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The paths to power cyoa is going okay. So far have only four paths set down. They are;
Physical power
Mental power
Economic power
Political power
Anything other paths to power I could put in?
Magenta. Imagine the other cubes, transfer them out of my imagination. GG.
Is anti-matter something different from real world ant-matter in the marvel universe?
>Anything other paths to power I could put in?
Social? Magical? Sexual? Perverted?
I completely forgot about Echoed Voice, thanks for telling me that. I'll switch out Facade with Echoed Voice and I'm thinking about changing Shadow Force with Shadow Ball since Shadow Ball has a 20% chance of lowering a opponent's Special Defense by 1. Also, this will make Achilles a Special Attacker and not a mixed kind.
This is what Achilles' stats are going to look like:
Special Attack
10+1 (Am I even allowed to do this?)
Special Defence
>Did you pick Tri Attack to make up for your lackluster attack stats by grinding bulky enemies down with the Metronome and Status?
Indeed, there is also another reason why I got Tri Attack, it has that chance to give Burn status since Burn cuts physical damage in half and the majority of Dark-type attacking moves are physical.
If you don't mind me asking, can I see your build for Pokemon Personified?
Even though you said you have no idea what to do with them, what kinds of idea do you have now. I'm rather curious to see what you're going to do with these characters.
Also, since I'm updating Achilles, do you need a updated PDF of Achilles?
I really should update that. I put anti matter because I figured it would be easier to explain than "darkforce energy", since that's really Antivenom's only weakness. I don't know what a good replacement would be.
Came here to post this. OP is a faggot.
Always include a "no reverse-engineering the other powers" clause in this kind of CYOA.
Sounds too similar to political
The other paths grant abilities that, while minor, can be considered magical-ish in nature (or not, depending on the setting I decide on.)
>the last two.
No lewd.
Love, friendship, the power of believing in yourself
magenta, hands down.
So abusable.
I have no idea how to implement that, but know that it will be considered.
>Believing in yourself.
Doesn't seem as powerful as physical or mental.
So, Pasille did nothing wrong in your interpretation.
Arios was kind of a bitch anyways.
i'm pretty sure the intention is that you're mind is just acting as storage space, in the sense that you can't transfer something out of your mind unless you transfered it there from the real world in the first place.
Being in a relationship and trying to seduce someone else is definitely still wrong.
>No lewd.
Lewd, uh, finds a way.
Wait, so with Magenta can I dream up the perfect woman and have her become real? Is she then able to escape if I put her back in my head?
What if I transfer something real into my imagination, change it in there, then pull it back out? Do the changes persist?
A good replacement would be darkforce energy.
>Choose Magenta
>Imagine an object of a imperial battle barge
>Imagine a legion of Star Phantom people on-board
See ya earth, it was quite nice knowing ya.
In our world.
Constellia is a different world where they allow polygamy.
It is kind of mental. Like, based on faith or some shit.
Pretty sure polygamy is still meant to be consented to by all parties, user.
>Like, based on faith or some shit.
Alright, another path to power has been decided. Thanks.
The point still is it might be wrong in our world to try and seduce somebody while in a relationship, but in Constellia it might not be.
They obviously have nothing against adultery or attempted adultery in that world like we do, or Pasille or the Hero would be put to death. That divorce was also pretty fucking easy as all Arios did was destroy a tower (man slaughtering 3 people) then fucking off.
But I just said that faith is mental
>They obviously have nothing against adultery
>implying this matters
That shit is objectively incorrect in every way, shape, and form no matter the world or anything else for that matter.
This user is right.
While I may have worded it that way. I don't think Pasiile is without fault. She got intensely fascinated with someone else and followed them around the world. If she wanted to get Hero in on that legal polygamy then she either didn't tell Arios or maybe that the argument they had that resulted in the tower and their marriage being destroyed. Honestly, I'm not sure how she expected Arios to take it since wheres she is obsessive, Arios is possessive. Maybe the relationship was just on a timer til it explodes. Who knows.
Body massage.
user is correct. If the cyoa wasn't 36 god damned fucking pages long, I'd make a "purge the polygamous/cuckolding/cheating sinners" build.
I'll find a way to put it in somehow. Perhaps.
>it might not be
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
So, a genocide run?
