Would your PC participate in a Purge?
Would your PC participate in a Purge?
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No, she's a doctor. she's going to be incredibly busy the next morning, no way she could afford to stay up late.
Yes, he doesn't like killing innocent people but has horrible bloodlust that he has issues controlling when complacent.
>Edgelord, the movie
>mfw people talk about it
A Continent-wide ritual of Violence ,Anarchy and death? Time to Investigate.
My character would probably forget that its purge day and not find out until she is halfway to the tavern.
>there are 3 fucking Movies.
>people are watching this garbage.
People like terrible things. Why else would we all still be here?
He takes the opportunity to kill every braindead lobbyist and politician who would ever support such a retarded fucking holiday.
>implying they'd make it past the traps and highly paid security team protecting those rich fucks
Its a horror movie where the horrific aspect isn't the gore or the death, but the disturbingly believable shit that comes out of these people's mouths. The idea that the only thing that keeps these people from saying and doing this shit is fear of punishment, and nothing else. And how incredibly self righteous these people can become about murdering people once they can say its their god given american freedom to do so.
Its a warning about the use of false patriotism to hide real hatred and how that festers.
The first movie is pretty shit because it wastes an interesting premise on a generic home invasion movie, but the other two are pretty good.
Sorry user, Government officials of class 5 or above are exempt from the Purge by law.
Certain weapons, such as explosives, are also banned under Purge rules.
Okay fine then what's the in universe justification for acting like destructive dipshits every year?
Well, except in self-defense. Gotta defend the weak and innocent where possible.
Letting all the crooks kill each other, thus saving money on law enforcement.
Then I kill the writer and frame some random fag criminal. Then I find some other game.
>Its a warning about the use of false patriotism to hide real hatred and how that festers.
Wrong, it's literally fan-wank. If a GM said once a year the laws are stopped and you can go out and rape and kill all you want for 24 hours you would immediately call him That GM or That Guy.
It is nothing more than captalizing on the whole prepper movement that was popular when the first one game out. It is garbage, it is retarded concept, it is not horror it is edgy pre-teen violence.
The Third one is clear;y an unsubtle anti-trump piece with the name Keep America Great, it is so transparent and weak, it's boring and is pandering.
>but the other two are pretty good.
No, they're not.
I enjoyed them, but don't pretend that they're good.
It prevents crime by letting people get it out of their system.
No, really.
>Exempt from the Purge by law
>From the Purge
>By Law
As if the concept wasn't stupid enough.
>Being this wrong
the first one was the only one vaguely resembling a horror movie, and was the best use of the premise.
The second 2 were just action movies with jump scares. The also both abandon what makes the premise interesting, and instead turn into overly heavyhanded stories about poor PoCs being hunted by the evil white neoconservative christian fundamentalist government, which would be less retarded if it had came out right after Katrina or something, not 10 years later.
Depends, thus this take place in Hero for Hire (DMs setting where you can literally buy and sell super powers, albeit you can only use one at a time because reasons.)
If yes? Probably not because it would be canceled in a day by the same corps that supply super powers to the public. It's not a good decision to have a holiday focused on this sort of thing in a capeshit setting. You're just asking for massive property damages.
If no? The campaign becomes Batman vs The Purge.
I use the opportunity to pull a bunch of massive illegal business actions, such as assassinating a rival board of directors, shipping hot items in mass, sabotage...
Hey this actually sounds like a neat concept. I was just thinking of the narrow-minded individual slaughter aspect but a purge would have a lot of corporate implications. Which Purge movie should I see?
>all crime is legal
My character would have a little time to conduct his shady business dealings and launder a bunch of money into his account. No need for bloodshed. Control comes from cash
In universe, there were a number of high profile incidents of crimes committed by homeless people. Usually the mentally ill, but we are talking 'girl was kidnapped and raped and killed, and the news cycle got 2 weeks worth of airtime out of it and everyone knows her name' sort of stuff.
