How do you play off insanity of the CN variety without coming off as "lolrandomXD" or an annoying little shit?
How do you play off insanity of the CN variety without coming off as "lolrandomXD" or an annoying little shit?
have a character that is impulsive but not to the point of randomness? like the kind of person who changes jobs every few months, loves to travel to different places, changes hobbies from time to time
Look up some symptoms of mental illness, possibly? Insanity and mental illness isn't random, there's a method to it.
Scar from FMA freaking out and killing two people becase they have blue eyes? Good example. There's a defined reason for his actions and a reason it doesn't happen again, but it's clearly because he's not stable in the head.
Your character might have a different moral code to your standard character in the setting, so their actions just don't gel with regular "cause and effect" or "logic".
Anton Chigurh (though not CN) has a good scene where he's clearly FURIOUS at a man for "marrying into" a business. But he doesn't kill him without wagering the man's life on a coin toss.
Why did he do that? We sure as hell don't know, but he clearly had a reason that made sense to him.
1. Find insane character you like in media, book, etc. Better, 2-3 different characters with close or similar behavior. If your character of choice is annoying to other people in that work, or to readers, ignore him and select different character.
2. Closely learn their behavior. Try to find logic and consistency in their actions. It may be twisted, but it should be there.
3. Adapt learned material in your character.
Also, avoid random laugh like a plague.
Cold, selfish, and prone to being destructive, IE getting in fights, if it suits the character
kind of like mugen but a tad less rowdy in my book
>Character who doesn't agree with the current society as it stands and goes out of his way to subvert it
>Character like Gutz from Berserk who doesn't quite understand his reasons for doing things
>Character has mental health problems which have gone untreated and effect the function of their daily lives (Not in the lolsorandom I'm so totally crazy, but the actually insane person who's not sure how to deal with their life.)
>Character who is driven to flat-level societies
just don't
Insanity is not a lack of logic, it is someone acting on incorrect/alien logic.
If you're intent on having a character suffer from insanity, you need to remember that they only appear to act randomly to outside observers who are unfamiliar with their personal way of thinking. To those familiar with them they should act about as predictably as any normal person.
It also helps if they aren't particularly violent under normal circumstances. A big issue with 'lolsrandumb' characters is that players like to run them as if they're Richard from LFG and thus stab basically everyone within line of sight for shits and giggles. That's going to fuck over the rest of your party in most situations (and the DMs plans depending on the type of campaign), so just don't do that.
I'm trying to think up characters, but the only ones I can at the moment are Ladd Russo, Yoshikage Kira, and Shino from Higurashi who are all CE characters.
Got any CN examples I could use?
This. If you feel consistent internal logic isn't chaotic enough though, just play Crazy Conspiracy Theory. So you can go from not having a problem with the Mayor until you notice that his false eye is the left one. Which is also known as the Sinister side, and you're fighting a Sinister cult made up of the LEFT over remains of the previous faith which worshipped a God of judgement who was always WATCHING over his people to judge them.
So it only makes sense that you refused to trust the informant who was missing his left hand because he clearly works for the Mayor and is in cahoots with the Cult.
But it's okay, you followed him to his shanty and made sure to investigate it before burning it down.
Ideally, to play this out you would simply return with the info. You don't prevent the game from moving on, and if you were properly paranoid about not being seen then it won't come back to you.
For inter-party Role play, just make random wild accusations at the other players but be easy to convince if they use crazy logic against you.
simple steps user
>learn about a super secret thing forbidden for people to go to
>send you wife to infiltrate it in hopes of getting the secret thing
>when your wife gets caught, deny any involvement, sentence her to death, but not before heinous torture to really prove that you had no involvment
>become obsessed with secret thing
>begin fostering dissent and hatred in the organization that you are apart of between two factions that previously got along well
>keep this going until it turns into an all out cold war between the two factions, with you orchestrating both of them
>use these two factions to advance your own goals of getting the super secret thing
>betray and kill your mentor, the only thing standing in the way of creating the true civil war and giving you the opening you need to get the super secret thing
>have everything go horribly wrong
>fall into a coma, trapped in your own nightmare of your own doing, endless repeating it until you find peace with what you did, all the really bad shit you did
>like holy shit dude, the world would have been 1000x better if you were not obsessed
By doing exactly what EYE did and Far Cry 3 said.
Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.
>Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result
Kinda works in E.Y.E.
That's the point. You escape through repetition
It is a way to start.
But you have to change your elections to escape. That's not exactly repeating.
Decide on a nonsensical plan before the campaign starts, don't tell anyone what it is, and pursue that plan to the exclusion of all else for the entire campaign, acting entirely rationally from the perspective of someone who knows about that plan. Your character will seem insane, but there will be a secret reason behind their madness.
Anytime I've had to play a chaotic character I've tended to make them hear commands from nonexistent gods. They follow weird rules, but generally they'd be lawful if the gods were actually real.
By not being an attention-seeking edgelord.
>Yoshikage Kira
>Not NE leaning LE
By not making waves! I told you this!