>They obviously have nothing against adultery or attempted adultery
I'm not sure where you're getting this from. Sure, Hero whored around like there was no tomorrow. But he wasn't married. Just because polygamy is legal doesn't mean that it's suddenly a society where no one cares if you're adulterous. It just means you can marry multiple persons.
>or Pasille or the Hero would be put to death
>An oligarchy is going to put god and hero to death for a private issue
Are you stupid?
Either way, I feel worse for Arios.
Cool, I love symbiotes. I'm so worried about Venom. I like Flash Venom, and I don't want him to go away.
Symbiote: Anti-Venom
#1 Fan
Oh yeah, Time to be a super hero! Plus I'll never be lonely again. Menace! will be annoying, but I don't do this for the glory and the police can't do shit to me, not that I'd hurt them.
Magenta, imagine a philosopher's stone and the recipe to make more, and directions for using it to create the elixir of immortality.
And then imagine A device capable of taking me to other universes and fuc outta here.
If I must kill everyone to rid the world of filth, I will do so with no remorse.
Objective morality is a spook.
Picking the black cube and killing those retards who keep bringing up the same stupid arguments ITT.
I was thinking more like using it as a more versatile "spank bank", like that old cyoa
I don't want to live forever. I just want a titfuck on demand
It is objectively correct and this will never change.
Ciel would've put the Hero to death if given the chance.
Enjoy being possessed by spooks.
Criminal power
Ideological power
Ciel is only one throne.
What do niggers have to do with this?
Criminal would go under political. so that's a no go.
They're both awful
A spook is something that isn't real, but still has control over you, making you take actions that harm your own happiness. If you reject such an idea, examine it, and figure out if it will let you live a more satisfying life and decide to keep it, it transforms from a spook into your property. The concept transforms from something that uses you into a tool you wield.
You should start irl like your favorite anime character kira
How exactly is pointing out that adultery and everything and anything like it and/or similar to it is objectively terrible and incorrect "harming my own happiness"?
Why did Italics add mind break NTR?
Because it isn't objective, that makes it a spook.
Polygamy being part of their culture doesn't take away that Passile cared more about fucking the hero than her wife..That's messed up. She cared more about random dick than her committed relationship
Arios did nothin wrong.
Faction: Imperial Thrones
Name: U
Gender: Male
Body Type: Small
Appearance: Young-Adult
Type: Normal, Ghost
Moves: Foresight, Recover, Protect, Refresh
Ability: Clear Body
Health: 5, Attack: 1, Defense: 10, Special Attack: 0, Special Defense: 10, Speed: 10, Evasion: 5, Accuracy: 5
Items: Companion's Slots to Points (X18)
Companions: N/A
Challenges: The Living Meteor, The Internal War, Darkness Returns, World Dungeon, Future of Despair, Rival Party, No More Heroes, The End, Orbs of Destruction, Return of the Thief, On to the First, Dragon Secession, Pokified, Battle League Championship
To give us someone to hate.
Of course it is. Can you explain exactly how it isn't objective.
Was going to go with some form of undead for the naming scheme. U seems like something I'd come up with quickly. That, or something cheesy like Zonbi. Didn't quite think zombie was as applicable as undead though.
My type, moves, ability, and stats make me a tough fighter. At my best, I can outlast anything. At my worst, I'm basiclly a diamond mosquito. Find something sharp before long and use it just to cement that. My immunity to normal and fighting types is damn good against jobbers. The weakness to dark I like for the story implications but is dealt with by a Special Defense of 10.
The Living Meteor is straight to the point and should be easy enough. I'd want more information before siding in The Internal War. Darkness Returns was dealt with before so how to do it again is just doing it, again. World Dungeon to get resources. Future of Despair will be a pain, but shouldn't be overly hard if I stealth it with all of my new equipment acquired from World Dungeon. Rival Party is gonna get murdered for being annoying.
I'm certainly weaker than my predecessor but No More Heroes will be dealt with by outlasting him as with everyone else. Not having as much clout because of the previous challenge sucks so laming it will have to do. The End is like The Living Meteor being straight to the point. If I can break the Orbs of Destruction that's how I'll deal with that. If I can't do so I'm going take them.
Gonna kill the thief in Return of the Thief if I can catch him. Don't really know how On to the First would go. Need more information. Pokified is whatever. A challenge or a boon depending. Battle League Championship will be funny and maybe boring for those watching, but I'll win.