Feeding the fires of fear of a rise in violent crime and overall fear of this parasitic homeless threat, a political party called the New Founding Fathers rises to power and tests something known as The Purge. For a 12 hour period, all proper american citizens are encouraged to vent their violent urges and the stress of their lives on the non-people that are the homeless. This is sold to them as not only removing these violent criminal bottom feeders, but also reducing violent crime in the months to follow as people work out their basic human nature instead of keeping it bottled up.
And the sick part of it is, it works. A staggering number of the poor and homeless get killed off in the first Purge, which allows the New Founding Fathers to redirect money from social program to support the homeless into the economy, providing them an easy to point to economic bump. It creates a set of statistical data that shows that the Purge is a definable boon to the American nation, and they institute it as a yearly event after overwhelming support from the voters.
So in the first couple years its mostly about killing off those scary poor people, but as it becomes more culturally ingrained it shifts over to taking out revenge on your fellow man and reveling in the american bloodsport as well. Violent crime drops between each purge, because people are incentivized to simply wait for the next purge and spend the year planning their revenge. Why kill them now and risk prison when you can kill them later and get applause?
Its an unsustainable system, though, as the government sees diminishing returns after the first couple years and the economic benefits of the purge start to dwindle.
yes and he would win
This, also what people don't want to think about is that in this day the majority of Amierca would target blacks. If the year has shown us that they will riot at the drop of a hat, Whites would wipe them out.
>Implying homeless cost the US more than blacks or illegal immigrants
Posting this now so the thread won't devolve into a 300+ post long argument about race wars.
There are actually a bunch of laws considering what you can and can't do during the purge. The idea that absolutely nothing is illegal during the purge is false, though the laws are certainly relaxed a lot.
It wouldn't work. At all.
Besides the fact that no emergency services means that any fire, explosion or other incident that happens within that time won't be responded to, the presumption that no nation on Earth wouldn't be willing to abuse even a twelve-hour window to take advantage of the United States is downright laughable. Oh, and the property damage, the sudden jump in labor shortage, the immigration away from the country to somewhere that isn't batshit insane, and the revolution that would immediately form to blow the heads off of the government that put that idiotic law into place, law be damned.
If it wasn't laughed out of the government and anyone actually participated, the fallout would be so damned tremendous it would take a minimum of years for the United States to recover, and nobody would ever trust the government or their fellow citizens again. Say one in ten people dies during the Purge. Now you'd realize that, hey, David didn't show up for work today because he didn't bunker down. I knew that guy! Pretty much any nation in the world would have the right to declare the US violated human rights on a catastrophic scale and threaten war. You'd bet nations that are rival to the US would jump on that bandwagon.
It's fear-mongering in a nation where we already don't trust the next citizen, and it's disgusting. There are so many better ways that even the most fascist governments would solve the issue (getting the police to head out there and simply teake in any homeless guy before killing them in secret?) that besides everything else, the Purge is just laughable.
Eh, I thought it had good potential as a piece of social science fiction.
But I've only seen the first movie
Which sucked fucking greasy herpy cock.
A major plot point of the second movie is government sanctioned kill teams going into housing developments and killing entire buildings of poor people under the cover of the purge, specifically because the homeless windfall isn't big enough after the first couple years.
So you create a lawless society then impose laws on what this lawless society can and can't do?
>All these people murdering hobos and not robbing banks or burning down buildings that holds financial data a la Fight Club
>revolution that would immediately form to blow the heads off of the government that put that idiotic law into place, law be damned
A recurring theme of the Purge movies is that the majority of americans are fully onboard with the purge and see it as a good thing. It takes something like 15 years for there be to a legitimate political opponent that can theoretically unseat a Founding Fathers president in an open election.
In the Purge's America, the only people who want to revolt against the purge are the people that are conveniently getting pruned down by the purge every year.
That's the thing. Banks and other big businesses are smart enough to deport or lock down their assets before the Purge starts. The only people that *would* be available for looting are small businesses and homes.
