Future Naruto Quest IX

Future Naruto Quest

This quest is set within the universe of Naruto, long after the end of the series, but ignoring the events of the Boruto Manga. Of course, because this is Naruto we're talking about, the geopolitics and technology haven't advanced as quickly as they would in the real world. As such, the technology is similar to that of Boruto the Movie, and the villages you know and love are largely the same.

However, the characters will be less familiar, because as much time has passed between the Last and now as passed between the Founding of the Hidden Villages and the Main Series.

Archive: suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Future Naruto Quest

Twitter: twitter.com/No_CountryQM

Last Quest, you beat up girls, and boarded another train.

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Sensei a best

You wake up with a good yawn and stretch, back still a bit stiff from being stuffed in a storage compartment last night by vindictive Mist Genin. Sensei is gone when you look around your room, but you remember her concern for you last night. You dress and make your way to the passenger car where your team normally eats and seat yourself with Jimmaru for breakfast. Usually you're up before him, but you needed your rest last night. You have a surprisingly animated discussion, mostly him asking about the Suna girl who's number you got, and if you got to see the Mist Uchiha's sharingan. You joke around with him, feeling pretty rested and awake. Maybe that's just the espresso your ordered though. When you finish your breakfast, Jimmaru asks if you'd want to hang out for the day.

>A) Sure

>B) No thanks

>A) Sure

I'll just leave this here.

Extending the voting period to wait for more votes here. Also someone mentioned last thread that you get fucked by genjutsu a lot, despite having a 3.5 in it. I should reiterate that I don't use the typical .5-5 system of Naruto, and instead one with no hard caps, but a few soft caps. The soft cap for genin is 5.

>A) Sure
Got nothing else planned

>A) Sure

Finally time for lewd genin quest!

Hanging out with Jimmaru.
And don't forget to vote!

You figure that you might as well hang out with Jimmaru today, you have nothing else planned, and if you run into Tonakai or Jensho and Kaya again, at least you'll have back up. You spend some time playing against each other in a mobile fighting game, before heading off to explore the train. While there, you talk more about the mission, stuff at home, girls (of course), and even a little bit about the ninja arts.

You spend a few hours doing pretty much nothing before meeting Hakurin for lunch. After that, the three of you head out as a team. There's not much to do on the train, but you could probably think of something.

>A) Let's just relax today (skip to the evening)

>B) Try to find Hōōmaru-sensei

>C) Try to find Tenburo

>D) Try to find Kaya or Jensho

>E) Try to find Tonakai

>F) Suggest training on the train

>G) Suggest training chakra concentration control on top of the train

>H) Something else

Don't we have a board for quests?

>B) Try to find Hōōmaru-sensei
Lets play detective and try to figure out what happened last night

all while insinuating Sensei had her way with us and stuffed us in the luggage compartment and "found" us to cover her tracks

I should have specified the shade of blue eyes you saw...

there is

>B) Try to find Hōōmaru-sensei
>G) Suggest training chakra concentration control on top of the train

>G) Suggest training chakra concentration control on top of the train

>B) Try to find Hōōmaru-sensei
>F) Suggest training on the train

Roll your 1d20's to find sensei! First four!
And do you want to train on top of the train?

>A) Yes

>B) No

Rolled 15 (1d20)

Let's not do the stupidest thing this time.

Rolled 2 (1d20)

>A) Yes

gotta get training to be swole, but I hope we get sensei to watch us and help us not die

Rolled 4 (1d20)

>A) Yes
Sensei best girl after Momo

Rolled 18 (1d20)

>A) Yes
Train Train

We could just as easily try standing on the ceiling and have it not be NEARLY as dangerous.

So why isn't this QUEST being run on the QUEST board?

Good, you found her. And you're training on top of the train.

>Writing after I get back home, have to run out for a few minutes

Nobody cares. Fuck off.

The DANGER is the important part! Can't get sick gains without putting everything on the line! We also have an unawakened bloodline, so maybe it'll be activated by near-death/actual-death experiences!

Don't reply to shitposters. Just report them.

You know, that's a valid point. It would be an easier exercise. But isn't Naruto about doing dumb bullshit and somehow making it work?

and it wouldn't be NEARLY as effective.

Have you never heard of the rule of cool? the cooler(or more dangerous) something is, the better it works.

No, seriously. I'm not shitposting, I'm looking for some genuine clarification.
We have a board devoted to Quests, so why is this Quest not being played there? What meaningful distinction is there?!

Normally I don't reply to these, but fuck off, it's a trial board, I have no obligation to use it, and it's cancer.

