"Heretics crave the cleansing fire of absolution. They need not fear, for we shall deliver."
- Canoness Josmane, Order of the Sacred Rose
My favorite quote from the Confessor in Soulstorm "A plea of innocence is guilty of wasting my time"
I'm pretty sure the quote is originally from Lord Inquisitor Fyodor in one of the Codices, but it's still a great quote regardless.
Read the codices
They have a few BL books too
Try the Enforcer series. It's got a decently written female lead, and there's a whole book involving the sororitas and displays some of the madness of the setting without going full inquisition war on anybody.
The Enforcer series is about an incompetent cop who fucks up all the time, and only one of them involves the Sororitas
Cain books.
The contrast of murder machine and hormonal teen age girl when there was no combat was good.
If you can get pass the annoying writing of the novels. The same bloody descriptions every fucking time. Caphias Cain novels bring a more human side of the military within the imperium.
How the absurdity of the setting is evidente for Cain but his oblivious of his. Example he wonders why SoB do not wear helmet while using power armour. While he has a hat and only wears caparece in rear occasions
He's a Commissar. Without his hat he's a mere mortal, and cannot show his superiority over guardsmen sans the Catachans.
I don't think Cain is supposed to be an actual view of 40k. It's more like a more humorous take on the universe.
and he remarks at how SoB recruits brutally kill heretics one minute and then flirt with with the cadet commissars under his command
It's a less grimdark take on a very grimdark setting. There's numerous (canon, this IS canon, remember) cases of kids playing in rubble on wartorn worlds while Cain passes by, but Imperial society is presented as generally functional (and it should be - just because it's grimdark as fuck doesn't mean the entire Imperial hierarchy is fuckstupid by default), albeit beset by endless hordes of gribblies that want everyone dead.
It's more lighthearted and humorous, but that's part of the point.
That's just shit discipline, then. Why would they even be cleared for active duty if they haven't already had all love and devotion beaten out of them so there is only room in their hearts for the Emperor?
Actually allowing them to still function as normal human beings? I just do not buy it.
Hey, they're in training.
Let 'em flirt with the cadets. They were cleared for active duty out of desperation because the planet was unexpectedly under attack, if I'm not mistaken. They weren't full-fledged Battle Sisters yet.
To paraphrase what Plinkett said about Jedi, a group of sexless and emotionless humanoid space aliens isn't very interesting as we have no point of reference whatsoever and none of the character's actions make any sense.
And thats fucking retarded. I hate, HATE how the SoB are treated are like they're part of the Guard. They are, without a doubt, the most indoctrinated, mentally brainwashed members of the Imperium that arent servitors. They are positively insane, and are prone to whipping them selves and are absolutely crazy. Having them just be normal women, and not absolute frenzied battlenuns is just not canon what so ever.
Sororitas have always been defenders of the Emperors flocks. They're not capable of even giving a thought of mercy to a Heretic, but to a faithful and dutiful soldier of the Imperium why would they behave in a guarded fashion?
so are sororitas suped up at all like space marines or are they relatively vanilla humans with power armor
why do the sororitas get living saints but it doesn't happen to guardsmen or space marines
why won't the emperor return my letters
Plinkett as always comedy.
Also I'm don't see the problem here. The level of indoctrination performed by the Imperium at that level. It's cult level mind-control, and that's the POINT. Why would you try to humanize people who have specifically been dehumanized, programmed into happy little Emperor loving servants of the Imperium with accute pyromania.
I want this cutie
> but to a faithful and dutiful soldier of the Imperium why would they behave in a guarded fashion?
If you already aren't suspecting everyone of potentially harboring heretical thoughts and always watching them in case they manifest then you aren't a true servant of the Imperium.
Is it grimderp? Sure, but this is 40k. What did you expect?
These are women who devote themselves to the defense and proliferation of the Ecclesiarchy. An arbitrary and nebulous sect that is willing to bend in order to take in as many followers into it's fold as possible and has very few absolute rules. They insert themselves in Imperial nobility, Administratum and into the Imperial Guard, and serve Inquisitors. They serve as bodyguards, advisors, and translators to the countless cultures inhabiting the Imperium. It's a massive organization with Sisters spread thin to countless shrine worlds and retinues.
