Last time on Song of Swords:
The grand finale of Polando's campaign
How to equip a horseman
Elf Princess, wat do?
More rules cockteasing from Jimmu
Song of Swords is a realistic fantasy tabletop RPG that draws inspiration from historical fechtbuchs, weapons and armor. Its combat system is fast and it can be used for both fantasy and historical/mundane settings.
Call of the Void is a pulpy sci-fi tabletop RPG about fighting space-nazis and hunting giant whales with harpoons made out of the moon. Its combat system is more modern, based in the early 20th century, but can probably handle combat up to the present day.
Here's a MEGA folder with the newest version of the rules as well as all related current working documents. At this time the latest version is v1.9.9:
Here's a walkthrough on creating a character
Here's a walkthrough on weapon schools for SoS 1.9.9 with examples
This PDF is the Ballad of the Laser Whales' latest version, bookmarked.
Ballad weapons and calibers converted to their real world counterparts:
Here's a wiki detailing SoS's fantasy setting, getting filled up bit by bit as Jimmy reveals more details:
There's also a roll20 room where new players are encouraged to try the rules, test new rules, and find game breaking issues:
The room might be empty, but the people who teach the game still browse the thread frequently. If you're looking to learn, post here in the thread. We also play Guy Windsor's card game Audatia in the room.
Let's hear about some of those campaigns you guys are all totally running and/or playing in.