It's because /qst/ is a trial board so it's not mandatory to run a quest there, quest can be run here on Veeky Forums and you can filter them out if you don't like them.
Also QMs prefer to run here where the players aren't as retarded and cancerous as on /qst/

>calling other quests cancerous
>in a naruto fanfic quest thread
you can't be serious

aren't all non-OC quests fanfics, though?

also the qualifying word there is "as." we're not as bad as 99% of /qst/

Wasn't tjhe point of the trial board to remove all quests from all boards and contain them in a specific easy to find place? Strictly speaking, neither the type of thread, nor the theme of the quest is related to Veeky Forums, so I don't see how its relevant here any more than talking sports is on /tv/


Anyways, I see someone is admitting Momo's strength as waifu material, good. Also, I see this faggot right here misreading this post right here and I'm very disappointed, user. He's calling the anons on /qst/ cancerous (which personally, I believe is due to the huge amount of lackluster content on there attracting them) and he's not exactly wrong. All of us have our cancerous days, but I really don't want to go to /qst/ because of the individuals I see there.

>Content on /QST/ is bad
>We are good content
>So we avoid QST despite being a quest
You see how this is a self fulfilling prophecy right?
Also, he kinda has a point that quality is totally subjective.

The board itself is slow as shit and the players tend to be uninvested, which means unless you had a playerbase on Veeky Forums before moving or snagged players in the first week or so it's difficult to keep even a promising quest afloat.

quests have always been run on Veeky Forums and no one likes the trial board so we don't use it and keep doing what we've been doing for years because we're allowed to

Do what other boards do. Make a general on Veeky Forums or whichever relevant board and run the quest proper on /qst/.
And again, saying its slow yet posting the content that would improve that on a different board is self defeating.

>No one likes it
It fulfils literally the same function. You honestly sound autistic now.

Jesus god damn Chirst guys, report the fucks and ignore the posts. its simple. Let's move on now.

If you're going to make a thread here anyway, why not just run the quest in it? What's the point in making two threads?

because of the player base there

If it was a full-on board without the trial modifier, yes, it would. However, for now it's a trial board that is more or less a testrun to see how such a board would operate and hopefully sustain itself. Sadly, a good chunk of people on there usually sustain themselves with shit methods that a lot of folks don't want to put up with.

As for the type/theme question, this is an interactive narrative type of game where an all-powerful leader controls the world and reacts to the roleplaying choices made by the players throughout the course of the experience. Therefore, it fits the theming that Veeky Forums gives itself as being the cancer board of roleplaying games and wargames, and before you point out the Naruto fanfiction aspect, let me remind you that the PF general (aka the general for my favorite d20 system) is a bunch of fetish fags circlejerking about racial fetishes. If that is allowed, then I'm certain Naruto is perfectly alright as well if it's a part of a interactive game.

Listen, man, if Country hosts on /qst/, I'll go there, but I'm not going to like it. It's pretty cancerous in mine and a lot of other people's opinion, and so we avoid it. It's that simple.

What this guy says. The quests are decent and a few good/great, but the people are shit.

The second thread is a general, an OOC player meet up and a chance to get new players. The actual threads on /qst/ are the main focus.
The OOC thread can be semi bumped for interest without detracting for core front page content, whilst the quest proper status in the containment board. No one really wants to go back to a time when Veeky Forums was flooded with more quests than content.

But if you are such great people, as you claim, you will improve the board.
>Cancer board
Do you literally just come here because you assume you'll be tolerated?
Before I was just curious, now I literally want you autists to fuck off back to your containment board.

>now I literally want you autists to fuck off back to your containment board.
and your true colors show

>The OOC thread can be semi bumped for interest without detracting for core front page content

Veeky Forums is cancer you say?
But so is /qst/.
According to a Naruto fanfic quest.

Mr Kettle called, Mr Pot.

There is a serious lack of discussion on the most important topic in this quest: Who is best girl and why is it Shirou?

Momo is the only girl worth waifuing

All girls are best girls user, It just depends on the mood your in.... and I'm pretty sure we still have yet to actually finish meeting them all.

Yes, because apparently we're just a fucking board you can dump your shit on.
Doesn't alter the fact that actual content gets sidelined in favour of this.
Do you honestly not recall when Veeky Forums was nothing but quests?
What am I saying, of course you don't. We're a cancer board you just use because the quest board doesn't fulfil some absurd autistic criteria.

I'm sorry to bring this up in your quest trip, but does anyone know why hyuugaQM just decided to delete his twitter and leave?

I'm seriously torn between Hōōmaru and Momo

>Actual Content gets slidelined!

^ Like that right? how dare we side line something like this.

>Yes, because apparently we're just a fucking board you can dump your shit on.
All of your arguments have already been argued to death when /qst/ was first implemented. Just filter the quest and stop whining about others enjoying something you don't like.

>How dare we sideline discussion of a tabletop miniature game in favour of a community fanfic
Well, one is Veeky Forums related, the other is a quest on the wrong board.

No, most important topic in this quest is who is best girl and why are you full of shit for thinking it's Shirou instead of Sensei, Momo, or Hakurin?
I didn't even see that, not sure why he left but sad to see him go. I guess SWOLE Hyuga and SWOLE Jojo are both dead now. ;;

>Do you honestly not recall when Veeky Forums was nothing but quests?
No, because that literally never fucking happened. Old QTG actually maintained a record of popular quests since Ruby, there was a definite peak for a month or two but it was never a majority and quickly fell off again. Prior to /qst/ becoming a thing quests were actually on the downswing, and people used the filters to ignore content they didn't like.

