Bought 6k Lumens yesterday... a mistake?

Bought 6k Lumens yesterday... a mistake?

Any price before 12/12 is considered cheap

Definitely not a mistake. Get as much as you can.

What’s happening on Dec. 12th?

Exit scam

More Stellar partnerships will be announced.

What’s the predicted price? I have about 816. Poor fag, but if it goes to mars I may try to squeeze out more money for it

it's gonna pump again right

i didn't waste all my money right

t. bought at 1370 sats

Original call in PBC said up to 1800

There's a conference today as well.

Jed is going full Mt. Gox third impact. Killing off every other crypto coin but Stellar.

So up 1000 sats.

This might be worth it. Thanks good man.

Unironically 50 cents
Max: $1 if you believe in market greed

God I hope it hits that.

I need a little bit of Gains to turn my crypto career around.

If it can be called a career anyways

my birthday

What times the conference?

What? When? Not today right?

Look at the market cap user, dont buy into these fantasies of it hitting 50 cents. You might see 40-55% gains, but nothing greater then that.

50 cents would put stellar between Ltc and ripple real confused how that’s a fantasy??

> not 100k

Could buy more but im trading with IOTA right know glad i sold them when it was high and now waiting to buy them again

Got myself 100k at 300 ~ sat. 2018 will be great.

Happy Birthday, user!

Also got in at 300 but only 7500 lumens. Need $1 by Q2 2018 or will feel sad