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The tau are better than the imperium wank edition.

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Tau don't have grav guns

Don't need them

So I read in previous threads that Nids are terrible army for newbie, unplayable at all etc. So please explain me, why Nids are shit if they are - I like their background and story the most so I would like to pick them as my first army and what is the best way for a new player but not only to have fun with them if it is possible

And what about Nids in Kill Team?

>Tau strong
So do you think GW will continue strong support for Tau or will they move to some other xeno army for a few years. GW seems to go through seasonal changes to drive non-SM army sales.

Posting these for those want to use them in upcomming games



Hey Veeky Forums, I'm making a Raven Guard successor chapter, the Night Ravens, to ally with my IG. I've got a colour scheme already, but no chapter icon.

I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for chapter icons that might fit with the colour scheme and name.

Pic is the colour scheme.

Overcosted, lack of good AP, lack of good AT, lack of resilient units, tendency to literally self-destruct.

A raven works, maybe black over white full moon.

I was toying with something like this, a Black Cross and a White Raven. Your idea does sound pretty cool though... I was just aiming for something more simple that I could reliably paint... I might need to make a stencil I suppose.

First for where are the white dwarf scans?

I actually have a couple years worth in my garage from when I was younger

White over purple will bit you in the ass.

Even as is you've three different bright colours fightign for dominance.

Post best Xenos

Klose, but nut green enuff.

too goddam slow, you spend the first few turns just taking off models.

Their physic powers are trash and have no access to the BRB.

no decent formations

units are over costed(example: 4 points for an extra attack on a genestealer were it is 2pts on a marine)

You never feel like you have a grip on the game as a nid player

nothing in it makes sense (why is a mawloc the same speed as a marine?!?!)

The only good thing in that book is flying hive tyrant because its shooting is decent and its resilient with the ability to fly but then with only 4 wounds and no invulnerable save it can just die so randomly


named characters are bad.

God this list is making me depressed as a nid player.

I think it boils down to the fact they are just SUPER forgiving. You make a mistake with space marines, you usually have the rules to keep them alive, you make a mistake with nids it will lose you the game turn 2

Hmm... would White Cross on Black Wings work better?

Also, I suppose it isn't too clear from the pic, but the orangeish is going to be more brass coloured, and the aquila is going to be gold.



I can tell you right now the yellow or gold soft armor and backpack joints will be an unbearable chore to paint.

Unless he primes brown

But it'll give my marines a really iconic look at my FLGS.

Pic is my updated chapter symbol. Thoughts?

It'sn that the logo of one of those vampmetal bands?

I have no idea. I just used the Blood Ravens Symbol, removed the tail and head, and replaced the blood drop with a cross.

Looks like you magpied the magpies. Paint it on a shoulderpad and tell us how how it was.

I'd like to ask for some feedback on my nurgle devoted army
Is there a common scheme for postin an army list in a post or would a battle scribe list work?

I just use plain-text battlescribe lists with all the details removed. Should be an option for that in the "View Roster" section.

I did, didn't I? I'm still in the grey plastic and planning stage of my Space Marines, but I do have a couple unpainted ones I could paint up later. I'll get back to you on that.

Anybody got the pdf?

any leaks or shit relating traitors hate?? ah AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

Just paint a spare shoulderpad when you get a chance. You may find you want to simplify the symbol before applying paint to your marines.

Been looking for this for ages. Someone must have it.

The normal leaks haven't shown up here like they always do on Tuesdays. Which means the release is next week. And you should know that.

hope this format is fine

Thoughts and suggestions anyone? So far I'm having problems with being close combat reliant, since deep-strike leaves me close to the target but vulnerable for a turn and it is not reliable, while not deep-striking means I have to slowly approach and take losses before arriving

+++ For Nurgle For Chaos (1847pts) +++

++ Chaos Space Marines: Codex (2012) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1127pts) ++

Force Options (Supplement options here) [No unique force (Vanilla CSM Codex)]

+ HQ (415pts) +

Chaos Lord (185pts) [Mark of Nurgle, Power Maul, Sigil of corruption, Terminator Armour, The Murder Sword, Veterans of the Long War]

Typhus (230pts) [Warlord]

