Psssh… Nothin Personnel… Heretic…

Psssh… Nothin Personnel… Heretic…

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Lmao he's cross-eyed.

>tfw you will never ever fuck an Inquisitor

Hes fucking Judge Death before he became Judge Death

>killing heretics is not a personal endeavor

So you kill heretics because it is your job rather than because you have a burning hatred for heretics as every Emperor-loving citizen of the Imperium should?

Where's a Commissar when you need one?

>mom says its my turn to blam the heretics

>Not InquisitorColdsteel.png
One job OP

So, wait, what is this from?
Is this something official, or what?

How can I date cute Inquisitor girls, Veeky Forums?

By being a hero of the Imperium.

Not official.

Well first you're going to need to look and sound like Freddie Mercury.

Dig through the Cain archive & see if there's any rough notes. Maybe you'll find an unpublished book named "To fuck an Inquisitor: Cute, perky & dangerous all over"

Holy shit, he does look like him.

The Inquisitorial Guardsman/Stormtrooper who was with that guy seemed pretty cool, and his kit was really well done. Might watch this thing just for that guy when it comes out, try to ignore the edgelord playing a high-schooler's idea of cool to overcome his squeaky voice.

From what I saw, I think the point is that the Inquisitor is supposed to be unlikable. He's not edgy, he's just a petty asshole who likes fucking with people just a bit too much.



Honestly, that's part of the problem. Having a character that's exactly what you described isn't really that edgy. Having him be the main character and having the other character defer to him directly and feed that pettiness is what makes him edgy.

Unless something happens to make him grow up, or unless he is punished for his behavior, it's edgy. Because you can have a character in that same lead role doing the same job who isn't such a petulant little shit.

why is he wearing a scarf?

>Not taking Heresy personally as an agent of the Emperor

> in the 40th millennium of our lord
>not being Veeky Forums

But I'm willing to believe that it will be an issue and it will be addressed, given that it was one of the biggest character interactions in the whole short, and a huge amount of effort went into making him out as a petty asshole.

I mean, I dunno, I loved how he introduced himself to the dude, because instead of being professional or formal about the job, he's just taking the chance to be a dick. And I both hope he gets to do it more and it bites him in the ass.

Even the assassin seems to disapprove with how she answers him.

It's a bandana and because they are useful items. Sweat rag, quick bandage, dust cover for mouth, identity onscurement, the list goes on.

You aren't really an operator without a bandana on hand.

People are ecstatic over this animation. But form me the awful facial animations and mediocre voice acting killed it instantly.
Impressive for an amateur, but it was still made by an amateur.

It's mainly because it was dubbed in English from German. Though, I'd really like to see the original German version is actually any better.

catachan lover detected

nothing wrong with it, ofc


he's not the main character. The Lord Inquisitor is.

could someone make a cut that excludes all Inquisitor Coldsteel scenes?

Then again, he is a young Inquisitor. He can be a petty asshole all he wants, who is going to stop him?
I think it's an okay depiction. He's a young breat who recently gained massive power by becoming an Inquisitor, don't you think he would use said power?

Animation looks great imho, but the faces are a bit in the uncanny valley.
But compared with the Ultramarines Movie, it looks excellent, especially if you consider that it's fanmade.

Needs Spanish voice acting and mariachi music to complete it

>All these retardads thinking edquisitor is the main character
This explains a lot actually. It explains everything wrong with the board.

I'm still dissapointed that there aren't any tanks participating in the parade. Shit, I'd be happy with a textureless Leman Russes way in the background.

It get's chilly out

>Donte the Heretic killer.

Shemagh - They are a scarf-type wrap commonly found in arid regions to provide protection from direct sun exposure, as well to protect the mouth and eyes from blown dust and sand.

>So you kill heretics because it is your job rather than because you have a burning hatred for heretics as every Emperor-loving citizen of the Imperium should?

Become a notable heretic, they take interest in heretics. Once you have attracted her near you and you get into conversation, you just have to reel her in.

Be a good bottom bitch, user.

Be sure to inform her you weren't really a heretic after all and was just spying on them.

Yep. Sadly, only something like a tenth got this

Ask her for her hat.

>dat bulge


And maybe his assistants too. They seemed kinda slapped together. Felt like the guy assistant had some generic asset shop cut.

>he's a young inquisitor
Yea, just like there are young generals and young admirals.

That's not a thing. There are a series of training regiments that beat that kinda shit out of you.

You don't say 'he is a young grey knight' as a defense for a grey knight saying something weird. If someone is acting out of character at this point, it's cause for alarm. He didn't roll off the train, get handed a gun, and told to go fuck up heretics.

Inquisitors can be whatever they like. All they need to be is competent first as innitiates, then as interrogators, and have an Inquisitor that doesn't care about pettyassholeness.

there is no training regime for INquisitors, only life. And life can make you a petty asshole.