Within their mold I expect their to be a fairly large bit of variance in their behavior.
You're confusing their function with their indoctrination, which is what they are told they are doing and why they serve as they do. They are the Daughters of the Emperor, originally a cult dedicated to his worship, reformed when their leader stood before the Emperor herself.
They are trusted in the capacities in which they serve because of their indoctrination. They are little better than programmed machines operating on the words of their religion. I'll be surprised if they can even function normally enough to get horny without meltas being involved.
They're vanilla humans with no augmentations.
They DO get excellent gear, military training, and a solid religious indoctrination.
They're regular people physically, but they get near-Astartes power armor and access to Astartes-level kit. They're also trained and indoctrinated at the same school as the Inquisitorial Stormtroopers/Tempestus Scions.
>Most pics are sisters from the Martyred lady
Where my Bloody Rose waifus?
Not Space Marine-tier, but still objectively better than the vast majority of equipment Imperial Guard get.
Space Marine gear is an order of magnitude bigger, bulkier, heavier, harder to handle, and generally meant for the kinds of posthuman warriors that make up their ranks.
Well they can. They do plenty of it in the fluff. You say indoctrination but they're indoctrination doesn't get in the way of being human. Even Space Marines can show bonds of brotherhood and can care for the Imperiums people in their own ways. The Sisters are expected to fulfill much more social roles than any Space Marine. Part of their function is being able to interact with citizens in order to strengthen the Cult and there is nothing in their indoctrination that gets in the way of that. They will snap and burn you to a ground if you turn from the Emperors light but aside from that why would they not be able to be human?
Because muh grimdark, no nice things allowed etc.
The Space Marines form bonds because they're trained as a unit. Plus it's not like they're born into the lifestyle, most are recruited later and augmented, right?
Seems like the Ecclisiarchy raises the sisters. I didn't think it was them driving around in vans with illegal ass tinted windows say, "Hey little girl, want to join the church? You get a flamethrower!"
Yeah, that's retarded. Cain's proof even the writers mostly disagree. Same with Dan Abnett's work.
The good writers in Black Library agree with the rest of us - muh grimdark and no nice things allowed is retarded.
Even in the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium, there are sunny days, user.
Looks like she's equipped with nipple lasers.
I mean she's not, but maybe they should be?
They're mostly recruited out of the Schola Progenium, to my knowledge. And the Schola Progenium student base is largely recruited from among the Imperial nobility (the kids the nobility don't really want, anyways) and the orphans of great Imperial heroes (and lower-ranking officers, I'm sure). It's a select group, but there's enough people adding to it to ensure that it stays consistently big enough to maintain a meaningful presence.
I remember short stories mentioning that Space Marines often respect Sisters for how well trained they are. Not Space Marine level, but getting close. Fanaticism can do a lot.
The point is that their indoctrination doesn't stop them from feeling emotions or being empathetic. Unless you're from the Iron Hands. Most Adeptus Sororitas are chosen from the young girls in the Schola Progenium observed to show the greatest amount of faith in the Emperor. The Emperor being the benevolent God who sacrificed himself to save humanity form xenos, mutants, and heretics.
You have to remember that just about any viewpoint would depend on the Order. The Bloody Rose, for instance, is zealous in hunting down heretics, and would search for them everywhere. I believe Sacred Rose is the one that is especially noble and known for good will.
Calling Adeptus Sororitas female Space Marines, while techinically not correct, does give you a sense of their training, as well as general diversity in how they interact with the Universe.
They just have to believe in the Emprah as God, which isn't that far from the Space Marines.
I'm fairly certain that that uniform is a beacon for Slaanesh.
>SOB based on ingenious populations
Just believing in the Emperor as a god doesn't quite cut it. Lots of guardsmen can be faithful or even fanatical, and while most Space Marine chapters don't consider the Emperor a god, some do, like the White Consuls.
Given where that uniform is from, you'd be right.
Kreig always make cute SoBs
Sister helmets are underappreciated.
what the fuck happened to kreig he was like one of the many 40k artists on DA that just stopped
I often hear arguments about how female players gravitate towards Tyranids because they're the only non-macho male faction.
If the Sisters were updated properly, do you think they'd be popular among women?
