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Thread Topic - Why can't elfs get their shit together and conquer all of the other races if they're so superior (oh yeah, it's cause they're not). Dorfs/Ogres = Best.

Endhammer Dudes, the Beastmen poll is pretty much open and shut. There's going to be a beast kingdom. Next strawpoll is Friday for the High/Dark Elves.

Also, someone started a strawpoll to shut-up the super anti-schism dude, which I felt was kinda petty, but I understand the frustration. However, in the future, these should be a little more official (discussing the questions for example) and with more detailed questions in general. I'll repost the strawpoll just because I'm not a prick.


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Why do dark elves use crossbows?
why don't high elves?

>Dorfs/Ogres = Best.
doesn't dorfs/ogres equal halfling?

I should note, there appears to be an idea that Heinrich Todbringer and Luitpold von Holswig-Schliestein are in open war in Endhammer.

This isn't the case. Heinrich has just been made Graf of Middenheim by Ar-Ulric fiat and Luitpold has inherited the throne of Reikland, but rules from Averheim. To quote the fucking Endhammer page "both assume they will be Emperor."

They aren't at war. They're rivals. And the opportunity exists for this to develop into a religious war, but at the moment both of them still consider themselves members of the same Empire. It's just that the north is quickly becoming the 'sphere of influence' of Middenland and the south is becoming the 'sphere of influence' of Reikland.

This leaves the door open for violence and factional differentiation (like a new Teutogen Guard for Middenland). But there's not a civil war or a formal schism in current Endhammer canon. The "anti-schism" dude just keeps using the word "schism" for some reason.

in some other thread an user suggested it was malekith's will to have weapons as efficient as the ones used by dwarfs.

but then both factions use bolt throwers anyway.

High Elves = dumb.

(Or, if you look at the Battles of Agincourt... or was it Poitiers? The French constantly hired the famed Genoese Crossbowmen and they were consistently outshot by English/Welsh longbowmen).

Probably because you can carry a crossbow or a hand crossbow with a bolt already nocked.

For an example of a better Empire Poll, the questions ought to have been...

"The Empire is wounded, and led by Karl-Franz and Valten together."

"The Empire is resurgent under Karl-Franz and stronger than ever."

"The Empire is broken and divided between the heirs of Boris and Karl."

"The Empire is wounded with the heirs of Boris and Karl jockeying to be Empire."

And another note -- Ostland and Ostermark (and Talabecland and Hochland, I think) are pretty much not elector counties anymore.

>"The Empire is wounded, and led by Karl-Franz and Valten together."

>"The Empire is resurgent under Karl-Franz and stronger than ever."

Nobody wants either of these things except one guy.

That makes sense. My assumption was that it was just meta thing to make the factions more distinguishable, and that it played into the "catholic church outlawed crossbows for being dishonorable" meme because dark elves are jerks