>If the rulebook has more than twelve pages, don't play the game with a woman you don't know.
Is this a good rule of thumb?
>If the rulebook has more than twelve pages, don't play the game with a woman you don't know.
Is this a good rule of thumb?
I already play only with people I know so the ruleset wouldn't really change much. Have you tried getting to know new people in the last years?
No, but a good rule of thumb is if the thread has "woman" written anywhere in the description of the first post then always sage, report, and hide the thread.
Cheers, asswipe.
I'd say yes.
There are intelligent women, the problem is that there's so many that aren't there to play the game.
>>If the rulebook has more than twelve pages, don't play the game with anyone you don't know.
>If the rulebook has more than twelve pages, don't play the game with a person you don't know.
FTFY. I don't know why, but I feel that people in general are more dense nowadays. Goddamn phone-fiddling functionally illiterate underachivers with the attention span of a goldfish for whom memes pass for wit.
Rules-light systems are actually harder to comprehend than rules-heavy, because in a rules-light system there is more arbitration. In a rules-heavy system, you read the rules. In a rules-light system, you have to read the GM, and that can be much harder.
All games have rules for everything that the players do, the difference is that in a rules-heavy system you know more of them beforehand while in a rules-light system they're made up on the spot.
No, in rules light systems you tell the GM what you want your character to do, and then they tell you what to roll. The arbitration is on his end not player's.
>don't play the game with a woman
Here, fixed it for ya.
I've got a better one
>Don't play the game with a person you don't know.
Much shorter, simpler, and more universally practical.
Also, in a rules heavy system you have to expect the player to at least read the pages pertaining how to do anything. Something that a majority of newbies probably won't do and just look to you desperately when they need to do something.
Well, you get points for using the word woman instead of female.
> It's "/r9k/ poster goes to Veeky Forums with muh scary women meme" episode
In my experience, it's "if the rulebook has more than eight pages, don't play with a boy you don't know." Boys have no attention spans nowadays. If it isn't exploding or getting its head cut off, they just can't be arsed to care.
If a rulebook has more than tvelve pages for crunch, don't play that game
Here, FTFY
Also, /pol/ called. They want to know why you left.
>playing with children
Shouldn't you be in your containment thread CYOAgen?
>ITT faggots who think players need to read the rules of a game
even in rolemaster this isn't required
>hai, welcome to rolemaster everyone
>system is d100 high roll, exploding dice on 01-05 and 96-00, you add your skill/stat modifier for final tally
>in combat you need to divide your combat skill bonus (+modifiers) up for both attack and defense
>and so on
Yes, of course, which means you need to know your GM and his past rulings to have any clue about whether what you're trying to do is a good idea or not. The GM arbitration is the hard part: anyone can play freeform, but playing a GM-led rules-light system entails understanding your GM well enough to know if you're shooting yourself in the foot.
Men implies they grow up.
And they don't play nerd games because they're afraid OTHER WOMEN will judge them. Women can be cruel.
It has nothing to do with men "creating a hostile environment", which to be fair they kind of do, but it's hostile for each other as much as for women if not more. You either get used to it, like some women have which proves they are allowed and able to participate, or you admit it doesn't appeal to your individual preference and leave, princess.
>hi, my name is john and I am a retard.
>would you like to play everybody is john with me?
Shouldn't you be on your containment board?
/r9k/ pls go
Honestly, my advice is not to play with women at all. They are poor roleplayers in that they are entirely self-absorbed and as a result any character they play will be invariably a self-insert. They generally project their minor female problems onto their lame-ass characters, assuming they roleplay them at all.
And in fact, most females do not roleplay, or barely do. That's because a full 75% of female gamers are there at the bequest of their boyfriends or brothers, and as a result have no real stake in the game.
Women are worse at math, they only excel in the younger years because of their faster maturation, but in adulthood they are inferior at logic and mathematics, meaning they have difficulty even comprehending rules let alone the design and meta-analysis that goes along with them. They will not put in any effort to learn the rules and most are quickly bored on a hobby that their vaginas cannot give them an edge at.
Honestly the only reason to invite a girl to an RPG game is if you have intention to fuck her. Otherwise, they really add nothing at all to the game.
Look at those post timers, wow your samefagging really showed me.
Don't come back
Rpg.cuck is right around the corner, buddy.
Poor inmature neckbeard. It must suck to be you.
Women are people too OP. What you say easily applies to men as well.
If the rulebook fits in 12 pages i have no interest in playing it.
>being afraid of women
I've personally been in several campaigns with several different women who were amazing roleplayers.
Okay, one of them was a team-killing asscancer, but don't tell me they can't get into character!
Beardless people are scary.
>All the beta fags in this thread who are afraid of playing with girls
Women are fine
Just don't play with trannies or anyone else who is fucked in the head
Transfolk aren't so bad. They're really good at staying in character.
I know you're just making a joke here, but they aren't.
>literally delusional
>usually have a host of other mental health issues
>not so bad
I guess they are perfect roleplayers. They do pretend to be something they're not all the time.
One of my groups literally consisted of faggots and transfaggots of all colors. I've never seen such a "lol randumb" bunch
t.utterly average human thinks he's brilliant
Why aren't men afraid other men will judge them?