The very fact that the people are homeless makes no sense, homeless are dealt almost entirely by chairites, private charities, the Government spent next to nothing on the homeless when compared with other problem groups.
Something I never got about the Purge is what's stopping everything going into absolute anarchy? I mean, once the time limit's up, what's stopping everyone from just going "fuck that" and carry on purging?
Sort of, if by "participate" you mean "orchestrate the overthrow/fall of the government that allows the Purge."
But that is utterly nonsensical.
The only even remotely valid purpose of the purge would be if every single participant was recorded so they can be executed after. Anybody who only avoids murder, rape and looting because of the consequentness does not deserve to live, let alone live in society.
Never mind that most big towns and cities will be on fire and hundreds of thousands of shops will have been looted.
My monk would be the idiot trying to stop people purging via the medium of fist
> So you create a lawless society then impose laws on what this lawless society can and can't do?
You're missing the point. Its never actually lawless in the first place. That's just a common misconception.
Its one of the things that makes exploiting the purge for business difficult. There are certain transactions you can make during the purge that you can't get nailed for after, but anything that your are doing that is still illegal after the purge ends is just as much a problem for you.
So, for example, if you buy and sell information for insider trading during the purge? That's fine. But if you actually USE that info for insider trading when the market opens up the next day, THATS not covered by the purge. That shits still illegal.
>All these people murdering hobos and not robbing banks
In the second movie, one of the safer places for the protagonists to hide out is the banking district, because all of the vaults are emptied and flown to secure locations prior to the purge and everyone knows it. There are big signs posted up to remind people that the banks don't have anything in them.
It's the law.
I thought the second movie was all about how nobody is actually on board with it and just stays in their home doing nothing, so the government sends out kill squads to fulfill the quotas and make the propaganda work?
Sadly I agree.
Lots of people stay inside where it is safe, but there are still plenty of purgers out there. They just are not killing enough poor people to generate the financial bump that the government wants to put on a line graph and prove how much better America is under them.
>That's just a common misconception.
Gee, I wonder how we could have arrived at that misconception, when every trailer for every movie has had the nice voice-over woman explicitly stating "all crimes, including murder, are now legal."
And people think that matters when your balls deep in your neighbors wifes ass with 2 minutes to go? They think people will wait quietly and happily till next purge for revenge?
If I plant a bomb on the purge and detonate it after the purge, is that a crime?
Yes. Explosives are banned during the Purge.
>People are suddenly afraid of prosecution after an arbitrary time limit
That makes no sense.
Its stupid to act like that matters.
There would be no police around and so many bombs going off that forensics departments would be overwhelmed for weeks if not months just collecting evidence.
7th Sea Eisen Monster Hunter: Would spend time post-Purge talking to the recently murdered, working out who the most indiscriminate/sadistic killers were, then hunting them down next year.
Base Raiders: Get shitfaced and shoot anyone who looks at him sideways in the kneecaps, then rob a bank.
I have difficulty creating genuinely good characters.
>First purge
>Minorities are targetted exclusively, illegal or not
>America enters the future stronger and better
>Every year more minotirites try to come
>Every year they are killed en mass
>America gets stronger and stronger
>Rename movie Minority Report
It's the law. What is so hard to understand?
My previous character was a member of a secret society of elites who kidnapped and then hunted the poor for sport. I think she'd be on board, except that she died.
My current character is a government agent/experiment with almost no emotions or desires. I don't think she'd be down for it, but it's not like it would bother her either.
A bunch of sirens go off to announce when the purge begins and ends. If you pull that trigger after the 'ending' sirens start, you broke the law. Its a grey area enough that you have to have fucked up pretty bad for that to be enforced against you, given how easy it is to say you did it 10 seconds earlier, but once the Purge is over the government comes down pretty hard on anyone who doesn't go back to normal.
The other two are actually worth it because they explore the bigger picture.
...because that's when the military/police gain their power back and take to the streets?