+ Elites (216pts) +

Chaos Terminators (216pts) [Mark of Nurgle, Veterans of the Long War]
··Chaos Terminator [Combi-Bolter, Power Axe]
··Chaos Terminator [Combi-Bolter, Power Axe]
··Chaos Terminator [Combi-Bolter, Powerfist]
··Chaos Terminator [Combi-Bolter, Powerfist]
··Terminator Champion [Combi Bolter, Power Maul]

+ Troops (277pts) +

Plague Marines (227pts) [6x Plague Marine, Veterans of the Long War]
··Chaos Rhino [Combi-bolter, Havoc Launcher]
··Plague Champion [Close Combat Weapon, Plague knife]

Plague Zombies (50pts) [10x Plague Zombie, Plague Zombie Champion]

+ Heavy Support (219pts) +

Obliterators (219pts) [3x Obliterator, Veterans of the Long War]

++ Chaos Daemons: Codex (2013) (Allied Detachment) (720pts) ++

+ HQ (300pts) +

Great Unclean One (300pts) [2x D6 Greater Daemonic Reward, Epidemia, Psyker Level 3]

+ Troops (45pts) +

Nurglings (45pts) [3x Nurglings]

+ Heavy Support (375pts) +

Daemon Prince - Heavy Support (375pts)
··Daemon Prince of Nurgle [2x D6 Greater Daemonic Reward, Daemonic Flight, Grotti the Nurgling, Mastery 3, Warp-forged Armour]

>shit relating traitors hate
Shit is, indeed, related to Traitors Hate.

It is, after all, Chaos. So it will obviously be shit.

>gif related.

Usually we demand all point but the overall be removed, repeat choices be numbered instead of individually posted and trivial shit be stripped.

Like so:

+++ For Nurgle For Chaos (1847pts) +++

++ Chaos Space Marines: (Combined Arms Detachment) ++

+ HQ +

Chaos Lord, [Mark of Nurgle, Power Maul, Sigil of corruption, Terminator Armour, The Murder Sword, Veterans of the Long War]

Typhus, [Warlord]

+ Elites +

Chaos Terminators [Mark of Nurgle, Veterans of the Long War]
2xChaos Terminator [Combi-Bolter, Power Axe]
2xChaos Terminator [Combi-Bolter, Powerfist]
··Terminator Champion [Combi Bolter, Power Maul]

+ Troops +

Plague Marines [6x Plague Marine, Veterans of the Long War]
··Chaos Rhino [Combi-bolter, Havoc Launcher]
··Plague Champion [Close Combat Weapon, Plague knife]

10x Plague Zombies [Plague Zombie Champion]

+ Heavy Support +

3x Obliterators [Veterans of the Long War]

++ Chaos Daemons: (Allied Detachment) ++

+ HQ +

Great Unclean One [2x D6 Greater Daemonic Reward, Epidemia, Psyker Level 3]

+ Troops +

3x Nurglings

+ Heavy Support +

··Daemon Prince of Nurgle [2x D6 Greater Daemonic Reward, Daemonic Flight, Grotti the Nurgling, Mastery 3, Warp-forged Armour]

Someone leaked some of the new CSM psychic powers.

After looking at them I gotta say... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry you still play CSMs. I hope you didn't get your hopes up.

More than the "Not! Fulmination" power?

You don't have enough shit on the table.
Remove either the chaos lord or typhus, you don't need both.
Consider just taking an unmarked sorcerer on a bike, to roll with 5 chaos spawn. You won't need the terminators then, or you can still take them. Try a proxi game with that change at some point.
The plague marines a literally not doing anything. They are equipped to kill normal infantry... that they can't charge basically ever due to the rhino. Consider tossing them out or just running normal CSM if you want marines on the table.
Split your obliterators into 1 man squads
Take plague bearers. Two 10 man squads with icons and instruments. Use the instruments to bring the GUO in from deep strike, then use the icons to make sure you don't mishap on deepstrike.
The daemon prince is horrendously over costed. Remove psychic powers, he only needs 1 reward for the instant death sword. Hell you can remove the armor too because he's either going to have a 2+ cover save or go first in melee.

Also, 1850? Are you only playing against WAAC faggots or something?

>Also, 1850? Are you only playing against WAAC faggots or something?
Just playing with some friends who are mostly just beginners like myself.
Thanks for the advise I will try several of those changes right away. I don't know why I never considered splitting up obliterators into 1 man squads when they're my only heavy support in that detachment. It seems so obvious now that you said it.