The Cain novels are some of the best in the franchise largely because they acknowledge how fucking moronic the setting is and are willing to make fun of it.
This is miles better then the edgy older players who never grew out of their adolescent blood and skulls fascination who actually take the setting seriously.
Here's a picture of a Sister of Battle as a child!
They need shit like lore that differentiates the multiple sister sects and main characters for each one.
but seeing at how bad the scions got shafted I dont know if they could do it I mean FUCK. You got IG who dress up as necrons and all we could say about them is
"we hunt eldar good"
Already done, just not too well known.
The Scions were a minidex reinventing a faction that had basically just been a part of the Imperial Guard for decades; the Sisters have some more weight behind them to work from.
I feel we will never get Catachan tier characters and lore for alot of shit.
I mean fuck compared to Elysians or Tallarns the Catachans got really lucky with all the prominent characters they got
So I suppose it goes without saying but making Scythian SoB seems like par for the course sort of deal.
That said, I've personally enjoyed some of the Bolter Bitches that Veeky Forums has come up with, one in particular who's name escapes me are basically super bikers battling tyranids evolved to go fast like cheetas and shit.
Really like that armor design on her abdomen
Check out pages 53-74, 111-112, and 217-227 of the Shield of Baal - Leviathan PDF. It's got some pretty awesome SoB vs. Tyranid warfare.
I disagree that the setting is moronic.
It IS, however, extremely edgy.
The vast majority of the novels that play it straight really aren't bad. It's an acquired taste.
>Wadjet eye face paint
The irony gives me a good belly laugh every time even if I love the idea
I meant adding faith in Emprah to the Space Marine template, and implied removal of S/T with faith powers to make it up.
Clearly you've never read Dead Men Walking.
This. Cain laughs at in in a way that twists the universe to make it funny and more charming. Stuff like Dead Men Walking kind of punches you in the gut, reminding you how unfair the 40k universe really can be.
I still don't honestly like Kriegers that much after it, but it was well written and managed to convey a lot of emotions.
Yes user but you do realize what the Wadjet eye is right
>Egyptian SoB
>Excel in medical aid and explosives
Plus, Veeky Forums's put together some cool orders for SoB.
Eye of Horus
but its not THAT Horus
>The contrast of murder machine and hormonal teen age girl when there was no combat was good.
That's fucking garbage though. That "I'm a macho killing machine - now I'm a dainty teenage girl teehee, boys are dumb :3" thing is absolutely the worst fucking thing. It completely disregards how the setting and social psychology works in favour of a the lowest possible 'humanising' angle.
Also, here's the first SoB novel if anyone wants it, I thought it was pretty good.
The three femplayers I've met have phrased it differently, but in a way that I think is key.
Basically, 40k faction models are mostly pretty ugly.
Not physically mind you, but aesthetically; regardless of faction in question the "style" of the universe tends to use abnormally long lines, blocky or weird-looking technology, and lots of the models are obviously exercises in making things look pleasantly hideous to look upon. The entire franchise is done up largely like a 1980's British comic book artist writing for 2000AD not that half of the fans these days are even literate enough to even know what the fuck that even IS sadly which is of course the entire point and original inspiration from the franchise, in the first place, right? Deliberate hideousness as a way to invoke the grimdarkiness stuff.
This REALLY turned said three players off, especially to Imperial factions. They had no appreciation for deliberately ugly shit. It was just regular ugly to them and they were all "meh". Of the players one played Tau (because the aesthetic was attractive) and two played Nids. When I asked about it, both basically said that despite the Tyranids obviously being designed to be Gigeresque nightmares their aesthetic is unified and not deliberately clashing with general human aesthetics to drive home the grimdark (as in making everything bulky, blocky, and ugly like an issue of Judge Dredd), so their ugliness lied in a direction that looked good to them.
This actually sort of synched up with what I saw when one of them played Fantasy too; one prefered the Empire (despite it being just as macho as the Imperium) because their aesthetic, while certainly kinda odd due to it being inspired by 16th century Germany, wasn't deliberately clashing with what human beings generally think looks good to make a point, and another liked Vampire Counts because despite everyone being a weird corpse their whole Gothic motifs are extremely visually appealing.
Forgot to post pic.