Not worth it m8.

Vale would order an exterminatus on your arse if she discovered you'd read that.

I'm confused as to why Veeky Forums has such a hatred for this guy. The Inquisition was never made up of nice people. This guy taunted and shot one heretic. We've had members of the Inquisition kill innocent people, torture their families and burn entire worlds. People in the imperium are terrified of them for very good reason.

I think it's the Paul Atreides problem. If he's meant to be an annoying prick, it's okay. If he's not, it's infuriating. Myself, I'm cautiously optimistic.

Seems a little young for an inquisitor.

To me, its just that i don't really like his voice. But thats not an issue really.

Are you telling me you wouldn't play an inquisitor like a hardboiled detective?
>It was 2200 Galactic Standard when she came in. You could tell she was a sister of battle just by looking at her, she had that special fire in her eyes, hair, and flamer...

>he places his own personal hatred of heresy above his duty to the emperor
Fucking disgusting desu.

Did anyone else get the sense from his "execution" that he was acting like a Slaaneshi cultist? Sadism is not what I'd expect from the Inquisition.

Injustice, sure. But efficient injustice.

my theory is, he's an interrogator just turned Inquisitor

not every emotion is a sign of being servant to that emotion's god.


I think he's going to fall. Or-- have already fallen.

Also Femmassassin is SUPER dead. She's wearing a mask.
Yes, it is, in 40k. You don't have to know it, however.

Considering the Inquisition's job description has them deals with various forms of corruption (Chaos, Xeno, or just petty human failings), you'd think they trained Inquisitors to not act like asshats or sadists.

A space marine that likes war is not immediately a Khorne worshiper, but he's very much "at risk". In the same way, I'd put an Inquisitor who likes his job way too much is "at risk".

>SUPER dead. She's wearing a mask.
The last action flick I've see, two of the masked characters made it 'til the very end.

But user, won't the lessons from the book enable you to survive the encounter?

Lesson number one, underlined and written in bold, would be "For the love of the Emperor, do not read this book".

>Femmassassin is SUPER dead. She's wearing a mask.
All assassins wear a damn mask. Though she looked like vindicare and had no fuckhueg sniper rifle so yer prolly right

What if you find it before she does?

I loved it, what's so bad about him?

He gets shit done and isnt stupid.

Why the fuck cant you accept new deviancies from the standard?

This desu

Judge Sidney

I suppose you could make some elaborate plot against the Imperium and leave a vulnerability that will be filled with an undercover inquisitor that you date, but it would probably end with your death and torture.
Well I did have a Dark Heresy character who was a romance novelist once

>when you realize that is an exact portrayal of the osseous throne chapter of the word bearers



>Judge Sidney / Judge Death from Judge Dredd comics


>From Ghost in the Shell 2

2/10 originality overall desu

>you'd think they trained Inquisitors to not act like asshats or sadists.

"they" don't train inquisitors. Any inquisitor has full reign over his network of spies and operatives,and from them he raises INterrogtors, and they sometimes become Inquisitors. THere is not this big training to become an Inquisitor, they are all James Bond with the freedom he wish he had.

It's my duty to the emperor to have a visceral hatred of heresy.

They are in fact one and the same. It is my personal duty to the emperor to eradicate heresy.

In fact Inquisitor is the sole most based job of the Imperium.

Then goes Rogue Trader

>Inquisitor is the sole most based job of the Imperium
Until you get fucked by another inquisitor since he thinks you're a heretic or you actually fall to chaos since you enjoy killing too much

yeah, and I don't get how people here are questioning this guy's manners, emotional state, and most of all style of work - as if ANY of that was unified or categorized, or in any way controlled outside of the gravest missteps.

They don't get how uniquely, anarchically all-powerfull Inquisitors are, including the education of thier interogators.

that isn't very likely to happen, since the density of inquisitors is pretty much the lowest of anything but assasins, and just being sadistic doesn't give off near enough waves to make any inquisitor care.

And if it happens, you still have full authority to strike back against the guy with full prejudice.

More Assassin when?

The creator of this short said he went through the inquisitor character four different times.

He is nasty and smug but not a brat. Everyone here is retarded as shit

>My name is Dante. But you can call me Dante the heretic killer, has a nice ring to it doesn't it?

Nobody claimed he is a brat. They claim he is a sadist because he shot someone several times instead of just once because he took pleasure in doing so.

Radical inquisitors. Now what?

Everyone's claiming he's an edgy faggotlord

He's just an inquisitor you wouldnt expect, precisely what the inquisition is about

what about it? Yes there are radical inqisitors. Yes they operate still, as inquisitors. There are puritan inquisitors that hunt radical inquisitors.
There are moderate inquisitors that are violentely opposed to those ultrapuritans.

