Imperial Guard Army Ideas

Do we have an imperial guard army based on ISIS yet? Largely improvised vehicles, suicide bombings, poorly trained soldiers, fanatical loyalty to the emperor.

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Favored enemy Tau? I could see them being used against human tau sympathizers

Isn't that just vanilla IG?

I kind of like OPs idea but they would probably be something like the cannon fodder Sisters of Battle use

Maybe a Tallarn regiment with lots of demo-charge-hucking special weapon squads and "Chimeras." That is, a bunch of Toyota truck models with multi lasers on the back.

The Frateris Militia? That'd probably work. I was thinking conscript and demolition charge/RPG-heavy Tallarn though, which are in your image.

Imperial Guard are generally well trained. They're BS3, not BS2.

You could say that Grots are BS3 as well but the important note is that Conscripts are BS2.


>Imperial Guard are generally well trained. They're BS3.
Correction. The Imperial Guard are generally trained.* Conscripts' BS2 is an example of no training and fear making them poor shots against an approaching enemy. "Well trained," by comparison, is consistently BS4 (Ratlings, stormtroopers, marines, sisters, inquisitors, veteran IG, etc.).

Savlar Chem Dogs, if not then just make up your own Penal Legion who has bombs strapped to their armor set to detonate when they die/break the law and have to scavenge shit instead of following normal supply lines.


I would also add that there is a lot more to training than just basic combat skills. IG are very well trained to deal with mundane threats like rogue PDF regiments, but are entirely untrained to deal with Orks let alone necrons or tyranids.

>entirely untrained to deal with Orks

>entirely untrained to deal with Orks

How would rules for suicide bombers/Suicide trucks work?

Same as the cyclops demolition charges, assault the unit you want to blow up and at I10 you place a large blast on your unit and resolve the attack, then remove your unit.

Regiments that have experience fighting Orks got their skills against them from the fighting, not the training. Take a random regiment from buttfuck nowhere and they would at most know a few rumors that got passed around their homeworld or, if they are lucky, advice from a nearby veteran sister regiment. At least that's how the lore makes it out to me.

Combat experience =/= training

What about IG on Cadia, aren't they trained there? Are there no planets that train on the same planet they fight on? If so, you'd have to at least say they're aware of whatever threat they're going up against, whether human or xeno.

If it's just a case of chalking it up to 40k lore inconsistency, that's fine, but when it comes to resourceful and valuable troops like Catachan jungle fighters, you'd think they would be trained or informed about what threat they're going up against.

Aren't those suppose to be the exception and not the rule?

The majority of the planets of the empire aren't producing top of the line troops. You have a few special snowflakes like the Catachan fighters and Cadia is obviously the one that inspires all the other generic regiments. But the empire is huge, if every planet was producing Cadian level troops the empire would be much safer. The generic regiment is basically a nobody from a literal who hive on a planet no one gives two shits about.

I could be misreading the lore, but I'm pretty confident our tabletop IG regiment is suppose to be an example of a top of the top regiment. That's why they don't lose their leadership check as soon as the Necron player finishes his setup.

That's why I feel like a generic, vanilla IG regiment is basically an ISIS regiment already. They lack the tools and training to deal with a real threat (literally any army you can field on the table) so they try to close the gap with religious fanaticism as well as a culture of martyrdom.

Just strap some melta bombs on a chimera and call it day imho

Valhallans are explicitly raised to hate orks and trained how to combat them, ever since that first invasion. That's why I posted them. Centuries after the last ork was killed, Valhallans still hate them, and Valhallans are still trained to kill them.

I remember 1st and 2nd edition, when there was suicide bombers for IG to use. And the rules to make your own vehicles.

If I remember correctly, they removed the human bomb thing due to "current sensitive issues".

>at war with "Rome"
>wants to set up a caliphate
>targets civilians
>manipulating rebellious and energetic "youths"

heretics and traitors lead/inspired by corrupted Ecclesiarchy. not even worthy of PDF status.


Just have you're Average IG Reg. Chuck some towels on their heads, more demo charges and highspeed cameras then bam.