They are. They worry about other guys judging them constantly.
Specifically if they haven't played it before, sure
Simply epic!
>Play in game
>Play with woman
>She is the most serious player
>Not sure waht she looks like
>Hope for fat-titted, redhead
Sounds like you're online. She's probably not really a woman then, but a guy pretending to be a girl to get extra favors.
>constantly worrying about other men judging them
Maybe the ones who haven't learned how to act like a decent human being in public yet.
And you respond with emotion instead of logic.
How does it feel to be a living cliché?
Men are rather less judgements and two-faced.
Not to say that those qualities are entirely absent in male social groups but they are certainly diminished.
No longer true, new generation is inseperable in behavior from women. They are catty, bitchy, soft-skinned and take everything personally.
So don't play with children, problem solved. I'm 23 and I play with guys my age and we're all fine.
Men are less two faced, but just as judgmental. They just sneer at you instead of pretending to be nice then sneering behind your back.
> Women are inherently stupid and vain, they shouldn't vote or play RPGs
> Men are just so much better by nature!
> Except for the current generation, they're all cucks for some reason and act like women.
> Women still inherently worse then men, though!
This is true in the US but much less so in the rest of the world.
My experience with woman players has been terrible so far. One had a panic attack in the middle of a game because another player wanted to have sex with a prostitute and the other derails the game constantly.
Normally play online, it is difficult to screen but I got my ways.
It's better that way, though. It lets you catch on to your own flaws and correct your behavior more quickly.
>One had a panic attack in the middle of a game because another player wanted to have sex with a prostitute
If that means in return women become less judgemental and two-faced, I'm okay with that.
This thread is everything wrong with Veeky Forums.
Under rated post
Have you ever visited /r9k/, user? You couldn't make up the shit they whine about over there.
I'll never understand why this board is so terrified of /pol/ and /r9k/
The same reason people are afraid of carcinogen-spewing factories.
>don't play the game with people you don't know
Ah, the rosy goggles of history.
Because they're tedious shitposters. Both have that single track mind that's capable of holding on on one thought at a time, with /pol/ it's niggers/jews and /r9k/ chads/whores.
Basically, only virt will make those threads all day erry day.
sorcerer archetype goes in every field, by the way.
I wouldn't want to be /pol/ and /r9k/ either. Those boards are containment boards with almost nothing that anyone else really wants, and not even a veneer of a culture beyond spewing anger and autism.
>don't play the game with people
>don't play the game
>the game
Even the more annoying women I've played with haven't really had rulebook reading problems. That probably just means the player doesn't really want to be there or doesn't give a shit
It's time to take your medicine grandpa
I lost.
I commented on the state of men being petty, crying, bitchy and largely disliking directness.
We're not terrified, just exasperated. /pol/ and /r9k/ are wonks, and like all wonks, they only want to talk about their cause. So they post threads with only the slightest tangential relationship to the board's subject, hijack threads completely unrelated to their cause, and generally try to subvert every single thread on every single board.
And they get so angry when you call them out on it. It's like catching someone in a lie, then having them scream at you for daring accusing them of being a liar, and claiming its your fault they had to lie to you even though they're not lying. It's baffling.
I see more people complaining about other boards than i do shitposters. It's the same shit with twitter hashtags. Theres always two racists tweets and thousands of replies and somehow it still gets 10 articles written on it.
I'm not even 30 yet, though speak from experience in that I work in heavy industry for a private company and have been told to push the new hires pretty hard.
>And they get so angry when you call them out on it. It's like catching someone in a lie, then having them scream at you for daring accusing them of being a liar, and claiming its your fault they had to lie to you even though they're not lying. It's baffling.
I had the misfortune of having my family adopt a little shitbag like that. He ran off, came back to leech off my parents twice and now it seems he's fucked off for good. Good riddance. I don't want to ever see that pile of human trash again unless he's behind bars or in a body bag.
A long time ago, Veeky Forums was unified by the fact that every user would regularly go on /b/. No matter which other board you went to, there was a shared culture.
Now, everyone's always on their separate boards. They've become quarreling city states, with cultures varying wildly from board to board, to the point where some barely seem like the rest of Veeky Forums at all.
Similar here, but most of the of the whiniest new hires I've ever had to deal with are the ones over 30.
My confusing is why we all can't hate in a peaceful manner. People take shit too seriously. Like why can't a fa/tg/uy and a /pol/lack call each other shits and then move on with their day.
I frequent Veeky Forums, /tv/, /pol/ and /b/ (Mostly for porn). Veeky Forums is the whineist board by far.
>Not /v/
I dont go to /v/ that often
It's still ironic, even if it's shitposting.
/v/ is the worst because they care too much about shit. /b/ at least has an attitude of "I don't give a fuck"
>Veeky Forums
>whining more than /tv/
user, pls.
>I've visited /tv/
>Veeky Forums is the whiniest
One of these statements is a lie c
>310 replies and 134 images omitted
This is the future you chose, Veeky Forums.
The future where weakly composed bait goes into bumplimit, while good threads get one-digit amount of replies.
I visit /tv/ less than the other boards admittedly