I have just got back into playing with my friends and all my models are stored horribly in a shitty box.
Is there a good box to get to store Tyranids in?

I have found it:

go to "how to painting..."-"GW"-"Faction..." and it's there ;)

Happy painting

Do any of you know how I could run a Deathwing army with transports other than Land Raiders.

Something like a Caestus Assault Ram or a Spartan Assault Tank.

Sometimes another pair of eyes helps.
Try not to over upgrade stuff, you have 3 heavy hitters: the GUO, daemon prince and termie squad + Hq. Then you've got some fire support from the oblits. But what do you have past that?
Cultists? Slow plague marines? 3 Nurglings? You gotta have more stuff.

Acquire reasonably sized box
Place other boxes inside of box
Put packing materials inside of said boxes

Gaunt packing tip: These fuckers don't get their own slots, ever. Simply toss him in together like a barrel of monkeys.

Thank you so much

Deathwatch, better in a CAD or a Black Spear Strike Force?
Deep strike on everything gets around the limitations on speed.

Havocs or oblits?

Necrons are the best
Prove me wrong
protip:you can't

>Someone leaked some of the new CSM psychic powers.
>doesnt provide a link

ya chat shit

do you have a page or some gallery with your minis?

depends on whether or not you'd like a fearless blob with shieldminators on the front, grav-veterans in the middle and cyclonators in the back

havocs are devastators, minus the access to grav cannons

So, we are trying out Heralds of Ruin, and it looks pretty fun. Finally a chance to really bust out the smaller models!

I was thinking of using my Shadowsun model for a Stealth Suit leader, and then taking 2 handfuls of Fire Warriors, like this:
Stealth Leader with Fusion Blaster
10 Fire Warriors
Special Stealth suit with fusion blaster
I should have a few points left over, not sure for what. I know the IG guy already said he is cheesing us with Armour, and I honestly don't know the values, so I am not confident my Pulse guns can penetrate it, hence the fusion.

I could find points for markerlights, but it just seems awfully limited in use (Not to mention the fact that I kinda dislike the reliance on Markerlights in the regular game), so I was hoping I could skip it entirely.

Any suggestions? I am undecided on the guns for the Fire warriors, I was kinda wondering if a team of 3 Pulse Blasters might be a good idea in this scale... Otherwise, Carbines *seems* to be the best idea.

Any thoughts or advice? Aside from using bigger suits, that is not going to happen. and fuck kroot, I am sorry

Thanks a lot for sharing, kind user

Oblits if you need every gun under the sun
Havocs if you just need one gun type to support your army

>Implying we could convince someone with a brain full of stupid anything, or would even waste our time trying.

First of all, good for you for trying out HoR. It is amazing how good the game can be when you strip out its biggest weakness- fuck off Design Teams who have orders to write rules for profits.
Now, I am pretty sure there isn't any armor IG can field in HoR that pulse fire can't at least glance (even if it's just at the side or front). It's S 5. Hell ypu might want to even try burst cannons to use saturation of fire to over come average BS (if you don't want markerlights)

I was just memeing



>It is amazing how good the game can be when you strip out its biggest weakness- fuck off Design Teams who have orders to write rules for profits.
Yeah, fuck the Riptide and anything larger, and fuck the mass S:D and superheavies all over the place. I was overjoyed when I heard people wanted to start a year long campaign, it means I can finally play without having 1 or more superheavy on the table every fucking game.

As for the advice, I did consider the burst cannon, but that leaves me with a shitton of 18" range S5 AP5 shots, and literally nothing else. If I go pulse carbines, I could shit out about 28 S5 AP5 shots a round, which sounds impressive, but will likely not do much against the inevitable Terminators that most people will likely bring.

Adding it up, it seems I also have 28 points left. I kinda don't want to add more to my leader, at least not yet. Would I be best off buffing existing dudes, maybe removing a fire warrior for another stealth suit, or should I stick to more bodies, and just throw another 3 fire warriors in that list?

My Auto-Havocs have never let me down.

Oblits can deep strike and are more versatile, however. They are also more expensive for what you get.

havocs, they will get the job done.

Oblits are too expensive and suffer from not being able to take a lascannon every turn.

Veeky Forums I recently bought a Harlequins army. Any tips? I have read the tactics page and all, just looking for experience. Only played Marines before

The Assault Ram is useable AFAIK

Does the banner on his leg say Vidya? Is it because he's a part of the blood ravens on the kill team?

