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just saw this get posted on Facebook, thought it was bretty funny
is this drawn by kami tora? it definitely looks like it but there's no giant dongs for me to compare it to

Army is mostly a decade old, overpriced metal models and no decent rules.
People are not buying! Because no one like it.
Smaller companies are making a profit with nitch inside a nitch army of the army you are not updating.

Make more marines! That will solve the problem.

Made the tradtitional SoB and anti SoB discussion.

You may now continue with your Space Marine, Eldar and Tau general.

Given that the Inquisition models these days are still the old metal shit, "updated" into resin but not actually given more sculpts or any real posability, how do I convert/kitbash some Crusaders?

Nth for Snekgirl Operators!

AoS has more than enough shield fuckers to get a good looking Crusader.

Kill yourself you dirty dog fucker.

Okay, this has been going on for awhile. But why dog fucker? I never asked.

Oh fuck yeah, I've also been considering how to model an Inquisitor in power armour and I guess because I mentally just dismissed the idea of using Stormcast I failed to think of that for my Crusaders too.

dunno, it says wight in the corner

Because you are a sick fuck that would fuck a dog given the chance. You will stick your pinprick dick into anything with a heartbeat and an entrance that's slick.

I want to run a narrative based Khornate war-band featuring that hell of a guy. How should I go about it? I play Skittles so this is more a fun side project.

Dream forge the heavy trooper assault option? Sword and shields.

Or chinaman. At this point is either failcast quality or decent FW quality.

I'm looking at you repressor kit. It was so bad that even the recasters have it bad.


>Khornate war-band featuring that hell of a guy.
>I play Skittles

>References, amirite guys!!!

what the fuck did you ask?

second edition best edition

fite me nerds

Narrative war-band featuring Kharn the Betrayer. Not sure how to run a melee orinated CSM army as I play Skitarii.

Relax mate,

Then ask, don't make vague statements.

Berserkers, Loaded inside Berserkers, thrown by Imperial Knight thunder gauntlets into the enemy.


I think it's Apoc 2nd edition. Ask your opponent if it's okay and have the berserkers hitch a ride on Soul Grinders.

LC+PF Terminators w. Icon of Wrath and MoK with Kharn attached in Landraider, is something like that still feasible?


ere boss

how long until GW grows up and makes w40k into a competitive esport with a pro tournament series?

I'm tired of everyone crying about my powerful lists and running over scrubs. When will w40k be about getting gud instead of people crying when I pull out a riptide wing?

Twitch streams of top tournament players could be enough to save 40k

Trying to force a new meme?

When will you grow up and get a job so you can stop waisting time shitposting on a mongolion frog exchange market.

Real autism is forcing your fetish into a miniature game.

...for a second i thought those were riptides fresh out of the oven

So, what Start Collecting! Boxes are left for the remaining armies, not counting SoB?

Which chapter do you think is more interesting? The Deathwatch or the Grey Knights?

So I got a question for you guys, do stealth ships exist in 40k? I feel like some xenos would have them, and maybe the Inquisition using advanced mechanicus/stolen xeno tech. What other kinds of sci-fi techs do you think/know the Inquisition have?

>grey knights

honestly, only grey knights need a box since they're a bigger or rather a main faction. not sure if kdk, slaanesh, or tzeentch would get a box but khorne and nurgle got one.

competitive streamed games and official support would help 40k out tremendously.

It would also attract more competitive and tournament minded players to the scene

Considering the ridiculously huge ranges of space battles, a stealth ship would just be one that evades augur scans and the like -- and I'm pretty sure Eldar ships can do that

If you're thinking Klingon stealth, forget about it, there are no spaceship windows in the grim, dark future

Khorne and Nurgle got one because AoS. Which means Slaanesh will not get one, but it is possible for Tzeentch to.

Might be cool for =][= to get a box.

GK is most likely to get one.

I could've sworn Farsight's ships used stealth tech to reach that planet in Mont'ka.

dissolving doors

actually, there are spaceship stained glass windows in the grim darknes of the far future

You need balance for that. 40k has never been balanced.

