Because why not
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I would like some contet for this.
I'm going to be honest, things got a little bit out of hand.
Amber is a hell of a drug
I mentioned it Yesterday in another thread
But for context specifically for this pic.
I made Shrek.
The GM knew I was making Shrek, but was plastered.
I played a horridly abusive father of three terribly behaved children who was overly sexual with his husband even if front of them. admittedly nothing actually happened to them, but we did at one point leave them to guard our cart while we spent a few hours participating in a massive gay orgy without even trying to hide anything from them.
The entire time the GM was doing an impression Rick from Rick and Morty. It was weird.
I'm not sure how I get shrek and Adam sandler from Richard Pryer and Daz. I mean, I think that picture of Richard Pryer is from a movie where he had to babysit some billionaire kid to get part of the money but...
Are you sure you're responding to the right person?
Oh shit, sorry. I posted the one with Shrek too, and for some reason thought you replied to that one.
That picture of Richard Pryor is actually from Superman three.
I'm in a campaign that's based off of JRPG cliches. My character was originally a joke on how much Sahz from FF XIII looks like Richard Pryor.
The GM, not having played FF XIII, and not really knowing any Richard Pryor basically just though "generic JRPG black guy".
We didn't have particularly detailed backstories going into it, which basically let us fill in details as we thought of them. Over time My character, Prior Richardson, was revealed to have a comedically dark childhood, that I didn't realize I had accidentally ripped from Gordito. It was also established that circuses were a democratic institution, with the ringleader being an elected leader. Using his experience he basically tried to get one of our friends elected as mayor of a major trade city on a platform based on creating a public education system.
Pic related, same campaign.
I've since retired the character, but much was my joy on discovering the battlemaster archer.
Meanwhile, from the other side of the screen.
Incompetent initiate gets a bunch of credit for heroism that wasn't really his really fault and then spent the whole game pretending he was some big hero out of fear of being discovered. I actually ended up playing it alot straighter than the picture implies... but it was also campy as fuck in so many glorious ways.
skeletons always win
Can you describe some of your character's campy moments?
I made a guy who was just gonna be a dick, the GM thought I was going full-on evil from the start, circumstances in the game quickly lead to me basically being an objectively evil asshole
>DM: Man I don't wanna have to RP another NPC Ally after the >Paladin took Leadership
>Me: Alright I'll RP my character's Blade Guide then
>DM: Works for me
Many laughs were had
by me, because everyone else thought I was fucking crazy
I'm banned from playing paladins now.
Please elaborate
Why is that sheep wearing a DEVO hat, pls explain
Forget it Jake, it's Pokémon
Clerics of War Demigods are fun.
You mean the cheesy battlemaster hand crossbowman with crossbow mastery and sharpshooter?
A pope that died long ago but isstill around and still takes care of his shit
She's a short, bipedal sheep person with electric powers named Mare E. P. who wears a Devo hat and fights with a star rod.
Being a JRPG parody Sheeple are our setting's equivalent of Moogles, or the Felynes from Monster Hunter. The cutesy mascot race.
morbidly curious, please explain
Can you tell us more?
I am incredibly curious about this
Made a mummy, DM figured it was going to be a long dead ruler of some sort with a ton of necromancy spells to make/summon minions. Probably arrogant or at the very least bossy. I played him as a kind hearted soul who believed he was given such a powerful vessel by his god in unlife to destroy the wicked and protect the innocent. I also made him a giant.
He was fully aware of how creeped out and untrusting the average person would be of him so he would keep his distance from towns and cities while the party did their thing and met up with him after. This led to a few little adventures of his own where he saved a peasant couple from attacking wolves and took out an outlaw gang all by himself. Rumors spread about this large monster lurking in the night protecting the roads and peasantry. Wish that game lasted longer, definitely one of my favorite characters.
Rogue Trader is fun.
(car chase city intensifies)
This sounds interesting, tell us how you became a Nazi.
Tell us more, why would you be banned. Racist, fascism is not inherently anti paladin.
>pathfinder has an archetype for Goblin Alchemists
>lose their mutagen, but gain a flying mount
>immediately think of a briliant idea
>flying mount can be loaded up with explosives and trained to suicide bomb into things
>I can specialize in demolitons charges and have my flying mount alahu akbar into buildings
>Osama bin Goblin is born
He ended up worshiping the god of peace, and killing in the name of his religion of peace
That sounds really neat
Keep in mind I was much younger at the time.
Saw 5e's rules for Barbarians' constitution-based unarmored defense and took it to its logical conclusion.
Made a cool assassin character, GM saw an edgelord in the making, and you eventually somehow wound up so overpowered that combat was rendered boring and meaningless to you?
Turns out the best way to play drow is with a people's revolution's worth of booze and socialism.
Liam Nieson as a vengeful Lich trying to get HIS DAUGHTER back is pretty sick as a character concept, IMO senpai.
How does he unsheathe that sword?
Ah, yes, pyros... fun times all around
So you played Richard?
all whilst trying to steal every towel in the universe in dark heresy.
you sheath your sword sometimes? fuckin beta.
melee based sams arent even good, my build was optimal and my luck was just absurd
Top kek
I just died and was resurrected because I still have shit to do
What's the right picture from?
>Well first I was born in the Imperium...
Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated.
I mean, other stats are good and all, but they aren't Con and Strength.
Also due to an odd combination of useless feats and traits I picked and some of the poorly designed DM homerules he was actually more dangerous while absolutely naked, with no spellbooks or staves or spells prepared.
Dresden files game.
Nothing fucks up the fae like nailbombs
Could someone please explain this thing to me?
Don't read kids, it's bad for you.
made is the character you envision as you create it
saw is what the dm sees when he reads your sheet
played is what you ended up with during the actual play-time
posting an old one.
Thank you for clearing that up for me
I should probably add more stuff to the Played end, but it's fine.
Ex-Hive noble renegade in Black Crusade, all in-character dialogue was spoken in my best and thickest Russian accent.
My friend
>Played SoB
>DM thought he would play it like a normal Crusader
>Played it like a Genki Girl
Fucking What? FUCKING WHERE?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it's FATE. My condolences.
Please elaborate.
>didn't play Tomaru
>played /pol/
I used to like you tomaruposter but you're getting increasingly more autistic. Turn it down a bit.
So his daughter at the end has like 97% of his fucking DNA? This is like cloning the long way round.
>turn down the Tomaru
>implying I am the only Tomaruposter
I mean, it makes sense when actual /pol/ leakage occurs and the discussion is derailed, but getting triggered everytime you see hitler/a red hat with a slogan or even just something even remotely politics-related is pretty pathetic desu fampai.
One from the GM's side of things.
What is there to elaborate?
>nailbombs on fae
this is amazing and should be an idea sent to Butcher immediately.