New WD sampler
New WD sampler
Eh, this is just as bad as the old shit. Very soulless.
>They just so happen to be from a brand new release! Also Sigmarines!
These letters don't even sound like they were written by real people.
>"I remember my first issue. 'Twas #81 in old money, way back in September 1986 (cue shimmering flashback effect).
This is very depressing. A Tale of 4 Generals was an amazing and marvelously done exploration of the hobby with the dudes going all out to convert their stuff and really make the armies their own.
Current Era;
>We bought start collecting boxes!
>They're so turbo awesome and are available in many independent stockists and online!
>Featured army is super generic, looks like a standard studio army.
>Zero conversions.
All in all about a 2/10.
Please tell me this guy is going to get his own section in WD from here on out. Those look awesome
Yes, from what I know Blanchitsu was featured in every issue of Warhammer Visions and since that has been scrapped they've incorporated it into WD.
I think Army of the Month, Golden Demon, and Reader's Models may also have been from Visions, though I can vaguely recall them or something like them cropping up in the weekly issues of WD.