Specially with a d6 system.

silly me, i forgot gw wanted to sweep slaanesh under the table or make them conservative or something

...actually daemonettes and keepers in big poofy dresses might be cool

inquistion might not since most of their models are metal or finecast, not to mention old. i could see gw doing a stealth update for them

no game is actually balanced

All developers do is wait for a competitive tier to emerge, nerf everything at the top, buff things near the bottom and continue on.

Everyone keeps bitching about GW wanting to desexualize Warhammer.

Am I the only person on this board to actually see the new tree people?

Those are some big not breasts apparently.

I ordered 3 fiends of slaanesh on impulse because I love their models but recently I've been in kind of a slump, I just can't find the motivation to build or paint. I also have two boxes of DE stuff I've been meaning to build.

I think the problem is my local club has been so empty, the social aspect is half the hobby I think.
Have you played any fun games or admired someone's work, Veeky Forums?

Fires of Cyraxus when?

taking a breather is often a good thing for a hobby

don't feel chained to it like you would a job. Shit's meant to be enjoyed.

you don't talk about paint and cool models each game? weird.

I thought the new tree people were oak-kay

i remember somewhere a dreadnought of some variant, even like a chaplain dreadnought could take an inferno cannon. am i misremembering?

combined admech codex when

What games? That's the problem, everyone is too busy to come down.

Also, I learned a guy I really had fun with is moving far away, which sucks. He's pretty much the only person who gave a shit about lore and would talk with me about it as well as being one of the few to paint his stuff.

Variance, length and investment are more why competitive 40k doesn't work so well.

imperial armor.. four? had the rules for it

I'm not sure forgeworld still sells the arm

No user, you are the autism. It takes autism to get so butthurt about someone's plastic models that they choose to spend their money and time on.

>Calling people out for being degenerate is autism

Sure buddy, why don't we put your busty rough riders on the fridge? We gotta blow out the candles for your 30th birthday party.

Kys, forced monstergirls aren't part of the setting and the same people who waste their money on boob-hammer miniatures will get the same amount of hate irl.

Abhumans are a part of 40k. In fact, even cat-girls are a confirmed part of 40k...


What flyer should I buy for my fluffy Raven Guard? I'm kind of leaning towards getting a Stormtalon or Stormhawk, but a Stormraven might also be a good option.

Felenids are, pelagers are, but there are no centaurs, no spiderwomen, and no fucking snakegirls in the setting.

Post IG cat men, cat lads, cat lady, and cat ladies plz?

New 40k player here. What does a decent ~2000 point list that relies mostly on Knight Titans look like?
I already have a Lancer and I really wanna use it in my army. It's either a Knight list or an IG list taking the Lancer as an ally.
I'd rather go with Knights.

Monstergirls arent cannon. There is no mixture of half human half animal tit-monsters.. Pelagers are Humans whos dna was altered to survive ocean storm worlds and resemble sharks with legs and felenids arent even confirmed to be people with cat ears. They could be fucking Cats with arms for all we know.

It would look like this.

That picture appears to not show any point costs, user.
That being said, it is helpful and I appreciate it. I just need more to go on.
I stress that I am very new to the game.

Thats because its free to use. You pay for the models and any upgrades and you can field it as your army underneath that formation without having to rely on a CAD or allied detachment.

Here is the barebones formation pointwise

user, remember that you can take it as an LoW instead of an ally. Pics of your Lancer?

Also, go with the IG route. People don't like playing against All-Knight armies, seeing as they'll either get stomped, or stomp you. Orkz in particular will always get stomped by your Big 'Oomy Stompy Fing.

Man, I love Freeblade. Fun game.

There are two knight lists right now, you have the 40k version and the 30k version. While similar, they do have some significant differences.

user, it's 40k. They intentionally leave lots of blanks in the lore for the fans to fill in themselves. It's why none of the canon chapters have 100% of their organization filled out. It's why the Ultramarines only have 3 named captains out of 10, and why the felinids have no canon description.

They even outright state that there's more abhumans around than just the ones they've mentioned, because they want people to make their own. It's my canon is just as good as yours.

Making a deathwatch killteam for a killteam tournament on Saturday. Here';s what I was thinking so far-

5 veterans, 4 with stalker bolter/bolter, 1 with frag cannon
Vanguard veteran with double lightning claw

>They even outright state that there's more abhumans around than just the ones they've mentioned

No they didnt. There is already a long list of abhumans but I guess you are too blindsided by bestiality tendencies to care.

