Imagine that you've recently gotten a job GMing for high-schoolers after school hours. The pay is good, the hours are easy and the only thing you have to do aside from roleplay is turn up to a monthly meeting and send in a few quick reports.
When you turn up, however, the room is full of edgelords - there's no one in the room who doesn't have at least two out of a black longcoat, fingerless gloves, a fedora, long greasy hair, occult symbol necklaces, death metal T-shirts, jeans with chains on them or sunglasses indoors when the blinds are drawn. The only thing these people want to play is Vampire: the Masquerade, and if they start bitching too much about you, the principal would be of a mind to fire your ass to look good in front of the parents. You're there to please the problem kids so that they don't set fire to goats and sacrifice Dumpsters, and if you want that sweet twenty-dollars-less-than-a-normal teacher monthly wage, you need to play Vampire: the Masquerade and make sure to keep the kids happy.
How do you handle this? Do you fuck with the kids and get fired while laughing at the last glorious explosion? Do you teach them to play proper roleplaying games through only the medium of Vampire: the Masquerade? Do you indulge your inner FATALite now you're in the perfect company?
Imagine that you've recently gotten a job GMing for high-schoolers after school hours. The pay is good...
You are paid to provide a service. You better deliver. And there is nothing wrong with edge, you fucking post 9-11 millenial faggot who watches tumblr spaghetti arm cartoons.
The guy who gives them most of their tasks will be the most upbeat, optimistic, and cheerful fucker alive.
I might also take a page from that one M&M gm that ran all of his player's characters in the most silver-age setting possible
>GMing for high-schoolers
Sorry, when I GM it's 25 years and upwards.
I'm not a neoconformist pussy so I'll regale them with graphic narrations of brainfucking and cannibalism at every session.
That's what VtM is made for after all.
If that's my job then I will run the best damn Vampire the Masquerade game they have ever seen.
It might save one of them.
save them from what exactly?
I go full edge, like in your OP pic. There's a point where it stops being lame and becomes amazing, and that comic was a prime example.
Yeah, when it stops taking itself seriously and starts being essentially satire of anything that does.
ending up on Veeky Forums
You're a retard if you use the expression "takes itself seriously" when talking about what's essentially a spectacle.
Do you only watch horror movies and action flicks that are parodies?
You honestly don't get what I mean when I say "taking itself seriously" in the context of edgy shit? There's edgy shit that behaves as if it's deep and reflective, and edgy shit that is edgy for the spectacle of it. That's difference between good edge, like Requiem, and bad edge, like most Deviantart OCs.
Basically this: . Requiem Chevalier Vampire is hilariously amazing, and somehow manages to take itself seriously AND satire itself at the same time.
Good on your for offering a little bit of clarification, because your previous post heavily suggested that "parodic=good, face value=bad".
And even then, OP's post doesn't imply that the kids are wannabe-existentialists like you're automatically assuming.
It literally calls them all a bunch of teenage edgelords that specifically ask to play V:tM.
I'm gonna assume they're a bunch of wannabe-existentialists who probably listen to whatever this day-and-ages version of Marilyn Manson is.
There's no contemporary equivalent of Marilyn Manson because the rock star phenomenon is currently dead, christian puritanism is a thing of the past, and teenage tribalism is almost nonexistent. So there's nobody to satirize them simultaneously.
The thing is that teenage edgelords don't exist anymore, so OP's scenario is either taking place in an alternate timeline, or those kids are actually industrial rock revivalists, which would suggest that they have enough distance to reflect upon that trend and approach it more cautiously than mid-2000s edgelords did.
teenage tribalism is still around, it's just more web-based
I like V:tM and hopefully I can provide a useful outlet that maybe even works through some of the issues these peeps are expressing in their behavior.
Most edgelord stuff kinda gets put to the wayside simply through the act of playing the actual game anyway.
Eh, there are still a handful of kids like OP described, if my experiences in High School three years ago still count. They're just fewer and even bigger losers. They do tend to group up though.
what the fuck does Skrillex (who's a relic of the late 2000s) have in common with Manson?
I'll do what I did the last time my group made me run VtM: run a good modern campaign where them being vampires is a footnote.
Last time, I had them involved as drug dealers in Miami who got caught up in the mexican cartel conflicts.