Yes and yes.


If you plan on using them as a main force, they come with some very glaring problems (Shitty saves, very little unit choice/answers to certain unit types in your local meta) and as a result, a learning curve that is arguably steeper than the Dark Eldar.

If you use them to supplement an existing Eldar/Dark Eldar force, they are pretty solid. They arguably work better with Dark Eldar as they fill a clear niche in a Dark Eldar army but you're safer running them in an Eldar army because if there is an army that allows you to run expensive assault troops armed with nothing but t-shirts for saves and still win, it's probably Eldar.

Link me.

I've come to high-five loyalist scum IN THE BALLS WITH MY FIST

All is dust


Consider the following. 3 oblits, no marks. 180 pts. A squad of Autocannon havocs, no marks, 110 pts. Unmarked, you can get nearly 2 squads of Autocannon havocs for the price of 1 Oblit squad. If you include marks (We'll go with nurgle), we definitely can do that.

In my experience, it boils down to 2 factors.

Factor 1: Slot competition. If you have no other uses for your Heavy slots, Havocs are cheaper and get you more shots. If your heavy slots are limited for whatever reason, Oblits bring more bang for buck.

Factor 2: Budget considerations. Havocs are cheaper and put out more single weapon shots but Oblits come with more versatility in both shooting and assault phases. Understand what your lists needs and how that affects your points budget.

Long story short, while they do the same job (rain death from afar), they have enough variety in how they do it that one is not inherently better than the other and should be judged on a case by case basis based on the factors presented above.

I've been planning on making my Skitarr/admech a fallen forgeworld but i'm having a hard time thinking of a color scheme, any suggestions?

Can we post more Prisma'd models?

No, you're the neckbeard equivalent of a twelve year old girl who has discovered makeup and snapchat filters within a week of each other

Rust-brown with a black trim?

Does anyone have the latest Kill Team ruleset?

Can I take 2 lashes of despair

Gang - I can't find the Deathwatch codex pics or PDF or codex - halp pl0x.


on what?

It releases on September 2nd

So, no.

Is it better to run Beserkers using the CSM codex or using World Eaters in 30k?

30k world eaters are actually better in 40k than 30k, since everyone is used to massive blobs of marines in 30k. Do that Surlac Inductee thing for dudes who can hit at s6ap4 with 4+FNP

is that even worth an answer?

so angry

40k berserkers are fucking awful, so what do you think?

"hurrrr, CSM CC specialists are assault marines with rage and furious charge but no jetpacks" fuck off gw

Well I wanted to know especially because I've had to deal with Kharn before in 40k and I'm wondering if it's worth using CSM with the new rules he's getting.

How does one run a fun/good DEldar Gunboat list?

New supplement looks to be all the BL/CS rules combined, plus shitty psyker powers and a detachment that'll probably be worthless. Dollars to donuts says Kharn gets nerfed, too.

A daemon prince of slaanesh, like 2 greater rewards


Is there a unit with better Alpha-strike potential than Melta Dominions?

Grav devs of either type probably.

Yep yep yep.

I was kinda of surprised when they leaked Ectomancy as DefinitelyNot!Fullmination. I was totally expecting the "3 new" disciplines to be fully fleshed out God powers from d3+1 to d6+1 (like what they did for Daemons)

Although I don't think Kharn will get nerfed. That implies GW cares enough to make a change.

It's damn good, but even with Outflank your mobility isn't great (once your foes learn to not leave valuable things in places you can outflank next to, anyway). Def. the best alpha Sisters can get.

Deathwatch beat it all hollow - 5 Deathwatch with 4 Frag Cannons in a Drop Pod comes immediately to mind. Fair chunk more points, but the Pod lets it land anywhere on turn 1.

DE player here. What niche do they fill? I've been looking to pick up some clowns but I'm not sure what they provide other than fun shenanigans through Hero's Path.

I guess they're more versatile for an assault MSU build than Grotesques, but nothing really comes to mind other than that.

Is he better in 30k? Stat me brother.

My 4 armies are Orks, CSM, Dark Eldar and Black Templars

will the pain ever stop?

Yeah, drop pods give SMs a huge edge on Alpha striking.

Out of curiosity, has anyone ever mishapped with a drop pod? Even in my days playing 4th-5th Marines I didn't get anywhere near the table edge with my pods.