Yeah, there are windows as a thing for people to enjoy on board a craft but they are not used for any kind of aiming or target observation.

Despite Napoleanic space combat in ship design actual contact is somewhat realistic with engagements occurring over tens to hundreds of thousands of kilometers. Inertia is a thing in 40k space combat and you have to lead shots as it takes several minutes for macro rounds to travel to target.

If you can see the enemy ship from yours it's within boarding action range.

My Lancer isn't assembled. I have that one disease where you buy a bunch of models and then never do anything with them. I'm looking to break that habit.
In the group I've been hanging out with, the guys play the following: Eldar, Grey Knights, Space Wolves, Necrons, Tau, Tyranids.
Since you mention it, I think you're right about not liking playing against an all Knight army, but they look so damn cool...

Well it'd definitely be for 40k so there's that.

It is though. It shows that you don't understand that people do and believe much that is different from you.
This isn't hard for a non autist.

Brother, if All-Knight armies were accepted, you bet I'd play them all the time.

Just be glad you have a group user. I wish I had a group. And a Knight.

Felinids are confined to their home world and no one gets to leave. Also they are more like the Mexican wolf man than anime cat girls. Feline like eyes, possibly teeth, then just excessive body hair every where including the face.

Correction user, they'd probably be like, not they are. The only thing that is confirmed about them is the name of their homeworld.

Sorry, it seems your autism is preventing us from having coherent conversation.

Fair but I do remember it being mentioned the planet was quarantined though.

Is English not your first language? Also, there is no turning from the fact that you are defending tit-monsters.


>That filename
You probably think you're a big guy, huh?

So I may be getting into 40k, just have one question. It's my understanding that 40k is a game were 3-4 armies are unbeatable unless they purposefully cripple themselves. and everyone else is basically just there or complete garbage, how true/not-true is this?


Eldar, and Tau are overpowered. Space Marines without formations/Decurions aren't.

Orkz, Chaos Space Marines, and Tyranids will get curbstomped by everything. Especially Orkz.

The bug bit me again. I have this itch to spend a lot of money of stupid over priced plastic. I haven't played since 5th. You guys said none of my models are competitive. I don't have any money. I just started law school. Fuck.

Would it hurt if I took of my face?
If you wanted to save the image, just right click the image.

It would be extremely painful.

This is more enjoyable.

play kill team

>Sisters soft-Squatted
>8E Codex: Space Marines is released
>New Chapter Tactics: (Adepta Sororitas)
>Italicised fluff about not being space marines but share a similar role within the ecclesiarchy
>Models with these Chapter Tactics receive -1 to their toughness characteristic but gain a 5+ invulnerable save
What do?

Adepta. Sororitas. Centurions.

>Dat stormraven
>only 200 points
>all those free weapon swas

Don't be stupid user. Buy the big one and give it to a techmarine have a great time giving dreadnoughts rides.

Why don't sisters players just counts as use the spacr marine codex anyway. Gran guns, land raider redeemers, flyers, centurions... It would be better. Could use salamanders tactics to get better fire.

Deathwatch codex scan when, Veeky Forums?

>CSM soft-Squatted
>8E Codex: Space Marines is released
>New Chapter Tactics: (Chaos Space Marines)
>Italicised fluff about not being space marines but share a similar role for chaos
>Models with these Chapter Tactics receive no support from GW
What do?


Get back to slaying chaos!

>Tyranids soft-Squatted
>8E Codex: Space Marines is released
>New Chapter Tactics: (Hive Fleet Ultra)
>Italicised fluff about not being space marines but share a similar role within the Hivemind
>Models with these Chapter Tactics receive use
What do?


I'm still kinda surprised that no one's actually done any Hive Fleet Ultranids.

>swap heads on SM models for female ones.
>sculpt Ecclesiarchy and Adepta Sororitas markings
>create elite force backstory
>use SM codex
Its something I've always wanted to do.

No time like the present. Salamanders have their own decurion and traits now too

wrong thread senpai

but stormheim