Once they started forgetting the game's supposed to be "dark and edgy", I had them meet Nyghtfyre who was a teenage goth turned vampire informant who lived in an abandoned Burger King.
>DMing for a bunch of underage kids about a comic full of sado-machistic sex, violence, dicks, pussy, bestiality, rape, heavy metal and tits on full display.
Enjoy social services showing up at your work.
You have no idea of exactly how lazy, underfunded, ignorant, corrupt and/or solely focused on high-profile cases most social services and child care departments are in a lot of countries.
If you're not raping them, they'll have to spend pointless money off their skinny budget to fix a problem no one cared about in the first place, and that's if they even notice. Social services in the modern world, especially in the US, come when they're called or when the case is too big to let fly - rape suspicions will bring social services like you wouldn't believe, but they're not going to patrol school campuses looking for people saying bad words or even preaching the words of Satan unless parents who care notice and call them.
It takes one student to go home and tell his fundie parents that he played a game and for them to see a graphic picture of a white-skinned vampire woman who was burned alive with massive tits being fucked by a brain-controlled massive werewolf, who is actually the most notorious religious persecutor in history in wolf-form.
I don't think you remember being a teenager very well.
I have never, ever encountered a roleplayer of any age above 14 who would ever tell his parents anything at all about the games he plays, not even if it's just Dungeons and Dragons. Edgy kids barely even talk to their parents, and it takes someone who's literally brain-damaged or otherwise incapable of going to a normal school to intentionally gush all about their gore-filled sex fantasies to their fundamentalist parents.
I don't think you know how fucked especially the US social services system is, either. The budget is nearly nonexistent due to it being funneled over into tax cuts and subsidies for private schools, child psychologists and for-profit "charity" organizations, and there's no way that they'll spend it unless there's a crime being committed (which makes them legally responsible) or there are hordes of fundies baying for their blood.
Of course, if the kids are under 18, it's corruption of a minor, and if the parents actually care it's going to bring in more people to call a witch hunt, but the premise of this whole thing is that you're basically allowed to do anything by common consensus as long as the kids don't vandalize anything in real life.
I look forward to your trail by media.
>getting paid to GM
What am I, a prostitute?
I've played horribly gory games with 14-year-old special-ed kids at a public institution (where multiple Jehovah's Witnesses kids attend and have access to roleplaying activities) multiple times, where sex and murder were ways of solving problems instead of crimes. In fact, I've been called in to GM for them when the supervisor there, and his supervisor in turn, know perfectly well what I play.
I know that it might seem amazing that other countries aren't as much of a hellhole as the one you live in, and I know that right now, you're trying desperately to feel smug and self-satisfied while trying to convince yourself that I'm lying, so go ahead and do that.
I speak from experience, you speak from stereotypes and paranoid fears of "normies".
Don't answer that-- a rhetorical question.
>Do you indulge your inner FATALite now you're in the perfect company?
Well now, there's no fun if you don't describe how you'll do it.
Just tellem to roll for anal circunference
I bring my copies of Oi! Dat's My Leg! and Trolls In The Pantry.
I'd probably give them a campaign full of their edgelord stuff, whatever it's a phase, after they blow off some steam I'd probably turn to them and go "For the next game why don't we try something different, if you guys want to." probably show them Call of Cthulhu or All for One: Regime Diabolique and let them get used to actual good RPG's and ease them into the magic of Pulp roleplaying.
I'm pretty sure that happens in an episode of Adventure Time too.
VtM? Fuck you, we're playing Dark Ages and non-Tzimisce/non-Nosferatu characters get a free szlachta makeover.
>The job is to make edgelord teens happy.
>How do you handle this?
Explain to management exactly why making a teen happy is an execise in futility, and ask if keeping them distracted is sufficient, despite inevitable complaints.
Use Buffy and Cthulhu to beef up roleplaying
I give my players what they want. It's a job. Do it.
Walk the fuck out and get a real job
>The pay is good
>twenty-dollars-less-than-a-normal teacher monthly wage
Immersion ruined.
It's probably the only chance I'll get to run Kult, so why not take it if I get paid to?
>Implying that doesn't sound like a lot of fun
Being an assclown to kids, because they enjoy things you don't sounds way more obnoxious than just doing your job. Fire up dem excruciators and get your make up kids! We're goin' full Chevalier!