The War for Rohan was terrible and terrifying. Much blood was spilled, both mortal and eternal. The Elves were beset on three sides by the Rohirrim, the Men of Gondor, and the Dol Amrothi. When all seemed lost and the Mortal Men were pushing deep into the Forest Realm, help uncalled for came from the Hobbits. As terrifying as they were small, the Low Warriors shattered the alliance by removing the Dol Amrothi from the alliance and bleeding the Rohirrim dry. Not to be bested by another short race, the Thorinlings marched south with surprising haste for their stout stature, the mountain dwarves attacked the Gondorians in Mordor.
Middle Earth Race War : 4th Century of the 5th Age
rolls here?
also making pol spam
halflings checking in. is it starting back up?
naw, ill do a roll post if anyone shows up
oh you know it, shire lord.
Time for my last stand.
Desert men here
Rolled 71494 (1d99999)
We shall finally put and end to this treachery of the Gondorians. push them from the east in mordor and the north at the forest equally
Rolled 60998 (1d99999)
Attack Gondorians in Rhovanion.
Rolled 30259 (1d99999)
The alliance lives!!!
Halflings>Dol Amrothi
Rolled 7843 (1d99999)
King beofrith gathers his remaining people and tattered armies with hate in his heart. Every city and village emptied, the people scattering and men riding to his side.
Rohsn was lost, but there was a debt of honor to settle before the rohirrim died.
-Rohan invades the oath-breakers, dol amrothi through the mountain pass.
dont attack the nolder
Rolled 95845 (1d99999)
Fill the desert
roll man
With no Gondorian instigators or Dol Amrothi merchants, the alliance of men comes undone at the seams.
Rolled 85001 (1d99999)
Attack the First Men! Up to that M
Rolled 37549 (1d99999)
We shall push the gondorians out mordor once and for all.... slaughtering leaderless gondorians trying to reach the fight lol
Rolled 74439 (1d99999)
Take Gondor Ts in Rhovanion
Rolled 28657 (1d99999)
attach the dol amrothi with everything
should we allow one of the men to go an0n?
yo no entiendo...
so his last stand was literally one roll?
Rolled 70405 (1d99999)
-Rohans forces trample through the border into dol amrothi, driving South towards the capital.
kinda makes sense. of all the cursed mortals, i liked Rohan the most. motherfucker committed.
Sorry, was answering a work phone call.
Rohan continues their War of Vengeance as the Dwarves, Halflings, and Elves cut into the Kingdoms of Men.
The Haradrim invade Gondor.
no worries luv. Kek walks with you.
If anyone could .gif all these maps at some point down the road, it would be tits af. i believe i have them all...
Rolled 77149 (1d99999)
Take lands from the first men, surround that M
Rolled 76006 (1d99999)
>The riders slaughter every moving thing in their raze of the country side. Those that would have hesitated merely a year before are now driven to a mindless rage. The retreat from helms deep twisting a knife of shame in their hearts.
-Rohan captures neutral land to the east, continues South into dol amrothi.
Rolled 837 (1d99999)
i can if you have them all
We wish to fill mordor, removing the Gondorian swine first.
>Durin has announced that the east and North will one day form Greater Khazad-dum
Rolled 80529 (1d99999)
In their infinite grace, the Noldor cede 5T back to the sore beste Rohirrim. We honor noble foes as old friends, for we are all the Children of Illuvatar walking our pre-decided paths in Arda.
Strike down the Numenorians. Leave none alive.
Rolled 11654 (1d99999)
split roll to attack goblins and sea mean
>The elves fall back from the Rohan borders. But not even their best scouts can find a trace of man or beast, only tracks leading South.
(Turn ceded land into neutral, no rohirrim to settle it. )
The unspoken peace between the Noldor and the Rohirrim is fraught with mystery...
The Thorinlings strike into Mordor, bringing industry to the fabled lands of evil.
The Haradrim continue their incursion into Gondor.
The Halflings shift their focus North to the Cirdani and the Goblins.
The Rohirrim strike at the faithless Dol Amrothi.
Rolled 72089 (1d99999)
now attack the sea nolder full strength
Take M, I'm assuming that's mordor
How come Desert men don't have race powers, or men in general?
Rolled 73631 (1d99999)
> Reports from scouts left at the pass reach King beofrith. No sign of expected elven chase hasappeared. It is a boon, but no thing near joy can touch the grim host that the rohirrim have become. Many of the men have stopped washing and joking. Gatherings at the night fires are silent affairs only done for warmth.
-The rohirrim continue marching into dol amrothi.
Rolled 1590 (1d99999)
Can an end to this war come?
Durin wishes to have council with the men in the south and the elves... what are your future intentions?
Will will now bring our border to meet that of the nolder north of mordor
We attack easterlings
Rolled 98196 (1d99999)
Which one are you?
That is Minas Tirith. I am an Elf fag. Havent come up with good ones that are canonical... yet. got any ideas? Dol Amrothi, Easterlings, and Rohirrim have pretty good bonuses...
Halflings are nerfed because +3T rebound is hella strong.
Rolled 36981 (1d99999)
Kick out the Gondorians from Rhovanion, then march on Easterlings.
maybe like when they ally in battle they get defense or something
I'm not into LotR like that, so I don't know anything
havent i already killed those easterlings...?
Gondorians: For beyond the memories of men has gondor battled the dark armies of mordor. +2 attack when re-capturing Gondor Region Territories.
I hold no grudge against the Rohirrim. They fought valiantly. The Halflings have taken their terrible Stings North. I am amenable to peace.
if you BTFO a race, they get supplanted to a Kin Race... which means you may one day face an enemy that has built in multirolls... just food for thought...
post these in the /qst/ bread when you get a chance
You have slain the sons of my gondor brothers on the word of elves. I'm surprised a man should have to remind a dwarf of the elves nature.
Peace? There will be no place between us until my son's raise from their graves and the killers of my people lay in ashes.
Then, we will have peace.
i propose a peace that involves peacefull expansion for all for now...
You mortals sicken and perplex me. I cannot decide if i want to crush or cajole your short lived people...
Rolled 1128 (1d99999)
Rohan continues South into dol amrothi.
Rolled 34814 (1d99999)
Take those Ts in between purple pink and green. Then start filling the desert
Let's hear it
Rolled 45136 (1d99999)
fill neutral modor, establish a colony of future Mordorlings
Rolled 12552 (1d99999)
ill bite, fill neutral eriador
>look up beofrith thinking its LotR related
>get this
Rolled 80030 (1d99999)
We strike the Easterlings, the spill into the Goblins.
(lol. I just got it from a LOTR name generator. )
HA. hahahhahahahahahhahahahah
You sure about that?
Holy fuck!!!
my libs
cant take it
(Don't tie me to some bad writer. Who uses an old English name for an smut alias? )
my 4cm cock just rose to the occasion
cant help it now
Final Mupdate.
So tired.
She came back. She broke me. She sleeps whilst i play. Register your TCs in the /qst/ thread. sorry to fag ot, but i gotta be up early manana.
>tfw i actually recognize that author :/
glad to hear it man