All that is true. What do you mean with now what?


>that td


Likes: hurtin people, bein badass, killing, death, The Emperor, skulls, aquilas

Dislikes: Sunshine, niceness, happiness, Kevin Robinson from the Schola Progenium fuck you Kevin stop showin evryone my fukken devotional drawings u peace of shit, my dad

I'm claiming he's a faggot edgelord because he looks like a faggot edgelord and has the tendencies of a faggot edgelord. There are characters people are allowed to not like. The hook is whether or not they're supposed to like/hate/sympathize with them. And I can't sympathizer with him.

The Lord Inquisitor has no lines, so we don't actually know how he'll be. We just know the needler is a faggot edgelord.

No, I'd expect something more like this:

Harsh, lacking in mercy, extremely rigid and legalistic, but ultimately efficient, loyal (in the best circumstance, of course), and an impartial third party thanks to the sheer lack of shits they give about you or your planet.

Inquisitors are not there to ruin anybody's day or make anyone's life more difficult. They have too long a list of shit that needs purging to waste time getting their jollies. Yes, they do ruin people's day and do make people suffer, but this is in the normal course of their duties and not in any way a desired outcome of those duties.

If this heretic was shot multiple times running away, I'd call it good. But this heretic should have been shot once in the head. At best the Inquisitor wasted ammo, and at worst he's on his first step to unnecessary torture to please the Prince of Pleasure.

The Lord Inquisitor is him, lad.

Torquemada is there as a cameo

This guy is efficient and loyal.

He even asks his squad on their oppinions on what to do.

You dont even know if he's been rejuvenated.

Inquisitors dont follow the fucking stereotype you see in the minis or every single fucking videogame

In no way was that execution efficient, and as such his loyalty to the Imperium and the God Emperor is in question.

This is like claiming that using biological weapons somehow isn't leading someone down the path of Nurgle, or that starting to take heads as trophies isn't step one of the path of Khorne.

He is not a chaos cultist yet, but he should at least get censured for acting unprofessionally.

>hurr, my Inquisitor is chaotic neutral, he doesn't need to have standards

This is grimdark, not edgystupid. Get that bullshit out of here.

>ignore his threats - come on
Does this IG bitch even grasp dire state the situation? Like, what is he going to do? Say 'No' and go back to his drop pod?

As someone did mention, this guy and the one from the short are from two different wings. But all it says to me is that the malleus order inquisitors actually do their duty because there's a space marine contingent always behind him and they have varying degrees of FOR THE EMPRAH in their veins beaten into them from SM creation process.

Which will of course all be retconned wants 40k gets its Sigmar revamp. :^)

They're used a lot for OPERATOR characters of late due to them getting rather popular with US military forces deployed to said regions.

>>any sign of sadism is a clear indication he's gonna fall for Slaanesh
>>The Inquisition are super standardized and have standards for how they act

Emperor's mercy it's like no one here's read anything about 40k beyond 1d4chan.

Why not? Dont you know about interrogators?

What if he was ordered to make the victim suffer? He didnt look like a demon, maybe a money launderer or some sort of administratum criminal.

What if the guy was told to make his execution unpleasant?

this, a hundred times this. Inquisitors are people, with quirks and vices, and with an education and training that is unique to every single Inquisitor as literally all of it is field experience.

>He is not a chaos cultist yet, but he should at least get censured for acting unprofessionally.

By WHOM? By an ordo hereticus inquisitor specialiced to look at other inquisitor's personal habits, that somehow hasn't been blasted by I's that he was to nosey for? There isn't some sort of control aparatus that makes sure Inquisitors are nice, you get sought after by other inquisitors once you're using daemon weapons, and even then, you have to have bad luck.


None of those shots got him any information, or were intended to.

>What if he was ordered to make the victim suffer?

In the 40k setting, that explicitly empowers Slaanesh.

>He didnt look like a demon, maybe a money launderer or some sort of administratum criminal.

One bullet will do.

>What if the guy was told to make his execution unpleasant?

Well, the method he picked empowers Slaanesh. I think something more unpleasant would be... I don't know... turn him into a Servitor? Penal legion? Throw off a building? Hanging?

>Main character is an edgy sadist
>"t-t-that's his flaw"

You're one of that retarded mob that keeps 40k from ever progressing or extending its world.

The lore doesnt advance because of "muh 40k" neckbeards like you

I'm not talking about the main character in the context of the narrative. That might be shit as far as I know, I don't give a shit. What I'm arguing against is that inquisitors AREN'T like that, because there's a template they all have to fit.

He didnt act unprofessionaly

The inquisition has unrestricted power to get rid of the heretics and that's wha the did.

I can't believe this fan mande short about a neckbeard game is too smart for you