Go home if I can keep the powers, maybe. Not something I can call. If things would get fixed staying wouldn't be so bad. The problem with that is the everything though. The food, people, and even world itself just doesn't seem to want order. It would take a hard reset to fix it all.
gg ez
It says imagination at will not some mind limbo from naruto
You both get eaten by Zanglo, the omnipotent mind-devourer. And now he has all the cubes.
Because it is an idea, not a law burned into the universe. You can still believe adultery is bad, but to be spook-free you should examine how it impedes your happiness, and than keep the parts that will help you lead a more fulfilling life and discard the rest.
I mean it is objectively terrible because no matter what it will always lead to a bad result. You're basically saying that adultery, as all that it is should be discarded totally every time because of that.
>a bad result
you don't understand how this works do you?
Why are you arguing with a subjectivist?
Can you tell me how you think you'll get a good result?
Dysfunctional relationship, one partner finds a partner who isn't a piece of shit and it facilitates a divorce
Can't help it. You should always try to correct people when they're incorrect. It's because people don't is why we have to look for stuff like CYOAs to escape from this terribleness that is reality.
Kill yourself to escape permanently, your 2d waifus are just a noose away
Then why do we escape here and have even more arguments about pointless shit?
I was talking about you in the role as an adulterer, like how you would get a good result when you are one.
Why do the Imperials have such a bad family relationship? Even the top 3 siblings are a roller coaster.
Decadence = Hates all of them.
Genesis = Mental retardation.
Meliorate = Loves all of them.
I don't even have a waifu
You're in a relationship you feel obligated to continue for whatever reason, enter girl or boy who you really like, you get involved, your old partner leaves you or you break it off
>I like Flash Venom and I don't want him to go away
Excellent taste user. My hope is that Mania's symbiote becomes the new Venom, but Flash keeps the symbiote and goes back to being agent Venom.
I don't know about you, but I don't consider educating people about the degeneracy of adultery and its ilk pointless.
And that's why we have threads constantly full of bullshit.
In that case, you could simply break it off before doing anything with the girl/boy you like. In that case it also wouldn't be adultery.
I don't get why people in real life can't just do it like that.
Then maybe you'll find a degeneracy free utopia over the golden gate bridge
Well, if one was to create a badguy who is the kingpin of his own criminal empire and his thme was to be that he has intensely powerful psychic abilities. Making him a Slavery/Mindbreak/NTR machine is the easy path.
Now, creating a psychic criminal that doesn't use his powers to alter the minds of others would be a bit of a challenge. I mean, what else would someone so morally bankrupt do with power over the mind?
>Go on the offensive
>Switch as needed
>Base Health of 250
>Base defenses of 500
>Base Speed of 500
>Base Evasion and Accuracy of 250
>Average Attack for darks is 96.78
>Average Defense for darks is 70.94
>Average Special Attack for darks is 77.45
>Average Speed for darks is 75.84
Degeneracy is culturally dependent though.
It's degenerate to eat dogs here, in some other parts of the world dogs are bred to be eaten.
Over it? Where do I find it?
user, I don't think the people ITT are the kinds who are so desirable they not only have a girlfriend, but they can also cheat on her.
Lots of times it's for the children, or because the current partner has fostered some dependance either emotionally or financially. Adultery isn't something I condone but going on a self righteous murder spree is way worse.
Next thing you'll tell me is Justice is culturally dependent.
>go on the offensive
With what??? Without any attack moves you'll be struggling which does 25% of your hp and you only have 1 attack so they can keep taunting you to prevent you from recovering before dying
Your first sentence there shows exactly what the flaws of modern day society are. Sprees are not needed I suppose, but the death penalty is still a thing.
Just past the railing, don't look down just keep walking
Where is this railing located?
The bridge to terabithia
I'm really hoping that's what's going to happen. Agent Venom is cool, and while I like Mania a lot, she is less valuable of a character. Without Flash she'll just disappear again.
Never heard of it
>user thinks cheating whores should be executed
My fucking nigga
The death penalty is bad. It is in the best interest of society to do our utmost best in reforming criminals, no matter their crime.
>You can fuck the villains daughter and waifu.
Go away, Sweden.