Think of when Mardi Gras is over, except more guns
>the only reason people aren't killing and raping all the time is because they don't want to break the law
nigger you what
Running around with explosives during the purge won't get you caught by police, but its likely to get you gunned down by the national guard.
The army goes into a heightened state of alert prior to the purge to protect government assets from stupid purgers, as well as to be ready to resist any foreign threat that tries to take advantage of purge night.
I like the concept of the Purge, but I hate that the people behind it are neo-Christcuck kike puppets rather than actual patriotic nationalists.
ITT people who don't understand the movie or it's implications act tarded.
So, a night of killing everything that looks at me the wrong way? What is it, a day ending in 'y'?
That would actually be a pretty funny twist on the old "you all meet in a tavern" campaign opener.
Because I was soooooo disappointed in the first one: taking a neat idea to explore and making it little more than a shitty Home Invasion movie.
Explain it then. Why dont people pursue revenge after the time limit?
>government assets
Define 'government asset', there is far too much of that to even try protecting it all.
What about critical infrastructure that is not directly government owned? The premise is inherently retarded and unjustifiable, stop trying to defend it.
Protip: You are supposed to be disgusted with these people. You are supposed to revile them and their actions, not empathize with them.
There is legitimately a scene in the second movie featuring a woman with a megaphone and a hunting rifle standing on top of an overpass, preaching into the void about how this is HER night that was PROMISED to her by the NFF, and that makes it her god given american freedom to murder any poor sonuvabitch she damn pleases, god bless america the greatest country in the whole fucking world.
Your reaction is supposed to be "Holy shit, how did it come to this?"
Who is enforcing these bans, and how?
Screeching about how it's the law doesn't serve any kind of argument. Why do people care about the law at 12:01 when they have committed mass murder, rape, looting, and other high profile crimes before then?
Again, what's stopping people from just ignoring the siren and carrying on with a perpetual purge?
They probably do. And they are persecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Which is probably bullets.
I suspect that the terrorists who would target critical infrastructure will instead find themselves targeted by the government on Purge night.
If you're on any kind of watchlist today, you're getting upgraded to "hitlist" on Purge night.
>Why dont people pursue revenge after the time limit
I should think that they do. But they get put in jail. Anything before that is completely legal
>"Holy shit, how did it come to this?"
Because this is a retarded movie with a retarded premise, so of course retarded characters act like retards?
>Again, what's stopping people from just ignoring the siren and carrying on with a perpetual purge?
The police and the army. You know, the forces of the law that normally react tot hat shit.
Purgers also have a habit of killing other purgers too, so its not like they are a unified force. You are looking at a handful of disconnected small groups of people who refuse to chill out, and the government has all year to prepare for that exact eventuality.
Anyone who tries to keep the party going won't last long.
>Again, what's stopping people from just ignoring the siren and carrying on with a perpetual purge?
Mostly a militarized police state, and being vastly outnumbered by the US Army/National Guard, who are all much better trained than a mob with guns.
And I think a US government that doesn't have a problem with the Purge would also give zero fucks about rolling over a neighborhood with tanks. And you don't exactly have anti-armor weaponry.
Cause that really deters people in non purge land already right? People whos family just got raped tortured and killed probably would not care. Look at that crime rate rise. Not to mention collateral damage.
I mean, one of the points of the movie is that people don't do things because of repercussions. I'm talking about normal people, not, you know, the mal-adjusted. When the Purge happens, it's both purging people in society, and Purging yourself of pent up rage and frustration.
Daily reminder that this is happening right now.
>Thug bull rushes cop
>Reaches for gun
>Nearly gets it
>Cop gets gun
>Thug still tries to get gun
>Cop shoots thug
>Town riots, loots, steals, violence
>Murders sky rocket over 50% from 20 year downward
>Happening in every city in the US with a major black population
>True events come out
>Don't care, still loot, fight, kill and steal because hands up; don't shoot
>Over 99% of those participating are unknown to local police
>Cities become even poorer, loose capital and cost the nation even more
White flight is the educated reaction to what is happening in these cities.