Seriously, fuck off and use the filter like a normal fucking person.

Not a clue too be fair user, I wonder it myself. I can't see a reason he got banned so I think he just gave up on the quest.

>Baaawww we don't like our containment board
So where have all the other quests gone?
Why they get with the program but not you guys?

Kek, Alright mate. Next you'll tell me 'Elf Slave, Wut do?' is Veeky Forums content. Go away Summerfag and leave here. All you're doing is giving making sure we're sitting near the first 3 pages and stealing that 'spot light' you seem to think matters.

>nothing bout quests
>that literally never fucking happened
Wow, your autism is showing.
But OK, for the sake of your sprerging brain, no, there was never a point when all the threads on all the pages were quests.

First Spanish Jojo, now SWOLE Hyuga. All the Dice gods are crying... ;;
Interesting question, let me counter with why have other people gotten with the program of using a filter but not you?

We don't like /qst/, that's why we don't go there. Simple. You don't like quests, but you don't use the filter as a solution. Why?

I found who sensei's an expy of, and my heart is Doki Doki.

Did Jojo die? Thats a shame, But that's life. Best of luck to them.

Tell us who she is an expy of... clearly for those who haven't guessed right that is of course.

Even Horsefuckers didn't get this salty when we gave them a containment paddock.

Ignoring your childish attempt at insulting me, some went to /qst/, some stopped running, and others stayed here. Also there ~4 quests up right now so
>Why they get with the program but not you guys?
is just flat out wrong. I'm going to stop replying to your bait now.

I'd run a Jojo quest, but I'm only on part 6 and I don't want to get spoiled. Of course I'm terrible at writing, have no ability to commit, can't keep a schedule, and have zero musical knowledge so perhaps it's for the best.

>All the threads

Nice hyperbole, and nice work calling us the autists when we're not the one actively seeking quest threads to shit post, fag. Hope you enjoy the cancer that is the entirety of Veeky Forums's generals which is what I see the most of when I'm not searching for something specific on Veeky Forums. Funny that you don't get pissed at those and demand they have a containment board, but a single quest shows up and you literally shit yourself in outrage.

I'm back, and I guess we're getting so much attention because I'm the only QM running at the moment. Thanks for keeping the thread bumped and preserved with all your salt.


And what if Horsefuckers decided they didnt like mlp?
What if furfags didn't like trash?
What if sports fans decided they could talk about tjhe game on tv?
What if pol decided every fucki g thread needed a debate about the fucking Jewish lizard Hillary Clinton niggerbots?
All because they just didn't like the boards assigned to them.

Sure. I like that idea. Don't you?

I think you misread that post.

I'd be upset about furfags outside of trash too.

You're not special.

Dice report them and move on. It hides the post as well. Don't let them bait you.

It's been awhile sense I've seen some autistic freak the fuck out, I missed the salt in all honesty. All that's needed however is to report the guys posts and move on. Welcome back OP however.

it's cool, we needed some way of passing the time so I guess it worked out.

Back to ninja business now

Maybe run it on /qst/?

Hi, OP, welcome to the Dead Sea.

You realise announcing your reports is a bannable offence right?

You look for sensei, and find her in her cabin, playing some handheld game she apparently brought with her. When the three of you get there, you suggest that you, Hakurin, and Jimmaru should train chakra concentration on top of the train. Jimmaru brings up a few issues, but you say that sensei will be there to make sure that you don't die. Sensei grudgingly agrees, pocketing the handheld, and leading you to the back of the train, where there's a hatch to the roof. You all make your way up there, and concentrate the chakra on your feet to make sure you don't die.

>Roll me some 3d20's on how your team performs. I'll take the average of the first seven to ten, depending on how many rolls I get. Kuro is the first die, then Hakurin, then Jimmaru.

Rolled 15, 3, 19 = 37 (3d20)

>Jimmaru is last to die
Come on. He should be first.

If people who voted other are still here, who do you think is best girl?

Rolled 5, 15, 20 = 40 (3d20)

No Answer eh? Fucking coward.

Rot in your fucking fanfic bullshit.
Have a nice bloody wank to ninja weeb shit.

Rolled 14 (1d20)

How many other people voted other? Nor have we ran into them all yet.
All of them. I'm a lover not a fighter.

Rolled 15, 10, 4 = 29 (3d20)

Rolled 20, 14, 10 = 44 (3d20)

Rolled 7, 1, 5, 2 = 15 (4d20)

I'm gonna add a 4th dice to the end to roll for grabbing the handheld out of Sensei's pocket and "accidentally" grabbing her ass again

Rolled 10, 17, 11 = 38 (3d20)

Fffffffuuuuucccccckkkkkk, sorry, Country, let me redo that.


>Ass grabbing

Be glad I'm not counting the assgrab critfail. Too bad I am counting the Hakurin critfail.

I did a redo, you bigger shit. kidding, love you.

Fucking deluded weebs

what would an assgrab critfail even entail?

Rolled 5, 20, 17 = 42 (3d20)