Not that user, but I recommend the 2E FR setting books. My recommendations:
>Waterdeep (The City of Splendours) box
This is simply put the best box TSR ever put out. Everything in the city is detailed, from the trade guilds to the noble families, and it includes giant poster maps of the city.
>The Horde box
Setting of the Horselords trilogy books I mentioned upthread. The not-Mongol tribes are described in wonderful detail, as are the places, the flora and the fauna. Also includes giant poster maps.
>Empires of the Shining Sea
Mainly for Calimshan. It is, like Waterdeep, incredibly detailed. Everything you'd want in running games in Calimshan is here, and if you want more, there's
Does to the city what the Waterdeep box did to Khelben's patch. Incredibly det... Well you get the picture.
>Lands of Intrigue
Amn, Tethyr and the country that the Cadderly books took place and vanished in the great map shrinking during the shift to 3E. Again, incredibly detailed (you can probably see where I'm going here).
>Dreams of the Red Wizards
Thay before it went to complete shit.
>the various Volo's Guides
Fun reads, offering detailed looks at the places (including bar and brothel... I mean festhall price lists). Also feature food recipes.
>Faiths and Avatars plus Powers and Pantheons
Everything you want to know if you want to play a god-bothering sort. And I mean everything. Every human god from Ao himself to the smallest demigod is listed, along with the non-Faerunian gods like those Mulhorand. What you wear if you're a cleric here, when you worship, what's your dogma, it's here. Sadly no Shou gods, but that's not a problem, because there is
>Kara-Tur (The Eastern Realms)
Which is the Horde/Maztica box size (smaller than Waterdeep, but still fairly big) describing the various not-Chinas and not-Japans east of the not-Mongol steppe.