What part of that military is open to the purge? I imagine if anyone in the militaries or polices family got purged a lot of "accidents" are gonna slip through.
I don't have to tell you that the citizens outnumber the police and the military (who cannot be everywhere in the U.S at once.) As soon as they step in to end their good time, mob mentality would kick in and the purgers would overthrow the authority.
Technically, my character is basically Mike Hagger with a sword. So no. However they would certainly be BEATING UP ALL THE CRIMINAL SCUM ON THE STREETS FOR DOING IT.
The "bigger picture" is literally that goverment hires skinhead mercanaries to kill minorities. Its subtle as a sledgehammer
>mob mentality would kick in and the purgers would overthrow the authority.
>the authority, which has superior firearms and armor, not to mention tanks and jets
>that the citizens outnumber the police and the military
Considering how this is the future, and they have "The New Founding Fathers" and all that shit, I wouldn't be surprised if they had citizen militia as well ("Minutemen"?) who would probably bolster the police and military.
Also a lack of explosives makes it very difficult to deal with tanks/armoured transport.
Because it is the law. (Hold on, hear me out and don't roll your eyes). People who participate in the purge do so with express permission from the government and the rest of society. Everybody is telling them that it is okay to murder, steal, and rape for this one night and that doing so is not only ethical, but healthy and patriotic. Killing somebody during the purge is different than killing somebody any other time, just like a prison officer executing a death row inmate is different than an officer gunning down a civilian for no reason. The difference seem arbitrary, but to the people who live in this universe its a massive difference to kill somebody at 12:00 and to kill somebody at 12:01. And yes, it would likely be hard to prove that you killed your neighbor five minutes after the purge finished, but most people who participate in the purge would probably consider themselves "good" people (or at least not "bad" people) and thus would feel obligated to arbitrarily follow the rules that have been laid out for no other reason than "thems the rules", much like they do when driving, shopping, and generally behaving in public.
The public would not stand a chance against the military in a modern nation state, let alone the US.
That makes me really fucking sad.
Right, like all riots ever have ended. I'm totally sure that a nation full of people who need a federally-sanctioned holiday to not feel guilty about committing crimes would whole-heartedly commit to a full-fledged civil war.
The movies are written by bleeding heart morons and targeted at 15 year olds
It was a bit over the top in the 3rd film I think, but I really like that skinhead mercenary leader guy, he seemed pretty cool.
Most of the population doesn't actively participate in the purge in the first place. They just support its effects.
I know that active military personnel are put on duty during the purge during the high alert status, and there are all sorts of 'family gathering' assemblies on military bases for the families of military members. Which gets treated like a lock-in at the rec center, but its really an excuse to get their families somewhere safe for pretty much that exact reason.
Kind of like how you will have important political figures attend an overnight mass that happens to have a ring of security around it that makes it look like Fort Knox.
>It was a bit over the top in the 3rd film I think
It is the 3rd movie of society killing itself because you legally can you tard, you don't get to make the argument of it being over the top.
Well, my last Shadowrun character was a pacifist medical doctor. Somehow I don't think she'd be on for that and Force 8 Guardian Spirits say that anyone who wants to start shit near her clinic are not going to be happy either.
What if someone just took a blowtorch and started cutting down power lines with it?
May all heretics and evildoers beware my righteous fury!
Currently have 3 PCs.
The Druid who believes in AnCap philosophy would probably conclude that the purge is the natural result of state police refusing to do the job they are paid for, use it as evidence that the police should be privatized due to confirmation bias, and stay retreated in the wilderness far away from the cities.
The fairy warlord would attempt to use it to eliminate political rivals and seize power to FINALLY become the Dark Lord she wants to be, only to fail because she's terrible at "being evil."
And my Hispanic orc from Shadowrun who has no useful skills of his own but who has a crapload of personal contacts(all of which are his extended family) would gather his family together, get weapons, and hole up at abuela's apartment to defend against psychopaths. Abuela was an arms dealer back in the day, so her place is probably the most fortified locale.